Topical Dermatitis – A Cream Is Your Remedy

Topical creams are the most accessible eczema treatments. Most of them don’t require prescriptions and can therefore be bought over-the-counter. With the right choice of a topical dermatitis cream and its proper application, it is almost guaranteed that you will be relieved of your eczema symptoms. But there are numerous types of eczema – ten of them, to be exact. And no single cream can effectively relieve the symptoms associated with these ten types of eczema. If you want to get rid of your eczema rash, you have to be able to assess your symptoms so you can make a good choice as to what topical dermatitis cream works best for you.

It may come to your attention that a topical dermatitis cream doesn’t seem like a treatment that’s appropriate for eczema. It sounds more like it belongs to a line of dermatitis treatments. But is there really a difference between dermatitis and eczema?

Our skin has three layers. The innermost layer is called the adipose which is comprised of adipose tissue which is made up of fat cells. On top of that is the dermis where the skin’s appendages can be found. Then, serving as a protective barrier against infection and water is the epidermis – the skin’s outermost layer. Just by the term dermatitis – with derma meaning “skin” and itis meaning “inflammation” or “infection” – it is easy to tell that it is a condition that can affect any or all of the skin’s three layers. Simply stated, it is the inflammation of any of the skin’s three main layers.

On the contrary, it’s hard to tell what eczema means especially since it has no root word like that of dermatitis. Although eczema is medically defined as any skin condition which involves the inflammation of the epidermal layer. In conclusion, eczema is a type of dermatitis that is limited to the skin’s protective layer and so dermatitis treatments like topical creams can therefore treat eczema. Of course, not all of these dermatitis creams work their magic on all ten types of eczema. Considerations have to be made about what type of eczema you have and what symptoms you manifest.

The common eczema rash is characterized by itching bumps on the skin. These bumps are usually red, indicating that there is inflammation underneath the skin. However, only two out of the ten types of eczema have these symptoms and these are contact dermatitis, and xerotic eczema. Contact dermatitis or eczema allergies result from exposure to allergens like food and environmental factors (animal fur, dander, pollen, and the like). Often, symptoms appear right after exposure to an allergen. Xerotic eczema is unique because it is the only one that’s triggered by the weather – particularly, the cold winter. Elderly patients with this condition are the ones who usually manifest red itchy pimples.

For red bumps that itch, topical dermatitis creams that have anti-inflammatory properties are the most appropriate. These treatments counteract the inflammatory process as soon as they are applied to the skin to be absorbed, resulting in the reduction of swelling and itchiness in the area. Basically, topical creams may or may not contain steroids. Steroidal creams are not advisable for long-term use though because they have negative effects on the body. Infants and children with eczema are also should not use these steroidal creams.

Two more types of eczema – dyshidrosis eczema and dermatitis herpetiformis – present the most unsightly symptoms. It is only with these two kinds of eczema that there is blistering. For eczema dyshidrotic, topical dermatitis creams that have steroids are not advisable. Creams that contain zinc oxide are preferred because of the relief that they provide without the disadvantages of topical steroids. Dermatitis herpetiformis, which causes chronic blistering throughout the body is practically treated with oral medicines. The same goes with autoeczematization or atrophic dermatitis, as well as with neurodermatitis in which there is a chronic recurrence of body rashes and itching.

The remaining four types of eczema which are atopic, stasis, nummular, and sebaceous dermatitis share almost the same symptoms involving the appearance of patches of dry skin. People other than the elderly who have xerotic eczema also have this symptom. Dry itching skin from these types of eczema is best treated with mild topical creams that relieve dry skin. These creams usually have moisturizers in them as well as anti-inflammatory ingredients to fight off the inflammation caused by eczema.

Charles Perkins is a dermatitis expert. For more information related to eczema and dermatitis, visit