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Using Natural Ideas To Treat Dermatitis At Home

If you have eczema, you usually have a sense of urgency that yyou need to find a cure that works right away. This is due to the constant itching as well as excessive dryness of the skin. You have many choices at your disposal from conventional drugs, lotions, creams, and even home remedies. But today, we are going to discuss why using home remedies can be an approach to explore.

Some synthetic methods have side effects and not everyone can tolerate oral steroids. This is sometimes given for moderate to severe cases of eczema. Some home approaches include bathing with oatmeal, adding flax seed oil to salads, using a natural oil moisturizer and adding vitamin supplements. Eliminating dairy products and nuts may also improve your skin. Some people cannot tolerate anything made with wheat. This makes restaurant eating difficult, but there are more options for people due to the high amount of allergies today.

When you use a natural approach you still may choose to use an antihistamine to have a good night’s sleep but you may also use omega 3 oils to help with inflammation. You still should check with your doctor on whatever decisions you make. Certain natural supplements may conflict with other medications you take.

Sometimes eczema can get infected and it’s always important to have a consult when you have any bacterial infection. Kids are not vigilant about washing their hands and this can lead to jumping from playing at recess to scratching their skin. Outdoor recess mighr involve sports on the grass and rolling down hills. This means that dirt can get under the nails and infect the skin if one scratches it. Warn your child about these risks but keep your eye on any infections that may develop.

Natural remedies can soothe inflammation and also lead to nice improvements if allergens are removed from the diet.

Learn more about Eczema Causes and Eczema Photos

Effective Eczema Home Treatments – Natural Ingredients For Skin Dermatitis

When your skin has red patches, pimple-like inflammation and raised bumps it effects your daily life in a number of ways. The itchiness can cause sleep deprivation as well as poor concentration at work and school. You may spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to wear to cover your arms, legs and other areas that have eruptions from eczema. Psychologically, dermatitis makes people feel self-conscious and it can create a social impediment if your case is moderate to severe.

Fortunately, there are effective eczema home treatments to reduce both the itchiness and red skin irritations.

Moisturizing should be the first line of defense and something to be sure to not neglect. In summer months, it is easy to go swimming in a chlorine pool and to neglect moisturizing afterwards. Remind yourself and your children to do this as being in the sun dries your skin and the moisture needs to be replenished. Check the ingredients on moisturizers to omit those with alcohol and drying agents. Vitamin E, olive oil, coconut oil and neem oil are all excellent for the skin. If you use an essential oil, be sure it is added to a carrier such as olive oil or virgin coocnut oil. You can get olive oil in your system by having pesto sauce on foods. Water also should be carried around at all times for drinking. Do not count soda, tea and coffee as getting water. These can have a dehydrating result on your skin.

Do you own a juicer? Take a juicer and blend together carrots, celery, parsley and wheat grass. These provide nutrients for the skin that we often neglect. You can also get vegetable drinks juiced now at many health food stores and juice bars. Take a vitamin that contains vitamins a, d, e , calcium, magnesium and zinc. B-complex is good for stress reduction so this is important for mental stability.

Another natural remedy for eczema some people have recommended on home remedy sites is to put 1/2 a teaspoon of tumeric in a cup of water and drink it. Tumeric is a blood cleanser and good for many ailments including dermatitis.

For the problem of itchiness, take a twenty minute bath with oatmeal. Don’t scrub the skin, but let your body soak. This relieves itchiness and reduces inflammation. Draw on both external and internal supplements to get relief from the skin eruptions of atopic dermatitis.

Get a system that is a complete Home Remedy for Eczema and read articles on the underlying causes of dermatitis at

Tips To Relieve Eczema: Home Remedies To Help You Ease The Symptoms Of Eczema

As all eczema sufferers know, they are stuck with the skin condition for life. Eczema is a chronic skin disorder that has no cure, but it can be managed to reduce the severity of symptoms and the frequency of eczema flare-ups or outbreaks.

The major symptoms that characterize the disease are rashes and itchiness. The affected skin area can appear red or brownish-gray, blistery, leathery, thick, scaly or cracked. At times, small, raised bumps may be seen on the skin. Out of these, fluid may seep out when scratched, and then the bumps crust and heal.

The common locations of these rashes and bumps are the elbows, knees, arms, hands and feet. They can also appear on the face, especially the eyelids, around the eyes, and on the cheeks. They can be very unsightly, and the person will normally want to stay at home until the facial rashes disappear.

Some tips to relieve eczema during a flare-up are:

Apply creams and ointments to relieve the itching. Most over-the-counter anti-itch topical medications will bring relief.

Avoid harsh soaps and chemicals which can further irritate the skin. Scented commercial skin products are potential irritants.

Also avoid long baths (especially warm baths) to prevent aggravating the skin outbreak.

Avoid triggers that may induce an eczema flare-up or worsen one when it is already underway. Triggers can include strong perfumes, rough clothing, heat, sweating, stress, low humidity, drastic temperature changes, and exposure to cats and dogs.

Also avoid food triggers such as eggs, fish, milk, and soy products.

Meanwhile, these are tips to relieve eczema that are specifically aimed at breaking the itch-scratch cycle:

Use cold or wet compresses to relieve the itching.

Wear soft mittens at night.

Keep the fingernails short.

Take over-the-counter antihistamines like Benadryl.

Wrap the skin with loose gauze wraps to protect it from scratches.

Apply moisturizers.

The itchiness may increase at night, and scratching can occur during sleep, so be prepared beforehand by using these tips to relieve eczema. It is important to avoid scratching because this can lead to scars and infection. When the skin becomes infected, it may be necessary to take antibiotics under medical supervision.

It is also important to use natural and organic items as much as possible when treating eczema. Many commercial soaps, shampoos and skin products contain sodium hydroxide, propylene glycol and sodium lauryl sulfate. These substances aggravate eczema for many people. Likewise, dyes and perfumes in laundry products, and most fabric softeners, are unsafe for eczema sufferers. It is recommended that vinegar be used instead as a natural fabric softener.

Instead of OTC anti-itch creams, one can also opt to use natural, herbal mixtures instead. A variety of natural ingredients can be used in the making of homemade anti-itch pastes and lotions. These ingredients include blueberry leaves, dandelion leaves, camphor, sandalwood, nutmeg, spearmint leaves, turmeric powder, papaya seeds, neem leaves, and virgin coconut oil. Most of these can be pounded or crushed, and then mixed with a few drops of oil to form a paste or lotion. It then should be placed on the affected area, and left on for ten to thirty minutes.

Out of these many tips to relieve eczema, anyone who has the skin condition is sure to find at least a few remedies that he can use.

Do you want to discover wonderful techniques you can use to naturally get rid of your ugly eczema? If yes, then you might want to download a copy of the Beat Eczema Program!

Click here ==> Beat Eczema Review, to find out more about this natural eczema treatment system and see how its been helping thousands of eczema-sufferers round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Similar Articles: how to get rid of eczema, home remedies for eczema, best eczema treatments

Find More Chronic Eczema Articles

At Home Remedies for a Seriously Dry Scalp

Having a dry scalp can be a pain! It’s itchy, annoying and most of all can be kind of gross! But with that said there are a few things we can do to combat this pesky issue! Often times those who have a dry scalp will also see dryness around their nose and on their chest, and as a result we may need to cover washing and at home practices both for the scalp, face and torso as the three areas on the skin are very closely related!

Unfortunately, most physicians have seen that dandruff is genetic and tends to run in families. Typically, with genetic conditions there are trickier steps to take in combating the condition but luckily treatment for dandruff is one of the few conditions that can be done cost effectively and at home.

This is another one of those skin problems that has no cure but luckily our dermatologist Dr. Norris suggested a few simple treatments to try!


First thing on the list is to wash your hair less frequently in general. Washing your hair everyday will strip away your natural oils and dry out your scalp. However, everyones scalp is different. If this method does not help, try out our other options.


Second, Dr. Norris suggests to find shampoos that contain zinc pyrithione or ketaconozal. Nizoral is a popular shampoo that contains these ingredients, and can be found at most local drug stores.  


Finally, our last helpful tip is alternating dandruff shampoos each time you wash your hair  can help keep the dandruff away. Be sure you are rotating shampoos because using just one shampoo over and over will decrease its effectiveness.

Amanda Blakley Skincare – BLOG

10 Natural Remedies for Eczema You Can Try at Home Today

Laura Dolgy (see bio below)

If you’re prone to eczema then you’ve probably spent countless hours researching the best remedies for quick and effective relief. Unfortunately, not every trick and tip on the Internet works, but we’re here to break down the top 10 natural remedies for eczema that can be tried today with items you can probably find in your home.

Please keep in mind that although these tips can help remedy eczema, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe eczema symptoms like fever or an infection, it is best to seek medical advice immediately.

Ready to get started on these remedies for eczema? Here they are:

1. Coconut Oil

In order to keep skin moisturized and less prone to dryness and cracking, applying coconut oil to your eczema can work wonders. It’s naturally antibacterial too, so it can help prevent infections. Keep in mind that the most natural and organic coconut oils for eczema will yield the best results. You can also use a natural soap bar that uses coconut oil such as our Emily Skin Soothers soap for eczema.

2. Acupressure

If you’ve never heard of acupressure, then you should know that it’s considered one of the best remedies for eczema. This alternative technique is similar to acupuncture in the sense that pressure is applied to different body pressure points to clear blockages. To get started on acupressure, check out our post: How to Use Acupressure for Eczema: A Home Remedy for Itchy Skin. It’s really quite simple to do yourself and you can start right now!

3. Elimination Diet

Many of us don’t realize that what we put into our bodies sometimes cause the most issues externally. If you haven’t already tried an elimination diet as a natural remedy for eczema, you might want to give it a try. The Eczema Cure is a great ebook based on eliminating common trigger foods and adding gut healing foods. I personally had great success with reducing my son’s eczema through this elimination diet and years later we were able to cut out the remaining minor eczema with the Auto Immune Paleo diet.  Another approach can be found in The Eczema Diet by Karen Fischer which discusses how to heal your skin through simple dietary changes and daily skincare and is based on improving liver function and maintaining the right balance of acid to alkaline food intake.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

For years, doctors have recommended that eczema sufferers take bleach baths to fight topical bacteria and heal their eczema. Not only are bleach baths toxic, yet they can cause some serious abrasions to skin that is already sensitive. A healthy bleach bath alternative is apple cider vinegar. Start with one cup of apple cider vinegar and pour it in your bath, so that it becomes diluted (you can increase the amount by 4-5 cups, yet you want to make sure it’s not irritating your skin). Soak for 10 minutes, then rinse. If you’re experiencing flare-ups, this is something you can do nightly, but make sure to decrease baths to 1-2 times per week to properly heal skin and prevent further outbreaks.

5. Aloe Vera

Have you ever noticed that it feels immediately better after applying aloe vera to sunburnt skin? This amazing plant is also one of our remedies for eczema! Whether your skin is red, burning or itchy, aloe vera can provide a cooling and soothing effect on your skin. You can choose to cut open an aloe vera plant and squeeze out the juice from inside or you can go with a natural skin care product such as this Coconut Aloe Moisturizing Serum or Organic Aloe Vera Skin Soothing Spray. Just beware of most aloe gel found in the drugstore as they contain alcohol and will really burn your skin, especially if you apply it to an open eczema wound.

6. Organic Honey

Honey – specifically Manuka Honey, is a great way to reduce eczema flare-ups and prevent scarring. It has exceptional anti-inflammatory properties and can be doubled up as a moisturizer and exfoliant. Simply apply the honey directly to your skin and gently rub it in. For a less sticky option, try my favorite Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream which contains both Manuka honey and Manuka oil (similar, but more effective than tea tree oil), which help to fight bacteria and heal eczema flares.

7. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been used for centuries to provide natural relief to skin issues. This oil has antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties, which can help with skin inflammation and general irritation. You can also add this oil to a variety of different skin care products including body washes, shampoos and creams. I also love to add a few drops to the washing machine when I wash my husband’s stinky gym clothes!

8. Turmeric

This herb is known for its antioxidant component, curcumin. It also helps with improving liver function. You can choose to either take turmeric supplements orally or can use tumeric from your spice rack to create a topical skin paste, or maybe do both! To make a skin paste, mix equal parts tumeric and raw honey and add tiny amounts of water to get to the consistency of your choosing. For an extra antibacterial boost, add a few drops of Manuka oil or Tea Tree oil.

9. Stay Hydrated

Although it may be obvious, drinking lots of water can also help relieve eczema. Not only does water help flush toxins out, but it can help keep skin hydrated and cool. If you have trouble keeping track of water throughout the day, you can use a smart cup with a drinking reminder alarm to make sure you’re drinking enough water.

10. Manage Stress

Other than staying hydrated, it’s crucial to manage stress, as to prevent eczema flare-ups and maintain overall good health. Find out how you can relieve stress in children, as well as yourself here.

Adding a selection of these tips to your daily routine can definitely help heal eczema. Many of these natural remedies can be used with everyday items lying around the house, but if you’re looking for skin care, clothing or resources to heal and prevent eczema, check out The Eczema Company for natural remedies for eczema.

Have any fun tips of your own? Share them with me in the comments below!

Want to keep and save these tips for later? Save the pin below:

Natural Remedies for Eczema - Pinterest image

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

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10 Natural Remedies for Eczema You Can Try at Home Today

Laura Dolgy (see bio below) If you’re prone to eczema then you’ve probably spent countless hours researching the best remedies for quick and effective relief. Unfortunately, not every trick and tip on the Internet works, but we’re here to break down the top 10 natural remedies for eczema that can be tried today with items […]
It’s an Itchy Little World

Coming Home

Today, it felt like coming home – sharing on this blog again after taking a year break from regular posting. I took a break when Marcie started grade school last year and I didn’t feel that it would help you by posting for the sake of posting. As such, for the past year:

On this blog:

I only worked on a few series centered on new studies on topical corticosteroid withdrawal, contact dermatitis and skin defences, and organizing my archive posts into Google Collections.

On other pursuits:

I took an interest in hand lettering and visual notes, and you’d see more of these for this year’s posting.

In 2017, I’d post twice a week, a lighter posting schedule compared to three times a week in the past. I feel that this feels a little like coming home, returning to what this blog is about, i.e. turning blues to bliss.

2017 Blog on Eczema Atopic Dermatitis

Blogging on – feels like coming home after a long vacation

Sharing verses from a poem Coming Home by American poet, Vern Rutsala (from January 1985 Poetry Magazine)

We thought we knew these

sidewalk cracks by heart

but even they have altered

in our absence, branching out

on their own. The yard too

has a new identity -some

plants dead, others new.

Inside, the knives and forks

don’t seem the same and feel

wrong in our hands. The design

is more extreme than we remember and there has been

some subtle change in scale

too. The touch of familiar

things is strange, surfaces

feel foreign as if we had

brought back some art

of foreignness. Even the old

companions – tables and chairs,

the light through a window –

seem alien. We are back

but not back all the way.

Eczema Blues

How Home Renovation Affects Allergies and Eczema

By Bryn Huntpalmer (bio below) Those two words you’ve been dreaming of may also come with a sense of dread: home renovation. Can you really update your home if you have allergies and eczema? The good news is you can, and it may actually improve your allergies in the long run to update your home now. […]
It’s an Itchy Little World

3 Things You Need to Know About Finding Home Care for Your Parents

As children, we want nothing but the best for our parents. Sometimes, that means letting them live at home instead of an assisted care facility. Your parents will have a better time spending their days with the family – including their grandchildren – and you can keep a closer eye on them along the way.

Taking good care of parents at home, however, can prove to be a big task to tackle. This is where home care services come in handy. Before you can start providing your parents with the support they need, however, you need to first find a good service provider. Below are three essential tips you need to know about finding the best home care for your parents.

Start by Finding the Right Agency

shutterstock_423588148_300Home care services are usually provided by registered nurses. You can either get in touch with a qualified nurse directly or work with a home care agency. The latter is usually the better option, since you don’t have to worry about a lot of things.

For starters, the agency will handle all the necessary checks for you. This includes the background and qualification checks required to ensure the nurses that will be taking care of your parents are qualified. In most cases, you can even ask for specific requirements.

Finding the right agency is also easier. There are plenty of service providers to choose from. You can read reviews and get past references of the agencies you are interested in using too. Other information will make choosing the right one to work with even easier.

Compare Agencies and Their Service Offers

Never go for the first offer you come across. As mentioned before, there are plenty of agencies and home care services to choose from. Do a quick Google search and you’ll find at least 30 home care service providers near you. The best way to find the one to hire is by comparing the agencies and their service offers.

Get quotes from multiple agencies. You can do this by either contacting each agency directly or getting estimates using online price aggregators. You can save a lot of time and money along the way too. The healthcare industry is very competitive these days, so you will be able to get great deals and special offers rather easily.

Trust Your Feelings

Always interview the agency and the nurse (or nurses) that will be taking care of your parents directly before making any purchase decision. There are important details to spot during the interview, but you can always rely on your feelings. How comfortable you are with the agency and the nurses should be taken into consideration.

For example, you can find top nurses with an online RN to BSN degree from Arizona State University or other top universities across the country just by getting in touch with the right agency. The extra qualifications mean the nurses have better skills in healthcare, which in turn means your parents will get the best care they need.

You can even ask a trial period before making up your mind. Once you are fully comfortable with the agency and the nurses, you can sign up for the full service. It’s the best feeling in the world; knowing that you’ve provided your parents with the best care they can get.

Content supplied by Click Intelligence

talkhealth Blog

2 Home Runs and 35 months TSW

It’s hard to believe that it’s already September! Summer goes by fast when you spend it traveling from one baseball tournament to another, a family reunion, and two weddings–in 4 different states. Thankfully, we’ve been able to do it all, and Brian has weathered the heat and humidity of summer like a champ.

Brian’s team, the Virginia Breeze Elite, brought home the Cal Ripkin championship trophy and came in the top 8 of 104 teams at the week-long Cooperstown tournament in NY. The stay in the barracks and uniforms washed by the staff challenged his skin, but he at least came out no worse than he went in: 0/5 to 2+/5 ss (scratch scale) and minimal shedding.

Also, he hit his first and 2nd home runs ever that week, contributing 2 to the team’s 44. He batted .611 in 6 pool play games–a fitting end to his “little field” career and a testament to how far he’s come in his TSW journey. Thank you, Jesus!

“But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead…you should stand firm in the LORD, dear friends!” Philippians 3:13, 4:1

Virginia Breeze Elite 12u Cal Ripkin Champs

Virginia Breeze Elite 12u Cal Ripkin Champs (Brian is kneeling, 2nd from the right)

Cooperstown 2016

Cooperstown 2016


Edisto Beach, SC

Edisto Beach, SC


Beyond the Itch