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This $8 Cream Soothes My Itchy Winter Skin Even Better Than a Prescription – New York Magazine

New York Magazine
This $ 8 Cream Soothes My Itchy Winter Skin Even Better Than a Prescription
New York Magazine
“Itchy” has been my default state of being for the last 24 years that I've been afflicted with eczema. Most creams and lotions that claim to help eczema tend to focus on healing dry skin, and while eczema certainly makes my skin dry, more than anything

eczema – Google News

This $8 Cream Soothes My Itchy Winter Skin Even Better Than a Prescription – New York Magazine

New York Magazine
This $ 8 Cream Soothes My Itchy Winter Skin Even Better Than a Prescription
New York Magazine
“Itchy” has been my default state of being for the last 24 years that I've been afflicted with eczema. Most creams and lotions that claim to help eczema tend to focus on healing dry skin, and while eczema certainly makes my skin dry, more than anything

eczema – Google News

New Year, new you? You’re better off eating cake than pretending you don’t for a fortnight.

New year, new you? It’s one of the biggest myths perpetrated by, well, just about everyone and everything. The simple function of chronology doesn’t allow one to entirely reinvent oneself because the hand of a clock sweeps past an arbitrary time. The pressure to be better, try new things, be different, be a new improved, shinier version of yourself is self evidently ridiculous, but still we buy into it with our ‘resolutions’. I won’t drink, I’ll try and get to the gym more, I’m going to cycle to work and so on and so on. We as sensible, functioning adults in the world buy wholesale into this nonsense, even if we deny it we’re probably thinking at least one or two virtuous thoughts regarding the week ahead, so how on earth can we expect our children to do anything different?

Yes, much is spoken about the snowflake generation of post-millennials and much of the criticism is not without basis, but they are of course the first generation to have grown up with the internet as a ubiquitous tool and all the attendant social media pressure that accompanies and scrutinizes their every movement. When we were at school you may have had bullying, nastiness and so on but if someone wanted to insult and denigrate you they would have to call the house phone and explain to your parents what they wanted prior to getting in a few jabs.

Learning to love yourself is one of the truly great gifts you can give yourself and your child.

This time of year, one of the most crucial times in academic terms for many students – for Year 13 it is the last chance to decide whether to throw their hat in the ring with a university application before the closing date of 15th January, which is a huge and enormously difficult decision. [On my own blog ( I’ve long spoken out about the relentless push for uni at schools, that being said if any one of your children are on the fence about whether to pursue uni or an apprenticeship then it may be worth getting an application in just so you have a marker there, better to make decisions from a position of strength rather than choosing the best of a bad bunch.] Psychologically this time of year feels like a tide change in terms of expectations. If the Autumn term is a giddy and unwelcome place holder after the long summer holidays and before the shorter Christmas one, then after the break, it is in the same year as the end of year exams and time to knuckle down, A Levels, GCSEs, Finals, SATs, whatever it is your child is facing, this is when it starts to get more real, only six months left to gain the ground lost in the previous four.

With all the extra pressure, real or imagined, that students are facing this time of year, the last thing they need to be submitting to is the clamouring of new year’s short lived aspirations. Real change, self betterment, aspiration are not dirty words and a sustained and lifelong desire to improve oneself and one’s circumstance is to be applauded and encouraged but sticking plaster solutions and pie crust ambition as a knee jerk reaction to hanging the new calendar is perhaps less healthy – indeed so many of these ambitions are linked to weight and the aesthetic it’s hard to not to think the goals, like the intent, are superficial and destined to quickly implode, and what message does that send? So, with that in mind, lean in to the old you, embrace cake and Prosecco and being okay with being who you are, your children will thank you even if your waistline doesn’t.

talkhealth Blog

Is porridge better for health than statins?

A study conducted by Chris Seal, Professor of Food and Human Nutrition at Newcastle University, has stated that the incredible health benefits of porridge outweigh those gained by taking daily cholesterol-lowering medication.

“Porridge is known to have many health benefits; it’s low in fat, high in fibre, low in sugar, and contains minerals and B vitamins. But the thing that gives porridge’s benefits the edge is its high beta glucan content. Beta glucan is a soluble fibre that forms a thick gel in the stomach, reducing appetite after eating, while lowering the absorption of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or ‘bad’ cholesterol. Prof. Seal says that, according to studies, eating 3g of beta glucan a day, roughly equivalent to the amount found in a 70g bowl of porridge, can reduce levels of LDL cholesterol by approximately 7%.”

To read the full myth busting story, please find the article here.

talkhealth Blog

Better Skin Despite Eczema

Various skin conditions can attack the whole body. One of these is a common non-contagious allergic reaction called eczema or dermatitis. It typically affects those with a family history including babies, children, and adults. It appears like rashes with redness and inflammation.

The main cause of eczema cannot be established but its management involves corresponding skin care. For infants, the condition can be resolved by the time they reach the age of 3. For others however, it can recur in various times in one’s lifetime.

One can identify eczema through its various symptoms. The first one pertains to dryness. The skin appears scaly in the active areas as well as the surrounding skin that are not affected by the condition. Swelling and inflammation is likewise widespread. It is quite hard not to scratch on the rashes but the same action can actually aggravate the allergy.

What is worse is that if the eczema is not addressed with a skin care routine, flare ups can occur out of nowhere and infection can set in. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi can easily penetrate and cause fissures on the skin. Take for instance a small kid contracting chicken pox. If the child has been observed to have itchy skin most of the time due to eczema, one may not notice the difference and thus neglect the problem.

Consequently, it is important to find out what factors can prove to aggravate the eczema or cause other skin illnesses to become more serious. Most of the time, it depends on your particular skin type and lifestyle. The key is to maintain a skin care regimen that is beyond the usual everyday set-up.

As such, if you have been used to an array of skin care products that make you feel good, it is time to put their use to a minimum. This is true for strongly-scented and harsh soaps, creams, body sprays, lotions as well as shampoos and conditioners. In particular, soaps leave the skin dry with its alkali properties.

Moreover, the face should be properly cared for with hypoallergenic makeup and other cosmetics. Go for skin care cosmetics that are perfume-free to protect the skin from further irritation and swelling. Try the products on skin that is not affected by eczema. Better yet, do not use make up especially on weeping lesions.

On the other hand, you might think about your diet and which foods cause eczema. The answer is that you have to avoid milk, cured cheese, alcoholic drinks, chocolate, fish, egg, honey, meat, soybeans, and peanuts. Evidently, these foods are included in typical meals and snacks that one has to be very conscious about consuming them and test which ones can cause eczema flare ups.

In terms of the food groups, milk protein and gluten are the main culprits. Casein or milk protein allergy has been shown in various studies to cause eczema. The same is true with gluten that is found in wheat, oats, rye and barley. Finally, the overgrowth of yeast can be attributed to the chronic symptoms of this condition.

Those who are suffering from eczema definitely want some relief from its symptoms. Prevention in the diet and skin care products used is the ultimate management.

Various skin conditions can attack the whole body. One of these is a common non-contagious allergic reaction called eczema to avoid this attacks use my recommendations.

More Eczema Articles

Natural Remedies For Eczema – Are They Better?

Natural remedies for eczema do have the best results. They don’t just mask the problem like the steroid creams do. You will know if you have eczema and have been using steroid creams that the minute you stop using the steroid cream the eczema actually comes back much worse than it was before. Additionally if you are using steroid cream to treat eczema then the eczema is not going it is still present.

There are many natural remedies for eczema available – many of these I have had first hand experience with. My son, Sam’s eczema started when he was around 6 months old. When I took Sam to see the doctor (not knowing what his red, aggravated patches were) I was given steroid cream. It was Christmas time and it started around his neck – it was bright red and he kept putting his hands up to it and scratching. The way the doctor spoke to me when he gave me the steroid cream led me to believe that after 7 days of use it would all be over! I know that this sounds crazy but this is what I was led to believe. Obviously this did not happen, I used the steroid cream on Sam throughout Christmas until the around the 3rd day of January. Then I went back to the doctors because as well as his neck the eczema had started to appear on his forehead and on the backs of his knees.

I must say that the day before I had been doing some research into steroid cream online and had learnt the drawbacks. Generally most doctors out there are one viewed – steroid is what you use to treat eczema. Its only really when you come upon a doctor who has had first hand experience with eczema that you will be able to talk to him / her about natural remedies for eczema.

For more information on natural remedies for eczema and to see how our eczema nightmare came to an end for us visit my eczema natural remedies blog or my eczema squidoo lens

More Eczema Steroid Articles

Eczema Natural Treatment – Benefit From This Better Option To Get Rid Of Your Eczema

There are several options to choose from in getting rid of eczema to regain your clear and beautiful skin. Those who have succeeded in achieving an eczema-free skin will tell you right away that using the eczema natural treatment is the better option. Here, find out how you too can benefit from this natural treatment to finally drive eczema out of your life.

Eczema is also known as dermatitis, a condition of the skin where it becomes dry, itchy, and usually with the appearance of red swollen patches and blisters. While the cause is yet to be pinpointed, the usual triggers for eczema are food allergies, skin irritations from harsh chemicals and substances that may also include the usual soaps, laundry detergents as well as cosmetics and skin products. Other factors such as heredity and stress also play major roles in the occurrence of eczema.

The treatments for this skin disorder are varied but can be classified into two the conventional eczema treatment and the eczema natural treatment. The first treatment may be effective only in treating the symptoms of the skin disorder; while the latter is found to be effective in bringing permanent results to cure eczema.

Majority of the people who have succeeded in getting rid of eczema will readily attest that the better option between the two general classifications of eczema treatments is the natural treatment. This is because the treatment deals with treating the condition from within the body to the outside using the bodys natural defense against infections and diseases. What you get therefore from this natural treatment is permanent result where you can see your eczema out of your life for good.

Natural treatment involves strengthening your immune system that is the natural defense of your body against infections and diseases. When you have a strong immune system, it weakens the attack of bacteria and viruses in your body. Skin infections like that of eczema cannot withstand a fight against a strong immune system defending your body. Since your skin is the largest organ, it benefits from this hard-to-penetrate defense put up by your immune system.

Perhaps the best way to strengthen your immune system is to ensure that your body receives all the nutrients it needs. Feeding your body with vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins A, C, and E as well as zinc and omega 3 fatty acids can only make your immune system stronger. You can get these nutrients easily from foods particularly from fruits and vegetables; although between the two, fruits are the richer source of nutrients.

You also need to learn how to control scratching that is an offshoot of eczema symptoms, specifically itchy skin. Scratching aggravates the condition and can lead to serious infections that will make your eczema worse. To control and prevent scratching, the basic thing to do is to maintain good hygiene to keep your skin clean. Avoid internal and external skin irritants such as food allergens (internal), chemicals and certain types of fabrics like polyester (external) among others.

Dont wait for eczema to strike — treat it immediately at the onset with eczema natural treatment. This is the better option where you can get rid of the skin disorder permanently, proven by those who have experienced the benefits and are now enjoying beautiful eczema-free skin.

Do you want to discover very astonishing techniques you can use to naturally treat your eczema? If yes, then you should download a copy of the Beat Eczema E-book!

Click on this link: Beat Eczema Review, to read more about this natural eczema cure program and see how its been helping thousands of eczema-sufferers round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Similar Articles: tips on how to get rid of eczema, home remedies for eczema, eczema treatments

Eczema Cream – Which Is Better Natural Or Commercial ? And Why

Dry, sensitive and irritated skin is caused by a condition called Eczema. It is wise to reduce your skins exposure to water and while long hot baths and showers are good in relieving stress, it can dry out our skin. One way to effectively hydrate your skin is to bath at least once in a day for at least 10 minutes in lukewarm water. This fact still holds true whatever the weather is and while you are at it, avoid using soaps made of harsh chemicals because they can irritate your skin and worsen your eczema condition.

Before reaching a synthetic treatment for your eczema rash, you might want to think about it first and consider a much safer alternative and opt for natural eczema cream for your condition. Studies have shown that using cortisone cream for a long time can permanently thin out your skin.

Even if you are using the mildest form of cortisone cream available in the market, there are still negative effects from using such products and the symptoms will only come back the moment you stop using it.

It will be much better if you consult immediately with your dermatologist if you notice a development of rashes on your skin. The earlier your dermatologist recommends a natural eczema cream, the better since you can treat whatevers wrong as soon as possible. Always keep in mind that a skin rash is the bodys way of pushing toxins or other damaging organisms away from the vital organs with the use of the pores of the skin to let it all out.

Steroid creams can suppress a rash but it also in turn suppresses the bodys process of pushing the toxins out of the body by pushing it back again. In no time, this can lead to more serious problems because your body cannot relieve itself of harmful toxins and organisms.

Using a natural eczema cream is a lot safer because you are not really suppressing eczema but rather, you are only soothing the symptoms brought about by eczema. They are made to provide people suffering from eczema with relief from itching that sometimes can be unbearable and irritating. Not only does it soothe the skin from itching, it also moisturizes the area of the rash to prevent the skin from flaking, cracking, drying out and bleeding.

If you want to safest, most natural but still most effective treatment against eczema, try to use creams that have coconut oil in it. Cellular inflammation is greatly reduced because coconut oil is made up of chain fatty acids that can easily penetrate the skin. It will also break down any bacteria present in the affected area.

Organic Virgin Coconut oil has recently gained popularity because of the benefits it can give its users and recently, a lot of people have been using this product as a treatment for their eczema condition. Commercial grade coconut oils are refined, deodorized and bleached, which makes it unhealthy for your skin. If you really want to stop all the itching and torture brought about by eczema, use only pure organic coconut oil.

Revitol provides a full line of exlusive natural skin care products.
To learn more about the various different products available please visit

To learn more about some of the other high quality products available from Revitol please visit

Are Herbal Eczema Treatments Better Than Medicines?

Herbal eczema treatments are an alternative method to prescribed medicines to treat this terrible skin condition.

The problem with medications is that many of them do not successfully treat the condition. Some may offer temporary relief and reduce the symptoms. However there are plenty more which are pretty useless.

There is also the additional problem of side effects. While the mild treatments may contain small levels of steroids, it is only a matter of time before your body builds immunity against the treatment, rendering it useless. This means that you will probably have to start using stronger treatments, which in turn results in stronger side effects.

Herbal eczema treatments tend to work on the potential causes of the skin condition as well as the symptoms. This cannot be said of medications, as they only treat the symptoms.

There are a number of herbs that can be used in the treatment of eczema. However not everyone is going to work for every person. You may have to go through a process of trial and error before hitting on the one that is actually going to give you significant results.

The good news is that once you do find a herbal eczema treatment that works for you as an individual, it will change your life drastically. So it is definitely worth experimenting with plant and herb treatments. As the end result will outweigh any time or effort that you may have spent in your search.

Some of the more popular treatments are:

Walnut leaves
Witch Hazel
Aloe Vera

There are plenty of others, but the ones above are good to start with.

You can use these herbal eczema treatments in different ways. You can either get them in the form of natural oils, which you can add to the water when you take a bath.

You can also find them in ingredients in creams or lotions, which you gently rub into your skin as often as you require.

Another way is to try and get hold of the actual plant, or the extract of the plant, and use it in a raw condition. However this can be expensive, and in a few cases a bit too strong for some people.

Remember what I said about how the effectiveness may vary in different people. If you find that any eczema herbal treatment causing irritation on your skin, stop using it and try a different method.

A good eczema herbal remedy can be very effective in helping treat this awful skin condition. If you are fed up of creams and lotions which fail to give you the results that you want, then look towards more natural methods of curing eczema.