Natural Treatments: Home Remedies For Several Skin Conditions …

schambergsEvery one of us, especially women nowadays are conscious about their skin and looks. They want to try out every treatment available that can be done to look healthy and beautiful and to achieve the desired skin; they tend to spend too much money without gaining anything out of it. So why not go for the natural treatment which you can try out at home without spending too much and getting rid of your everyday health and skin problems.

Rosacea is a very common type of skin condition in which the face becomes prone to redness and pimples.  Here are the ways of Rosacea natural treatment which can be done sitting at home:

  1. Eat a healthy diet containing fruits, juices and vegetables.
  2. After washing your face you can apply the camphor oil to the affected areas of the skin.
  3. Apply the lavender oil on the affected areas of the skin.
  4. Daily intake of green tea and loads of water, minimum 10 glasses everyday also reduces Rosacea.

Then other kind of a chronic skin condition is Eczema in which you can feel the skin becoming dry and itchy.  It can affect both males and females equally. You can try the eczema natural remedies sitting at home as:

  1. First and foremost is switch from a normal diet to a wholesome diet containing fresh organic fruits, vegetables and nuts [ raw from]
  2. If you are prone to eczema then avoid wearing the wool and synthetic fabrics for some time.
  3. Consume more of Virgin coconut oil daily
  4. You can also try the natural kelp supplements available in the market.
  5. Before taking shower, apply almond oil on the affected areas of the skin.

Psoriasis: it is a common type of skin disease found usually in women, especially in the fair skinned women, the disease is a non contagious one in which the skin cells mature faster within a week may be and you can see the redness on almost all parts of the body. But plenty of natural cure for psoriasis are available which you can try at home and get rid of this skin disease:

1.       Keep your skin moist all the time, as dry skin will create more itchiness.

2.       If you have been prescribed topical therapies, then constantly try it.

  1. Less sun exposure is required.
  2. Quit smoking

Candida: it is known to be a fungus arising from mouth, skin and can cause the variety of infections more pervalent amongst women.

There are also many natural treatment of Candida available:

  1. Eat plenty of healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, raw butter etc.
  2. Intake of carbohydrates should only be in the form of raw vegetables and fruits and nothing else.
  3. Drink plenty of filtered water with barley and natural herbs.

Hair loss in women is a common problem which occurs due to hormonal imbalances, ageing problem and lots of other issues. But it can be prevented to a major extent if some hair loss home remedies are undertaken like:

  1. Oils should be frequently on the hair before taking shower
  2. Rub your scalp with natural juices as garlic, onion or ginger juices
  3. Get a regular head massage
  4. Apply warm green tea bags on your scalp
  5. Medication prescribed by the hair specialist

High blood pressure:  it occurs due to obesity, not so healthy lifestyles, birth control pills etc. but it can be controlled by some high blood pressure natural remedies such as:

  1. Avoid intake of salt in your diet
  2. Brisk walk twice a day
  3. Try exercises
  4. Consume mint leaves, lemon juice constantly

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