Natural Options for Dry, Flaky Skin and Eczema – Mercola

You can often determine a person’s omega-3 needs just by touching their hands. Are they smooth and soft… like a baby’s behind? If not, or if other areas of your skin are dry, flaking or cracked, there is a good chance they are not getting enough beneficial omega-3 fats.

Omega-3 fats help to normalize your skin fats and prevent dehydration in your cells. This keeps your skin cells strong and full of moisture, which can help to decrease the appearance of fine lines.

Fatty-acid deficiency can manifest in a variety of ways, but skin problems such as eczema, thick patches of skin, and cracked heels are common. Plus, omega-3 fats may have an anti-inflammatory effect that can help to calm irritated skin, giving you a clearer, smoother complexion.

Omega-3 fat deficiency is actually quite common in the US (it’s been called the sixth biggest killer of Americans). Fish has always been the best source for the animal-based omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, but as levels of pollution have increased, this treasure of a food has become less and less viable as a primary source of these healthful fats.

I’ve previously shared tips on the best and worst types of fish to consume in terms of omega-3 fats and environmental toxins, but a general guideline is that the closer to the bottom of the food chain the fish is, the less contamination it will have accumulated. This includes:

  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • Herring

That said, if you’re suffering from dry skin, an omega-3 fat supplement, such as krill oil, may be highly beneficial.