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The Best Essential Oils for Eczema

By Brooke Cade (see bio below)

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that affects over 30 million Americans. Common as it may be, eczema is still an uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating condition that can compromise your quality of living.

To treat eczema, more and more people are turning away from conventional medicine to essential oils as they search for a more holistic and “big picture” remedy to their skin condition. The anti-inflammatory and stress-reducing properties of essential oils can help to promote healing and lasting change to improve your eczema for good.

In this article, learn more about the causes of eczema, who’s at risk to develop it, as well as the best essential oils for eczema.

What Causes Eczema?

The exact cause of eczema is unknown, and different people can have different triggers. However, the Mayo Clinic has listed the following factors that are likely causes of eczema:

  • Dry, irritable skin
  • Genetic conditions
  • Immune system dysfunction
  • Bacteria, particularly staphylococcus aureus
  • Environmental factors

Another characteristic of eczema is that it can manifest itself differently in different people. For example, your child may develop red, blotchy weeping eczema on his/her cheeks that they don’t seem to mind, while someone else may have dry, scaly eczema with a significant itch.

Essential Oils For Eczema

Essential oils used as a topical eczema treatments can be very effective. Be sure to consult with your doctor before trying any new treatments, and consider adapting your diet and lifestyle to address all factors that could contribute to your eczema.

Lavender Oil

Using lavender oil for eczema is very common, as lavender oil is a traditional treatment for many skin conditions. It’s derived from lavender flowers and contains linalool and linalyl aldehyde, which are known for their anti-inflammatory agents and pain reducers. It can also help to relieve the itchiness associated with eczema.

To use lavender oil to treat eczema, you can make your own homemade eczema cream with ingredients like raw shea butter and coconut oil. You can also apply lavender oil undiluted directly to your skin (just a drop or two will be fine) a few times a day until your eczema goes away. This is not recommended for children. Always dilute essential oils when applying to children’s skin.

A cream like Emily’s Itchy Eczema Baby & Adults Skin Soother or Grass Fed Tallow Balm that contain lavender oil can also help soothe and repair skin.

Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood oil can be an effective oil for treating eczema. It is moisturizing and soothing, with anti-inflammatory and anti-itching properties. Many people also use sandalwood oil for stress relief, adding a few drops to a hot bath to promote relaxation.

Sandalwood oil isn’t recommended for pregnant women. Before using sandalwood oil, test a small portion in your skin to see if you have a reaction.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is also commonly used as an essential oil for eczema for its regenerative properties to help heal broken skin and reduce inflammation and swelling associated with various skin conditions. It is also known as a powerful antiseptic that can help prevent infection in especially sore skin that has been vigorously itched. Tea tree oil isn’t recommended for children 6 years old and younger.

Manuka oil is very similar, but while tea tree can be toxic when taken orally in large doses, manuka is not. It may be worthwhile to try Manuka oil in a skin cream such as Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream

Great Essential Oil Bases for Eczema Treatment

One great way to benefit from essential oils is to mix it with a base oil. This creates a calming lotion that can have added benefits.

As a base for these oils, many people prefer various vegetable oils for their moisturizing properties. Using coconut oil for eczema is especially recommended for its rich, highly moisturizing properties as well as its antibacterial properties. Another great option is to add your essential oils to an oil blended with healing calendula flowers, like this Organic Calendula Oil with a base of olive oil.


Read more: Why You Should Try Calendula For Eczema Relief


Before using essential oils, test a small amount on your skin to ensure you aren’t allergic or susceptible to any adverse reactions and, as always, talk to your doctor about your condition and treatment methods before attempting them.

best-essential-oils-for-eczema-brookeBio: Brooke Cade is passionate about health and wellness. She enjoys writing about all the things she loves in life, including yoga, hydrotherapy, Nature’s Sunshine products, and anything related to living life to its fullest.




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Why Scratch Mittens Are An Essential Part of Healing Eczema

By Laura Dolgy (see bio below)

Nothing is more annoying or painful as watching a loved one suffer from eczema and experience relentless scratching. Those of us who do suffer from eczema will agree that scratching provides relief (even if only for a second) but that it also causes a whirlwind of other issues like more itchiness, bleeding and infection. In fact, there is clinical term for it, the notorious “itch-scratch cycle.” Today, we’re going discuss to how to prevent scratching, specifically in babies and children. If you’ve never heard of scratch mittens, you’re going to want to keep reading on…

What are Scratch Mittens?

They are literally the saving grace for baby and eczema scratching. They can be found in both sleeves and individual gloves or mittens and help provide a protective layer between the skin and hands/nails. This decreases the chance of possible skin infections like Staph and can significantly reduce the healing period.

So which are the best scratch mitten options for you? Check out some of our recommendations below:

1) ScratchMeNot Flip Mitten Sleeves

These scratch mittens are a great first step in the healing of your baby or child’s skin. The best feature of these mittens is that they actually stay on and are very difficult for children to remove themselves because of their long sleeves. The soft, silk covered mittens can be worn either open for play and eating or folded closed (specifically at night time when itching is the worst!) to prevent scratching during the worst flare-ups. They also work great for preventing scratching due to post surgery stitches, chickenpox or poison ivy and have been used to prevent chronic hair pulling, rubbing and to stop thumb sucking too.

The Original ScratchMeNot Flip Mitten Sleeves are made out of organic bamboo, cotton, and lycra, which allow your toddler or child to move around freely and with flexibility. For those with extremely sensitive skin, you’re going to want to opt for the Cotton ScratchMeNot Flip Mitten Sleeves which is made out of 100% organic cotton.


Original ScratchMeNot Flip Mitten Sleeves

Interested in finding out more about ScratchMeNot eczema mittens? Check out the video testimonial below about they how were the first step in healing Jennifer’s sons’ skin!


The Eczema Company offers a promotion! Buy 3 or more of the Classic or Cotton style and get $ 5 off each mitten!

2) Goumi Mittens

For the younger one who is currently going through their first bouts with eczema, these mittens work wonders! Goumi Infant Eczema Mittens help prevent scratching and protects delicate skin. These eczema mittens include a Velcro closure system to ensure they’ll stay put. They’re also made of organic bamboo and cotton and are naturally antimicrobial. Each mitten has two prints – just flip to the side you like best or rotate to match your little one’s outfit of the day, or in case of accidents, outfit of the hour, ha!

3) Eczema Gloves for Kids

For children who are a year to 10 years old, you’ll want to go with a piece of clothing that is flexible and not restrictive. These Eczema Gloves for Kids are meant to fit snugly on a child’s hand and help provide a layer of protection similarly to other scratch mittens discussed. Not only do these gloves work well for eczema, they can be used for psoriasis, allergic contact dermatitis and dermatomyositis as well. Because the gloves are made with organic bamboo, many people use them for dry or wet wrap therapy. Haven’t tried dry or wet wrap therapy on your child yet? Find out how to get started here with these two posts: How To Use Wet Wrap Therapy for Eczema in 6 Easy Steps! and Our Eczema Trials: Dry Wrapping.

4) Eczema Gloves for Adults

We couldn’t end this post without giving adults some scratching relief too! These Eczema Gloves for Adults (similar to those for kids) will help prevent scratching, as well as offer protection for eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis and more. Because most adults are active during the day, it’s best to use these at night along with a soothing ointment to help speed up the healing process overnight.

Although eczema can be a difficult skin condition to heal or cure, there are easy first steps you can take to prevent further irritation and infection. Scratch mittens are the best first step in healing your skin. Don’t believe us? Jennifer, founder of this blog, swears by them after they radically helped healed her son’s eczema. Want to read more about her and Tristan’s story? Take a look her post: Natural Remedies for Eczema – What Worked For My Son.

Do you use eczema mittens or know of any other tricks to prevent scratching? Let us know in the comments below!

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scratch mittens - girl blowing bubbles in scratchmenots

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

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Why Scratch Mittens Are An Essential Part of Healing Eczema

By Laura Dolgy (see bio below) Nothing is more annoying or painful as watching a loved one suffer from eczema and experience relentless scratching. Those of us who do suffer from eczema will agree that scratching provides relief (even if only for a second) but that it also causes a whirlwind of other issues like […]
It’s an Itchy Little World

The Best Essential Oils for Eczema

By Brooke Cade (see bio below) Eczema is a chronic skin condition that affects over 30 million Americans. Common as it may be, eczema is still an uncomfortable and sometimes debilitating condition that can compromise your quality of living. To treat eczema, more and more people are turning away from conventional medicine to essential oils as […]
It’s an Itchy Little World

The Most Effective Essential Oils For Eczema Treatment

Essential oils for eczema treatment have been found to be instrumental in killing pathogens on the skin as well as in soothing inflammation.  They are hardly a new fad as they have been used since time immemorial to provide relief from ailments and to rejuvenate the skin.  This long record of success makes essential oils […]

The post The Most Effective Essential Oils For Eczema Treatment appeared first on Best Eczema Remedies.

Best Eczema Remedies