Dry Skin Home Remedies – Treat Skin Dryness Naturally

Dry skin is a skin which contains low amounts of sebum or oil. Due to poor sebum secretion, the skin becomes parched, flaky and extremely itchy. The skin fails to retain moisture after every wash and becomes all the more dry. The situation can be managed by applying an external moisturizing cream. Dry skin becomes very sensitive and itchiness may soar to maddening levels, causing one to violently scratch the skin with a back scratcher. Chapping, cracking and wrinkles are the signs of dryness of skin. Regions like arms, hands, lower legs, sides of abdomen, cheeks, around the eyes are prone to dryness. Dryness, if ignored for a long time, may lead to dermatitis or skin inflammation and infection.

Causes of Dry Skin

1. Malnutrition and deficiency of Vitamin A and B. 2. Genetic grounds 3. Low sebum secretion 4. Exposure to sun, wind, cold and chemicals. 5. Wintry weather 6. In air-conditioned rooms 7. Itchy clothing 8. Bathing with harsh soaps 9. Prolonged hot showers. 10. Skin conditions like dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea. 11. Medications like diuretics, antispasmodics, antihistamines. 12. Diseases like diabetes, hypothyroidism.

Home Remedies for Dry Skin

1. Massaging face and body with olive oil or almond oil before going to bed at night can tackle the problem of dry skin.

2. Soaking the face and body in lukewarm water for 10-15 minutes is an effective remedy.

3. Castor oil and avocado oil are very helpful for treating severe dryness.

4. Massaging with grape seed oil is an effective home remedy for dry skin.

5. One may apply before bath, a fine mixture of egg yolk, one teaspoon orange juice, one teaspoon olive oil and few drops of rose water and lime juice. This helps to fight dryness.

6. Massaging skin with a mixture of cream of milk, rose water and lime juice is a beneficial remedy. It erases fine lines and wrinkles.

7. Application of a mixture of clay powder and one teaspoon honey also eradicates dryness.

8. One may apply mashed banana on skin, leave it for 15 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.

9. Application of aloe Vera gel after bath manages the problem of dryness.

10. One may apply few drops of lavender essential oil to bath water. This treatment also reduces dryness.

11. It is advisable to wash face with mineral water rather than tap water, for those suffering from dryness.

12. Proper and healthy diet also helps in treating dry skin problems from the root. Diet should contain all nutritional values, which is necessary for our skin. You can also take herbal supplements to fill the gap of nutritional values.

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James Napier

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