How To Cure Dog Hot Spots

Moist dermatitis, more commonly referred to as dog hot spots, are localized areas of skin inflammation caused by the dog frantically licking and chewing at a sensitive area. This incessant biting at its own skin results in excruciatingly painful sticky skin lesions, which start off as a small spot, but very often increase rapidly in size as the dog causes more trauma to the area, resulting in large patches of exposed inflamed skin and flesh.

Symptoms: Hot spots are areas of skin inflammation that visibly cause a dog much agitation. The area in question usually feels warm and moist, it has a scarlet tinge to the skin, and in severe cases where the dog has induced much trauma to the area, it will be bloody, with a discharge of puss once infection takes a hold.

Causes: Environmental allergies stemming from grass seeds, pollen, house dust, or reactions to fleas can all cause allergic skin reactions, whilst some dogs are allergic to certain types of foods, or to food additives, which can cause an allergic skin reaction. However, mange mites, anal gland impaction, and side affects from veterinary medicines or injections, may also cause allergic skin reactions in dogs. Dogs with sensitive skins may come out in a skin rash following grooming or shaving, which if aggravated by constant biting at the area could result in moist dermatitis. Moist dermatitis is common amongst all breeds of dogs, but Retrievers, collies and shepherds are more susceptible due to their long thick fur.

Treatment: To treat these types of skin allergies it is necessary to first treat the symptoms, and then to isolate and treat the cause of problem in order to prevent recurrence. When treating a dog at home, it may be necessary to restrain or even sedate the dog, as the skin my be painful to touch, causing him to show aggression when handled. After treatment an Elizabethan collar may need to be temporarily fitted to allow the area to heal without the dog interfering with the wound.

Steps to be followed to cure moist dermatitis skin afflictions in dogs:

First of all clip the hair away from the infected area before commencing treatment, so that the wound is visible and can be cleaned and treated effectively.

The infected area then needs to be washed with a medicated shampoo or soap, and then gently patted dry.

Try to reduce the inflammation by applying a cool compress. Tea bags work well as a home remedy soothing the area, reducing inflammation, and drying out the wound.

There are many motions and potions that can help bring relief to a dog suffering from moist dermatitis, and you may choose to use either one, or a combination of treatments, depending on the severity of the condition. If a bacterial infection has set in, then you will need to treat the infection with antibiotics, either administered orally or by applying an anti-bacterial cream. A hydro-cortisone based ointment smeared over the infected area, or antihistamine tablet given orally, will give some relief to the dog by reducing itchiness and inflammation.

But no matter how successful your treatment, dog hot spots will recur unless the cause of the problem is addressed. You will need to ascertain whether the allergy is food related or caused by some stimulus in the environment, or whether there is some other underlying cause of the reaction. You will then need to take steps to prevent it from flaring up again as this will not only save you time and money, but will spare you and your dog further anguish as well.

Jennifer is a family pet health expert focusing on dog hot spots. She recommends all-natural products and solutions for dog allergies treatment.