Eczema Free Forever™ Eczema Free Forever™

Eczema: Avoid this daily activity to slash flare-up risk –
Eczema: Avoid this daily activity to slash flare-up risk
The charity advises taking action to minimise contact with things that cause your eczema to flare-up. It recommends keeping a diary recording what your skin reacts to, so you know what to avoid. “Working out your triggers can be a difficult process as

eczema – Google News

How I Cover a Rosacea Flare-up with Makeup

As much as I wHow I Cover Rosacea With Makeup - Rosy JulieBC - 2ork hard to avoid rosacea triggers and make lifestyle changes to keep my skin condition under control, there are times when flare-ups happen. Inevitably, flare-ups happen at points in my life when I can’t just hide myself from the rest of the world.

Flare-ups love to happen right before important occasions. That’s likely in part because my rosacea reacts to stress and anxiety, which I have in spades, particularly ahead of social events. As a result, there are times when, despite my best efforts, covering the redness is my only option.

That said, as with everything when you have rosacea, covering up the redness needs to be done in a certain way. My skin will only tolerate certain products and ingredients and among those, only some provide enough coverage to actually stop the redness from showing through.

Still, I’ve managed to find a system that works for me. My method likely won’t work for everyone as we all have our own triggers and skin intolerances, but I hope you find this helpful in coming up with the rosacea redness cover-up strategy that works for you.

Here’s how I cover rosacea with makeup:

  • Cleanse – I always start with a clean face. The last thing I want to do is use makeup to push dirt, excess oil, dead skin cells, pollution, pollen, or other types of irritant against my already reactive skin. I cleanse with a very gentle product that washes away impurities without stripping my skin’s natural protective barrier. For more information about my cleansing routine, check out the post I made about that here: How I Created My Rosacea Skin Care Routine – Part 1 – Cleanser
  • Moisturize – While moisturizing is important, something too heavy can alter the way makeup performs on my face. For this reason, I try to choose my best and most easily absorbed moisturizer, and I use as little of it as I can while still doing the job. I talk more about how I select my moisturizer in this blog post: How I Created My Rosacea Skin Care Routine – Part 2 – Moisturizer
  • Sun protection – If I’m headed out for an evening, I skip this step. However, if I’m going out during the daytime, sunscreen is a must. I try to choose either an ultra-light fluid for very sensitive skin that will sit nicely under makeup (as opposed to a lotion or a cream) or I go for an all-natural zinc oxide product and apply a thin layer. Yes, it leaves whiteness behind on my face, but when all is said and done, I will be covering it all up with makeup that matches my natural skin tone, so the whiteness doesn’t matter much to me in this situation.
  • Primer – I never used to believe in primer. I thought it was just another product cosmetics companies use to make money. Then I tried a very good one meant for reactive skin, and I couldn’t believe the difference it made to the way my makeup looked and performed over several hours. In my ever-so-humble opinion, if you are going to spend money on anything to make sure your makeup looks great without irritating your skin, it should be your primer.
  • Green Concealer for rosacea - Rosy JulieBCConcealer – I’ve seen a lot of debate in this area. Some people with rosacea swear by green tinted concealer, others use yellow. I use a pale green, and I try to apply as thin a layer as I can. If the green colour is too dark, my foundation won’t cover it up, and the finished product looks muddy and greenish. Not exactly the best look. I won’t use anything darker than a pale minty green. The lime-green and grass-green colour correctors cover the redness but they refuse to be covered by my foundation. That said, since we all have different skin tones, you might find that a different shade of green or the yellow will work for you. If you have access to a makeup specialist who has experience with covering redness, I highly recommend consulting with him or her so you can test a few shades of concealer with your skin tone and to make sure they won’t cause your skin to react.
  • Liquid or cream foundation – I typically use two types of foundation. First liquid or cream, then a light powder on top. I find that the coverage is better this way and it looks more like “real” skin when all is said and done. That said, because a lot of layers of makeup are being applied, it’s always a good idea to use as little as possible. I use a medium-to-high coverage product and apply thin layers with a very soft brush using a dabbing motion instead of a sweeping one. I do one full layer and then touch up the areas that need a bit of extra help before blending it all in.
  • Powder foundation – A high quality mineral makeup foundation can easily become your best friend. I use this to top off my look when I’m having a flare-up, but I use it on its own (without the concealer or liquid foundation) when I’m not having a flare-up. This gives that final layer of coverage with a more finished look than the liquid on its own. I apply it lightly with a very soft flat-top/kabuki brush using gentle swirling motions.
  • Blush for rosacea makeup - Rosy JulieBCBlush – Believe it or not, after all that effort to cover redness, I do apply blush. With a very light hand, I apply just a touch of sheer pink in the colour that naturally occurs on my face. I add just a tiny bit of it to the tops of my cheeks, over my nose and up the side of my face to my temples. The key isn’t to give my cheeks redness, it’s to break the uniformity left behind by the foundation. After all, I want to look like a person, not a mannequin!

I know that some people go ahead with highlighting and contouring after this point, but I don’t. I already have so many layers of makeup on by this step that I want to try to minimize the “extras.” After all, the more I apply, the more likely I am to have a reaction to something. That said, I go to town when it comes to applying colour to my eyelids and lips. I just make sure to choose gentle products (as my eyes tend to be sensitive, too).

A few extra tips that work for me:

  • Read ingredients – At first, it can feel like you’re taking your first chemistry class and you’ve accidentally walked into the advanced lesson, but over time, you will start to learn the common substances and whether or not you want them on your skin. Some of the easier things to watch for are: fragrances, menthol, witch hazel, peppermint, clove oil, eucalyptus oil, salicylic acid, glycol acid and alcohols. For me, they’re an automatic no-no.
  • Read labels – Look for products that say things like “hypoallergenic,” “non-comedogenic,” and that are designed for “sensitive skin” or “reactive skin.” None of these labels will guarantee that your skin won’t react to them, but they’re a good place to start.
  • Rosacea Makeup brushes - Rosy JulieBCKeep brushes, sponges and other tools clean – If you give bacteria and other nasties the opportunity to grow on your makeup brushes, sponges and everything else you use to apply your makeup, they will. Spreading those critters over your face with each application will only increase the chance of irritation. I wash most of my brushes in a gentle, natural cleansing solution (I use soap nuts and water) and then rinse them after every use. That way, they’re dry and clean by the next time I need to apply makeup.
  • Use light, uniform applications – It’s easy to want to slather a thick coating of makeup over your face to cover redness as much as possible, but putting your makeup on too heavily will look worse than it will if a bit of redness peeks through. Add makeup lightly and uniformly. When you work a bit at a time, you can be sure that you’re using the minimum amount of product required to get the job done.
  • Wear makeup only when absolutely necessary – There was a time when I’d wake up in the morning and put makeup on, just in case. What if someone knocks on the door? What if I need to rush out at the last minute? The problem is that no matter how great the makeup is, it’s better for it not to be on your skin. My strategy now is to put makeup on at the last minute before I head out or have guests, then take it off the moment I get home. That way, my skin can be clean and “irritant-free” for as much time as possible. Yes, that does mean that I must occasionally receive mail at the door without any makeup on, but if the mail carrier doesn’t judge me for the old, beat-up track suit I wear when I’m hanging around the house, then a bit of extra rosiness on my face won’t make a difference!

That’s it. It sounds a lot more complicated than it really is. It certainly comes with a learning curve, but once I have the right products handy, it’s actually quite quick to apply, even at my worst.

I hope you find this helpful. Feel free to comment on any handy tips and techniques you have for covering your rosacea flare-ups. I’m always eager to learn more from other Rosy Friends! We’re all in this together.

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The Eczema and Allergies Connection: How To Determine if Pollen Is Making Your Skin Flare-Up

By Dr. Hotze (see bio below) You may be familiar with eczema flare-ups in the winter, as the combination of dry air and extreme temperature changes (cold outside, hot inside) can exacerbate your skin’s condition. However, have you ever considered the correlation between your eczema and allergies? As a doctor who’s treated many people with eczema, I’ve […]
It’s an Itchy Little World

What’s in My Rosacea Flare-Up First Aid Kit?

The best way to survive a rosacea flare-up is to stop it from happening in the first place. Easier said than done!

I’ve been living the Rosy Life for 16 years. I eat foods to avoid rosacea triggers and boost skin health while keeping inflammation down. I sleep on sheets washed in rosacea-friendly natural detergent. I use sunscreen every time I even approach natural light. I avoid spicy foods (mostly), alcohol (okay, I’m only human), and heavy lifting (no problem). I read ingredients on all skincare and am very strict about keeping up my routine. Still, rosacea flare-ups happen.

Rosacea Triggers You Can't Avoid - Rosy JulieBCThere are rosacea triggers that simply can’t be avoided: heat waves, frigid weather, stress, hormones…the list goes on. If you have rosacea, flare-ups are a part of your life. Some of us have them all the time, some of us have them very rarely. The key is to be prepared to deal with them. For me, being prepared means having a “first aid kit” for calming rosacea symptoms as they occur.

Depending on where I am, the contents of the kit will be different. After all, I can’t exactly keep a cucumber in my handbag just in case I need to blend one up and apply it to my face! The following are the current contents of my rosacea flare-up first aid kits based on whether I’m at home or not.

Cooling a Rosacea Flare-Up at Home

What’s in my kit?

  • Water
  • Ice packs
  • Red and amber LED light therapy
  • Cucumber or green tea

The first step is to start drinking water. Give your body what it needs to cool down from the inside out. Water is vital to your body’s temperature regulation and to the health of your skin. If a flare-up on its way, start drinking water and keep sipping on a regular basis.

Rosacea Flare-Up First Aid Kit - Rosy JulieBCNext, comes the ice packs. I know that some people are tempted to apply an ice pack directly to the inflamed skin. I’m of a different mindset. Since I know that my skin reacts very badly to extreme cold in the wintertime, this makes me believe that applying ice directly to my face may not be a good idea. Instead, I take one or two ice packs – the small-size gel kind meant for children’s first aid are perfect – and hold them against the back of my neck for around 10 minutes or so. As surprising as it sounds, it actually feels very good since rosacea flare-ups tend to make me overheated.

While I have the ice on my neck, I turn to my red and amber LED light therapy. This isn’t laser or IPL. It’s a very strong LED light powerhead that puts out certain very bright wavelengths of red and yellow (amber) light. I was fortunate enough to be a part of a product trial for this type of light therapy, and I haven’t stopped using it since. For me, it quickly clears the discomfort like burning, itching and stinging. The redness is cooled gradually but more quickly than it would on its own.

Once the light therapy session is done, I often apply either green tea (chilled) or cucumber paste (pieces of cucumber I’ve blitzed in the blender) to my face for about 20 minutes to a half hour. This step feels fantastic and is the perfect cooling final stage of my flare-up busting strategy.

Soothing a Rosacea Flare-up While Away from Home

Obviously, light therapy and a fresh cucumber mask are out of the question while away from home at work, at a restaurant or shopping. In these cases, my rosacea flare-up first-aid kit is slightly different.

What’s in my kit?

  • Water
  • Thermal water (travel-size can)
  • Instant-cold ice pack
  • Mineral green concealer powder (talc-free)
  • Mineral foundation powder (talc-free)
  • A super-soft mini-kabuki makeup brush

Just like when you’re at home, drinking water is the first step. Cool your body down and hydrate. This sounds too simple to work, but it does help.

Secondly, mist your face with thermal water. This provides an immediate cooling sensation without irritating your face or upsetting any skin care products or makeup you happen to be wearing.

Thirdly, have an instant-cold ice pack with you. These are the type they sell for first aid kits and that don’t need to be frozen because they are made from chemicals that freeze when they mix together. As with the gel ice packs at home, don’t place this against your face; even if it is tempting. Place it against the back of your neck, under your arms, or even on the bottoms of your feet. These locations will cool you down the fastest.

Rosacea Mineral Makeup - Rosy JulieBCIf it doesn’t look like this will be enough to reduce your redness, a touch of green mineral concealer to neutralise the redness, followed by a thin layer or two of mineral foundation powder can help you to hide it. Use gentle, circular motions with a very soft brush to apply the powders then spritz your face with a little more thermal water to give a more natural and finished look to the makeup (and to enjoy a bit more cooling).

Sure, makeup might not be the best thing for your skin, but if you’re away from home and you don’t want to look as red as a tomato, it can help to cool your embarrassment if not your skin. Since anxiety plays a huge role in flushed skin, keeping calm by knowing the redness isn’t showing can make a big difference.

I hope this helps you through your next rosacea flare-up. Do you have different items in your emergency kit? Please share them in the comments!

If you’d like to learn more about the things I do to prevent flare-ups and cope with my rosacea, please visit my blog – – or my YouTube Channel: Rosy JulieBC.


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