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Medical News » Do Chinese Herbal Remedies For Eczema Work?

People nowadays are very interested in natural eczema remedies such as Chinese herbs. Chinese herbs have long been used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases. The use of Chinese herbs is a part Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), an age old system which sees disease as an imbalance and disharmony in the body’s energy system. The aim of Chinese herbs is to address the underlying disharmony and bring the body back into balance. The question is, do Chinese herbal remedies work in the treatment of eczema and are they a safe alternative to conventional treatments?

How do Chinese herbal remedies work?
Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on the theories of yin and yang and the five elements. Yin and yang theory sees everything in two opposite aspects such as cold and heat, internal and external, stillness and movement. The five elements relate to water, earth, metal, wood and fire. Each element relates to different internal organs and to different tastes. The five tastes are sweet, sour, bitter, salty and pungent.

Herbs are selected according to whether the patient is suffering from an imbalance of yin or yang and the five elements. A practitioner will take into account whether the disharmony is of a hot or cold nature, an internal or external disease and what organs are affected. Only then will they be able to choose the correct herbal remedies to treat the problem.

According to TCM, eczema is due to various different factors. Wind-heat or wind-damp invades the body and causes acute itching and fluid-filled lesions. Heat in the blood causes very red and swollen skin made worse in the summer. This can be followed by dryness which causes skin to become dry and flaky and is often worse in winter. Finally, yin can become deficient causing red, dry, cracked and itchy skin which is worse at night with increased thirst and sometimes night sweating.

The reason why children are more prone to eczema is because their internal organs are not fully formed. In Chinese medicine theory, the metal element relates the lungs and lungs govern the skin. If the lung energy is not strong, then it is easy for the body to be invaded by external factors such as wind, heat and damp. In adults, even if their organs are stronger, they can be compromised by factors such extreme stress and poor diet.

How are Chinese Herbs Prescribed?
Chinese herbal remedies for the treatment of eczema work in different ways: clearing away heat, removing dampness, expelling wind, nourishing blood and moistening dryness. Once the diagnosis is made, then the correct herbal formula will be prescribed.

The traditional way to take Chinese herbs is to boil a mixture of dried herbs to make a tea, but this is not always convenient or palatable, often tasting bitter. Herbs are also prescribed in the form of freeze dried powders or as tinctures. The easiest and most convenient way to take Chinese herbal medicine is the form of pills. Patent formulas which contain several herbs and other ingredients are commonly prescribed. However, these are standardized remedies and cannot be customized on a patient-by-patient basis.

Has there been much research on Chinese Herbs and Eczema?
Considerable research has been undertaken which has shown positive results for Chinese herbs in treating eczema. Symptoms such as itching, redness and inflammation and quality of sleep all improved. One study by Dr. David Atherton, a dermatologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital in the UK found that his eczema patients improved dramatically with Chinese herbs whereas they had not responded to orthodox treatment.

Are Chinese herbs safe to use?
On the whole Chinese herbs are very safe to use, but adverse reactions have been known to occur. So do Chinese herbal remedies work for eczema? Chinese medicine practitioners have always known that Chinese herbs are good for skin conditions, and this has been backed up by research. If treated a by qualified practitioner, then Chinese herbal remedies for eczema are a viable alternative to conventional treatments.

All Natural Herbal Remedies: Homemade Organic Eczema Cream

  • 1/4 cup of organic oats
  • 3/4 cup of organic coconut oil
  • Few drops of rosemary oil {optional}
  • 1 tbsp of olive oil

  1. Finely grind oats to a powder/flour consistency and set aside. {You can use a blender, food processor or a Magic Bullet type of appliance.}
  2. Over a low heat, melt the coconut oil in a pan until it has a liquid consistency. 
  3. Add in a few drops of Rosemary Oil. {If you choose to add it.}
  4. Add ground oats in the pan and mix until well blended.
  5. Now, pour the olive oil into the mixture until blended.
  6. Once all ingredients are mixed, remove from heat and pour in to a small storage container.  Let it harden for several hours.
  • WHY OATS? Oatmeal contains healthy fats. When they come into contact with your skin, these fats help to add moisture to soften and repair your skin.
  • WHY COCONUT OIL? Coconut oil works wonders as a moisturizer for all skin types, especially dry skin and aging skin, leaving you refreshed and looking wide-awake. The fat in the oil helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles without any irritation.
  • WHY OLIVE OIL? It is a great skin moisturizer, in part because it contains linoleic acid, a compound not made by the body, but which prevents water from evaporating.
  • WHY ROSEMARY OIL? Rosemary essential helps in toning your skin and removing dryness.