My True Nature Clios Beary Soft Lotion Preferential:16% By …

Clio’s lotion is a truly unique formula that combines organic sunflower oil infused with a multitude of calming and healing organic herbs with shae butter, aloe and bees wax it calms sunburns, rashes, eczema and other skin irritations the natural and organic way

4.9 / out of 5based on 14 ratings

Terrific for kids with eczema or sensitive skin

Rich in organic botanicals including organic sunflower oil infused with organic herbs, organic shea butter and organic bees wax

Completely free of genetically modified organisms, parabens, petrochemicals, phthalates, harmful sulfates, synthetic dyes or fragrances, triclosan and harsh preservatives

Gluten-free, nut-free, dairy-free, cruelty-free

Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging

List Price:$15.99Price:$13.49You Save:$2.50(16%)

