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Oatmeal Eczema Creams

Oatmeal is a common ingredient in most Eczema creams and remedies that are sold in the market. A lot of these products claim to heal Eczema naturally. However, a closer look at the label would reveal that they contain lots of additives and chemicals. Parabens, sulfates, fragrances and dyes can wreak havoc on your skin. Oatmeal is good for the skin, but these additives are not.

Sadly, the only way to be sure your skin gets the most natural care is by making your own Eczema cream. This shouldn’t be so hard to do, as most ingredients are already available in your home or at the grocery store. Oatmeal-based skin care products are easy to replicate in your own kitchen. When used in combination with an effective moisturizer, oatmeal Eczema creams can surely heal your skin in no time.

For a natural alternative to facial Eczema creams, mix equal parts oatmeal and honey and apply to your skin. For best results, allow the mixture to dry for a few minutes before rinsing completely. Honey has antibacterial components that keep skin infections at bay. You may also use this on dishydrotic Eczema rashes.

Complement your oatmeal Eczema cream with an equally effective oatmeal bath. Blend uncooked oatmeal in a food processor until a powdery consistency is achieved. Mix powdered oatmeal in water to check if it dissolves completely. Pour this slowly over your bath water, making sure there are no clumps or sediments at the bottom. Try to limit your bath time to 15 minutes, as excessive soaking in water aggravates rashes.

Before moisturizing with an Eczema cream, exfoliate your skin with a homemade oatmeal scrub. Mix oatmeal with egg whites to form an exfoliating facial mask. Allow the egg whites to dry before rinsing completely with water. Pat your skin gently with a soft towel, and follow up with a long-lasting moisturizer.

Visit us now if your are looking for a gentle and steroid-free”;>Eczema remedy. Our Eczema creams can get rid of”;>Eczema rashes in less than 10 days!

Steroid Creams for Eczema – Uses and Side Effects

That is why, according to tropical hydrocortisone, a low-dose GCS (glucocorticosteriods) is a typical steroid that is used on sensitive skin in your face. As it has low-dose steroid, it has very few side-effects; and hence the reason why it is prescribed as steroid creams for eczema. Still, as cautions, you should be very careful while applying because steroids are very dangerous for eyes, even when they are in low-dosage.

Why Steroid Is Used

Eczema is a skin condition in which red, itchy patches of skin appear on your face. This is a type of skin inflammation, and occurs as explained by when cells produce inflammatory chemicals against an irritant. The steroid in steroid creams for eczema prevents this reaction from happening when absorbed by the skin. It just relieves the symptom; you have to treat the cause differently.

How Steroids Are Used

Steroids used in steroid creams for eczema is classified by potency level which ranges from high to low potency, according to experts in For a rash or outbreak, your dermatologist will probably start with a cream that has lowest potency level. If that does not work, then only steroid creams with higher potency level will be prescribed but for a limited time frame. That is done to make sure there is as little side effect as possible. As notices, a cream with high dose of steroid will only be prescribed if you have an extreme rash condition. After the cream brings the rashes under control, a lower dose cream will be prescribed in its place to control further symptoms.

Side Effects Of Steroid

The reason why even low-dosage steroid creams for eczema should be used with extreme care is because steroids have many dangerous side effects, as   NetDoctor cautions. Even the low-dosage ones can thin your skin and produce permanent stretch mark. It can also temporarily lighten the area where you have applied it or permanently enlarge the underlying blood vessels! In some cases, these creams become the reason for further worsening of the rash! Extreme side effects of the creams, as cautions can include glaucoma and even cataracts when applied near the sensitive eye areas!

Alternatives To Steroids

Which such dangerous side effects, it is no wonder people look for alternatives to steroid creams for skin inflammation and rashes. If you are one of them, you can follow these suggestions from Mayo Clinic experts: moisturize the skin, or use cold compress, make sure you don’t scratch the affected area and use a humidifier. Use only mild cleanser or soap on the areas and wear natural fabrics like cotton. If you have an outbreak, alternatives to steroid creams for eczema include application of chamomile or witch hazel on the area and taking antihistamines.

Experts’ Suggestion On Using Steroids

Steroids based creams, especially the low-dosage ones are quite safe to use temporarily for most people, according to experts in NetDoctor. The people who should take them only under prescription from medical professionals include pregnant women and lactating mothers. It is not advisable to use the creams on small children as they are more prone to its side effects. People who should never use steroid creams for eczema include those with acne rosacea or acne patches or with untreated infection as the cream will worsen their conditions.


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