Eczema Free Forever™ Eczema Free Forever™

Quit smoking while pregnancy – No Smoking Day 8 March 2017

March 8th 2017 is national no smoking day and for the estimated 15.8 % of the UK population who regularly light up this is the day you are encouraged to kick the habit.

Parents to be are one particular group who should consider quitting smoking for the sake of their own health and that of their unborn child.

Currently statistics report that just over 10% of babies in the UK are born to mothers who smoke. Whilst this figure is still high, this is a reduction from the previous year of 11% and down from 15% a decade ago.

While this is good news there is no doubt that smoking in pregnancy is harmful to both the mother and the baby; even passive smoking is bad.

Cigarettes contains around 4,000 different chemicals which go into your lungs when you smoke. The types of chemicals found in cigarettes include; Acetone (found in nail polish remover), Ammonia  (a common household cleaner), Cadmium (active component in battery acid), Carbon Monoxide (released in car exhaust fumes), Formaldehyde (embalming fluid) and of course nicotine.

Once they’ve gone into your lungs, the nicotine, poisons and carbon monoxide cross the placenta to the baby. This can cause issues such as:

  • complications during labour
  • increased risk of miscarriage, still-birth and sudden unexpected death in infancy (sometimes referred to as SIDS or cot death)
  • premature birth
  • facial abnormalities at birth such as cleft lip
  • low birth-weight
  • behavioural problems such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • performing poorly at school

There is no safe level of smoking. There is no evidence that cutting down is beneficial, and so the only option is to stop smoking completely.

Stopping smoking is hard for most people and you shouldn’t be embarrassed to seek help to quit. If you are thinking of stopping or have recently stopped smoking and are pregnant speak to your midwife who may refer you to a stop smoking adviser. You can also talk to your GP or go to the NHS website – – Support can be offered over the phone, via apps, emails or face to face.

You may be offered Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) in the form of patches, chewing gum, mouth sprays etc. According to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists’, it is safe to use NRT in pregnancy. This is because NRT does not contain poisons such as tar and carbon monoxide, but does provide some nicotine to help manage withdrawal cravings once you have stopped smoking.

If your partner smokes then you need to encourage them to quit too as it will increase your chances of giving up too.

Quitting smoking will also save significant amounts of money. A 10 a day habit will save you around £2190  as well as ensuring you provide the best start in life to your baby.

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Looking Forward to 2017

With eczema and food allergies

Well that was an interesting year, wasn’t it? Like many of you we’re glad to be through it mostly, and looking forward to a happy and healthy 2017.

However, there has been some good news this last year for families affected by eczema and food allergies, so I thought it would be nice to do a quick round-up of the big ones, in the interests of celebration and optimism.

Eczema treatments

In the field of eczema, we have some exciting new treatments in the pipeline, that we hope might become available and be good for some of us over the coming years; along with some very interesting research projects:



And for anyone with severe scarring, this looks amazing.  Perhaps it’s not something that will ever be used in our arena, but the development itself, in which someone’s own skin’s stem cells are used to rebuild skin fills me with hope.

Food allergies

And on the food allergies side, we have new research too:

It feels like an exciting time with real breakthroughs being made in both the field of eczema treatment and in the food allergy arena, and we’re hoping 2017 is as fruitful.

As ever, we hope to be picking up on the big stories throughout the coming year and keeping you up to date with all the new changes in research and development on eczema and food allergies.  Please do share your stories and experiences with us too.

In the meantime, I hope you have a happy and scratch-free 2017.


Everything For Eczema

2017 New Year Resolutions… taking control!

This year I’m going to get my focus back and find my caring side. For too long I’ve been in denial, that I already cut out so many things so why shouldn’t I indulge in freefrom processed foods as a treat and enjoy alcohol when I feel like it. I don’t need to watch my weight and I already cut out dairy, wheat, soya, nuts and celery and tomato for health reasons so why limit myself further?

Well I’ve come to a kind of light bulb moment. I have to do this. For myself. For my sanity. Because I KNOW that the above things irritate my skin. I haven’t wanted to face the undeniable truth that my skin will always be dry, parched, thickened, itchy and damaged if I continue to ignore all the signs. But there you have it. I’m going to do this. I may not succeed 100% first time, I may have setbacks and slip-ups, but I have a plan and I am going to stick to it.


  1. Cut out ALL processed foods for one month
  2. So my first new year resolution is to see if, just for a month, I can completely cut out processed foods. I don’t know why these foods irritate my skin but the do. Especially gluten fee bread. I can’t work out whether it’s stabilisers, emulsifiers, preservatives or additives but something has a very bad effect on my skin.

    I’ve blogged about this a lot, and there are a few cheat products that are processed but that I let sneak through the net e.g. rice cakes, oat cakes, plant milks, humous etc. Products that are made from a few very simple ingredients are allowed.

    And it’s day one of this regime and I already feel so much calmer. My skin is only slightly itching. If I can do it for a day, I can do it for a week. If I can do it for a week I can do it for a month. And if it helps it will soon become habit.

  3. Cut down on alcohol consumption
  4. I know that alcohol makes my skin dehydrated. Most alcohol also makes my face flush, a side effect of using Protopic on my skin. But I enjoy a drink. My only vice, but I know that often I drink too much, especially red wine. I enjoy drinking it. I have so few vices so I’ve been telling myself, ‘You can’t be good all the time and avoid EVERYTHING bad can you?’ But I would enjoy having clear skin, sleeping well, itching less and not having such dry skin far more than drinking wine.

    It’s my birthday this month so I’m being realistic. I am not setting myself a target I cannot keep, setting myself up to fail miserably at the first hurdle. I will enjoy a drink on my birthday and I probably will have some at weekends, But I AM going to drink less.

    And whilst it may seen horribly unfair, if you want better skin you need to start learning what’s important, because little slip ups on a regular basis will prevent you from EVER getting the skin you dream of.

    I just need to be strong, because all too often I intend to drink soft drinks but find myself almost pushed, persuaded and lured back to the booze by what I call the ‘beer bullies’. If I ask for a soft drink, just give me one please. I mean it. It shouldn’t matter what someone drinks so please, respect my wishes and help me with this please everyone 🙂

  5. Get my skin out and proud
  6. I have also decided that if my skin is bad I’m not going to be ashamed of it any more. It’s my skin, it’s where I live, it’s what holds my fragile body together. I don’t have another one. Just this one. So if you don’t like my skin, please look the other way and don’t comment. I am also going to be kinder to my skin, be prepared and moisturise more. I am going to experiment with natural skincare products to see if I can find things that soothe and heal my skin better than the industrial Epaderm I rely on. I’m going to be kinder to my skin.

  7. Practise Mindfulness
  8. This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while and I have looked into it, in a very blase kind of way so far. But if stress and depression can affect my skin in a very negative way, can the opposite thinking have a positive effect? I’m hoping it will because we all know how powerful the mind is. For instance, can I choose not to scratch? Can I use the power of positive thinking to reinforce my mind to ignore the itch impulse? Can learning mindfulness bring me an inner peace that will help me to cope with stress and avoid getting uptight, worrying so much and over thinking?

  9. Exercise more and get to a healthier place
  10. I have booked myself onto a yoga course in my lunch breaks for 12 weeks at a local gym near where I work, but this is just the beginning of my plan. I want to try to do yoga twice a week, start running at least twice a week and keep up my regular walking with my good friend at work. Having a healthy body is so important for healthy skin. It’s almost as if the sweating helps to purge the body of impurities and irritants. I do get a lot of pain when I sweat if my eczema is bad but I just have to work through this, get into the shower quick and it will get easier. I am hoping this will also help my asthma, which has also been awful lately; a combination of dust, warm houses, central heating and the wrong foods have all contributed, as well as a lingering throat infection that went to my chest. I think that is finally almost gone (famoust last words).

    I’ve also just done my first pre-work 5k run on my first day back in the office. Start as you mean to go on… hopefully this will be a weekly run so I’ll be so fit you won’t see me for dust. Except I’m also allergic to dust 🙂

I am also planning an blog overhaul to watch out for the new look What very soon. I have already got my blogging mojo back so look out for more regular blogging. I have so missed this… it’s been too long but I’m back on this now.

I also have a few books planned for you so watch out for these too once the new blog is in place.

What are your New Year Resolutions?

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