How secured emails protect Healthcare industry file exchange

Need to exchange files in health sector:

File exchanges in the health care sector is a common affair that needs to be done with complete security. There is a constant need to exchange medical data and records about a patient, when he or she is going to shift from one hospital to another for treatment. Transferring data, medical bills and reports is not that easy. There is a high chance of data breaching and thus the risk of data loss or data theft. Especially when there is a constant need to share information in the medical sector, the sharing medium should be highly efficient and secure.


Problem with emails:

The conventional methods of data transfer are not that great when it comes to security. Emails are one of the most common forms of sending data in a medical sector. Email ids can frequently be hacked and thus the data can be stolen. Email can never be secure as hackers are continuously finding new ways to enter into your system. So even if the email id is secured, then there also stays the risk of data loss. Even if you change your passwords frequently and impose a lot of security features, the risk is still there. With modern methods that are coming up, the risk of your emails being hacked is very high. In other words, there is nothing like secured emails. Also there is the pain of sending files within a limited size limit. All this makes email one of the most risky places to send confidential and sensitive data. Gone are those days when email was the only form to transfer all the medical data.

Other modes of data transfer:

Other forms of data transfer include faxing machines, CD, DVDs, FTP transfer which are not that great when it comes to security. The process is hectic and quite complicated especially when the volume of data is too large.

Advantages of using Fax over IP solution:

So if one is looking for a secured way of data transfer then the best way can be fax over IP solution. This is one of the trusted mediums to send data as and when required. The high end IP based solution securely transfers all the data after it is encrypted. The data encryption is systematically done in both the uploading and downloading processes without any hassle. The exchanged files are safely kept in a virtual safebox from where the records can be retrieved as and when required. The best part of this data transmission method is that it is completely secure and you are free from the hassle of maintaining fax machines. Data is encrypted and can easily be decoded. The best part of this method is the easy user interface. It is as easy as sending an email . This can be quite useful when you are sending large volumes of data without any hassle. So adopting to online fax based solution can really resolve the problem of data transfer.

Protecting healthcare file exchanges is not that easy. Every medical record of an individual has to be kept in a systematic way. The data kept should be easily accessible as and when required. All these features combined with high end security are safe to send confidential data from one health sector to another via online fax based solutions. So get rid of emails and adapt to mediums like online fax based solution for secured data transfer.

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