Eczema Free Forever™ Eczema Free Forever™

About Is Eczema Curable? So What Can Cure Eczema

Is eczema curable? Find out what can cure eczema

From ?: Eczema is a term of one condition that the ski…

Eczema is a term of one condition that the skin is irritated, itchy, inflamed, and even broken skin. It is also referred to as atopic dermatitis, the term for broad range of skin condition that generally manifest as chronically inflamed and extremely skin.

Atopic dermatitis begins at any age, but this is not common. 90% of individuals who suffer from atopic dermatitis develop the disorder before 5 years of age. Eczema commonly seen in infants and children.

The bothersome thing of eczema during evening and nighttime, causing disruptions to sleep.

The appearance of Eczema is dry and prone to become scaly rather than wet and encrusted.

The skin sores are dry and red, and may be opened by persistent itching, and also by unconsciously scratching during bedtime.

Irritation and opening of sores may easily lead to infect+ion and scarring, which results in long term physicals. Scary!!! For those who really care about their skin conditions.

Find out of how to reveal the eczema scarring permanently in this book:

Vanish Eczema: freedom from eczema in 3 simple steps by Lee Gardner

Please be advised to avoid harmful steroid, and creams!

Learn more at

Home Remedy for Cold & Flu Prevention – My Call for a Formal Study

Some years ago, I posted a page on my blog with homegrown steps for preventing colds and flus by heading them off before they get going. I am reposting them below, updated, for family and my doctor. In the close to 20 years that I have employed these strategies, I have never had the incipient symptoms of an upper respiratory infections—like sore throat, congestion, cough from post-nasal drip—turn into anything. I’ve experienced the beginnings of runny noses or bad sore throats plenty of times—and I don’t mean minor ones, I mean the kind of sore throats that are so inflamed and painful, it’s hard to talk or swallow your own spit, including fever—and other symptoms that at one time would have always turned into a major illness.* These strategies have reliably helped me (and my family members and friends who have used them) to cut those symptoms short and get better quickly without ever developing a systemic illness. As with (environmental strategies for eczema and astham), the strategies involve taking simple measures that anyone can do, generally regarded as safe, and that are based on a combination of my own research and methodical, empirical observation. And just as with SolveEczema strategies, it can be easy to make wrong assumptions and miss getting the results unless one reads and understands that these strategies are something new and different despite familiar elements. And just as with, I tend to keep things low-key until there is research to back it up—even more than SolveEczema, these flu-prevention strategies could be easily validated with appropriate clinical trials. Which are difficult to get done as an outsider. (As users know, I am not a medical professional.)

But as the Covid-19 pandemic has progressed, I feel I should speak up. Testing the above strategies would be easy and fairly low risk, with the potential benefit of reducing the number of people who get sick with Covid-19 after exposure, allowing for a faster recovery, faster resolution of the epidemiological “curve” and faster and more confident transition to normal life. Especially for healthcare workers and people in essential jobs like first responders, grocery and delivery employees, construction and transportation workers, having a way to regularly mitigate the likelihood of infection even after exposure or development of new symptoms would be very powerful. If these steps prove broadly effective, it could significantly reduce the risk of illness because of exposures in their work. The strategies could conceivably reduce transmissibility and thus cut short the epidemic.

There would be relatively few downsides to a clinical trial. The strategies could be employed by half of those with a known exposure but who have not gotten sick and comparisons made with the other half for how many came down with the full-blown disease. Another group could be health care workers or public health professionals who get constant exposure, with half getting the strategies (modified specifically for their circumstances), half not. The best trial would be to test the strategies with people who get incipient symptoms like GI problems, sore throat, or congestion, because these strategies work best in my experience when used at the beginnings of an illness or right after a known exposure, rather than as regular well-care prophylaxis, but from what I understand, the typical symptoms of an incipient flu are not necessarily present very often at the start Covid-19. The other kind of trial that might be helpful is to give the strategies to a portion of those who develop incipient flu symptoms and give only partial strategies that are already in common use to others, and see if it changes the number of people who get sick with flus. Even if the strategies don’t work with Covid-19 as well, if they are generally as effective as I have observed with flu, they could reduce the number of people who need medical services for flu, and thus help free up the healthcare system at this time of crisis. (And would also help reduce the number of flu deaths every year!) These are not just typical strategies such as to reduce the pain of a sore throat by gargling with salt water, they are a combined set of strategies to eliminate the sore throat altogether within a short period of time and keep something worse from developing. I speculate from what I have observed that the strategies may allow the immune system to catch up, essentially.

I have updated the strategies and posted them below for convenience. My next post will include selected updated research support for this from medical literature, and why I believe these strategies could help with Covid-19 control WITH APPROPRIATE CLINICAL TRIALS FOR VALIDATION. Please note again that if you have symptoms, CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR. If you want to try these strategies, run them by your doctor and understand when you should call. Do not use something anyone provides you from the Internet, even me, in lieu of professional medical attention.

Wishing everyone Good Health as we all do our parts to end this pandemic as soon as possible.


*Only one time, I had something that seemed to go straight into my lungs without any sore throat or other symptoms first, but even then, the strategies allowed my to keep the coughing from starting up so I could sleep.

Better than chicken soup* – Our family’s best home remedy for heading off colds, sore throats, and cough from post-nasal drip

This is what we do during cold and flu season — it really seems preventive and to head off sore throats, colds and coughs. I couldn’t say if it beats my Grandma’s onion poultices because — sorry Grandma! — making onion poultices is not my idea of a soothing solution when I am sick! These steps seem to work fast — without onions — and help head off the congestion that tickles the back of the throat and becomes a cough, especially at night.

As you might expect if you follow, I developed this because of research I read over the years, and copious experimentation and observation. Since following these steps, I’ve never had a sore throat turn into anything, and the few times I’ve had problems that seemed to bypass the sore throat stage, it was still helpful at heading off the coughing and letting me sleep at night — without a lot of medication.

DISCLAIMER: As always, I feel like I need to make a disclaimer, because even if this is effective for you — especially if it is effective for you — DO NOT do this instead of consulting your doctor. Only do with your doctor’s blessing, and after making sure nothing more serious needs to be addressed! That H1N1 flu, for example, moves FAST into the lungs and gets scary serious even faster — this is NOT a substitute for getting urgent care for something like that, and is NOT a home remedy once something has moved into the lungs, among other problems. See your doctor immediately if there is any question of there being pneumonia or infection in the lungs. (My readers know how cautious I am about medical treatment — even I recommend everyone getting flu shots.)

So, with that in mind ….

Not all of these steps are always necessary — the essential ones are starred *** — but the order of all the steps is important, regardless.  With very young children, check with doctor before doing any of these steps:

Whenever a sore throat, congestion, or cough starts (a cough that isn’t yet in the lungs but comes from higher up):

1.  Brush teeth — use a new brush or disinfect toothbrush first with peroxide if possible, use toothpaste from a new tube, don’t contact the bristles to the tube.

Brushing can be skipped in a pinch, but it’s a good idea to start by brushing.  The microorganisms don’t just inhabit the back of the throat, and brushing reduces the bacterial soup swimming around the mouth.

2.  Drink a large glass of warm water — it’s so important for the immune system and also because you don’t want to drink right after the next steps.  Many people come from cultural traditions that view warm water (room temperature or slightly warmer rather than cold water) as important for health — there is research support for this notion now, and from my own empirical observation, I am in agreement with this view.

Simply Saline Nasal Rinse

Simply Saline Allergy and Sinus ****

***3.  Rinse sinuses with Simply Saline sterile nasal spray from each side per instructions (regular or Allergy and Sinus formula, they are both non-detergent and JUST saline) and blow nose.

Simply Saline is my favorite product for this purpose, it works well and the mist delivers the product into the sinuses in a very gentle way, especially for children, though you may still have to talk them through it.  You can also use other products, or a Neti Pot but not if you are EVER tempted to use it without sterile water!!!  (I can’t stress that enough, never put unsterilized tap water in your sinuses!!!!!)


For very bad congestion, after rinsing well with regular Simply Saline, rinse again with the Allergy and Sinus Simply Saline.  That works the vast majority of the time, but if things come back and repeating the steps using those isn’t enough, you can rinse with Simply Saline then follow with Nutribiotic Nasal Spray, per instructions, probably one or two sprays per nostril.  (I am concerned about how well the valve works so I always spray it into a clean tissue once or twice after every use, keep the nozzle wiped clean, and throw it away when I no longer need it for that illness.)

***4.  Gargle several times with a glass of warm salt water (just use ordinary table salt, maybe a spoon in a glass, it doesn’t have to be ocean-salty).  Swish some of the salt water around in your mouth, between the teeth, and spit out.  (If you have high blood pressure and need to watch salt intake, discuss with doctor beforehand.)


***5.  Dissolve a dose of probiotic in a small amount of warm water, like only just a teaspoon or two of water, then swallow so it coats the back of the throat and tongue.

My favorite probiotics for this (including for myself) are Jarrow Baby’s Jarro-dophilus. It comes in powder form and can be measured out by the teaspoon or fractions of.  It tends to clump, so make sure it is well dissolved.  Primadophilus Intensive is also good.  It comes in a powder, in separate packets.

I find in a pinch, just taking the concentrated probiotic can help combat a sore throat.  LINK

If you don’t have those brands, you can use what you have, split open a capsule and dissolve it in the glass.  Be sure it’s a refrigerated acidophilus with live bacteria.  Dead shelf-stable ones are better than nothing, but you may not get the same results.  Use a probiotic with as many strains as possible.  If you only have one, that’s better than nothing, but 6-12 strains is best in my experience.  (There is at least evidence that 2 strains is better than one when it comes to cold and flue prevention.)

You may have to try more than one probiotic product to hit the right one to beat back whatever is causing the problem sometimes — it’s always more effective to do this at the very start of the sore throat than after it gets entrenched.  How do you know if it’s a good probiotic?  It should begin working right away.  If it makes no discernible difference, you need a different probiotic.  The difference is usually pretty obvious.

Repeat whenever the pain returns.  But try to do after eating rather than before.

This seems to work really well to ward off sore throats and congestion when they happen and keep them from turning into something else, and also, it has been very useful to stop the coughing at night when lying down, whether there is a sore throat or not.  Even if you don’t seem to be congested, the stuff that comes down postnasal can be very irritating and be the reason for the cough.  This really seems effective at getting all that stuff out of the way, if you do it right before going to bed, so you can sleep and the immune system can do its job better.

If you want to be really hard core — it does seem to help — eat healthy and don’t eat sugary and starchy foods while sick, the bad microbes seem to love those foods as much as we do.  If taking an antibiotic, take probiotics during treatment (not just after) per medical advice — take oral enteric coated probiotics in addition to the dissolved per #5 above.

Lastly, if you spend time at school or the doctor’s office during cold and flu season, when you get home, wash hands (of course) and change into clean clothes (bag the dirty ones and put them by the laundry, don’t leave them in your room even in the hamper).  I don’t know if the question of how much doctors’ coats and ties are spreading disease has been settled LINK , but taking this step has definitely worked for me from personal experience.

So the steps are again:

1. Brush teeth with a clean brush and paste.2. Drink a large glass of warm water.3. Rinse sinuses with sterile saline nasal rinse (whether you are congested or not), immediately followed by:4. Gargle with warm salt water (whether you have a sore throat or not).5. Dissolve a dose of probiotic in a small amount of water, just a teaspoon or two, and drink.6. Repeat the whole process as soon as symptoms return. Use Allergy & Sinus Simply Saline in all subsequent repeats if the regular wasn’t enough to make things go away completely the first time.Remember to rinse and sterilize the sink when you are done, as necessary.

Do not get “lazy” and let things go just because the steps make things feel instantly better when you do them.  They work best if you go do them right when the symptoms start and repeat them right away if symptoms come back.  Doing this, I have been able to reliably get rid of even aggressive sore throats and congestion and keep them from turning into a something worse for around 20 years now.  If symptoms get entrenched, it’s not too late—following the steps seems to help reduce the severity and duration of any illness that gets a foothold.

Be Well!  I hope this helps!


*My opinion!  Believe it or not, I think chicken soup can actually claim published support for its healing properties!

**As everyone who reads my site knows, I am a mom, not a doctor.  I have given this advice to my own doctor! ****I have mostly suspended affiliate marketing, because it’s a lot of work, and people get the wrong impression.  I do earn a very small percentage if people buy using the links, but with personal care products, it earns very little, it’s just a convenience.  Sadly, my favorite site for personal care products was bought up and closed down.  As of this writing, Simply Saline products are available at Costco, Amazon, and many drugstores.
Source: New feed

When they say soap is the best way to clean and disinfect with coronavirus SARS-Cov-2, do they mean “soap”? Plus, how to disinfect the CDC-recommended way.

If you have used’s environmental strategies to address eczema, you may be wondering: is there a difference between soaps and detergents—in the way defines them—for washing hands and surfaces to protect against the new coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 that causes Covid-19?

First, the CDC cleaning guidance for the public to prevent the spread of Covid-19 recommends a two-step process: 1 – clean surfaces first 2 – then disinfect

Why a two-step process?

According to a publication of the US Environmental Protection Agency, cleaning and disinfecting together in one step is less effective: “Dirt and organic material make some disinfectants less effective, so cleaning is necessary before disinfecting in most cases.”

The EPA publication and CDC guide repeatedly recommend a two-step process for cleaning and disinfecting.

–The CDC guide says “[Disinfection] does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs on a surface after cleaning, [disinfection] can further lower the risk of spreading infection.” –“If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.” —The EPA publication says “Sanitizing does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs. Most sanitizers, as well as disinfectants, require a clean surface in order to be effective at killing germs. “ And, –“Incorrectly using a disinfectant may kill the weaker germs, but the more resistant germs survive. Incorrect use includes “disinfecting a dirty surface” …[and] “using a combination disinfectant/cleaner without first removing visible dirt from the surface.”

Many disinfection products contain both surfactants (invariably, detergents) and disinfectants because companies believe the public will not follow a two-step process because it’s too much trouble. In ordinary times, they are probably right. Today, the public is going to great lengths to follow CDC recommendations. Plus, many articles suggest that washing hands properly with soap may be more effective than using sanitizer against the new coronavirus.

As for disinfecting surfaces, again, the CDC recommends cleaning first, then disinfection (if necessary).

The EPA has provided a list of products it expects will kill the novel coronavirus.

Note the first product on the disinfectant list is a Cleanwell product, which disinfects with thymol. Disinfection products containing hydrogen peroxide or ethanol or citric acid or iodine or bleach are also recommended, it is not necessary to choose a detergent-containing product.

If you want pure bleach without detergents, I recommend “Germicidal” Clorox because the Clorox quality is very consistent, and if you are trying to avoid surfactants, look for the “Germicidal” line only, as of the last time I looked, it was the only one of their consumer bleach products that did not also contain detergents. Note that they do not make it for or recommend it for the laundry— I do a short wash first with soap and only then using the bleach when disinfection is necessary, but you need to know that the company only recommends products that contain detergents for laundry at this point. With bleach being necessary for medical environments, it may not be possible to buy a bleach product at all right now anyway. If your child cannot tolerate the detergents, I just wanted to point out that the CDC says you can use other disinfectant products.

Next question: does it matter whether the cleaning is done by what SolveEczema defines as natural soap or detergents?

Short answer: No. According to everything I have read, all “soaps” should be effective. users should be able to use true soap and non-detergent disinfectants and comply with CDC recommendations for cleaning during this pandemic, without compromising their environmental strategies for eczema. Many soap producers are small businesses and have soap available for purchase.

Here’s a great article from a health center in Colorado that explains why soap is better than sanitizer, and they clearly reference true soap as defined on

Big caveat: remember that soap (and detergents) don’t lather well in hard water. So it’s tempting to use a great deal too much product yet think it rinses away quickly, when that’s not actually what’s happening. With hard water, surfactants aren’t rinsing away quickly, the hard water is just destroying the suds. Keep washing and rinsing for the recommended time.
Source: New feed

From ?: Eczema may fade in adulthood, but people who h…

If you’re tired of all the scratching, oozing, ugly skin rashes caused by eczema and you’re ready to show off the beautiful skin you know you have, you need discover this book.

A digital book that shows you how to cure eczema in a few days.

It provides you answers to practical, homemade and natural solutions, that anyone living in any part of the world can easily perform!

Hers a List of what you will Discover:

+ Eliminate eczema without the need of any medication.

+ Treat your child’s eczema

+ Stop the itching

+ Eliminate dry skin for good.

+ Totally free from the pain and sleep at night.

+ Create younger, toned and firm skin.

+ Unleash your body’s own natural ability to heal itself from all skin problems.

Discover right Now –

A 100% all natural remedy to Relieve Eczema Symptoms and treat the underlying problem.

Learn more at

Expanding SolveEczema’s blog during the Covid-19 pandemic

I have decided to expand the scope of my posts during the pandemic, to include a backlog of SolveEczema-related updates, but also education—my son is now going off to college—environmental health, and other problems that need attention since national news is so focused, necessarily, on the pandemic. Some things need to be said, that aren’t being said.

It may seem as if my blog hasn’t been active, and but I have had to focus on behind-the-scenes stuff like moving my website to a new host and all the nail-biting and nested-tech-tasks-of-indeterminate-time-sinks that entailed. I’m very thankful the new host seems to be so much better.

My son ended up homeschooling for high school, to start in large part because our local school didn’t handle either the environmental health issues or his education very well. I have a lot to share about how families can hopefully be more successful than we were at improving their schools’ environmental health.

It’s become more imperative because environmental health research shows that when schools are closed up for any period of time, as schools all over the world are now because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the sudden worsening of indoor air quality from everything being stirred up when schools are reopened makes for a spike in colds, flus, and upper respiratory infections among students and staff. After everything everyone is doing to end this pandemic, the environmental health evidence-base points to the need to head off that surge by understanding effective indoor air quality management to avoid another round of lockdowns and a surge in the Covid-19 cases when schools and colleges start up again.

So, for the next few months, my posts won’t necessarily be on topic. I will try to make posts that are helpful my site users, since I want everyone to be able to safely employ preventive environmental strategies for eczema and asthma while also following CDC and other official guidelines and recommendations to stay safe.

Blessings and good health, everyone!

Source: New feed

From sunflowers: someone online claims that evening oil of prim…

I’ve had Eczema problem over 3 years. I tried everything, of course I went to the DR. about a hundred times, probably not that many, but it sure seems like it. It never did any good for long and caused all kinds of other issues having to do with taking too many antibiotics. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon the information on this site

( ), that my life changed completely. I’m feeling so much better now and all of my symptoms are totally gone. I haven’t had an outbreak since using that info.

It’s Possible to Rid Yourself of the Irritation and the Embarrassment! You Don’t Have to Live with Eczema Any Longer! Eliminate eczema right now:


• How to Eliminate Eczema Without the Need of Any Medication.

• How to Treat Your Child’s Eczema in The Special Kids Section

• How to Stop the Itching Once and For All

• How to be Totally Free from the Pain and Sleep at Night.

• How to Stop Using Dangerous Supplements, Creams or Steroids

• How to Create Younger, Toned and Firm Skin.

A 100% All Natural Remedy to Relieve Eczema Symptoms and Treat the Underlying Problem – GUARANTEED! –

100% Organic Natural Remedy. 1000 Year Old Recipe Exposed..

Get Rid of Tired of the Itching. Guarantee Results in 10 Days!

Get Rid of Eczema Now:

I suffered psoriasis many years.

The symptoms of Psoriasis that you DO see:

•The Red, inflamed itchy skin.

•The Silvery scales that seem to erupt for no reason.

•The Burning or bleeding that occurs around your joints.

•The Cracking, oozing and painful patches on your skin.

You had these symptoms, too. Don’t so worry.

“You Can Get Back Your Life, Your Confidence and Your Self Esteem!” right now:

I Cured Psoriasis Easily, Permanently & In Just 3 Days.

I will show you how I cured my psoriasis permanently in just 3 days.

You will discover:

-The Seven Secrets to a Good Diet

-43 Nutrition Secrets Revealed

-Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina

Learn more at

From ?: The cause of eczema is overreaction of the imm…

Eczema is basically an allergic reaction to something. It could be the soap you’re using, your shampoo, certain things you eat etc. For example, if my brother eats oranges, his face comes out with massive patches of eczema.

I can see how you really want it to go away for your prom, but I don’t know how quickly it can go. You might be able to reduce it in a month, here are some tips that will help:

1. Use Dove. I don’t know if you have dove soap in your country (I like in the UK) but dove is so good for sensitive skin. It’s full of moisture and it doesn’t have anything added to it so it won’t make you itch.

2. Often eczema is itchy most because it’s dry. Moisturise twice a day with a cream you definately aren’t allergic to. Moisturise extra good when you get out of the shower, bath, swimming pool etc.

3. Cool down. Avoid sweating. If you start to itch, do something to cool your skin down. Have a cool shower, go outside, or stand in front of a fan, roll a refrigerated drink CAN on the itchy parts.

4. Avoid dairy products. This is a very common trigger for eczema and reducing the amount you eat could help.

5. Don’t shower too often, as this will reduce the natural oils on your skin that keep it moisturised, and make it more and more dry.

6. Ask your doctor for something called Eumovate, this is a very good steroid cream for eczema that can’t be purchased over the counter.

7. Don’t scratch yourself! If you do it will just make it a lot worse. Wash the area with cold water and apply moisturiser.

When your eczema suddenly came back, can you remember any sudden differences in your life? Did you get a pet? Dogs, cats, and other furry animals cause eczema like crazy!

Oh and I’ve never heard of the sun helping eczema, if anything I would have thought it would make it worse because it’s really hot. Maybe when you went to a hot country last summer, it disappeared because you were away from a trigger in your house that caused it? Just guessing, trying to help.

The sun definitely helps eczema scaring go. If you’ve itched and itched and got a lot of scabs, the sun fades the scars so you can’t see them.

I hope I helped! 😀 Sorry if I wrote a lot.

Source(s): I have eczema too. :(

Learn more at

From ?: Steroid creams stopped working for me after fe…

Ive had the same problem… But my eczema really has cleared up… It now only comes in hot weather! It will eventually go, and i know what youre feeling! I got laughed at because the eczema on my back was bleeding and went through my school shirt, :(. I just ended up asking for the strongest cream they could give me, and applied it morning, evening ane whenever it flared up! As an addition, i didnt use scented shower gels, and it really has cleared up. This wont stay with you forever :)

Learn more at

From Bailey: The cause of eczema is overreaction of the imm…

I’ve had Eczema problem over 3 years. I tried everything, of course I went to the DR. about a hundred times, probably not that many, but it sure seems like it. It never did any good for long and caused all kinds of other issues having to do with taking too many antibiotics. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon the information on this site

( ), that my life changed completely. I’m feeling so much better now and all of my symptoms are totally gone. I haven’t had an outbreak since using that info.

It’s Possible to Rid Yourself of the Irritation and the Embarrassment! You Don’t Have to Live with Eczema Any Longer! Eliminate eczema right now:


• How to Eliminate Eczema Without the Need of Any Medication.

• How to Treat Your Child’s Eczema in The Special Kids Section

• How to Stop the Itching Once and For All

• How to be Totally Free from the Pain and Sleep at Night.

• How to Stop Using Dangerous Supplements, Creams or Steroids

• How to Create Younger, Toned and Firm Skin.

A 100% All Natural Remedy to Relieve Eczema Symptoms and Treat the Underlying Problem – GUARANTEED! –

100% Organic Natural Remedy. 1000 Year Old Recipe Exposed..

Get Rid of Tired of the Itching. Guarantee Results in 10 Days!

Get Rid of Eczema Now:

I suffered psoriasis many years.

The symptoms of Psoriasis that you DO see:

•The Red, inflamed itchy skin.

•The Silvery scales that seem to erupt for no reason.

•The Burning or bleeding that occurs around your joints.

•The Cracking, oozing and painful patches on your skin.

You had these symptoms, too. Don’t so worry.

“You Can Get Back Your Life, Your Confidence and Your Self Esteem!” right now:

I Cured Psoriasis Easily, Permanently & In Just 3 Days.

I will show you how I cured my psoriasis permanently in just 3 days.

You will discover:

-The Seven Secrets to a Good Diet

-43 Nutrition Secrets Revealed

-Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina

Learn more at

From ?: ingest

7.Dyshidrosis. (pomphylox, the id reaction, chronic hand eczema, dyshidrotic eczema) Google images and …… does it look like this?

It is allergy to a dermatophyte, which is any kind of skin loving ‘bug’. Mold, yeast, bacteria, virus, parasite, pollen. It could be anywhere on or in your body. The rash on the hands(or feet) is just a red flag showing the immune reaction to the dermatophyte. Take anti-histamines for immediate relief. Fexofenadine 180mg, and 8 hours later 60mg, then every 8 hours 60mg. (Allegra to Americans and Sanofi-Aventis give out samples if you ask nicely) This is not the cure. But it will stop the itching. Go to dyshidrosis@yahoogroups for more information. http// (my website).

This condition is your immune system over-reacting to the presence of a dermatophyte.

The most coåmmon dermatophyte is Candida in its dimorphic, mycelial form in the intestines. Which is often diagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. (IBS)

The cure is really simple, but I very much doubt you can get your doctor to prescribe it for you.

You need a 28 day course of sugar free NYSTATIN by drops, 2 million units daily. That is 5 drops 4 times a day: then a 2 week break, then repeat. If this does not work (and I would bet the cost of your doctor visit it does.) you need a drug called Toctino, to be taken for 90 days. This is expensive, and not great for your liver, you will find a cheaper way on the links at

I am studying this condition, also called the ‘Id reaction”. Can I ask you to tell your doctor to refer to page 651, chapter 17 in the 1st volume of the Textbook of Dermatology by Rook, Wilkingson and Ebling.?

You have to realize this is NOT contact dermatitis, and it is not eczema This is a special sort of allergy, and must NOT be treated with steroids and cortisone creams and injection at all. This makes it spread..

All the creams you put on your hand will do nothing for the cure of the condition, but soaking your hand in warm water and vinegar will neutralize the histamine and give you a couple of days relief from itching until the histamine builds up again. Neuragena Norwegian Formula glycerine cream under cotton gloves at night is the least irritant.

Some people find bleach baths help, same applies, neutralizes histamine. But also reduces the fungal load on the skin, and if your dyshidrosis is caused by a seasonal airbourne mold, this is the best treatment.

Podiatrists see a lot more of this condition in response to Tinea, which is athlete’s foot. MD doctors have only out of date treatments and it is a dogma that steroids will take down the inflammation. True, but they cause the spread to new histamine receptors. In fact, it is my theory that steroid/hormonal changes, ie puberty, the pill, pregnancy and pumping iron and the peri menopause which are all hormonal/steroid changes are the inciting cause for the yeast Candida Albicans to morph into the opportunistic pathogen of the mycelia form. This is why it is not detected on allergy tests. Everybody has Candida, but not everybody has candidiasis. Only the mycelial form of Candida seems to cause the major histamine reaction which is Dyshidrosis

Patient Questions:







Do you have any symptoms of IBS?

Do you have athlete’s foot? Ringworm? Any persistent fungal or bacterial infection?

What other drugs are you NOW taking?

What other drugs for all and any conditions have You taken for as long back as you can remember?

(in particular, those you took in the year before this condition started.)

Are you on the Pill? (or HRT)

Did you take a course of steroids or antibiotics at about the time the condition started? (prescribed or not…)

Thinking back to when this started: Did you move to a new house? Area? Or a new job? Was it moldy?

Were you trying to get pregnant? pregnant? just been pregnant? breastfeeding?

Thinking back to when this started: did you have a stomach upset that persisted, did you suddenly become ‘intolerant’ to food that had previously not caused you any problems.

Can you a)dd any information about the starting point of the condition? (Hospitalized, new relationship, rash, holiday, stress

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