What Steps Are Taken in a Dental Implant Procedure?

Have you had enough of not being able to smile because you’re worried about what people think of your missing teeth? If that’s the case you would have likely already heard of how getting dental implants can give you the natural looking teeth you’ve always dreamed of. What you may not have heard of is how the procedure works and what is involved before you can get the procedure done. Have a look at the steps that are taken to help you smile with confidence again.

1. Check Up

You will firstly meet your dentist so they can have a look and discuss what the best course of action could be for you. Sometimes dental implants may not be the best route to get great teeth again and your dentist will discuss other options with you if that is the case. Once you and your dentist are happy with what you have discussed and you have agreed that dental implants are right for you, you will then begin to discuss the procedure and what will be done to complete the job.

2. Model of Your Jaw

Once you are both happy with the plan your dentist will likely use specialist 3D equipment to get a model of your jaw that will help in the process of designing a treatment plan to suit your specific needs. Once your dentist has a model of your jaw it will be much easier for them to determine what type of implant is best and what they will need to do to make it a success in the long run.

3. Procedure

You will need to go back to your dentist when they have analyzed the best course of action for your operation, and that will be the time you come in for the main part of the procedure. Your dentist will likely sedate you at this stage depending on the complex nature of the job itself, but in any event he or she will always numb your gums and jaw so pain is minimal. Your dentist will then use your custom-made template to position the implant accurately, and once the implant has been successfully inserted they will close any incisions with stitches.

4. Healing Process

This is the most time-consuming part because your dentist will not be able to fit the crown of your new tooth until your gums have completely healed, and that can take 4-6 months depending again on how complex the procedure was. Your dentist will advise you on your best course of action when it comes to healing your gums, and will tell you what you can and can’t eat during the healing process.

Once your gums have fully healed your dentist will then fit the crown and adjust it to suit the look of your set of teeth. Often the crown will need to be recolored to match with your natural teeth. The Dental Implant Procedure is not that complicated at all and as long as you have a good dentist your teeth will look natural again and you will be able to smile with confidence.

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