Eczema Cream | peaceandhonestlife

Now I don’t have Eczema at all but, I have a lot associates and friends that suffer from this skin condition so, I am going to make a skin care cream for those suffering from Eczema.

This affects both men and women alike but, there are not too many men that come up to me about skin care like women.   They usually come up to men when it comes to food, interesting.

Now one thing that I know that helps with Eczema is Oatmeal, Oatmeal is one of those staples for skin care that can heal more skin conditions or make those skin conditions much better.    Another thing that I know about oatmeal is that it balances oily skin, it increase collagen production, soothes skin irritations such as bug bites, reduces wrinkles, and is an excellent source of saponins.

Honey is another good source of staple to combat the effects of Eczema because its a natural humectant, and has antibacterial properties.

Aloe Vera is a great ingredient for the fight against Eczema, it aids in dermal uptake of nutrients and, has been recommended for Eczema and other skin conditions for years.

Now I am actually going to give a recipe that I came up with to help those suffering from Eczema.

  • 1/4 cup of Raw Organic Oatmeal
  • 3/4 cup of Aloe Vera Juice
  • few drops of Jojoba oil
  • 2tbsp of Olive Oil


  • Finely ground the oatmeal to a powder consistency.
  • Then place Aloe Vera juice in a low heat pan until its warm to the touch.
  • add a few drops of the Jojoba oil into the pot with the Aloe Vera Juice.
  • add the ground oats and mix until well blended
  • pour in the olive oil and blend well
  • once the ingredients are mixed in well place in a sterilized jar and keep in a cool dry place.
  • let if harden in several hours.

I hope this helps with those suffering for Eczema and, other skin conditions because the three major ingredients usually help solve problems that are related to most Skin conditions.    If not then I will do more research on the matter because there are a lot of people that are looking for least expensive ways to find cures for skin conditions.

Thanks for reading.