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Paraben Free Products ? Understanding the Controversy and Not Taking Chances

Paraben free products are becoming a popular option for those who want natural skin care products.

What is paraben?

Most people do not know what they are. Parabens are preservatives. They have become popular in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. They keep products from growing fungus and bacteria as they start to age. You can find these preservatives in any number of products like toothpaste, shampoos, spray tan products, and shaving gels. They are also common in topical treatments like lotions and cleansers. They are so popular because they are cheap and a long history in these industries.

What is wrong with parabens?

Most people think if they are so popular, they must be safe. Actually, that is up for debate. Testing done on some breast tumors has found the presence of parabens in very low levels. They also have the ability to mimic estrogen at a low level. Estrogen plays an integral part in the development of breast cancer tumors. While no scientific study has directly linked parabens with breast cancer, it is best not to take a chance. Paraben free products give you the same benefits without the risk of breast cancer involved.

Another reason to consider paraben free products is a potential allergic reaction some people have. Some people show an allergic reaction to parabens in the form of skin irritation, dermatitis, and even rosacea. If you have unexplained rashes on your face after using some over the counter products, you should look at the ingredients. It is likely to contain parabens. Trying products without paraben might give you very different results. It is worth a try so you can get the cosmetic and pharmaceutical products you need for healthy skin without risking a facial rash.

Go All Natural When Possible

For those looking for all natural products, you need to ask what is paraben doing in any product. It is not natural. It is a set of chemicals produced in large quantities by the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Look for paraben free products when you are looking for skin care products or any other cosmetic preparation. You do not need to take the risk of breast cancer. You do not need to risk a skin irritation. Using all natural ingredients will give your body what it needs without such risks. You will be amazed at the effective results you get with all natural ingredients. Going all natural is a good thing.

Interested in learning more about paraben free products?  Check out http://www.healthy-natural-skin today!