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What is Dyshidrotic Eczema and How to Treat It?

By Laura Dolgy (see bio below)

Do you ever experience tiny blisters on your hands or feet that are extremely itchy and tend to get worse once spring allergy season rolls around?

You may be experiencing a well known eczema condition known as dyshidrosis, also known as dyshidrotic eczema and with many other names as you’ll see below. This type of eczema can be irritating and uncomfortable, but there are many ways to manage it.

This week, we take a deeper look into what dyshidrotic eczema is, as well as the symptoms, causes and treatment.

Please keep in mind that although these treatments can relieve eczema, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe eczema symptoms like an infection, it is best to seek medical advice immediately.

What is dyshidrotic eczema?

So what is dyshidrotic eczema exactly?

This type of eczema is characterized by small, intensely itchy blisters that can appear along the edges of fingers, toes, palms and the soles of one’s feet. These hand eczema blisters are usually filled with fluid.

Doctors may also refer to dyshidrotic eczema as:

  • Cheiropompholyx
  • Dyshidrosis
  • Foot-and-hand eczema
  • Pompholyx
  • Vesicular eczema
  • Palmoplantar eczema

What are the symptoms?

Aside from the intensely itchy eczema blisters on fingers, dyshidrotic eczema can also cause redness, flaking and scaly or cracked skin.

The worst symptoms tend to be around spring allergy season when irritants like pollen can cause the blisters to erupt and create even larger, more painful blisters.

Normally, open blisters take around 3 weeks to heal, but the skin can be impacted long term. Many dyshidrotic eczema suffers experience either cracked skin or their skin feels almost thick and spongy from the constant scratching.

What are the causes?

Like previously mentioned, one of the main causes for this type of eczema seems to be from seasonal allergies. Irritants in the spring, like pollen tend to wreak havoc on many individuals.

However, there are many other causes as to why someone might develop dyshidrotic eczema. Like other forms of eczema, an irritant like nickel or latex can cause the skin to react. There are also many types of foods that can cause this type of reaction.

To properly identify your type of eczema and find relief, it’s important to learn what triggers it. Our blog offers many resources on figuring out what might be causing your flare-ups.


How do you treat dyshidrotic eczema?

If you’re looking for tips on treating dyshidrotic eczema, then you’ve come to the right place. Although these suggestions have been known to work for many eczema sufferers, please know that any serious forms of eczema should be treated by your doctor.

Anti-itch treatment

To help offer relief to those stubborn, itchy blisters, you’ll want to find a balm or cream that eliminates the itch and as such decreases scratching.

One treatment you can use that is made specifically for this condition is this Pompholyx eczema treatment, EczeHerbal Pompholyx Eczema Cream. Chinese herbs, aloe vera, nourishing nut oils and organic plant butters all make this cream extremely moisturizing and hydrating. Not only is it soothing, but it can help reduce the inflammation of both foot and hand eczema blisters, while helping skin soften.

A wonderful hydrating treatment for this type of eczema is this Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream that is extremely rich and nourishing. Not only does it contain beeswax and various hydrating oils, but the Manuka oil and honey also have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This is a perfect choice for dyshidrotic eczema that tends to leave open blisters and sores.

Another treatment to help relieve the itch is Emily Skin Soothers for Itchy Skin. Many eczema sufferers have found relief with this balm, as the Chinese herbs work to eliminate itchy skin, while soothing the dryness.

Scratch Mittens/Gloves

Because these little blisters are so itchy, it might be a good idea to protect your or your little one’s skin overnight. To avoid scratching during the night, mittens or gloves can be worn.

A great mitten or glove option are these Eczema Gloves of Kids and Eczema Gloves for Adults that can be worn either during the day or at night to avoid scratching incessantly at the blisters. If your little, little one is experiencing dyshidrotic eczema, then take a look at these ScratchmeNot Sleeves that include mittens that fold open for play and eating. Many eczema sufferers swear by these for their child’s eczema!

Dry or Wet Wrap Therapy

To help soothe itchy skin fast, there are many therapies you can look into. Dry Wrap Therapy is a wonderful therapy that can be used long term to help alleviate any intense itching or pain that may accompany this type of eczema. All you need is a dry wrap, like the many options offered here and an anti-itch moisturizer like those mentioned above. Again, many eczema sufferers have found great relief with this type of therapy. To learn more about dry wrap therapy or to get started, make sure to check out our blog post Our Eczema Trials: Dry Wrapping.

For extreme cases or if dry wrap therapy is not working for you, you can always look at wet wrap therapy as well. Although this is not a long term solution, many have found relief from it as well. Like dry wrapping, all you need is a wet wrap, like the many options offered here and an anti-itch treatment like those mentioned above. But unlike dry wrapping, you’ll need to first bathe to soak the skin and then cover your skin with damp clothing wraps. To learn more about wet wrap therapy or to get started, make sure to check out our blog post Our Eczema Trials: Wet Wrap Therapy.


In order to prevent seasonal allergies that may offset this type of eczema, it’s always a good idea to visit a natural practitioner (if you’d like to take the more natural route in treating seasonal allergies). A naturopath or homeopath can offer various supplements and homeopathic options that can reduce or eliminate your seasonal allergies, therefore reducing the chance of a dyshidrotic eczema flare-up to begin with.

To learn more about homeopathy specifically, check out our blog post How Does Homeopathy Work for Eczema?

Elimination Diet

Lastly, if you do not find relief with any of the tips or recommendations offered below, you might want to take a look at whether the food you’re consuming is causing your skin to react. Sometimes removing one food can actually eliminate all eczema symptoms.

To find out how to start eliminating foods, check out our blog post on elimination diets, Our Eczema Elimination Diet Success (How You Can Do It Too!). An elimination diet isn’t always an easy task, but it can identify a trigger that is causing your flare-up.

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

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Demystifying Dyshidrotic Eczema: Facts You Need to Know

Dyshidrotic eczema is a type of eczema that affects only the hands and feet.  For most of the people it affects, it is usually nothing more than an itchy inconvenience that rears its ugly head during specific periods in a year, but for many others, it can be a nightmare with debilitating effects.  It is […]

The post Demystifying Dyshidrotic Eczema: Facts You Need to Know appeared first on Best Eczema Remedies.

Best Eczema Remedies

Dyshidrotic Eczema Treatment – 3 Effective Remedies to Treating Eczema

Dyshidrotic eczema is a serious condition where blisters develop along the edges of the fingers and toes which can be irritating. In fact, this skin condition can lead to many restless nights as you stay awake feeling the intense desire to scratch the affected area. Fortunately, most cases are easily treatable and the following are 3 effective remedies that act as a dyschidrotic eczema treatment.

1. Use ointments with cortisone

It’s important that you do not scratch the affected areas if you start to notice signs of eczema including dryness, itchiness and redness. To help ease and control the itchiness, make use of ointments containing cortisone as this will help soothe your skin. However, if the condition is flaring up then you may need to use steroidal creams to suppress the body’s inflammatory response.

2. Stay away from external allergens

While some cases of dyshidrotic eczema are influenced by genetics, there are other factors such as external allergens which may trigger symptoms. Every individual is different so it’s likely that reactions will vary but certain types of foods or chemicals such as soaps can cause such outbreaks. Once the cause is identified, it’s important to stay away from it and avoid other irritants.

3. Regularly apply creams with herbal ingredients

The next important factor is that you want to ensure your body is moisturized on a regular basis as dry skin will only worsen symptoms and cause more severe irritation. Right after a bath, be sure to apply creams containing aloe vera, witch hazel or vitamin E as this will soothe your skin and reduce the swelling. You may want to keep a bottle on you at all times in case you need to moisturize.

While dyshidrotic eczema is a serious condition, fortunately there are steps that you can take to significantly reduce symptoms. Be sure to make use of ointments with cortisone and to regularly apply moisturizers while avoiding external allergens which may trigger such outbreaks.

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Dyshidrotic Eczema Pompholyx

Natural Relief

Dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx is an often difficult and painful condition to live with. it often feel is like there is not much you can do for your condition, scratching yourself nearly to pieces from either itchiness or pain.

Since there is no cure for dyshidrotic eczema, just trying to eliminate those things that you think could be the cause could be a long and tiresome exercise. Back in the eighties this was just called eczema, no special kind of name, and not many knew much about the condition and how to treat it systematically either. Those who had this type of eczema just had to try and eliminate the possible obvious causes, and try and continue working with their sore and itchy hands or feet anyway.

Exact Causes Still Unknown

The cause the dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx is still unknown, but it can be related to various components including:

– Allergies from various things
– Dust
– Stress
– Smoking
– Materials of certain kinds

This is a list that could seriously go on forever , it helps to find out what in your daily surroundings could be the causes and need to be eliminate or avoided, it is useful to start this process as soon as possible.

A Permanent Cure is Still Not Available

Dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx treatment is available and is a blessing for those in a constant pain and itch, but there is still no cure. Usually the cream would contain ingredients that soothe the itchiness, and with that taken away, some relief is given for a short while.

People who suffer from dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx have plenty of tiny blisters that ooze liquid and it would seem that this is the cause of the itchiness. The hands or feet over time may get hard and cracked and this could also be more difficult to heal in the long run.

The more scratching the more the blisters appear.There is still no permanent cure or specific reason for this condition, even with all the scientific improvements and discoveries.

Dealing With Dyshidrotic Eczema Pompholyx Naturally

If you suffer from dyshidrotic eczema you will at some point want to look at natural cures. Unfortunately long term side effects come with medicines prescribed by conventional medical practitioners. Strong steroids are in many of the creams and oral medications that are used to treat this type of eczema.

This can lead to a variety of new conditions such as thinning of the skin, upset stomachs and a resistance to antibiotics. If any of these side effects sound unappealing to you then you might want to consider looking for a dyshidrotic eczema natural cure.

Which Natural Cure?

Although not clinically proven if you suffer from dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx to you may find relief with these alternative approaches. The itching and burning that often accompanies an attack of this type of eczema is particularly hard to deal with. Chamomile, comfrey, chickweed, and marigold creams can help to soothe irritated skin that itches. Baby eczema can be particularly particularly helped by these creams.

Another approach to the dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx natural cure is a change in diet. One possible cause of this condition is an allergic reaction to metals such as nickel and cobalt. Patients with dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx who have a low nickel diet have had a improvement in their condition. Some of the foods that contain nickel are:

– Canned foods
– Tea
– Chocolate
– Baking powder
– Cocoa

It can be difficult to maintain a nickel free diet, but it is one way to improve your condition. Avoid using instruments and cooking utensils that are nickel plated.

If you find that you suffer from swollen and inflamed skin then drinking rose hip tea can be helpful. This natural cure requires you to drink at least two to three cups of rose hip tea a day.

If you feel that helping your lymphatic drainage improve could be a helpful dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx then burdock root, yarrow, yellow dock, nettles, and red clover are herbs you can use to increase the health of your skin. These herbs should be used either in tinctures or teas to help ease the situation.

Skin Care

The skin care routine that you observe could also help you to prevent further outbreaks of dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx. Rather than towel drying your skin let it air dry to help prevent irritation. Using a pH balanced soap that is mild and free from fragrances is also a good way to help the healing process. Keep the skin well ventilated especially the hands and feet.

Find out more about dyshidrotic eczema pompholyx, other types of eczema and causes and treatments visit

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Preventing Dyshidrotic Eczema Rashes With Natural Eczema Creams

There are lots of Eczema creams out there. Their safety on our skin, however, is still questionable. Prescription-grade Eczema creams contain steroids as their primary component. This ingredient is responsible for bringing down inflammation and redness associated with Dyshidrotic Eczema rashes. Despite their ability to cure Eczema quickly, steroid Eczema creams are known for causing undesirable effects on the skin. Skin discoloration, burning and premature aging are just a few examples.

There’s no need to apply steroids when you can use natural Eczema creams. Unlike cortisone creams, natural remedies are able to heal rashes without relying on anti-inflammatory chemicals. You can prevent Eczema by investing in a good moisturizer. Dryness makes skin itchy, and itchy skin can be very tempting to scratch. The problem with Dyshidrotic Eczema rashes is that they are easily aggravated once you scratch them.

Most mild cases of Eczema are kept from getting worse by simply applying natural Eczema creams. This saves you from having to use harmful cortisone creams. Best of all, Eczema creams relieve the most bothersome symptoms, which are itchiness and dry skin. Use emollients to keep the skin healthy and to prevent dryness. Look for ingredients such as vitamin E, zinc and oatmeal.

Vitamin E prevents further damage and aids in faster healing of skin tissue. This natural antioxidant protects your skin from pollutants, and may even prevent some types of cancers. Zinc is also effective in healing Dyshidrotic Eczema rashes. Like vitamin E it also promotes faster healing. Oatmeal calms irritated skin and prevents itch. Regular oatmeal baths may help prevent Eczema outbreaks.

Of course, it is always best to see a doctor before you attempt to self-medicate with a natural Eczema cream. A few types of Eczema are associated with other skin infections, which won’t go away unless you apply antibiotic or antifungal creams. A dermatologist would know what to do if this is the case. Nevertheless, natural Eczema creams would work well in addition to your other medications.

If you are searching for a remedy for dyshidrotic Eczema rashes then look no further. This gentle”;>Eczema Cream can heal”;>Dyshidrotic Eczema, in less than 10 days!

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Dyshidrotic Eczema And Facial Eczema Treatment

Having suffered from Dyshidrotic Eczema for over 9 years I can honestly say I think I must have tried every kind of eczema treatment there is as I was so desperate to cure my eczema once and for all.

Now, I’m sure you probably have found this yourself but not every dyshidrotic eczema treatment works. In fact some treatments seemed to do hardly anything for me except lower my bank balance.

I spent a small fortune on various types of eczema creams all promising to cure my ecxema in as little as 3 weeks but none actually did what they said. It wasn’t until after I found a natural way to cure my eczema that I did some more research into creams and what they are actually supposed to do. Their packaging may well say they cure eczema but the vast majority only aim to reduce your condition which is not a cure.

Here are some inexpensive homemade eczema creams you can make yourself to treat Dyshidrotic eczema, facial eczema and any eczema rash.

1) Mix Oatmeal with Honey 50/50. Mix it together and apply it to your eczema rash, then leave it for 30 minutes. After that time wash if off with luke warm water. You’ll notice this soothes and relives your flare up right away, I always did this before I went to bed to stop me itching during the night.

2) Oatmeal baths – this is not a cream but an effective treatment! Grind oatmeal up until it’s a fine powder and add it to a bath full of warm (but not too hot!) water. Lie in the water for 15 minutes before getting out, you’ll notice right away that the itchiness has been relieved from your hands, feet and any other areas where you had a sore.

3) Mix Oatmeal with egg whites to form a very rich exfoliating masque. Apply to your rash/rashes and wait for it to dry into the skin before washing off, you will notice it smooths your skin and it feels softer to touch.

Helen Turner has helped lots of people cure their”;>Dyshidrotic Eczema by teaching how to cure eczema causes rather than symptoms.
For more info on curing dyshidrotic eczema and”;>Facial eczema visit Helen’s site.

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What Causes Dyshidrotic Eczema

Dyshidrotic Eczema affects both males and females from all age groups. It can affect children as young as 4 years old, but is more widespread in the middle age bracket. Although it can strike anytime, this skin condition is more common during warmer months. In the US alone, about 20% of Eczema sufferers experience worse Eczema attacks during summer or spring.
Dyshidrotic Eczema is similar to other kinds of Eczema, except that its symptoms are only evident on the hands or feet. Like any other case of Eczema, its exact cause cannot be determined. Medical experts used to believe that Dyshidrotic Eczema was caused by a gland problem, which causes excessive sweating of the palms and soles. Further studies revealed that Dyshidrotic Eczema is caused by various factors.
Some individuals are genetically predisposed to this condition. Those who have atopic dermatitis, for instance, are likely to get Dyshidrotic Eczema. Asthmatics and those who have allergies are more likely to develop this skin disorder as well. A few patients may experience its symptoms after they have come in contact with irritants or chemical substances. Metals such as Nickel and Cobalt are known to aggravate Dyshidrotic Eczema rashes. Wearing costume jewelry is therefore not recommended.
Dyshidrotic Eczema has been observed to get worse when the person is undergoing stress or emotional trauma. Consuming alcohol and caffeine is highly discouraged. Tobacco smoke has also been shown to aggravate Dyshidrotic Eczema rashes, hence smoking is not advised. Excessive heat or cold may also trigger this skin disorder. Extreme weather conditions and changes in temperature trigger Eczema rashes.
A fungal infection called Tinea pedis has been directly associated to Dyshidrotic Eczema. Those who have received treatment for this fungal infection also noticed some improvement in Eczema symptoms. In fact, some of them were even cured of this skin disorder after receiving treatment for Tinea pedis.

If you are looking for an effective cure for dyshidrotic Eczema rashes then you should visit us now. This gentle”;>Eczema Cream can banish”;>Dyshidrotic Eczema, in less than 10 days!

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Permanent Eczema Cure For Dyshidrotic Eczema

Topical Eczema creams and oral medication may bring quick relief from Eczema. However, these are only temporary. The only way to banish Eczema for good is by building a stronger immune system. This requires a few changes in your lifestyle and eating habits. It may not seem easy, but changing these things would help you achieve longer lasting relief from Eczema.
Keep in mind that your primary goal is to build a stronger immune system. Your body won’t be able to fight Eczema rashes and other diseases, if it lacks the necessary nutrients to do so. Increase your intake of fiber by eating green and leafy vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and whole wheat products. Soluble fiber keeps your blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check, while insoluble fiber promotes healthy bowel movement.
Fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants are the best Eczema cures. Your body would benefit a lot from vitamins and minerals such as Zinc, Selenium, vitamin C and vitamin E. You may complement your diet with food supplements. Take artichoke food supplements 20 minutes before eating, to help flush out toxins by promoting bile flow.
Probiotics increase the number of good bacteria in your digestive system. A healthy intestinal lining is necessary for better absorption of nutrients. Probiotic supplements work best as an Eczema cure, when they are taken on an empty stomach. Homemade kefir and sauerkraut are helpful alternatives to probiotic supplements. Instead of using Eczema creams, apply Kefir on the skin to soothe Eczema rashes.
A healthy diet is essential when treating Eczema. While certain food items are recommended for treating Eczema rashes, it is still important to eat well-balanced meals. Soy, nuts, fish and chicken are good sources of protein. Include lots of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet. Choose fresh food items instead of refined snacks and junk food. Stay away from coffee and alcoholic beverages.

If you are searching for a remedy for dyshidrotic Eczema rashes then look no further. This gentle”;>Eczema Cream can heal”;>Dyshidrotic Eczema, in less than 10 days!