Eczema Free Forever™ Eczema Free Forever™

Emma Sutherland – How to Prevent Eczema and Boost Respiratory …

child-with-eczema-applying-lotionPrevious research has shown that when certain strains of probiotics are given to pregnant women from 36 weeks and continued for 3 months after birth, their child’s risk of atopic conditions such as eczema and dermatitis is reduced by a massive 50%.

Research also shows that children born to parents with allergies have a much slower ability to colonize their gastrointestinal system with good bacteria that can support their health. Children born to parents without allergies have higher levels of protective bacteria from birth through until they are one year old.

New research has now been published that followed mothers and children for 6 years and analyzed their health.  The probiotic strain used in the study was Lactobacillus rhamnosus, which is well known for its role in the prevention of eczema.

A double blind randomized placebo controlled trial studied 425 high risk infants who all had a parent with allergic disease. The mums were given supplemental L.rhamnosus from 35 weeks of pregnancy and continued taking it until 6 months post birth. All the babies in the supplemented group were given the same probiotic from birth to 2 years of age.

When the infants turned two, those who had received the probiotic had a dramatic 50% reduction of eczema and this protective effect was still present at the age of 4. These supplemented children also had a lower rate of rhinoconjunctivitis (runny nose) at 4 years of age.

In the latest follow up completed at 6 years of age, the protective effect of L.rhamnosus still remained with a 40% reduction of eczema compared to the control group as well as a 30% lower rate of developing atopic conditions (eczema, hay fever, asthma).

Probiotics support immunity by balancing Th1/Th2 immune responses – Th2 overactivity is linked to allergic disease.

Take Home Points

  • Certain probiotics can reduce your child’s risk of eczema & dermatitis by 50%
  • If you or your partner have allergies, your child has a reduced ability to colonize their gut with good bacteria
  • Taking certain probiotics during the last trimester of pregnancy and the 1st 6 months has a protective effect on your child’s risk for eczema
  • Supplementing your child with probiotics for the 1st two years of their life helps to balance their immune system and lower their risk of developing eczema, hay fever, and asthma. This beneficial effect lasts until at least their 6th birthday.

I have supplemented Sophia with probiotics since the day she was born in a strategic attempt to lower her risk for atopy as I had asthma and food intolerances as a child. My biggest piece of advice is that not all probiotics are the same – different strains do different things so make sure you speak to a naturopath before self-prescribing!

Reference – Wickens K, Stanley TV, Mitchell EA, et al, Early supplementation with Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 reduces eczema prevalence to 6 years: Does it also reduce atopic sensitization?

New Testimonial ~ Skincerity on Eczema | Suffering with Eczema?



This week I received this testimonial from a customer of a member of my team. She has been using Skincerity on her daughter and these are the results you see above! Simply amazing.

Nothing prescribed from the doctor worked, until she found our product.

You just can’t beat the feeling when your product helps a child suffering from eczema.

Of course, Skincerity has many other attributes, it doesn’t just help with eczema ;)

Yesterday, I received this update…Image

I mean really, pictures speak louder than words in this case…

Help me spread the word of our wonderful product by becoming a Skincerity disturbutor here >

The UK is still untouched with distributors, we have less than 500 (as we only launched in April) and 430 of them are in my team ;)

It is the most exciting business I’ve been a part of, and so rewarding (plus being your own boss has it’s perks).

If you would like to purchase the product click here >

Or come on over to my Facebook page to receive a huge discount on the product (I’m able to offer this as I’m a distributor and we get the product at wholesale price).

Have a great day everyone! 

I am going to continue my quest to spread the word of our magical product x







Unraveling Eczema Article Barely Mentions Diet | Paleoista

An article in last Tuesday’s  NY Times focused on 

And there, in the second to last paragraph, were a mere two short sentence suggesting that one might want to also look at their diet, too: “Food allergies show up as eczema in some patients. Eliminating one potential culprit at a time, like dairy products, eggs or nuts, may reveal an eczema-inducer“.

As if to say, oh, by the way, you could also look at what you’re putting in your body if you want to, but really, it’s rather trivial and won’t likely make much of a difference.

Why is this not the first suggestion in the article as well as not the first thing a dermatologist or any doctor for that matter suggests looking into?

Oh, right! I remember!  It’s because really, there is not nearly as much money to be made in health as there is in illness.

The article begins with some statistics: an estimated 15 million Americans are suffering, it’s more common in cities than rural areas and that “the hallmark of eczema is an alteration in the skin that allows essential water to escape and environmental allergens (like those from pollen, dust mites and food) to enter. The result is dry, itchy, inflamed patches that are sometimes misdiagnosed as psoriasis.”

Then, a brief glimmer of hope with the mention of inflammation: “Current treatment focuses on reducing inflammation” but, alas… the follow up brings us back to reality, as we learn that “doctors typically recommend a prescription steroid, used topically in tiny amounts“.

To clarify, I am certainly not making claims outside of my area of expertise in the Paleo diet that all cases of eczema would disappear immediately if we were all Paleo.  

I’m simply stating that if we were to all look at what we are eating as the first step in treating any type of health issue, we may find that a lot of what we suffer from can be lessened and sometimes eliminated if we stop poisoning our bodies by ingesting things we are not meant to be eating and replace them with real, whole, unadulterated food – abundant fresh veggies, wild proteins and healthy fats.

If only we could move toward a place where steroids and topical creams are the first go-to treatments in skin conditions, while the patient continues to eat gluten, dairy, white sugar and so on, and so on simultaneously.  

Not too different from shooting oneself in the foot, sadly.

Baby Steps to Essential Oils – Eczema Series Part 1 by Dr. LeAnne …

 As I have worked with the oils and friends and family over the last several months, I have been surprised by the most commonly asked questions and health concerns. Topping them all is eczema. So many adults and children are dealing with this issue and feeling that there is no solution. Not only is there a solution but this is also not an issue to be ignored! It is the skin using its voice to tell you there are important needs in your body. I asked Dr. Leanne Deardeuff if she would consider writing a post on the subject and addressing it from her vast knowledge and truly holistic perspective. Not only did she agree, but she promptly began a three-part series on the subject and allowed us to post it here for all of you! I love Dr. Leanne because she gives me ideas I never would have thought of otherwise that make light bulbs start going off in my head. It all makes sense with what I know of the body, and I know that true healing can begin if those steps are taken. I highly recommend her books, especially “Inner Transformations Using Essential Oils.” Through cleansing, oils, and proper nourishment, it is not necessary to live with so many of the problems we consider unavoidable today! Stay tuned here and we will post the next two parts in her series on eczema in children and infants. I can’t wait!   – Courtney


Over the years I have known many people who have had eczema. I am so fortunate that I have not had it! But I have had enough itchy skin rashes in my time to feel sorry for those who have had! It itches and itches and itches. Nights are worse as the bedclothes keep the heat of the body in and cause the lesions to heat up. Several of my friends have had children with eczema. I can only imagine their sleepless nights. So how do we care for this condition and what is causing it in the first place? If we understand the cause of eczema then we would know better who to heal it! From the inside out or the outside in!

Medical doctors don’t know what is causing the problem. They think it is either genetic or allergy caused. (I have written several blogs on allergy and we have learned how to take care of that!) They treat all skin problems the same. From the outside in. Their method is to use creams that suppress the rash and push it back under the skin. I have read that using the creams can cause the condition to go into remission. Mother’s see that it disappears from their child so they think it is over and cured. But upon further reading, doctors say that it can and most of the time does reappear again when the child is older, usually at the onset of adolescents.

From the “Complete Handbook of Nature Cure” we read:


Eczema in its acute form is indicated by redness and swelling of the skin, the formation of minute vesicles and severe heat. If the vesicles rupture, a raw, moist surface is formed. From this, a colourless discharge oozes, which forms skin crusts when it accumulates. The disease is usually worst at night when the heat of the body is retained by the bed-clothes. The skin itches at all stages. In the wet stage, it may become infected with bacteria. The healing of the condition is affected by scratching in response to the irritation. Scratching not only spreads infection but also lengthens the stage of dryness and scaling.


Allergies play an important part in causing eczema. Some women get eczema on their hands due to an allergy to soap or detergents used to wash clothes or dishes. Some persons develop it around the fingers when they wear rings because of allergy to metals. Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Centre at San Antonio, in a recent study of children with atropic eczema, found that 75 per cent were allergic to a number of foods. The most common triggers for sensitive persons are eggs, peanuts, chocolate, wheat, cow’s milk, chicken and potato.

The real cause of eczema however is the failure of the human system to excrete the poisons  from the various orifices of the body. Waste matter is excreted from the rectum through stools, from the bladder through urine, from the lungs through breath and from the pores of the skin through sweat. Sometime the pores of the skin are overworked as waste matter is not properly eliminated from the other orifices. If the pores are not given the chance to perform their normal function, the sweat will be full of morbid matter and this gives rise to skin diseases like eczema, acne, boils and other eruptions.

Other causes include faulty metabolism, constipation, nutritional deficiencies and stress brought about by nagging spouses, jealousy, frustration and a host of other emotions. Suppressive drug treatment of the formal disease is also a most potent subsidiary causative factor in many cases.

The Cure

Skin applications to cure eczema may give temporary relief. If the exudation is suppressed, some other more serious disease may develop. The best way to deal with eczema is to cleanse the blood stream and the body.

The treatment should start with a fast on orange juice and water from five to seven days, depending on the severity and duration of the trouble. Juice fasting will help eliminate toxic waste from the body and lead to substantial improvement. In some cases, the condition may worsen in the beginning of the fast due to the increased elimination of waste matter through the skin. But as fasting continues, improvement will manifest itself.

Fruits, salt free, raw or steamed vegetables with whole meal bread or chappatis may be taken after the juice fast. Carrot and musk melon are particularly beneficial. Coconut oil may be used instead of ghee. After a few days, curd and milk may be added to the diet. The patients may thereafter gradually embark upon a well-balanced diet of three basic food groups, namely

(i) seeds, nuts and grains (ii) vegetables and (iii) fruits. The large proportion of the diet should consist of raw foods. Seeds and beans such as alfalfa, mung and soybeans can be sprouted.

This diet may be supplemented with cold-pressed vegetable oils, honey and yeast. Juice fasting may be repeated at intervals of two months or so, depending on the progress being made, in chronic and more difficult cases of eczema, patient should fast at least once a week till he is cured.

The patient should avoid tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages and all condiments and highly flavoured dishes. He should also avoid sugar, white flour products, denatured cereals like polished rice, and pearled barley and tinned or bottled foods. He should eat only pure and wholesome foods.

Raw vegetable juices, especially carrot juice in combination with spinach juice, have proved highly beneficial in the treatment of eczema. The formula proportions considered helpful in this combination are carrot 300 ml. and spinach 200 ml. to make 500 ml. or half a litre of juice. The patient should get as much fresh air as possible. Restrictive clothing should not be worn.

Two or three litres of water should be taken daily and the patient must bath twice or thrice a day. The skin, with the exception of the parts affected with eczema, should be vigorously rubbed with the palms of the hands before taking the bath.

Coconut oil or Flaxseed oil may be applied to the portions with eczema. It will help the skin to stay soft. Walking or jogging should be resorted to in order to inactivate the bowels. Sun bathing is also beneficial as it kills the harmful bacteria and should be resorted to early in the morning, in the first light of  dawn. A light mudpack should be applied over the sites of the eczema is also helpful. The pack should be applied for an hour at a time and should be repeated twice or thrice a day .

Water Treatment

In cases of acute eczema, cold compress or cold wet fomentations are beneficial. The affected part should be wrapped with a thick soft cloth. The cloth should be moistened with cold water (55°- 60° F) every 15 to 30 minutes for two hours at a time. The bandage should be left intact,  keeping the cloth cold. There may be intensification of itching or pain initially but this will soon subside. A cold compress may be applied twice daily for a week or so.”

As was mentioned by Nature’s cure, the main problem is generally brought on by the colon or liver not being able to get rid of their toxins through the proper channels so the body sends it out the skin. Doing a colon cleanse, followed by a liver cleanse then the Master Cleanse can assist this problem. (Click here to find out how to colon cleanse.) I have personally seen people’s eczema disappear and not return once they get their bowels and liver functioning again. Digestive issues clear up and they are able to overcome allergies which may be one of the causes of Eczema.

Stay tuned in the next few weeks as I talk about Eczema and Babies and Children! Read Part 2 here.

– Dr. Leanne Deardeuff

Dr. Deardeuff is a Natural Healing Consultant/Chiropractic Physician who has been with Young Living for 15 years and 24 years in the natural healing world. Her interests include health, nutrition, and anything natural! Her company, Radiant Life Training, LLC, offers counseling, cleansing protocols, infertility programs and alternative medicine consultations using Young Living Oils and Nutritional Products. Dr. Deardeuff graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic in 1996 with a doctorate in Chiropractic. She has a Bachelors of Science degree in Human biology and physiology and studied Psychologial and Elementary Education at Brigham Young University. You can find her at

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Common skincare preservative linked to Eczema 'epidemic' — Skin …

Over the weekend it was widely reported that a preservative commonly found in beauty products may be responsible for an eczema epidemic in the UK.

The synthetic ingredient in question, methylisothiazolinone (MI), is permitted for use under European regulation but since 2005 is now allowed at much higher concentrations than ever before.

Leading dermatologists are linking its increased (and more concentrated) use to a dramatic rise in cases of contact dermatitis – a particular form of eczema triggered by skin contact with a topical allergen.

“We are in the midst of an outbreak of allergy to a preservative which we have not seen before in terms of scale in our lifetime”, says Dr John McFadden, consultant dermatologist at St John’s Institute of Dermatology in London.

“Many of our patients have suffered acute dermatitis with redness and swelling of the face. I would ask the cosmetics industry not to wait for legislation but to get on and address the problem before the situation gets worse.”

The dermatologists leading this research estimate that one in ten patients with eczema has an allergy to MI.

As a skincare formulator who’s passionate (and positively nerdy) about ingredients, it’s great to see this exposé of methylisothiazolinone – a preservative I’ve often raised concerns about.

Sensitive skin is deeply embedded in our philosophy here at Pai and it has always frustrated me to see brands boast sensitive skin credentials with scant regard or understanding of the irritants contained in their formulations. Hopefully this will give them a wake-up call.

I’ll keep you updated as this story develops – the research is being presented to the British Association of Dermatoligists this week and the European Commission has also been called to conduct a further investigation.

Hopefully it will result in stricter regulation on irritants used by the beauty industry, which can only be a good thing for us sensitive souls!

Read the Telegraph’s full report here.



Severe Eczema Testimonials – Eczema Free Forever

Natural medicine is becoming increasingly popular as a severe eczema treatment for many serious patients due to the fact that many western powerful drug such as steroids can cause side effects.

Avoid soaps, lotions or creams that have high concentrations of fragrance or other irritants, to reduce the occurrence of symptoms and lessen the severity of symptoms. Use hypoallergenic products whenever possible.

Using a humidifier in the home can prevent the skin from losing moisture and reduce itchiness and flaking caused by scratching. Vitamin C is a great source of antihistamines which helps to fight infection. That is why it is important that you increase the content of foods that contain this vitamin and include them in your diet. Sources of vitamin C are plenty – most citrus fruits, grapefruits, spinach, broccoli and others should be made a part of every meal.

Aloe Vera’s gum resins form a protective coat over your skin, thanks to its hydrating, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory qualities. With its moisturizing property, aloe vera prevents dry skin, which also will eliminate any itching. And with its deep cleaning, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, aloe will keep your skin dirt-free and keep bacteria and fungus away from your skin.

Examples of ingredients that can be found in natural oral and topical remedies for eczema are: selenium, zinc, Omega-3-oils, artichoke extract, milk thistle extract, olive leaf extract, gamma-linoleic acid, grape seed extract, collagen type II, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphate.

Zinc is another great ingredient. Apply zinc lotion directly on the affected area. Zinc can also be taken as a supplement in pills. Taking regularly, it can be an effective eczema treatment. Speaking of bath time, giving your soaps and shampoos a natural overhaul will eliminate another trigger of eczema symptoms, scents, which irritate eczema and cause irritability because of the chemicals contained in them. They also remove the skin’s natural moisture. After bath time, make sure and dry off by patting the skin dry instead of rubbing the skin dry. Immediately after your bath, apply a moisturizer to lock in the skin’s natural moisture and avoid dry skin which aggravates eczema.

Neem is a tree found in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and other areas. If you can find neem, neem is said to be beneficial in treating eczema and good for the skin in general, according to Ayurvedic practitioners. Neem leaves can be applied to eczema, and neem oil can be applied directly onto the affected area. In Ayurveda, neem is considered anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, and moisturizing and is included in many cosmetic and toiletry products in India, such as toothpaste, mouthwash and lotion. You can find neem in many online natural medicine and herbal stores, as well as in Indian groceries.

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