From Anonymous: Eczema On My Face

I’ve had eczema pretty much my whole life too, got it on my face for a lil while though its only on my neck now.

As far as moisturizers go use Vaseline, it lasts longest, has no chemicals that might damage your skin if its sensitive or burn it if you scratched it. Only negatives are if you put it on an open area it itches and it is sticky. But Vaseline is by far the best moisturizer you can use…almost forgot it disguises the flakiness but makes look shiny, a teacher thought I was crying once because he thought it was tears. Had to wear it during winter for 2 years till the eczema cleared from my face. btw apply it in the morning b/c when you try to sleep your going to end up thinking about it on your body and might scratch it. Vaseline feels nasty to touch though so if someone is going to be touching your face you might not want to use it, ponds brand cream is okish if that’s the case, but…if it feels nasty you’re just less likely to scratch it and if you don’t scratch at it it can only get better. If you’re a guy vaseline has other uses as well…lol but you can figure those out by yourself.

Hydrocortizone is a no go for the face, while its good for helping to clear up eczema on most of the body it also has the side effect of thinning the skin and the skin on the face and…especially the eye lids is waay too thin to use it on.

Basically all you can do it put Vaseline on it to keep it moist, try not to scratch if it itches b/c then it will keep on coming back, clip your nails so if you accidentally scratch it’s not too bad, when you shower use lukewarm water b/c hot water drys and irritates the skin and also use a “hypoallergenic” body wash/soap, I think Dove brand has one that doesn’t irritate the skin much. Also wash your face quickly near the end of your shower so it’s exposed to water and soaps as little as possible.

You never want eczema on your face b/c that is the hardest place…well aside from maybe in your pants I guess… for you to remove it, and it’s also the most visible. If you have eczema in any area for too long scar tissue (and potentially hyperpigmentation) occurs so try to get it fixed as soon as possible.

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