Eczema Free Forever™ Eczema Free Forever™

Study On Mice Reveals Cause Of Itch In Eczema, Hints Possible Treatment

Study On Mice Reveals Cause Of Itch In Eczema, Hints Possible Treatment
According to the National Eczema Association, there is no cure for eczema but it is manageable. Children who have this condition might outgrow it when they become adults while others suffer from it until adulthood. Around one out of three children …
Read more on Youth Health Magzine

More eczema cases seen in hospitals
Eczema is also the top skin condition treated at National University Hospital (NUH) and National Skin Centre, which has seen more children under the age of five with it, said consultant Madeline Ho. The disease commonly starts in childhood and often …
Read more on The Straits Times

The Cause of Eczema and How to Treat


Millions of peoples of all ages have eczema.  Eczema is a condition that encompasses many types of skin irritations.  To find the cause of eczema, clinicians look for excessive dryness and recurring rashes combined with one or more of the following symptoms:





Eczema is a type of dermatitis, which is simply a Latin term meaning inflammation of the skin.  In this kind of dermatitis, only the skin’s outer layers are affected, although the chronic inflammation can contribute to the degradation of the skin’s elastic collagen fibers, which are located in the deeper layers of skin.


What are the Causes of Eczema?


Eczema is one of the many symptoms of chronic inflammation.  Chronic inflammation is believed to be a very common condition that contributes to diseases of all kinds, particularly those common in later life


The exact cause of eczema is unknown.  It has many things in common with allergies and asthma.  Some scientists believe that those conditions are developmental in nature, having to do with nutrition during infancy and the childhood environment. 


That theory is somewhat discouraging.  It leads people to believe there is nothing they can do during adulthood to improve their health, but there is always a way to improve your health naturally.  Tons of scientific studies have shown us that good nutrition is the key to good health.


How to Treat Eczema


To see the biggest benefits, you need to address the problem from a couple of different directions.  First, you want to treat and relieve the symptoms, because they are painful and distressing.

Second, you want to address the issue of chronic inflammation.  You can do that by focusing on your diet and taking some good dietary supplements.  One of the theories about chronic inflammation is that it is largely a result of chronically poor nutrition.


The products I recommend to treat eczema naturally are:


Age-defense Day Cream for the face
Active Body Lotion for the rest of the body
Total Balance multi-nutritional supplement
Omega-3/DHA fish oil


Why These Treatments Work


Xtendlife’s Age-defense Day Cream and Active Body Lotions contain a natural anti-inflammatory agent called Functional Keratin.  Functional Keratin is an effective moisturizer that immediately improves the skin’s moisture content and improves the skin’s ability to retain moisture as time goes by.  The essential fatty acids in the creams and lotions have proven benefits for healing eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions. 


Total Balance multi-nutritional supplements contain a number of natural anti-inflammatories, including turmeric and piperine.  The formulas used in the Total Balance products ensure that all of the nutrients can be absorbed and used by your body.


Omega-3/DHA fish oil is the most potent natural anti-inflammatory available.  The nutrients are essential to good health.


What are the Benefits You Will See and Feel?


You would notice some benefits if you only used the creams and lotions.  If you use all four of the recommended products, the benefits you should notice will include:


No more dryness
No more itching
No more pain
Better looking skin, because of the creams and the supplements
Better looking hair and improved energy levels because of the nutrients in Total Balance
Less depressive feelings because of the DHA fish oil


Other Recommendations


You should avoid soaps and body lotions containing sodium laurel sulfate.  The ingredient is known to aggravate eczema and other types of dermatitis.

Use a mild natural cleanser or just plain water.  Always use your facial cream and body lotion after showering.  Even plain tap water strips away the skin’s naturally protective oils.

If your diet is high in simple carbohydrates like bread and pasta, try to eat more fruits and vegetables.  Eating a serving of low mercury fatty fish every day or every other day will help reduce inflammation throughout your body.  Wild Pacific salmon is a good choice. 


Try to relax and reduce the stress in your life.  Stress aggravates eczema, too.  You will find that the supplements help you feel less stressed.  Now you have the keys for treating eczema naturally. 



· What You Should Do Now

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And now I would like to invite you to visit for FREE Instant Access to your personal copy of our FREE SKIN CARE GUIDE  and SKIN CARE-NEWSLETTER.  This SKIN CARE GUIDE could be the MAP that leads to a younger looking you with a healthier glowing complexion. Just CLICK the Blue link that says FREE SKIN CARE GUIDE.  You have nothing to lose except maybe a few wrinkles and could gain a new look. Find out now.

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