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Common Concerns About Dermatitis And Eczema Eruptions

People who suffer with eczema often have many questions. Some of these frequently asked questions are about the cause of dermatitis. The following are some examples.

Question: What did I do wrong?

Answer: Many people have allergic reactions to foods or a family history that predisposes them to dermatitis. Do not blame yourself. This condition causes itchy skin and an uncontrollable urge to scratch. The skin becomes irritated, which can lead to a large rash. That itchy rash, if scratched, can become a patch of dry, scaly skin or a sore that oozes from blisters. This is a common skin condition and you did nothing to cause it. You can however, take measures treat and prevent outbreaks. Also, by not scratching your skin you will be more comfortable.

Question: What causes this skin condition?

Answer: There are many different causes for this skin disorder. These rashes develop on different people for different reasons. Even though there is no single cause for this, people with sensitive skin tend develop it more. As to what may cause an outbreak, it could anything from certain foods, climate, and even stress. There may also be triggers from items used on your skin you can’t tolerate.

Question: Will my children develop this as well?

Answer: Many adults wonder if this condition can be passed down to their children. The answer is yes, you can in a way that’s similar to respiratory allergies. Physicians have found that children with close relatives who have dermatitis are also prone to developing it. This is true as well for hay fever and allergies related to breathing. Some children even develop and the disorder without a family history of it.

Question: What can I do to treat this condition?

Answer: Besides keeping your body well hydrated, you can try to determine the triggers and prevent them. Avoid scratching your skin, even when you are frustrated. Try to soothe your skin with oatmeal baths and use an antihistamine for itching issues. It’s important to also follow the recommendations of your physician.

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Hope For Eczema Patients With Two Common Eczema Natural Remedies

More and more people suffering from eczema are growing weary of the countless eczema creams and medicines that pile up on the shelves of their local pharmacies. Most of them have either tried almost everything and did not see any improvement in their eczema symptoms, or have grown tired of testing which works for them. On the other hand, there are also those who might have experienced the worsening of their symptoms after applying creams on their itching bumps. Whatever the reason may be as to why they have given up on OTC eczema creams and other medical treatments, nature gives new hope to them in the form of eczema natural remedies.

The main difference between prescription medications and the natural treatments for eczema is their content. While both may be manufactured commercially, prescription creams and pills contain ingredients that were formulated in laboratories and natural remedies only contain natural ingredients that have been refined for better absorption of our body. Doctors usually prescribe medications for the alleviation of eczema symptoms, treating natural remedies as second options. But there are also doctors that prefer to prescribe their patients with natural eczema treatments.

Another difference between these two treatment approaches is how they treat eczema. Believe it or not, the eczema creams and pills that doctors prescribe are only meant to decrease the inflammation associated with eczema. They can do nothing for the skin damage that results from your eczema. Also, these medications don’t always work. Some people will see no improvement in their eczema or their rashes will only get worse. However, natural treatments for eczema can do both – relieve your symptoms by reducing the inflammation and itchiness, while in turn assisting your skin to recover from eczema.

To get you started, here are two of the most common eczema natural remedies and how each will be able to help you.

Evening Primrose oil is the most commonly used natural remedy for eczema nowadays. Because it contains gamma lionlenic acid (GLA), it serves as a dry skin moisturizer and therefore has the ability to reduce skin dryness. This is the perfect remedy for eczema types that are characterized by patches of dry skin. And because the oil has the ability to moisturize dry rashes, it can also tremendously reduce the itching that occurs with dry skin irritation.

But Evening Primrose oil is not something that is applied on the skin like eczema creams. It is taken by mouth. To benefit from it, 3000 to 6000 milligrams of it have to be consumed daily for a span of three months. Additional supplementation of zinc, magnesium, and vitamins B6, C, and E are needed to boost the effects of the oil during that time. Then, after those three months, the dosage of the Primrose oil can be reduced to 1000 milligrams and the amount of supplements that you take in can also be lessened.

Fish oil is another supplement that belongs to the many eczema natural remedies that are slowly gaining popularity. Like Evening Primrose oil, it is taken by mouth and not topically applied on the skin. Fish oil is known to be rich in DHA and EPA – essential fatty acids. These fatty acids have already been proven to reduce eczema when used within a 12-week period.

The best fish oils for eczema are the ones that are high quality or are labeled as “pharmaceutical grade”. Pharmaceutical grade fish oils are clean and no longer have the impurities that fish oil naturally has. 5 to 6 grams of this should be consumed daily for twelve weeks. Within which time, you will notice that your eczema symptoms are gradually improving until they completely subside.

The vitamins and nutrients that these two eczema natural remedies provide are able to assist your body in repairing damaged skin cells too. And with these remedies, there is now hope for eczema patients who are not satisfied with OTC eczema creams and medications.

Charles Perkins is a skin care expert. For more information related to eczema natural remedies visit

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The Common Household Eczema Causes

There are so many different eczema types that are caused by many different things. You may be surprised to learn that your own home may contain many of the allergens and irritants known to trigger many forms of eczema. Some of these substances in your home can actually cause very severe eczema reactions. If you want to control your eczema then it is important that you understand what triggers it.

The two main eczema causes in your home are allergens and irritants, but your body can have different reactions to these triggers which results in varying forms of eczema. A reaction may occur on the outer surface of your skin. On the other hand, you may get a reaction inside your body that affects several layers of your skin. The best way to understand these triggers is to learn a little more about the difference between internal and external reactions first.

Contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis are different eczema’s but both can be easily triggered by household allergens and irritants. If an allergen or irritant touches your skin and causes an external reaction, this is contact dermatitis. You will get a red, itchy, and inflamed rash at the point of contact. If your immune system reacts internally to an irritant or allergen and causes a flare up within your skin, this is atopic dermatitis. Normally, there is also a hormone imbalance or stress-related toxins in your system which increases the severity of the reaction. This form of eczema is often painful, swollen, and itchy. It will also appear anywhere on your body, not just as the point of contact with the irritant or allergen.

You can find irritants throughout your home. Sometimes they are airborne, such as cigarette smoke and air fragrances. There may be more unusual airborne irritants such as fumes from onions, peppers, and other prepared or cooked foods. If you run a humidifier in your home then you should also verify that you are only using distilled water in the machine. Otherwise, you may be exposing yourself to water-based chemicals, like chlorine, within the humid air.

Some of your common household chemicals are also eczema irritants. Laundry detergents, fabric softeners, nail varnish, and latex products are just some of the common household chemical irritants. If you have already checked these irritants and still have eczema, then you should check many of the items you use regularly. Bedding made from synthetic fibers and beauty products are also known to contain eczema irritants.

Allergens are very often either consumable or environmental in nature. Foods like dairy, nuts, and berries should always be your first suspects. In fact, some foods like peanuts and strawberries are known to cause both internal and external eczema’s.

The allergens within your home environment can be more difficult to control, but it is not impossible. Some of the common household allergens are dust mites, pet hair and dander, mildew, and mold. These can typically be controlled through regular cleanings that include a high quality vacuum cleaner. However, you may also want to purchase an air filter to remove these allergens from the air in your home.

Do not let the number of potential triggers in your home overwhelm you. You are probably only bothered by one or two eczema triggers and this will make it easier to control your condition. You should be able to easily identify and control you exposure to the trigger causing your eczema. The best way to treat your eczema is to eliminate the irritant and allergen triggers in your home.

To find out more about the different eczema types and the various eczema causes, then don’t forget to check out Blake Helton’s authoritative eczema website on the above mentioned links.

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