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Eczema on Face – 3 Main Reasons For Eczema Appearing on the Face

Eczema is a skin condition that is predominantly borne out of allergies to substances ingested, touched, or inhaled into the body. The allergy manifests itself as an itchy rash on the skin which, if scratched, will begin to weep and even bleed and the itch further intensifies. We then have the common display of eczema which is the resulting wound. Eczema on the face can be extremely distressing and if the root cause if not recognized, the condition will only worsen.

Following are some factors involved in causing eczema on the face.

Touching The Face – Everyday our hands come into contact with many different substances, some of which, may cause an irritation to the skin. The skin on the hands may be more hardy than that of the face and the irritation might not be noticed until the face is touched. We are not just talking about substances that are easily visible here, the irritant can be so small that we cannot see it such as, dust and dust mites/droppings, small amounts of pollen and animal dander.

Because of the ease in which allergens and irritants can be transferred to the face, it is vital to be extra vigilant in washing the hands after coming into contact with things which might harbour allergens such as, animals, dusty objects, flowers, and ink cartridges to name a few. Also be careful not to touch the face before your hands have been washed. At first this may be difficult, but if you keep this in mind at all times, you will begin to get into the habit of avoiding touching your face.

Lack Of Moisture – This is another big cause of eczema. Dry skin can cause extreme itching which, in turn, leads to scratching the skin and breaking the top layer. This then leaves the skin open to constant itching, dirt and bacteria, worsening the eczema and potentially causing infection.

The skin on the face is especially prone to drying out as it is more exposed to environmental factors such as weather extremes, humidity, air conditioners and heating systems. These all contribute to drying and disturbing the balance of the skin.

Try to opt for a skin moisturizer that is dermatologically tested and does not contain perfumes and parabens which are detrimental to the skin. Many organic ranges are great sources of skin creams and will often have added vitamin E for skin maintenance. Be sure to use your skin cream to moisturize at least once per day.

The Diet – What we eat is directly related to our health and skin condition. Many foods have a very negative effect on the skin, especially for eczema sufferers and more often than not, the eczema will appear on the face.

Apart from foods which you already know you are allergic to such as, dairy products, nuts and wheat, which will obviously cause an allergy and skin problems, watch out for the following foods which can vastly affect the skin.

These foods include, heavily spiced dishes, processed foods containing lots of additives, preservatives, (E numbers), foods which contain mono-sodium-glutamate and an excessive alcohol intake. Try to keep a balanced diet and eat lots of fruit and vegetables as they contain lots of essential minerals and vitamins such as Vitamin C, which contain properties that greatly contribute to skin regeneration.

If you follow these basic principles, you will be well on your way to getting rid of your eczema on face. There are many avoidance measures and natural methods for eliminating eczema from the face and body that can be implemented easily. For a full guide to getting rid of eczema once and for all, continue to the Complete guide to Eczema Remedies.

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