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The Ultimate Summer Eczema Care Guide

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

Summer is finally here and we can’t wait to lounge outside and catch some extra rays! If you suffer from eczema, then you’ll know that a change in weather can either be a great thing or the WORST thing for eczema.

To start the season off right, we wanted to share our Ultimate Summer Eczema Care Guide to prepare you for the hot weather ahead, while staying in control of your eczema flare-ups.

Please keep in mind that although these tips have worked for several eczema sufferers, I am in no way a medical professional. If you’re experiencing severe eczema or have a topical infection, it is always best to seek medical advice immediately.

Stay Cool

Sweat is a big eczema trigger. To keep cool, wear 100% cotton or bamboo clothing. Carry a towel around with you to dry off any sweaty spots and always change out of sweaty clothes as soon as possible. 

Spend Time in the Sun

You may be surprised, but sun has been proven to reduce skin inflammation associated with eczema and other skin conditions (1). Sunshine helps the body produce more vitamin D, which can helps improve the symptoms of eczema. Vitamin D supplements have been proven to help those with cases of severe eczema during winter months (2), so why not get a dose of natural vitamin D from our glorious sun?

Read More about Vitamin D and Eczema.

But be careful! Just because the sun is good for eczema, doesn’t mean you should stay in it all day long. Be sure to limit your hours in the sun to 15 minutes at a time and let your skin relax in some shade every so often. For longer periods of time in the sun, it’s still important to cover up your skin with sunscreen in order to block out damaging UVA and UVB rays.

Use Natural Sunscreen or Sunblock

If you’ve read our blog in the past, you know that many eczema treatments include harsh and unsafe chemicals that can irritate the skin. Well, it’s equally important to use natural sunscreen if you have eczema!

Some great choices for sunscreen are those that include zinc and as few ingredients as possible. As a general rule of thumb these are called sunblocks as they physically block the sun with minerals. Make sure to also stay away from products containing fragrance or perfume, and instead opt for natural and unscented sunblocks.

Check our recommendations for the Best All Natural Sunscreens for Eczema.

Head to the Beach

Spending time at the beach with your feet in the sand and listening to the surf roll in is so therapeutic and relaxing. And since stress is one of the most common eczema triggers, a day at the beach could actually help your eczema. So, tell your box you need a day off to head to the beach! Ha! Lowering your stress levels aren’t the only benefit you’ll find at the beach. The ocean’s salt water is also known to work miracles for many individuals with eczema.

Many believe that minerals like magnesium in salt helps provide therapeutic relief and can help soothe dry skin too. In fact, Epson Salt and Dead Sea Salt baths can replicate the ocean experience in your own home!

Be careful though! If your eczema has any open wounds or cuts, salt will only make it more painful. Therefore, salt water treatments are not recommended for oozing or weeping eczema.

Pool Precautions

We recommend salt water based pools rather than chlorinated pools. Chlorine is very drying and is quite a toxic chemical. If you have your own pool, try moving to a salt water system. Sadly public salt water pools are less common and you’ll usually find chlorinated pools in public settings. And that’s ok! Don’t let chlorine stop your summer pool fun! Just take a few precautions to keep your skin safe.

Moisturize your skin really well the morning before you plan to swim. You can even apply it again just before diving in, to protect the skin, if you have a thick oil based balm like the Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream. Don’t soak in the pool for long periods of time. Always rinse off very well after any time in the pool. And apply your favorite moisturizer again afterwards.


After any type of sun, beach or chlorine exposure, you’ll want to make sure your eczema prone skin stays well hydrated. Our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream is a soft and creamy oil based balm that is extremely soothing and perfect for dry skin. I usually lather this cream on myself after sun exposure and it keeps my skin smooth and dry-free throughout the rest of the day!

Pest Control

Mosquitos and other pesky insects don’t shy away from eczema and can even be drawn to you more if your skincare has a scent they find interesting. Most bug sprays contain alcohol, which can burn open wounds, as well as toxic chemicals that are dangerous for all skin types and especially bad for those with eczema.

Some natural pest control options are citronella candles, bug repellent bracelets and bug sprays or balms with essential oils like this one from Badger Balm.


Lastly, know that what we eat, affects your entire body – especially your skin.

The above tips might help keep your eczema hydrated at the surface, but eating healthy and knowing which allergens to stay away from will also help wonders.

Eating foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as fish, nuts, healthy and more will definitely keep your skin looking great. It’s also important to drink water throughout the day, so as to keep skin nourished and fully hydrated.

Healing from within is critical for eczema. Learn more in Our Eczema Elimination Diet Success Story!

You shouldn’t have to worry about eczema flare-ups, especially through the summer! Try these tips above and let us know what you think in the comments below.


  1. Epidemiological studies of the influence of sunlight on the skin. Berg, M.
  2. Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation for winter-related atopic dermatitis in children. Camargo, Carlos.

The Ultimate Summer Eczema Care Guide appeared first on Come read more about natural remedies for eczema!

Best Eczema Treatments for Babies: Your Guide to Natural Care

Did you know that, according to the National Eczema Society, as many as 10% of all infants in the US have some form of eczema? Those are pretty worrying odds and something a new parent should never have to think about. Unfortunately, baby eczema is a reality. In this post, we breakdown both the most common forms of eczema as well as the best eczema treatments for babies.

I’ve heard countless stories and have talked to many parents whose children are suffering or were suffering from eczema. They have tried countless doctor visits, treatments and medications to help improve their child’s skin, but many have been unsuccessful. In fact, my own son’s battle with eczema is the main reason why I decided to start this blog and The Eczema Company – I knew how hard it was to see your child suffer with eczema and the itchy skin and sleepless nights and I just wanted to help others going through the same thing! If you haven’t had a chance to read my story yet, I recommend you read Natural Remedies for Eczema – What Worked For My Son.

Battling baby eczema is no easy journey, and it’s not always easier as they grow older and they don’t grow out of it, but understanding the most common types of eczema, as well as learning about effective eczema treatments for babies and children will make the fight that much easier. This I promise you. Because once you’re armed with resources and ideas, as well as a good physician or natural practitioner who will support you on your journey, you’ll feel quite empowered. Eczema won’t feel like it controls your life any longer. Sure, not every day is going to be perfect. There will be ups and downs and days you still feel lost, I know because I’ve been there. But in general, arming yourself with a good practitioner and the right information will put you in control and get you on a forward moving track to better skin and itch free days.

Please keep in mind that although these tips have worked for many of my readers and customers, I am in no way a medical professional. If you’re experiencing severe eczema or have a topical infection, it is always best to seek medical advice immediately.

Before discussing the best baby eczema treatment, it’s important to distinguish various forms of eczema seen in infants.

Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema

This is the most common form of eczema among babies, children and adults. Normally, the eczema will manifest in red, dry, scaly patches on various parts of the body – often times in creases like behind the knees and elbows or on the neck under the chin. These patches are extremely itchy and can cause babies to incessantly scratch or rub their skin to alleviate the itch. With atopic dermatitis, often the child may grow out of eczema only to develop allergies or asthma, or may experience them altogether. Read more in What Is the Atopic March?

Diaper Rash

Most people don’t realize that diaper rash is actually a form of dermatitis that results in red, angry looking eczema. Skin will appear both red and irritated, while small blisters can appear if the irritation is more severe. This rash can be produced by bacteria from both a child’s urine and stool sitting in a diaper, or from a reaction to ingredients or materials used in the wipes or diaper itself. Switching to DIY wipes and cloth diapers is a great natural alternative for babies experiencing diaper rash. We’ve heard countless cases where this has completely resolved chronic, severe diaper rash. We didn’t have issues with diaper rash with my son, but we did try Fuzzibunz swim cloth diapers for my daughter. It’s also important to track how your baby responds to new foods, as acids in certain foods can cause further irritation – pears caused mild irritation for my son’s bottom and beets were a HUGE problem for my daughter’s sensitive little toosh.

Cradle cap

This condition is basically infantile seborrheic dermatitis, a form of dermatitis that is prevalent in both children and adults. Both my kids had this for years! After checking my 8-year-old son’s scalp the other day I discovered he still has a tiny bit and my 6-year-old daughter definitely still has some patches as well. Cradle cap is caused by sebum, an oily substance produced by the glands that cakes on the skin. Although it is usually not bothersome to babies, dryness can cause some discomfort and annoyance. I don’t necessarily have full on seborrheic dermatitis, but I do have trouble with excessive sebum production, which gives me waxy, greasy hair after a shower.

So, What are the Best Eczema Treatments for Babies?

Because your eczema baby has extremely delicate skin, it is best to not use any products that contain chemicals or synthetic ingredients. With my son, I found the best results in all natural products like balms because they didn’t contain any form of alcohol, which burned him terribly. This is why I only recommend natural eczema treatments for babies that are gentle on soft, delicate skin and that don’t contain any harsh chemicals or things like alcohol.


One of the most important steps in healing any form of eczema is to moisturize. Because the skin barrier is damaged, it’s important to repair the barrier by moisturizing it. One of the best baby eczema creams is our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream that combines healing Manuka honey and oil with organic nut-free tree oils, as well as beeswax to nourish the skin without any burn or sting. If you’re looking for specific products that are aimed towards Diaper rash or Cradle Cap, using herbal treatments like Emily Skin Soothers’ Itchy Eczema – Baby & Adult Soother and Severe Diaper Rash Skin Soother can help wonders as well!


While moisturizing will help heal your baby’s damaged skin, sometimes the itch can be too much. Not only does itching not allow for the eczema to properly heal, yet it can cause more severe infections like Staph. Using scratch preventive eczema clothing like ScratchMeNot Flip Mitten Sleeves for Babies or Goumi Kid’s Infant Eczema Mittens can help your little one’s eczema heal. For cradle cap that is irritated and bothersome, this Goumi Hat is very helpful.

Tags and seams can really rub and irritate the skin, so consider pajamas like those from Cotton Comfort in 100% organic cotton, which were made for children with eczema. They make a one piece footed pajama, as well as a scratch mittens pajama top and coordinating footed pajama pants. These pajamas are soft and soothing and just what I wish were around when my son’s eczema was severe.

Wet Wraps

For more severe bouts of eczema, wet wrap therapy is a miracle treatment. When my son needed quick relief, we always turned to wet wraps to ease his flare-ups. Wet wrapping is very simple and requires both an emollient moisturizer and clothing to seal in moisture for a minimum of 2 hours. For baby wet wrapping, the WrapESoothe Eczema Suit is the perfect solution available for children 6 months up to 3T. For children 4-5T, there are wet wrapping treatment shirts and separate pants available.

To learn more about wet wrapping, check out How to Use Wet Wrap Therapy for Eczema in 6 Easy Steps!

Although baby eczema is a difficult journey, there are treatments and remedies that can help alleviate both the discomfort and stress naturally. Personally, I went through so many trials and errors before really understanding what could heal my son’s eczema. We tried a variety of natural treatments that eventually worked, yet running a proper elimination diet and figuring out his allergies and intolerances made all the difference.

Are you pulling your hair out trying to figure out how to treat your baby’s eczema? Leave me a comment below or contact us.

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The post Best Eczema Treatments for Babies: Your Guide to Natural Care appeared first on

Best Eczema Treatments for Babies: Your Guide to Natural Care

Did you know that, according to the National Eczema Society, as many as 10% of all infants in the US have some form of eczema? Those are pretty worrying odds and something a new parent should never have to think about. Unfortunately, baby eczema is a reality. In this post, we breakdown both the most […]
It’s an Itchy Little World

The Truth About Eczema Diet-An Instructive Guide

Eczema diet is a special diet taken by someone who is suffering from eczema with the aim of helping the body be at an optimum state to fight this condition. It is usually adopted based on the type of eczema one is fighting against as well as the triggers of the same. It has to […]

The post The Truth About Eczema Diet-An Instructive Guide appeared first on Best Eczema Remedies.

Best Eczema Remedies

The Complete Guide to Dermatitis: How to Identify Which Skin Condition is Ailing You

By Cedars Dermatology (see bio below) Do you think you’re suffering from dermatitis? Dermatitis (a general term that describes inflammation of the skin) comes in many different forms. In this guide we’ll breakdown a variety of skin condition symptoms, as well as possible natural treatments to get you started on the road to recovery. 1. Dishdryoidotic […]
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What to Do When Your Child Has Eczema – Parents Guide to Eczema

It is considered to be the most common thing that every parents will try their best to give a happy and healthy life to their child (or children.) But, if something goes wrong, your child affected with something like eczema, what would you do?

You might have a feeling that seeing some rashes on your child is just a normal thing that can happen. But, you should know that eczema isn’t just a rash. It is considered to be a disease, which can be painful for both children and parents. Well, you might never known eczema before, but if it happens to your child, again, what would you do?

Ok, the first thing you should do when your child affected with eczema is – don’t panic. Stop worrying and keep yourself together. In this article, I have some tips for you to help reducing your child’s symptoms. Or may be you can consider these tips as your home eczema treatment.

Well, first thing first. If your child are having eczema, of course, you can see it, right? Where can you see your child’s eczema? The answer is very easy since it is so obvious. You can see eczema on your child’s skin, correct? So, first eczema treatment is to take care of your child’s skin. But how to do that?

It’s easy. Just do not let your child having dry skin. This is the first eczema treatment. It’s true that there are many factors that can cause the eczema, such as, dust, sweat, stress, or even soaps or detergents. But sometimes, the cause is nothing but dry skin, and the itching symptom will appear shortly after having dry skin. So, try to moisturize your child everyday, don’t let his skin to dry. Well, the itching may not completely gone, but it will be better, for sure.

Ok, comes to the next question, when and how to moisturize your child? Do it after your child’s bath or shower will be highly recommended. Using natural moisturizer immediately after bathing or showering, but do this on one condition, do not completely dry your child’s body. Just use soft towel to lightly dab his body and applying moisturizer to his damp skin. This way, the moisture, from both bathing and moisturizer, will be kept in your child’s skin. In case that your child is old enough, just tell him or her to reach for natural mosturizer and use it every time he or she feels itching.

Now, for to the second tip. Besides moisturize your child’s skin, you should do everything to protect your child’s skin also. This is your second eczema treatment. Eczema usually happens in small children. When it happens, it’s easy to get worse since small children don’t know much about anything. They will continue scratching every time they feel itch and this is not good for their skin. If your child is old enough, try to talk to him about eczema. Tell him to apply natural cream or lotion each time they feel itch. But, if you have small children, like toddler, then, it’s your job to protect your child’s skin.

As mentioned earlier on the first eczema treatment on how to take care of your child’s skin, which is to keep his skin moistured. And the other thing you should do is to cover the eczema area, especially at night since many children would scratch in their sleep, and they didn’t even know that they did it. Remember, the less fingernails contact with the skin, the less damage is done.

Comes to the third tip. It’s time to seek for medical attention if your child has skin infections. This is the next eczema treatment. Well, most of the eczema in children can be cured at home. However, there is a high possibility that your child might be in the risk for skin infections. As you know that eczema can create the most intense itching, and your child may continue to scratch until he hurts his skin and leaving open wounds, which make it easy to his skin to contact with germs or bacteria. And this is the cause for a skin infection. So, you can proceed the eczema treatment at home, but if you suspect about anything that might go wrong, try to seek medical attention would be the good thing to do.

As a parents, you can help your child fighting against his eczema. Who knows? May be you will be the one who can help your child free from eczema from the rest of his life by curing him by yourself at your own home.

If your child are suffering from eczema, you have two options to cure his eczema. First option, cure eczema by using steriod cream or any creams in order to treat the symptoms. By curing this way, your child’s eczema might clear up for a while and it will come back again shortly, since these creams only treat the symptoms, not the root of the eczema cause. Besides, loading your child with steriod or any other chemicals will not be good for long term period.

Eczema In Babies A Parents’ Guide For Infant Skin Care

It’s quite sad how babies can also be afflicted with eczema. Babies with eczema must be very uncomfortable especially that they can’t voice out their discomfort or do anything to relieve themselves from their itchy dry skin. They completely depend on their parents and caregivers for these things. But the development of eczema in a baby is more common than you think. More so, there are also a lot of parents like you who are willing to go the extra mile just to provide your own baby with the comfort that he or she deserves.

Only one type of eczema affects babies and this is known as atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis. Don’t get confused with two terms though because they are used interchangeably and only mean the same thing. Another term that you might hear from other parents is “infantile eczema”. This is yet another term that refers to atopic eczema because it is the only type of eczema that affects babies.

Eczema in baby often manifests itself as red patches of dry skin that itch or ooze a clear liquid. These may appear as neck rashes but they could also appear on their cheeks, arms, and legs. These rashes are terribly itchy too. As a parent, you have to take full responsibility of taking care of your baby and relieving his or her discomfort from eczema.

The wrong types of bathing soap can dramatically change your baby’s condition from bad to worse. Soap is a common skin irritant and if you don’t make the right choice, you can only aggravate the eczema in your baby. When buying bathing soap for babies with eczema, pick out the ones that have gentle formulas. It will also help if you choose soaps that have moisturizers in them. The itchiness of the rashes is related to the dryness of the skin so moisturizing it can in turn reduce the itch.

When you bathe your baby, don’t let him or her stay in the water long. Soaking in the water for too long can weaken the skin’s protective barrier and increase the risk of worsening the eczema. Lather your hands with the mild soap, pat his skin gently, and rinse him right after. Remember to use lukewarm water when bathing your baby to keep your baby’s skin from drying.

Towel dry your baby using a towel made of pure cotton. Don’t rub the towel on your baby’s skin. Just pat his skin dry.

An eczema lotion that’s specifically made for babies can be applied directly on the rashes after you have dried them. You can also use mild moisturizers for dry skin like Aloe Vera lotion. These lotions will moisturize the skin and prevent further drying. If you notice that the lotion that you use only worsens the rashes though, discontinue from using them.

Babies with eczema must be clothed in cotton too. Synthetic fiber must be avoided because they are rough on the skin and the friction could further aggravate the eczema in baby. Also, synthetic fiber traps in heat and causes sweating. Sweat that gets trapped underneath clothing can cause more eczema rashes to show or worsen the eczema that your baby already has.

Your baby’s bedding and pillow cases should all be made of cotton.

Eczema in a baby is just as itchy as those in adults. Babies will try to scratch their rashes and with sharp nails, they can cut themselves especially since the skin having the rashes is very sensitive compared to healthy skin. To avoid this, cut your infant’s nails regularly. During his or her sleep, wrap his or her hands in cotton mittens.

Charles Perkins is a skin care expert. For more information related to eczema in babies visit

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