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Over the Counter Eczema Treatment – Does it Work?

Conventional treatment for eczema is still somewhere firmly in the dark ages and this goes primarily for over the counter eczema treatment. Once you have been diagnosed with eczema you will get a prescription for some form of steroid such as Hydrocortisone creams or ointment in varying strengths or another antibacterial, steroid cream such as Fucibet. Following are the reasons why they just don’t seem to work.

I will start by saying, if the eczema outbreak is a one off occurrence and the individual is not normally prone to eczema then yes, a steroid cream can get rid of the initial out-break and the fact that they are not predisposed to eczema can mean that they will never experienced it again. However, for those who have had eczema for some time, the steroid route just isn’t a feasible option and these powerful creams are not to be underestimated. Yes, they can clear the skin temporarily but they cannot get rid of the fact that the individual has many allergies and extremely sensitive skin.

If you use over the counter eczema treatment such as steroid creams as you usual, on-going form of treatment then you may end up with thinning of the skin and many other more severe conditions. If you have used steroids before, no doubt your doctor will have warned you of the consequences of regular use of steroid creams.

Eczema is the result of the skin coming into contact with an allergen and/or by eating/ingesting an allergen that can be in your food or in the air. Your first line of defense should be to find out what these allergies are, then remove them from your life where possible. This can be achieved by way of a skin prick, allergy test performed by your doctor, or by keeping a diary of your skin behavior and food intake/contact with substances.

There are many methods that are completely natural which can heal and prevent future outbreaks of eczema. To access the full guide to clearing your skin and avoid having to depend on over the counter eczema treatment, continue to Natural Treatment For Eczema.

More Eczema Steroid Articles

Over the Counter Eczema Treatment – 3 Highly Effective Treatments For Getting Rid of Eczema

Taking over the counter eczema treatment can help a great deal to reduce symptoms of this common skin condition which can be irritating to experience. This condition is often characterized with dryness, itchiness and redness which can be disruptive to your daily routine. The following are 3 effective over the counter treatments to getting rid of eczema and the itching.

1. Use ointments with herbal ingredients

Perhaps the best treatment for eczema is to make use of ointments that contain herbal ingredients such as aloe vera or witch hazel. Studies have shown these types of creams to being much more effective at reducing swelling and irritation. Be sure to regularly apply moisturizer throughout the day and immediately after a shower to prevent your skin from getting dry.

2. Take antihistamine tablets

If the itching is so severe that you cannot control it, then antihistamine tablets will help to ease the irritation so you do not scratch. These tablets work by preventing allergic symptoms and to calm your body’s inflammatory response to flare-ups. However, be sure to only use this in moderation as taking too much may have negative side effects on your body.

3. Use steroidal creams for more serious rashes

If the above tips still do not work and symptoms continue to worsen, then you may need to take a more aggressive approach for more serious rashes. Steroidal creams such as hydrocortisone or desonide can be used to effectively treat the affected area. However, it is highly recommended that you consult with a doctor especially if you plan on using these creams with other treatments.

Eczema can often times be triggered by external allergens or irritants such as certain types of foods or detergents found in some shampoos or soaps. Be sure to avoid those things that cause an allergic reaction and to implement the 3 tips above to reduce symptoms.

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Tips For Over the Counter Eczema Treatment

Eczema is a disease which affects the skin very badly. It causes lots of irritation and inflammation. This is one of the diseases which are more destructing. This is mostly common in older people. However it can happen to people of any age and even children. If you, any member of your family or your children is suffering from the eczema then it is quite certain that you must be looking for something which will give you relief and also cure the disease permanently.

Although you can argue that the eczema and the over the counter treatment do not go well side by side, you should also keep in mind that many people are treating their and their children eczema with products bought over the counter.

If you want to find some products which are being used to cure the disease then you will find some products which either has analgesic or the anesthetic effect which works well to lessen the pain and kill the itching. The doctors also use the antiseptic mixtures to treat the open sores to cure the infection. Creams of various brands are also used to reduce the dryness and provide moisture to the skin. They also help the skin to heal fast internally. You should also know that the moisture is one of the most important ingredients to keep the skin fresh.

All of these creams are good enough. But there is one problem with each of them. And that is that these creams and unguents cure just the symptoms and nothing else. In other words you can say that these creams and unguents are symptomatic and they do not cure the actual disease.

It is really very sad to note that even the best do not cure the disease from the root. The eczema is found to again freshen within some years after healing. This is really sad.

In a nut shell you can only say that it is really impossible to cure the eczema from the root. It will appear again and again. Either it is the over the counter treatment or any other treatment you will definitely find in some way or the other that the disease is not cured properly. This really makes the disease create pathetic situation.

The problem increases in older age people. Yes this is true that this disease can affect people of any age. But it is equally true that eczema affects the older aged peoples most badly. The main reason behind this is that they took a longer time to heal. You will also have to keep in mind that their skin becomes almost dead due to the age. However, in a nutshell one can say that no medicine can cure the disease fully not even the over the counter treatment.

Tired of eczema. Learn more about Natural Cure of Eczema. Suffering from sever eczema? Read our Ten Tips for Treating Severe Eczema.