Eczema Free Forever™ Eczema Free Forever™

TSW to Dr Aron’s… ZERO regret and I gained my LIFE BACK!!!

Good grief!  I don’t even know where to start.  I stopped blogging because, honestly, I didn’t have time.  My life has been so full and back to normal along with my skin that I haven’t had anything to blog about.  I don’t take photos of my skin anymore.  I don’t have updates.  I’m just back to living my life without thinking about my skin.   Skin no longer dictates everything I do.  Showers feel great.  I sleep through the night without Benedryl.  I have energy.  I am eating more foods!  ALL good.  How?  Well, some of you are going to cringe when I say this and quite frankly I just don’t care.  I spent my WHOLE TSW experience trying to bring hope to the people who were in the depths of hell.  Showing them where I’d been and how much healing I’d experienced.  But, truthfully, after nearly 2.5 years of TSW hell, I could no longer convince anyone, including myself, that time was going to heal me.  I needed to get back to my life.  I needed to focus on my kids and my family.  I needed SOMETHING.  Enter, Dr. Aron.

If you’d asked me at the beginning of TSW if I’d EVER go back on steroids, I would’ve SWORN I never would.  TSW gave me a steroid phobia.  Steroids were the reason my skin was nearly killing me.  Steroids were the reason I was in so much pain.  Steroids were the reason for it ALL!  Well, after 2.5 years of NOT fully healing…Of constant flares…..  Of avoiding EVERYTHING due to my skin….  Of being miserable…. I finally decided to try something else.  Anything else.  Anything that could possibly give me my life back.
On a calm night in May I was up late,as usual because my skin was in pain, and I started really looking into Dr. Aron. I almost signed up at the very beginning of TSW, but couldn’t quite pull the trigger.   His theory on bacteria being the leading cause of the mess made sense.  I weighed the possibility of TSW being inevitable and me possibly having to go through it all again, and I decided that I would try immunosuppressants if it were necessary some time in the future.  I also knew that Duplimab was in the works, so I had that to fall back on as well.   I had clung to the idea that TSW heals everyone!  Everyone will be eczema free!  Well, I just honestly don’t think that’s even realistic.  I also started to see my TSW heroes STILL miserable, depressed, and suffering after 5 plus years.   Still taking on the responsibility of bringing hope to others through their blogs and taking blogging “Breaks” because they couldn’t share “hope”… because, at 5 plus years, they were feeling hopeless.  NO!  NO NO NO!   That, to me, was not something I could deal with.  So, on a calm, rational night, I took the plunge and purchased Dr. Aron’s.
On June 5th, 2016 I received my prescription.  I scheduled a doctors appointment for my doctor to fill the prescription and dove in head first.  I mixed the ingredients how they said.  The chemical smell made me nervous.  I had a rush of adrenaline as I put the mix on my fingers.  I said a little prayer, and applied.  It stung.  It burned, but this was NOT a surprise as my skin was in a perpetual state of brokenness.  And I mean PERPETUAL.  Like a Groundhog Day of painful showers and having to ice my neck for 30 minutes after each one.  I think about those days now and fight panic attacks.  The INTENSE itching.  The oozing smell.  The pain.  I am not even going to waste anymore words on this because you can search my blog and SEE the intense suffering for yourself. Some days I wonder if the suffering was even necessary, but I don’t let myself go down that road.
After 3 days I was sleeping fully though the night without waking.  Up until that point, I hadn’t slept through the night fully in 2.5 years.  I woke up itching EVERY night.  The sweat from sleeping made me itch like crazy.  EVERYTHING made me itch!!!  I hadn’t slept longer than a 4 hour stretch in MONTHS and before that it was 2 hour stretches.  I was a miserable.  Dr ARon’s fixed that immediately.  I remember waking up after my first full night of sleep.  I had this weird nervous feeling.  I realized that feeling was energy from having truly RESTED.  How depressing.

After 3 days I could shower!  Showers were no longer EXHAUSTING.  They took everything out of me!  It was so awful!  Well, after just days, showers felt amazing.  I remember standing in the shower with tears of joy streaming down my face because it felt like a shower.  A beautiful, warm shower.  No intense itching.  No intense burning.  No knife like cut feelings.  Just wet warmth.  I had suffered for 2.5 years.  Even avoiding showers for an entire year due to the HORRIBLE pain.  You read that right, I didn’t shower for a YEAR.  I am so mad even typing that.

After a few weeks I could sweat without feeling the heat flare!  Oh the freakin heat flares!  I would know I was sweating before I was even sweating because the itch would start.  The slightest raise in heat would cause my body to slightly perspire and the sweat would sting and burn all the broken skin.  OMG it was miserable!  I couldn’t work out, I couldn’t walk in the heat, I couldn’t do anything without feeling like I could just itch my skin off.  UGH.

After 10 days I looked like I’d lost 10 lbs because the swelling had gone down so much.  You could see my chin again.

It took much longer of the wrinkles to subside.  That was months, really.

After 6 months I went on a date with my husband to a work Christmas party and TRULY felt beautiful.  My skin played a huge roll in that.

Well, so here we are.  At my 1 year Aron-aversary.  I have never regretted the decision.  NOT ONCE.  IT has been the best decision of my life.  I would do it 1 million times over.  OVER AND OVER!  It has given me my life back.  I am a human again.  I don’t have a lot of recent pics, but here are a few pics I sent my husband and a few from JUST now while blogging at my mom’s house.
You guys, I KNOW what you’re going through.  I have been through it!  I understand sticking with TSW!  And I understand the fear of going back on steroids.  I support whatever you’ve decided!  If you have any Dr Aron questions, I am going to be making a post on questions and my full experience.  I had major Post traumatic stress.  Anyway, leave any questions in comments!  And Talk soon, friends!  
Until then, I will be enjoying swimming and sweating and sleeping and anything else I avoided for so many years!

Peace Out Eczema

3 Tips for Incorporating Healthy Living Into your Family’s Life

If you have a family, you will want to do all you can to keep them healthy. This will take the right amount of effort on your part and know-how. It’s important to understand how and why you will want to be a bit more diligent at maintaining the health of your family. Of course, you will want to avoid being sick at all costs and dealing with medical issues that are more likely to arise when you don’t care for your health. It’s ideal to know some tips that can allow you to add more health to your day.

Tip #1: Have family meetings

One of the things you will want to do is to pay close attention to all the members of your family. If you have teenage kids, it’s important to look for signs of potential drug use.

The first thing to do to ensure your kids remain as healthy as possible may rest in having a drug intervention. This can address an issue of this magnitude and work to decrease the chances of it causing a major issue later on in life.

You’re sure to have much more success by getting the support you need from professionals in this field. Many of these individuals can be found and are ready to provide the expert advice you need if this situation does arise.

Tip #2: Buying better foods

It can be tempting to purchase junk food at the store, but this won’t help you have a healthier life. It’s imperative that you eat foods that nourish your body and allow you to feel your best each day.

The next time you go to the grocery store, you will want to shop for healthier food choices. This obviously could assist with weight loss for yourself and loved ones eating out of the same fridge and cabinets. Taking time to add vegetables and fruits to your cart can be one of the ideal ways to enable everyone under your roof to be healthier.

You should also work to get in the necessary amount of protein each day by adding lean meats that can allow you to do so. Keep in mind that studies show women should eat at least 46 grams of protein per day and men should have 56 grams daily to maintain health and feel good.

Tip #3: Join a gym

One of the top things to do may be to take the time to look at local gyms in your area. In fact, you may get a discount if you have a large family that wants to join.

There are numerous health benefits to joining a gym, and some of these are listed below:

1. Equipment – Being able to have instant access to all types of equipment that is expensive to own is ideal. This may be the key to getting in a good workout and being as healthy as possible.

2. Swimming pool – Most gyms have a pool that can allow your family to relax and have fun. This is a great way to spend time together and get in your exercise.

3. Entertainment – The cost of going to a movie or out to eat can get pricey. However, if you have a gym membership, you can simply go there to have time outside of the house.

4. Personal training – You may need a bit of extra guidance when it comes to getting healthy and fit. The good news is that you can consult with a fitness expert that can help your family get in the best shape of their lives.

The key to having the highest quality of life possible is taking care of your health. All of your family members are certain to appreciate the effort you put into making this possible. There are numerous benefits of doing all you can to feel your best and taking care of your family is sure to be high on your list of priorities. You can help your entire clan enjoy better health and feel more energized to tackle each day when you make this one of the things you put lots of effort into making happen. Get started today for allowing your family to be healthier tomorrow.

talkhealth Blog

3 tops tips to improve your quality of life with a long-term health condition

It is estimated over a quarter of the population in England (15.4 million people) has a long-term condition such as diabetes, coronary heart disease or chronic lung disease and an increasing proportion of these people have multiple conditions.

Although there is a wealth of information available to patients with long-term health conditions, the advice can seem overwhelming and healthcare providers don’t always have time for patients to answer all those niggling questions that can make a difference to your life.

Wendy Norton, Head of Health Coaching at My Clinical Coach guides people with long-term health conditions on how to live a healthy and more fulfilling life. Here she provides 3 top tips:

Stop Smoking

Although smoking rates have declined over past decades, smoking is still the biggest cause of preventable illness and premature deaths in the country, accounting for almost 80,000 deaths in England a year.

For people with long-term health conditions such as diabetes and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) smoking exacerbates symptoms and significantly decreases quality of life. If you have COPD and are still smoking, then the single most important way in which you can help yourself feel better is to stop! In fact, research suggests that if you can stop smoking for 28-days, you are five times more likely to be able to quit for good.

Take Control of Your Condition

Portrait of happy young couple at cafe counter having discussion over a cup of coffee. Woman holding a digital tablet and man with cup of coffee.

Be an informed patient and learn as much as you can about your condition. The more you know about your health, the more you will feel able to control the condition rather than letting it control you. A patient who has regular support that understands what they’re going through and has the right tools to help, is proven to be more successful than a patient doing it on their own.

I have found that many patients we coach want to be more involved in their care, as it gives them a greater sense of control and improves their quality of life. Patients often highlight how self-management of their condition not only improves their physical health but also their mental wellbeing. So, take control of your health and choose what is right for you!

Follow a Healthy Diet

Knowing the foods that can be a problem for you is crucial. For those with COPD, certain foods increase the risk of bloating and gas which can make it more difficult to breathe. Apples, stone fruits (peaches and nectarines) and melons may be healthy but can cause bloating, so it is vital to know how your body works when planning your diet.

Never skip breakfast as this can lead to over-eating later in the day which can ruin your food plan and cause your blood sugar levels to rise, which can be harmful to people with diabetes. I would recommend aiming for three servings per day of fibre fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains.

talkhealth Blog

Alternative Medications That Can Improve Ailments And Quality Of Life

During the past few years, the media has helped to make consumers aware of the dangers of prescription medications. While these drugs may offer temporary relief, they also come with risks. And, those risks may last for an extensive period of time. They can lead to life-altering addiction. At the same time, the short-term side effects should not be ignored. If you wish to alleviate your suffering without taking the risks, you will want to check out the list of alternative medications below.


While Yoga isn’t a medication in the traditional sense, many experts agree that this form of exercise can be therapeutic in various ways. Yoga and meditation can help to put the patient’s mind at ease, while also alleviating their pain and anxiety. In fact, it is believed that yoga can aid with a variety of ailments, including painful joints, anxiety and even depression. And, yoga can help the patient burn calories and lose weight. Therefore, partaking in yoga is truly a win-win situation. Just make sure you ease into yoga slowly, because some of the poses can take years to master.



Over the past few years, more and more consumers have decided to begin consuming supplements on a daily basis. This can be a wise choice. Supplements help to provide the patient with the nutrients that they may not obtain through their traditional diet. This is why many have added Palmidrol to their diets. This specific chemical has been used for many years and it has been known to offer relief for diabetic pain, lower back pain and Sciatica pain. Many of the supplements that contain this chemical are capable of protecting the user against many ailments.

Generally, they can help the patient combat depression, allergy problems, pain, and even eczema. Those that want to boost their immunity, while also alleviating pain, should definitely consider adding this type of supplement to their daily diet.

Homeopathic Treatments

Homeopathy is somewhat of a controversial subject. Many people believe that homeopathic treatments are nothing more than a fraud, but others swear by them. In homeopathy, it is believed that substances, which cause symptoms in a healthy individual, can actually cure those same symptoms for someone who is sick. This form of alternative medicine has been around for many years and was originally created by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. Again, some believe that homeopathy medications are nothing more than quackery.

Nonetheless, these medications generally contain very few active ingredients. Therefore, they will be safe and they may offer relief to some patients. Experimenting with them for yourself is recommended, since each chemical can impact each patient differently.


And of course, you should remember that there many more alternative medicines. Acupuncture and kinesiotherapy have both gained in popularity over the past few years. While both treatments still have a lot of critics, many people believe sincerely that they have provided them with relief. Since neither has any notable side effects, the risks are minute. Therefore, each patient should experiment, until they’re able to find the best solution for their own unique problem. This is something that is not possible with prescription medications, since almost all of them come with negative side effects.

talkhealth Blog

Rosacea – A Day in the Life of

papulopustular croppedSarah Jagger
, Celebrity makeup artist and rosacea sufferer, recently embarked on a venture which aimed to shed new light on the struggles those with rosacea will experience day to day. As a part of Galderma’s ‘Experience my Rosacea’ campaign, Sarah used her makeup artistry to show the true visual extent of a rosacea flare-up.


Throughout the day, Sarah was very aware of the people around her, feeling extremely self-conscious and anxious, “I spend my time helping people cover up their imperfections and help them feel confident in their skin. However, during this experience I felt increasingly conscious of those around me, constantly wondering what they were thinking. It was completely isolating.


Rosacea is a common skin condition where those affected experience red rash-like symptoms on their face. Current figures suggest as many as 1 in 10 people are affected by rosacea. Symptoms can vary in their severity, with symptoms being at their worst during a ‘flare-up’. These can include a burning or stinging sensation on the skin, the formation of red bumps on the skin, spots, skin dryness, plaques (raised red patches of skin), and swelling or thickening of the skin.


Further to the physical symptoms, many of those who suffer with rosacea also struggle with the psychological impact of the condition. Due to the fact that rosacea tends to affect the face, many often experience low self-esteem, anxiety and depression, with some socially isolating themselves in fear of how people will react to their red, blotchy and swollen skin.


Working together with Embarrassing Bodies’ Dr Dawn Harper and Dr Anton Alexandroff, Consultant Dermatologist at University Hospitals Leicester, Sarah Jagger walked through the streets of London to see how the public reacted to her rosacea symptoms. On the day, members of the public were interviewed about their awareness of rosacea. Of those who did know what it was, the majority held incorrect perceptions about it, with many thinking that the red facial flushing commonly seen in those living with the condition was caused by drinking alcohol.


Earlier this year, talkhealth conducted a survey to find out what knowledge our membership had, if any, of rosacea. Despite being so common, many were unaware of what rosacea really was. Surprisingly, out of the participants we surveyed who answered that they did not currently have rosacea; many of them reported they had been experiencing rosacea-related symptoms.


Through campaigns such as ‘Experience my Rosacea’, awareness and understanding of the condition should become more prevalent. With so many people suffering in silence, the need for understanding and psychological support continues to grow.

If you are experiencing any physical or psychological symptoms associated with rosacea, and you believe you may have the condition, please visit your GP. If you have any questions regarding your condition, or you want to share best practice, please visit our talkrosacea forum and speak with our growing rosacea community.

talkhealth Blog

Ask the Expert: Bedwetting, dry skin, life changes

Ask the Expert: Bedwetting, dry skin, life changes
A: This is likely due to atopic dermatitis (also called eczema), and there are a myriad of factors that can lead to this condition. Atopic dermatitis is usually itchy, and you may notice that your toddler scratches these dry areas frequently. The …
Read more on Greenville News

Blog: Improving skin conditions in babies
Despite all of this, babies and children do develop dry skin, more commonly known as Eczema, a term used for many dry skin conditions and health visitors need to help parents manage these conditions effectively. Often mothers have already been …
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'ADHD wrecked my life until I discovered judo' says Commonwealth Games

'ADHD wrecked my life until I discovered judo' says Commonwealth Games
I also suffered from eczema and asthma, though they were mild. I had fits as a result of epilepsy which … Finally, at 11, I was assessed and diagnosed with ADHD and placed on Ritalin, a drug which helps regulate chemicals in the brain, which I took …

Itching for a natural cure? Bacteria may be key to treating eczema
German specialist Thomas Luger believes the best way to reduce skin inflammation is to restore the “microbial diversity'' of the skin by reintroducing naturally occurring bacteria. His findings – which have been compared to taking a probiotic to …
Read more on The Daily Telegraph