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Eczema and Diet: Healing From the Inside Out

By Laura Dolgy (see bio below)

When we suffer from eczema and other irritating skin conditions, we quickly look to healing through various skin treatments like steroids, natural creams or really anything that will give us instant relief. However, did you know that many cases of eczema (and other skin conditions like psoriasis) are actually caused by what we put in our mouths?

This week, we take a step back from trying to heal externally and instead look at the relation between eczema and diet. Can someone really find relief through changing their diet alone? The answer is yes.

If you’ve been suffering from eczema and have tried countless creams and treatments, we encourage you to read on. Please keep in mind that although these suggestions can relieve eczema, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe eczema symptoms and cannot heal from treatments alone, it is best to seek medical advice immediately.

Eczema and Diet

Yes, natural eczema cream and topical treatments like wet wrap and dry wrap therapy are an important step in how to treat eczema naturally, but often those are band aid approaches and long term results cannot usually be found via those methods. What’s really important is to take a deeper look at how to heal eczema from within and one BIG part of that is to look at your diet and what you eat on a daily basis. Even if you think you might be eating healthy, there are many foods that might be causing or worsening your flare ups.

So what’s going on? The key to any eczema diet is listening to our gut.

Eczema and Gut Health

If you didn’t already know, your gut is made of 100 trillion microorganisms (1), which all play a key role in our digestion and overall health. When you consider how complex a system the gut is, it’s really interesting that people don’t pay more attention it. There are entire universes of organisms existing in one person’s gut lining and a small imbalance can throw the entire thing out of whack.

If you’ve researched your eczema symptoms, we’re sure you came across something called leaky gut syndrome. This is a condition in which the GI’s tract has more difficulty in filtering particles that can be damaging to one’s system. These particles, like gluten, bacteria, food particles and viruses, can leak into the bloodstream and cause your body to think they are enemies, which puts your body into fight mode. This “allergic” response can go unchecked for years and can eventually develop into more severe, chronic conditions like eczema.

Leaky gut can be mild, but it can also be a debilitating condition. If you find yourself eating healthy, your eczema is not improving, and you’re experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, you may want to look into healing your gut:

  • Suffering multiple food allergies, food sensitivities or intolerances (what’s the difference?!)
  • Bloating after meals
  • Fatigue and sluggishness
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain – even while you maintain the same diet
  • Metabolic and thyroid conditions
  • Skin issues, including eczema, rosacea and acne
  • Diarrhea and constipation

Eczema and Foods to Avoid

To start healing your leaky gut, it’s best to slowly eliminate (or at least heavily reduce) the following toxins that famously cause inflammation in the body:

  • Coffee
  • High omega 6 oils (Safflower, Sunflower, Corn, etc.)
  • Refined cooking oils (anything that is NOT cold processed or virgin)
  • Processed foods
  • Non-organic soy products
  • Wheat
  • Dairy
  • Factory farmed meat
  • Alcohol
  • Corn
  • Canned fish
  • Foods with preservatives and colorants and much more

Eczema and Foods to Eat

Although restoring your gut flora is key, there are many healing foods and supplements for eczema that can be used to strengthen it and heal it over time. These include:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Coconut oil
  • Homemade bone broth/stocks
  • Cultured and fermented foods (like kefir, sauerkraut and kombucha)
  • Prebiotics (like garlic, onion, asparagus and more)
  • Digestive enzymes
  • L-Glutamine
  • Licorice root
  • Quercetin (found in red onions, cranberries, broccoli and many other fruits and vegetables)

If you think you are dealing with leaky gut, we definitely recommend meeting with an integrative or functional physician, nutritionist or naturopath who can help you in your journey to heal your gut. In many cases the practitioner will want you to consider things like probiotics, fish oil and other supplements like immune balancers. But the needs are really personal, so it’s best to work with a practitioner to discover exactly what you’ll need to heal.

To heal your gut and then your eczema, do you have to eliminate everything forever? Although the above foods might be causing your skin to react, eliminating absolutely everything forever is unrealistic and unsustainable. The idea is to actually learn which foods or irritants are causing your skin to react and enjoy the others in moderate doses. That’s why an elimination diet is key. Read below to learn why.

Eczema and The Elimination Diet

Have you ever heard the term “elimination diet?” If you’ve read much on our blog, I’m very sure you have – we are HUGE fans because we’ve seen elimination diets work wonders time and time again. Granted – every diet is difficult, and most these days are not built on sustainable models. However, if you could find exactly which food or irritant caused your skin to flare up, wouldn’t you do it?

So just what is an an elimination diet? It involves removing certain foods from your diet for a specific period of time, usually at least around a month, and then slowly reintroducing them back. By reintroducing them, you are able to determine which foods are causing a reaction. While some foods, like the top food allergens (gluten, dairy, etc) are often to blame, there are many other foods out there that may be causing your skin to flare up. Food triggers, like all other triggers, are really very different for everyone. They key is finding out YOUR unique food triggers.

To us, an elimination diet is the ultimate eczema diet, as it can uncover your own unique triggers and help you find better skin and better health. And we think that’s pretty amazing! Don’t you?!

To discover more about this diet and how you can get started, make sure to check out our blog post: Our Eczema Elimination Diet Success (How You Can Do It Too!). Many of our subscribers and followers have found success with this type of eczema diet and you can too! And if you’re nursing, check out our tips for undergoing a breastfeeding elimination diet.

The biggest challenge for me in being successful in an elimination diet is planning the meals. If you’re struggling in this area too, I highly recommend Real Plans, a meal planning app where you can easily modify your meal plans to match your diet and see only recipes that fit with your elimination diet and reintroduction stage and finally modified long term diet. Real Plans makes it all super simple!

As we wrap up today’s post, remember – a healthy strong body with glowing skin starts with nourishment of the entire body. Eczema can be healed from the inside out, but it takes time, patience and willpower.

To discover more about eczema and diet, make sure to check out both The Eczema Diet from Karen Fischer, as well as Prime Physique Nutrition’s Healing Eczema: Why Diet is Not Enough.

Have you healed your skin through an eczema diet? We want to hear from you below in our comments!

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.


(1) Lai, Abby. Healing Eczema: Why Dieting isn’t Enough.

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A Poison Ivy Remedy For Fast Healing

If you have ever searched the internet for a poison ivy remedy, there are many sites that tout their own product.  Other sites offer no substance in their suggestions, only anecdotal evidence that cannot be relied on.  The reality is, no single remedy works for everyone.  If you have this skin dermatitis, there are some remedies that work more often than others.  


The single best poison ivy remedy is to simply not come into contact with the poisonous plant.  Make a point to learn what the plant looks like and try to avoid it while outdoors.  Wearing boots, long socks and pants can go a long ways towards keeping the oils from coming into contact with your skin.  When removing articles of clothing that you suspect have oil from the plant on them, try to minimize contact with the clothing or shoe laces by wearing a pair of disposable gloves or using a plastic bag.  Once the clothing is off, it needs to be washed in hot water using a strong soap.  

Soaps and Water

If you come into contact with poison ivy, the sooner you can get rid of the oil from your skin, the less of an allergic reaction you are going to have.  If you can get to cold running water within ten to fifteen minutes of contact, the best poison ivy remedy is to get the part of your body that made contact under running water for about five to ten minutes.  This rinses away and dilutes the oil before it has a chance to be absorbed into the skin.  

If you are sensitive or more time has passed there are a number of soaps that are specifically designed to break down the oils in poison ivy.  These soaps break down the oils and are able to pull or leach the oil out of the skin.  They can be quite drying as they tend to pull out all the oils but are the best poison ivy remedy you can buy.  

Helping the Itch

If you realize days later that you have poison ivy, there are a couple of remedies that help.  First of all, the soaps can still help and you should use them on your hands if you relent and scratch at the affected areas.  It does not take much oil to cause a reaction and by scratching you can transfer the poison ivy’s toxic oil to other parts of your body if you forget and scratch.  There are a couple products designed to cover and protect the area as the oil naturally breaks down.  Some natural products such as aloe vera and tea tree oil can help with itching, inflammation and can also help break down the oils. 

More Information about the best poison ivy remedy can be found at

Natural Approaches to Dermatitis For Healing The Skin

Dermatitis or eczema is a major discomfort for anyone who has it. Experimenting is frustrating but is a way to identify underlying factors and products that help your skin heal. Some people are also effected by extreme temperatures and notice their skin worsens during these conditions.

Medical experts advise to take only short baths or showers. Instead of using commercially available bubble baths, use lukewarm water instead. Also, as much as possible, use unscented shampoos or soaps and pick products without alcohol and drying ingredients. Remember that your shampoo will wash down your whole body so read the ingredients on the bottle. To lock in the moisture, it is advisable to use lotions or creams after taking shower rather than letting your skin dry completely.

Apart from taking regular showers and applying creams and lotions to moisturize your skin, you also need to drink lots of water. This will not only moisturize your skin but also helps eradicate toxins inside the body. Insufficient water consumption can also lead to dehydration. Always make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water every day to keep your skin hydrated.

The humble oatmeal has many benefits externally as well as internally. Consider taking a bath with oatmeal. It has a proven “calming effect” on the skin. Also, oatmeal is a natural product found in most grocery stores and even drugstores. Loose oatmeal can be placed inside netting or you can buy pre-packaged oatmeal packs in the pharmacy designed for bathing. The itching sensations are relieved and many kids enjoy this at night before bed to relieve their skin irritations.

Another important thing to consider if you want to get rid dermatitis is the food that you ingest. Steer clear of foods that tend to induce an eczema breakout. It may take a while to identify them, but this is time worth spending. Keep a daily log. There are certain foods that create skin problems and respiratory issues for those with allergies. Find out if wheat, eggs or dairy are problematical for you or your child.

Discuss with your doctor if certain natural supplements may be beneficial. There are new studies about the role of omega 3 oils and inflammation reduction. Taking a daily vitamin and increasing stress reduction techniques can be helpful for both mental stability and optimal skin healing.

Find out about Types Of Eczema and see Eczema Photos.

Eczema Natural Healing – Fast Treatment For Dermatitis

Eczema which is also known as Dermatitis is among the major skin disease which a lot of persons experience. It usually consists of dry skin which will appear flakey and itchy. As soon as you see the signs of eczema, you will also notice the redness of your skin as a result of blisters and lesion.

Steady research conducted to produce the cure for eczema has always been abortive. Though they are proven natural healing for eczema, it is better made in a way which works best. Some of the artificial healings for this skin disease are the use of drugs like steroids and antihistamines. These products have toxic chemicals in them which can cause side effects on the eczema sufferer. A known side effect caused by the use of medications to treat eczema is the thinning of the skin as you make use of medications. Medications include all forms of chemical products used in the treatment of eczema like pills, creams, lotions, and the rest of others.

You should bear in mind that outside of the use of medications for the treatment of eczema, we also have proven to work treatments which are known to be safe to treat eczema. They will give you a natural healing from this condition. The second option which I am talking about is the use of natural available treatments for healing eczema.

A lot of persons are lacking behind, and wasting their money on medications because they are yet to know that there exist natural solution to treat eczema which can be found in the kitchen and fridge. If you want to treat your eczema using a cheaper means, and long lasting solution, and safe alternative, you should switch from the use of medications containing adverse effect chemicals to the natural methods.

Some of natural healings for eczema are:
If you make use of some fruits, your eczema will appear as time goes on. The juice of fruits like carrots and spinach can be helpful in healing eczema in a natural way.

If you can be able to boil the pulp of mangoes for a period of 20 minutes on fire, it will be able to aid to make your skin feel better, especially from the itching experienced from eczema.

If you encounter dry and rough skin from eczema infection, you can solve it when you make use of the oil gotten from a fresh coconut. It is known to have moisturizing ability which can help to smoothen your skin. Research reveals that they contain natural oils which are adequate to act as a moisturizer to the skin.

You can use 2 table spoon of safflower oil to treat your eczema skin condition.

You have just read a bit of the natural healing techniques which you can apply to your eczema condition. They can aid to relief your eczema but it will not cure the root cause of the skin problem. If you need a tougher stand to combat your eczema, you need Beat Eczema. It is a guide which details the step by step method which you can follow to treat your eczema in few days.

Beat Eczema is a step by step instruction that contains all you need to treat your eczema in as little as 48 hours. If you are fed up with the recurrence of eczema, now is your opportunity to treat it using natural method permanently. You can find more about it at

Related Atopic Dermatitis Articles

How Eating A Plant Based Diet For Eczema Encourages Healing

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

By Debbie Adler (see bio below)

My son was born with severe eczema as well as life threatening food allergies to practically all of the top 8 food allergens, which include dairy, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.

The eczema was easy to spot. His face, the backs of his knees, and his arms were covered with angry red, blotchy patches from the time he was six months old.

The food allergies were not so obvious. We learned the hard way. After my son ate some frozen yogurt, when he was one-years-old, he almost died.

Eventually, we found out his body DID NOT want to have anything to do with dairy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, sesame and flaxseeds.

Glop upon glop of gels and creams did not afford ANY relief for my son’s eczema.

And every day I wondered how on earth I was going to feed my son when he was allergic to so many foods.

As desperation set in, I started looking for answers to a diet for eczema. Research was the only way I knew how to get a grip, since our pediatrician did not have any answers for us.

And what I discovered, after reading scientific journals, books and results of clinical studies, changed the course of my life forever.

Here it is in a sunflower seed (I couldn’t bring myself to say nutshell):

  1. When you are dealing with autoimmune disorders, which is what eczema is, the last thing you should ingest is DAIRY.  In the groundbreaking book, The China Study, they proved that casein, the protein found in dairy, wreaks havoc with the immune system.
  1. Since eczema results in inflammatory symptoms (red, itchy blotches on skin) it is imperative to DECREASE INFLAMMATION in the body if you want relief. A plant based diet rife with vegetables, fruits and whole grains is naturally anti-inflammatory.
  1. When our vital organs are in between digesting foods, is when our bodies do their HEALING. Animal protein is very hard to digest so it leaves less time for your body to heal. The less healing, the more eczema hangs around. Plant based foods are much easier to digest and therefore eating them frees up energy so our bodies can repair damage.
  1. Studies show that many foods such as dairy, eggs, meat, shellfish, sugar, peanuts, soy, and wheat are triggers for eczema. When you eliminate these triggers you will probably see the eczema disappear.
  1. A healthy microbiome (also referred to as gut flora) is key to keeping our immune system healthy. It’s important to eat probiotic foods for this purpose. Things like sauerkraut, pickles, miso soup and kimchi. This beneficial bacteria helps heal the gut, which in turn helps boost immunity and fight inflammation. This helps eczema tremendously.

What I didn’t tell you is that while this was happening, I was breastfeeding my son. So, of course, I had to eliminate these allergens from my diet as well. Otherwise they would be passed through the milk, to him, and his eczema would flare.


Read More:  Food Allergies and Breastfeeding: 7 Tips for Undergoing a Breastfeeding Elimination Diet


My life changed once I cut out all the allergens and started eating a plant based diet. Here’s what happened:

  • My skin started to clear up and look more youthful
  • I started to have more energy
  • Little aches and pains I used to have disappeared
  • I lost some excess weight naturally, without trying, and have kept it off (without trying)
  • My passion for preparing delicious allergy-free/plant based meals led to a book deal with the publishers of The China Study and Sweet, Savory & Free was born!

So every which way you turn points to the elaborate benefits of a eating plant based diet.

And when you’re dealing with auto-immune issues, like eczema, you will see the results right before your eyes.

Have you or your loved one experienced similar symptoms? Sometimes healing eczema from the inside out is the only thing you really need to relieve your eczema.


Read More: To get started on an elimination diet, make sure to check out this post:

Our Eczema Elimination Diet Success (How You Can Do It Too!)


Looking for plant based skincare for eczema? Check out The Eczema Company for vegan eczema treatments.


Bio: Debbie Adler is an award-winning author and her cookbook Sweet, Savory & Free is available wherever books are sold.


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Why Scratch Mittens Are An Essential Part of Healing Eczema

By Laura Dolgy (see bio below)

Nothing is more annoying or painful as watching a loved one suffer from eczema and experience relentless scratching. Those of us who do suffer from eczema will agree that scratching provides relief (even if only for a second) but that it also causes a whirlwind of other issues like more itchiness, bleeding and infection. In fact, there is clinical term for it, the notorious “itch-scratch cycle.” Today, we’re going discuss to how to prevent scratching, specifically in babies and children. If you’ve never heard of scratch mittens, you’re going to want to keep reading on…

What are Scratch Mittens?

They are literally the saving grace for baby and eczema scratching. They can be found in both sleeves and individual gloves or mittens and help provide a protective layer between the skin and hands/nails. This decreases the chance of possible skin infections like Staph and can significantly reduce the healing period.

So which are the best scratch mitten options for you? Check out some of our recommendations below:

1) ScratchMeNot Flip Mitten Sleeves

These scratch mittens are a great first step in the healing of your baby or child’s skin. The best feature of these mittens is that they actually stay on and are very difficult for children to remove themselves because of their long sleeves. The soft, silk covered mittens can be worn either open for play and eating or folded closed (specifically at night time when itching is the worst!) to prevent scratching during the worst flare-ups. They also work great for preventing scratching due to post surgery stitches, chickenpox or poison ivy and have been used to prevent chronic hair pulling, rubbing and to stop thumb sucking too.

The Original ScratchMeNot Flip Mitten Sleeves are made out of organic bamboo, cotton, and lycra, which allow your toddler or child to move around freely and with flexibility. For those with extremely sensitive skin, you’re going to want to opt for the Cotton ScratchMeNot Flip Mitten Sleeves which is made out of 100% organic cotton.


Original ScratchMeNot Flip Mitten Sleeves

Interested in finding out more about ScratchMeNot eczema mittens? Check out the video testimonial below about they how were the first step in healing Jennifer’s sons’ skin!


The Eczema Company offers a promotion! Buy 3 or more of the Classic or Cotton style and get $ 5 off each mitten!

2) Goumi Mittens

For the younger one who is currently going through their first bouts with eczema, these mittens work wonders! Goumi Infant Eczema Mittens help prevent scratching and protects delicate skin. These eczema mittens include a Velcro closure system to ensure they’ll stay put. They’re also made of organic bamboo and cotton and are naturally antimicrobial. Each mitten has two prints – just flip to the side you like best or rotate to match your little one’s outfit of the day, or in case of accidents, outfit of the hour, ha!

3) Eczema Gloves for Kids

For children who are a year to 10 years old, you’ll want to go with a piece of clothing that is flexible and not restrictive. These Eczema Gloves for Kids are meant to fit snugly on a child’s hand and help provide a layer of protection similarly to other scratch mittens discussed. Not only do these gloves work well for eczema, they can be used for psoriasis, allergic contact dermatitis and dermatomyositis as well. Because the gloves are made with organic bamboo, many people use them for dry or wet wrap therapy. Haven’t tried dry or wet wrap therapy on your child yet? Find out how to get started here with these two posts: How To Use Wet Wrap Therapy for Eczema in 6 Easy Steps! and Our Eczema Trials: Dry Wrapping.

4) Eczema Gloves for Adults

We couldn’t end this post without giving adults some scratching relief too! These Eczema Gloves for Adults (similar to those for kids) will help prevent scratching, as well as offer protection for eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis and more. Because most adults are active during the day, it’s best to use these at night along with a soothing ointment to help speed up the healing process overnight.

Although eczema can be a difficult skin condition to heal or cure, there are easy first steps you can take to prevent further irritation and infection. Scratch mittens are the best first step in healing your skin. Don’t believe us? Jennifer, founder of this blog, swears by them after they radically helped healed her son’s eczema. Want to read more about her and Tristan’s story? Take a look her post: Natural Remedies for Eczema – What Worked For My Son.

Do you use eczema mittens or know of any other tricks to prevent scratching? Let us know in the comments below!

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scratch mittens - girl blowing bubbles in scratchmenots

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

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Day 380-Day 386 Quick Healing Flares and Agoraphobia

My skin has been pretty mild and seems to be clearing up, but who knows.  My wrists have been super reactive and will get CRAZY itchy and bright red and then the next day will be mild and normal.    I’ve also been tackling some generalized anxiety lately.  I’ve had it pretty bad since this whole thing started, but I’m really trying to get to the bottom of it now.  I’m wondering if any of it has to do with the ridiculous amount of selfies I’ve taken and how deeply I’ve inspected myself the last year… That can’t be healthy on your psyche.  Anyway, starting to really get to the bottom of what’s triggering it so I can move past it.  It’s definitely better than it was in month 6 when I first started stepping out, but it’s definitely still there.

Anyway, onto pics….

Day 380



Day 383

SERIOUSLY!  Compare this to yesterday!?

Day 385

I was SO DRY and itchy all night.  I woke up and had scratched the skin off here.  It HURT. 
This.  Shower.  Hurt.
2 hours after my shower
 Day 386


Peace Out Eczema

Why Scratch Mittens Are An Essential Part of Healing Eczema

By Laura Dolgy (see bio below) Nothing is more annoying or painful as watching a loved one suffer from eczema and experience relentless scratching. Those of us who do suffer from eczema will agree that scratching provides relief (even if only for a second) but that it also causes a whirlwind of other issues like […]
It’s an Itchy Little World

Eczema: Reaching the other side of the road where the grass is greener…My healing reflections

When you have eczema all you do is wish you could have normal skin, wish that you could be anybody else who didn’t have to deal with this. Wish that you will wake up one day and it will just finally leave you alone.  I remember at first how reliant I was on what the … Continue reading
My Eczema Tales

Eczema Free Forever Review – A Healing Remedy For Eczema

Maybe it started when you were young or maybe it just popped up one day when you were not looking.

1. The Signs of Eczema.

You may have started to notice blotches that are red and itchy, your skin starts to heal only to break out once again and possibly even some puss coming out of one or more of the patches. These are signs of Eczema. No matter what your doctor may tell you, it is possible to be free from eczema forever. You may not believe it but it is true.

2. Finally – Clean Clear Skin.

With the Eczema Free Forever program, you are going to learn how to have clear and clean, beautiful skin all year round. You will no longer need to worry how you are going to cover up those scaly dry patches of skin during those hot summer months. When bathing suit season arrives, you are going to be ready and willing to put on that bikini that you have always wanted to wear but could never put on. This is a program that will not only work on Mom and Dad but for your children as well. Here is the opportunity to be able to stop all of those grueling visits to the pediatrician and worrying about all of those creams that just don’t seem to be working.

3. The Relief That You Have Been Looking For.

You will finally get the relief that you have been looking for. Not only will you get this relief from no longer needing to visit the doctor once a month but you will get the relief and the freedom to wear what you want, no longer feel left out of the crowd and you will get your confidence back with Eczema Free Forever. This is the program that is going to show you how to heal your Eczema from within instead of on the outside. Here is the cure that you have been searching for since you were diagnosed. Don’t delay any longer in jumping back into life and enjoying yourself once again.

Is Eczema Free Forever a scam? Visit to read a FREE report and find out the truth about this natural remedies for eczema!