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One Woman’s Incredible Story of a Chronic Allergic Reaction to Latex

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

Last week, we received a truly incredible story from Renee, a long-time sufferer of eczema with a chronic allergic reaction to latex. She thought she had been avoiding latex for years, but discovered she’d unknowingly been exposing her body to latex in two hidden ways. Her story is quite shocking! See for yourself.

“I’m 60 years old.  When I worked in an OB/GYN lab in my 20s, there were no nitrile gloves, only rubber.  I became allergic to latex and so learned to stay away from rubber products, even supposedly latex-free elastics, and bromeliads (cross reactive with latex).  In my early 40s I began to have joint pain and skin rashes.  The joint pain was so bad. There were nights where I had to stop on the way to the restroom and just breathe, to try to let the pain ease a bit, before continuing on.  Eventually, my breathing became an issue as well and I was diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease and exercise-induced asthma.  The joint pains were never definitively diagnosed and I went on the usual merry-go-round of diagnoses, e.g. lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.  But then suddenly, in my early 50s, the problems disappeared.  The joint pain left, the breathing was no longer a problem, and my skin improved.  I didn’t understand why, but I was so grateful.

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In my late 50s, my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor. 2016 was full of stress and sadness. My skin problems returned with a vengeance and I found I could not eat many foods that were rich in hevein and its cousins.  Hevein is the protein responsible for latex allergy.  If I ate coconut, palm oil, nuts, etc, the eczema patches flared and oozed.  The itching was non-stop, in spite of a daily regimen of antihistamines.  It was torture.  Everyone said “Stress!” and I thought it was as well, until the symptoms got even worse after my husband passed.  I was only able to eat 17 things and realized I had graduated to a full latex food allergy.  Any other food made my eczema and itching flare.  There were patches of infected skin all over my body.

A few weeks after the funeral, I had a molar pulled.  The oral surgeon showed it to me, saying yes, there had been a hairline fracture just like a previous molar he had pulled when I was in my 50s.  The tooth that he showed me had pink stuff in the root canals and I asked what it was.  He said, “Oh, it’s a resin from a tree called gutta percha.  It’s used to fill in the empty canals after the tooth’s roots are removed in a root canal job.”  I looked at that gummy resin and asked if it might be related to the rubber tree?  The oral surgeon suddenly looked really shaken and went to his computer.  Sure enough, gutta percha is related to the rubber tree.  I was being poisoned by my own tooth?  Incredible.

So looking back, my first autoimmunity started after my first root canal and resolved after the tooth was pulled, and now my second bout of autoimmunity started after the second root canal and would resolve just as quickly?  Sure enough, by that evening my inflamed skin and itching were about 1/2 of what they had been.  But even so, my eczema did not fully resolve and I was not able to add any foods back.  I thought okay there must be something else inside of me that is overstimulating my immune system.  The more I thought about it, the more I suspected a trans-urethral mesh, the “Sparc sling” that had been put in during my hysterectomy in 2004.  It’s the one you see on late-night TV, with lawyers asking if you’d like to join a class-action lawsuit against the manufacturers.  I had also suffered some of the symptoms they said on TV but it was the suspected autoimmunity that bothered me the most.

So on October 9th of this year, during abdominal surgery, the surgeon removed the mesh.  She was able to get it out totally, fortunately.  The rest of my skin began to clear on the operating table – seriously. The head OR nurse had been watching the eczema patches on my arm and chest because of the fear of my reactivity to their tapes, adhesives, etc.  Those things, especially the “inert ingredients” are all partially sourced from coconut and palm oils, and they were concerned of anaphylaxis.  Since I had told them that the patches would flare bright red if I were reacting to something, they were using those patches as their ‘canary in the mine shaft’.  After they wheeled me into PACU and I came out of anesthesia, the head nurse said, “Mrs. McMurray, look at your arm!”  It was totally clear.

Latex Allergy

The next day, a hospital official came to my room and asked to see the arm and my chest.  Both were totally clear.  Then the surgeon sent her Nurse Practitioner the day after that – it was still clear.  Everyone said the same thing – that in all of their years of working on patients, they had never seen an allergic reaction, especially something as tenacious as eczema, clear so quickly.

I am home now, three weeks later, and am a little bit red.  No eczema, but just a tinge of redness and a small amount of itching.  This is due to the corset I must wear.  Try as I might, I can’t stop the elastic bits from touching my skin.  But let’s put this in perspective – when that mesh and gutta percha were in my body, elastic sent me into absolute misery.  My skin would become red and weepy.  The sores itched like crazy, usually for 24 hours per day.  At night I’d wake up in respiratory distress because the swelling would reach my neck.  I slept with a rescue kit.  A little bit of redness and mild itching is nothing.  I am so, so happy.  I have to wear this corset for two more weeks and then I can take it off for good.  Then, after a few months, maybe I will start to experiment with slowly adding foods back.

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I feel like I have a future now.  Frankly, when I was in the middle of the misery, I could not see me lasting 30 more years like that.  I did not want to live with that misery. Life is good. There is hope.”

Today, Renee’s skin is clear and healthy. She’s working every day to introduce foods back into her diet, but still experiences hives here and there from negative reactions. Although a nuisance, as she states, they are in no way as intolerable as her chronic eczema was. She also does not need to take as many antihistamines as she used to. By sharing her story, Renee hopes that she can help someone else suffering from a latex allergy.


For ideas to soothe your skin, start here for eczema relief!


Do you suffer from eczema as an allergic reaction to latex? We want to hear from you in the comments below!

One Woman’s Incredible Story of a Chronic Allergic Reaction to Latex appeared first on Come read more about natural remedies for eczema!

Key to chronic eczema itch may lie in special ion channel

Recently scientists reported the discovery of an “itch molecule” (Nppb)  responsible for conveying the itch signal across the synapse from sensory neurons in the skin to neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.

The media made a great deal of this study, which laid out a substantial model for how we feel itch.

Something I hadn’t noticed, though, was that the Science study considered only a subset of neurons involved in sensing itch—those that are activated by histamine. These neurons, at the itch-sensing end, have a type of ion channel called “TRPV1” that detects histamine and other substances, or “pruritogens,” that induce itch.

An ion channel is a kind of gate that opens when a key–such as a histamine molecule–binds to it. The open gate lets in sodium or potassium ions. When this happens to ion channels in a neuron, the neuron sends an electrical pulse down its length, transmitting information, such as a sensation of itch.

But there are other triggers for itch besides histamine. “Histamine-independent” itch is particularly important in the chronic itch experienced by eczema patients. (And that’s why antihistamines don’t do us any good.)

Histamine-independent itch is transmitted by neurons that possess TRPA1 ion channels. A new study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, shows that mice only feel chronic itch if they have neurons expressing TRPA1 channels. Strikingly, the scientists show that knocking out TRPV1 channels (the histamine-dependent kind) does not affect the ability of mice to feel chronic itch.

As a model of chronic itch, the researchers shaved the cheeks of lab mice and exposed the skin to drying chemicals over a period of a few days. The mice scratched their cheeks and developed classic signs of dry, itchy skin–unless their TRPA1 channels had either been genetically deleted or inhibited by a drug,in which cases they hardly scratched at all.

The researchers were also interested in whether the itch-scratch cycle affected the sensation of itch. If you don’t scratch an itch, does it get better or worse? The answer appears to be that if you (or, by proxy, a lab mouse) have an itch on your back that you can only scratch by rubbing it against the wall, it may torment you, but when measured by objective standards, skin that you don’t scratch ends up in better shape.

We can draw two practical conclusions from this work, which was led by Diana Bautista at UC Berkeley: that blocking TRPA1 channels with a drug in cream or ointment form could be a potential solution to the chronic itch of eczema; and that it really does appear that if you can break the itch-scratch cycle, your skin will be better off.

Now, we all know how difficult it is to stop scratching. It’s not as easy as saying that you’ll stop. But this type of research certainly highlights the positive feedback of habit-reversal, which uses psychiatric techniques to reduce habitual scratching. Scratch less…and you’ll feel less itchy.

I do have one question: does the molecule Nppb, reported in the Science paper two weeks ago, transmit chronic itch signals as well as histamine-induced itch? If so, it is still a valuable target for further research into eczema therapies.
End Eczema

Chronic Prostatitis Pain

It is really painful and you need to take care of your body to minimize the chance of being affected by this physical discomfiture. You should remember that it is not a disease but it is a sort type of symptom which should be detected at an early stage to rescue your body from the utter deterioration.

Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis for the acupuncture treatment identifies the specific disharmony by analysing the symptoms such as the presence of pain, cloudy or bloody urination, urinary inhibition, as well as the reduction or increase in urine flow.

There are various types of treatment available to treat the condition. The patient is advised to go for both physical and psychological therapies. While physical therapy includes medications, psychological therapy is used to manage anxieties and this type of therapy involves paradoxical relaxation, progressive relaxation, adaptation, etc.

A cesarean birth requires cutting through layers of the abdominal muscles and the peritoneum-a thin membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and the internal organs. When it is cut from the uterus, the body responds to the inflammation of the incision by producing scar tissue.

A natural ovarian cyst treatment system, will teach you how to handle stress, remove toxins from your life and insure your nutrition, so that in just a couple months you could be feeling better than ever. Your cysts will be gone, never to return. As will your pain. Tell me something you’d rather have than absence from that pain!

Actually you can start on those natural relief methods right now. At least get some relief for your pain. When standing, or even when sitting for periods of time, elevate one foot onto a stool. It changes your whole body position and can bring some relief from pelvic pain.

The pain in the pelvis area my wane and intensify in short episodes and the degree of pain can range from a mild condition to severe and debilitating pain.

There is often more than one source of this kind of pain. It also may be necessary for your doctor to consider other parts of your body when diagnosing causes of pain. It may be caused by problems in the digestive or urinary systems, as well as the reproductive organs.

There are simple, natural tips as well as medications and medical treatments that knowledgeable doctors, physical therapists, and other healthcare providers are increasingly integrating into their practices with great success.

Read about home remedies Also read about how to get rid of scars and how to get rid of stretch marks

Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is a condition in which the sinuses swell for a period of time exceeding three months. This condition lasts despite attempts at treatment, therefore rendering it a chronic condition.

Some of the symptoms experienced with chronic sinusitis include mucous build-up, headaches and pressure in or behind the eyes and in the cheek area. Some may experience a thick yellow or greenish discharge that either drains out the nose or down the back of the throat.

Symptoms may increase at night, when the person afflicted is lying down. They may experience difficulty breathing through their nose. They might also have decreased sensations of taste or difficulty smelling fragrances. Chronic sinusitis sometimes manifests as an earache. The pain may reach down to the jaw and teeth.

Cold like symptoms might also appear and include coughing, sore throat, bad breath, exhaustion and irritability.

Those who believe they may be suffering from chronic sinusitis should consult a specialist as opposed to a general practitioner. The most recommended specialists include an allergist/immunologist or a medical professional that specializes in ears/nose/throat.

In order to make a diagnosis, a specialist or physician may take a nasal or sinus culture or they may employ imaging studies to see inside the nose. Using nasal endoscopy is not uncommon. In this case a tube is inserted into the patient’s nose with a camera attached. If the physician believes the condition is allergy related, allergy tests may be recommended.

Most common causes of chronic sinusitis include a blockage of the nasal passage. The most common culprits are nasal polyps or growths, allergies, deviated septum and broken facial bones that block the nasal passageway. Other less dramatic triggers may include 1st or 2nd hand smoke, allergic reactions to aspirin and asthma.

Chronic sinusitis can lead to more severe conditions including asthma attacks, meningitis, vision problems, aneurysms or blood clots.

Potential treatments for this condition include but are not limited to saline nasal sprays, nasal corticosteroids, oral or injected corticosteroids, decongestants, aspirin and Ibuprofen. Those who experience chronic sinusitis as a result of an allergy attack may be given allergy shots, or immunotherapy.

For severe conditions, surgery may be required, wherein the specialist goes into the nasal passage to cut out the growth or blockage, or repair broken bones.

*Basic information provided by

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Chronic Bronchitis:

Chronic Bronchitis is one of the most common lung diseases currently identified. The most noticeable symptom is that the condition makes it difficult for the patient to breathe. Other symptoms include: cough (with mucus), fatigue, wheezing, recurring respiratory infections, dyspnea (shortness of breath). Dyspnea symptoms will often increase in severity with even mild activity.

The symptoms develop slowly in most cases. Due to the slow onset of symptoms…many patients will be sick for a period of time before they realize there is a problem.

There are many treatments for chronic bronchitis. While none of the treatments are meant to cure the condition…they can alleviate symptoms. (There is currently no cure for chronic bronchitis).

The most vital “action” to be taken when a patient is diagnosed with chronic bronchitis is to stop smoking. It is the most effective way to slow down lung damage. Some patients will experience positive results through the use of proper medications.

Some medications that are used for treatment of chronic bronchitis include:

1. Inhalers to open the airways (bronchodilators)

2. Inhaled steroids (to reduce lung inflammation)

3. Oral or intravenous steroids (in severe cases or during a flare up)

4. Antibiotics (to avoid infection during flare ups because infections will increase the severity of the condition)

Some patients may benefit from oxygen therapy. Oxygen therapy can be administered at home. It is effective in cases of patients with low levels of oxygen in their blood. This type of pulmonary rehabilitation is not a cure for the condition, but it enables the patient to learn to breathe so they can enjoy a more active lifestyle. In some cases patients can benefit from exercise programs to increase/maintain muscle strength in the legs. This decreases the demand on the lungs when a patient is walking.

Patients should make it as easy as possible to live with their condition. They should avoid extremely cold air. Avoid second hand smoke (and never allow anyone to smoke in their car or home). Avoid all forms of smoke such as fireplace smoke and grills and similar irritants. Eat a healthy diet focusing on lean proteins, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Doctor Finders is an innovative on-line tool that allows the general public to find the right doctor for their needs, identifying doctors by geographic area, specialties, procedures, and more.

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Chronic Ear Infection

A chronic ear infection is any inflammation or infection of the ear that is recurring or frequent in occurrence. They often cause long term and/or permanent damage to the ear of the patient.

A chronic ear infection is not necessarily an acute ear infection. An acute ear infection is easily identified by the severe pain that is associated with it. Acute ear infections don’t often go untreated due to the painful nature of the condition.

Chronic ear infections on the other hand may or may not be associated with severe pain. In some cases they cause only mild discomfort. Due to this…chronic ear infections can sometimes go unnoticed and, therefore, untreated for a long period of time.

Look for the following signs and symptoms when attempting to identify a chronic ear infection:

1. Discomfort or pain in the ear. It may be mild or severe. In some cases it may just feel like pressure in the ear.

2. Fever

3. Crankiness (or fussiness in children)

4. Drainage from the ear (puss-like)

5. Loss of hearing

The symptoms of a chronic ear infection are not always limited to one ear. They may be experienced in one or both ears. They also may not be constant; they can come and go.

If the chronic ear infection is due to bacterial infection, antibiotics may be prescribed to decrease recovery time. Antibiotics may be required for an extended period of time (either orally or intravenously). For patients who have chronic ear infections that have resulted in a hole in the ear drum antibiotic drops will be applied directly into the ear.

In some cases surgery may be required. Some patients may have tissue buildup that needs to be removed by a surgeon. Other patients may require surgery to clear the infection out of the mastoid bone. Other patients may require surgery to repair or replace the small bones in the middle ear region. Some patients may require surgical reparation of the ear drum.

Doctor Finders is an innovative on-line tool that allows the general public to find the right doctor for their needs, identifying doctors by geographic area, specialties, procedures, and more.

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Chronic Back Pain Treatment

Chronic Pain is defined as pain that occurs frequently or persists longer than six months. It is estimated that chronic back pain affects nearly one out of ten Americans. Chronic pain has been known to disappear over time, but it can also last a lifetime as there is presently no known cures for it.

Once you have chronic back pain for any reason you shortly come to realize that you’ll more than likely be living with it the rest of your life. There is exercises you will be able to do to help strengthen parts of your back and fight  pain but the fact is when the weather changes, or there has been a drop in the barometrical pressure, your back pain will flair up and remind you that you’re still injured and all the physical exercise in the world isn’t going to help.

Persistent backaches are often a lifelong problem. You can do exercises to strengthen your back and reduce the effects somewhat, but when the weather changes or the barometer drops, there will be a flare up. It’s as if your back is reminding you of your injury and that there is nothing you can do to eliminate the pain entirely.

Painkillers form a part of most chronic back pain treatment programs. Other options include exercise, manual therapy such as chiropractic or massage therapy, and acupuncture. Spinal fusion surgery is generally only recommended if all other treatment options have been tried and nothing else helps.

The best way to get relief from your pain and gain practical knowledge could be to chat with friends suffering from same problems since a long time. Most of such patients have tried various methods and can tell you some of the effective ones. But you should ensure that both of you suffer from the same ailment otherwise that treatment can even harm you more than you can imagine.

There are different kinds of treatments that doctors use. One of the most common is the adjustment and manipulation treatments It is a process that uses pressure on certain parts of the spine or joint that is causing you pain. This can help to relieve the stress placed in joints, and help them to function properly.

Back pain, or any pain, is your body telling you that you need to rest. Pain indicates that all is not well, and your body needs time to repair. A healthy body will be able to repair many pains with adequate rest and no other treatment.

The back muscles in the human body are really strong and are naturally meant to take a lot of strain. But there is a limit to everything. Reaching beyond that limit can cause the back muscles to cramp up painfully and get inflamed, causing the chronic back pain. You can only strain your body so much and no more. I

In several cases, rest can cure back pain, e.g. if it is acquired while jogging or playing. But in the case of trucking, the truck drivers sit in the same position and do the same thing, every day of their working life. Truckers also usually are on the road and don’t get to their homes often enough to seek treatment.

Another treatment method includes eating healthy. It is important to make sure you get all of your vitamins and minerals. Try to eat healthy food as much as you can. You see, simple things, such as losing weight and eating healthy may be all you need to do to get rid of that chronic back pain.

So there you have, ways that can help you alleviate back pain; you may take Advil or other pain relievers, exercise and do some stretching, choose a relaxing spa treatment or simply use a heat therapy product such as Back Wrap which my grandma would definitely vote for.

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