From Anonymous: I bought one of them once. Don’t remember …

ECZEMA: ‘bleach baths’ Standard treatment in the UK, child abuse in the US.

2 cups of 4% chlorine bleach (standard household) in a bath of warm water twice a week.

Decreases the bioburden.

The very latest treatment for eczema is faecal transfer, on the idea that a bad gut microbiome is the cause of the histaminea reaction that is eczema.

It really seems to be successful, tho’ only experimental at the moment. Remember that most people grow out of eczema by 16.

Naturopaths believe a teaspoon of cod liver oil with each meal to be useful.


Study allergy: ‘The powder of poop’ T. Borody centre for digestive diseases, T. Ruzicka, N.I.C.E. (NHS, UK.)

But I would like to know if ACV works as well as Bleach.

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