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We’re all beautiful, even with acne

Hey guys, I’m Alice. This is my first blog here on talkhealth. I’ve suffered with acne since I was around 14, and I want to help people going through the same thing. I thought I’d start with a bit of background into my acne journey.

I started getting acne in school. At first it was just a few spots here and there. It didn’t really bother me, because everyone else seemed to be getting the same. Everyone always said “it’s just spots, it’s normal, you’re a teenager!” – which is absolutely true, for most people.

I remember my Mum buying me my first concealer in year 9, and from then on I’d spend 10 minutes or so before school dabbing it on my spots to cover them up. Fast forward a few years and I was in sixth form. The 10 minutes I spent getting ready had turned into an hour and a half of covering up my acne. It just got worse and worse!

Throughout my 20s my skin has been crazy. I could count on at least 6 or 7 cystic spots at a time! The thing about acne is that it’s painful too. My face sometimes hurt so much – the spots got so swollen and often felt like they were throbbing.

I used to use makeup as a mask to hide my face. I couldn’t go out without spending an hour or two perfecting my makeup. It’s a shame because it made getting ready feel like a chore. I’d once loved wearing makeup and getting glammed up, but it had almost turned into my disguise.

I think acne had such a damaging effect on my self-esteem. I used to avoid things like swimming or even staying over at friends houses – I just didn’t want to take my makeup off! This is why I’m keen to help people who are going through the same thing. I wish I hadn’t let it take over my life the way I did.

In fact, I’m certain that one of the reasons my acne kept getting worse, was my obsession with it. We all know that stress and anxiety can contribute to breakouts.

So my first piece tip for anyone out there who’s suffering with acne, is to try and stay positive. Try not to obsess over every little spot in the mirror. And while you have every right to cover it up with makeup, don’t feel that you have to! It shouldn’t control you.

Acne is something lots of people go through, and you should try your hardest not to let it affect your perception of yourself. I know it’s easy to say and hard to do – but just try to love yourself!

Something that always helped me was realising that the people who mattered in my life would never judge me for my acne. Your friends and family don’t like you because of your skin – they like you because you’re you!

If you find that your acne is getting you down, talk to a family member or friend. It really helps to talk through your bad thoughts and feelings. I can guarantee they’ll make you smile and realise that you’re much more than your acne, and help you to clear your mind of worries and anxiety about your skin.

I’m looking forward to sharing more of my tips and thoughts about acne with talkhealth over the next few months! But for now, let’s all try and stay positive together and realise we’re all beautiful, even with acne.

Head over to my blog if you’d like to read more from me.

talkhealth Blog

Five simple tips to a beautiful skin in autumn

Hot summer days were over. It’s time to have a particular skincare regime in autumn. Otherwise, you complexion will become dull and rough because of the drier air. Although the sun is not as harsh as in summer, you had better use moisturizer and sunscreen. Thanks to correct treatment products, we can avoid dryness, age spots, dermatitis, sallow skin tone and other unexpected symptoms. However, you don’t have to spend too much on cosmetics in order to own a beautiful skin. Below are five simple and effective ways to a fabulous skin on autumn days which cost you nothing.


Drink enough water

Water plays a vital role in removal of harmful toxins from our body. It not only improves overall health but also helps to clear up your skin. Drinking enough water can have good effects on your skin. It is best to consume at least 8 glasses of water every day.


Drinking water is important for good health as well as fabulous skin


Keep your skin hygiene

Beside drinking enough water, you are advised to clean and maintain your skin hygiene, Therefore, you should wash your skin with mild natural cleanser after getting up and before going to bed. If you do not keep your skin hygiene regularly, you may suffer from pimples and acne.


After cleansing your skin, you can add a little rose oil or olive oil to stimulate the cleansing effects


Sleep well

Sleeping well is also important for a healthy skin. Doctors suggest we should spend 8 hours a day sleeping so that everyone has bright skin in the morning.


If you lack sleep, your skin will look dull with puffy eyes


Expose your skin to the sunlight

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for absorption and utilization of calcium. In addition, it is good for your skin. You probably need between 5 and 30 minutes of exposure the skin without sunscreen to sunlight twice every week. Especially, getting enough vitamin D also helps to prevent high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis and several forms of cancer.


You need adequate amounts of vitamin D for a healthy skin


Exercise regularly

Last but not least, regular exercises are beneficial for the skin’s health. Hence, you should walk, swim, cycle or do aerobics to own the natural skin and remove toxins from your body, too. Besides, these exercises help to increase the blood flow and oxygen supply to the skin.


Regular exercises are good not only for the sake of physical fitness but also for the healthy skin



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I have been working as a doctor of a general hospital since February 1998. In addition, I am a full time writer and specialize in weight loss related issues. I also write for a number of different websites on the Internet.