Lamb wrapped in kale

Kale is tough, stringy and overtly pretentious, but it looks really great in photographs – perhaps the reason most ‘wellness’ bloggers overstate it’s usefulness. The real deal with kale is however it is low fodmap and really great for making parcels to cook other food. Using kale to produce a parcel to roast meat is that it cooks for longer in the oven helping the leaf texture to soften. It also holds in the juices of the meat. I love the colour of this kale – purple and green is my favourite and when served with chard the result is a veritable rainbow! So there we have it – all kale is really useful for is wrapping! Unfortunately this method of cooking will not preserve its water soluble vitamins, I for one would prefer to get my vitamin C from citrus fruit, rather than chomping on a kale leaf.



2 small lamb steaks – I used slow cook lamb

A few sprigs of rosemary and mint

1 teaspoon of Moroccan spice (Fodify Foods Moroccan mix is low fodmap and was purchased by me.)

Seasoning (small amount of salt + pepper)

Small drizzle of oil

Sprinkle of pine-nuts

Kale leaves

Skewers to secure the leaves around the meat.

Carrots for roasting and chard to serve alongside.


Add the oil and spice to a pan and heat.

Seal the meat using the oil and spice mix, season.

Wrap each lamb steak in kale leaves, additional herbs and secure with the skewers. Ensure you add all the oil/spices left in the pan for additional flavour.

Roast in an oven gas mark 3 for at least 2 hours (depending on the size of your meat.)

Allow the meat to rest for 10 minutes then serve on the kale sprinkled with a small amount of pine-nuts.

Carrots spray with oil and roast till soft, I like these really cooked well so they develop sugary flavours and are crisp at the end. The dark ones are purple carrots! You can serve chard cold but it does taste great quickly sauteed, again with a little spray oil.


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