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What does today’s tech-savvy, self-caring, knowledgeable patient look like?

There’s little doubt that the 21st century patient is very different to the 20th century patient of my era. Much has changed and technology has been the key driver for change.

So what does the modern, tech-savvy, self-caring, all-knowing patient look like? What part will they play in shaping the industry in the future, and how should pharma utilise these patients?

Today’s patient is more informed. The Internet provides access to a wealth of information enabling patients to better understand their condition. It has empowered them. They talk with like-minded patients in online communities, and engage with others across social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. They are honest and open about their physical and emotional symptoms, sharing information and supporting each other.

Responsive websites that adapt to the device used, mobile ready websites, and faster 4G and Wi-Fi connectivity now provide quick and easy access to health content at any time from virtually anywhere, with millions of pages only a search-string away.

modern, tech-savvy, self-caring, all-knowing patients

As for the future?

Research has shown that informed patients are more proactive in decisions about their health often leading to improved adherence and better health outcomes. Therefore, patients should be at the centre of what happens next. Pharma need to engage with, and listen to patients so they can provide them with what they want and need.

There’s much talk about patient centricity. Now is the time for healthcare and pharma to become truly patient centric by involving the patient at the very start and the very heart of everything they do.

talkhealth Blog

A Look At Steve Jobs – What Happens To The Apple When It Loses Its Core? Part 1

Since 1997, Steve Jobs has led the MacWorld Keynote event addressing the Apple flock, with pride and power. From a majestic, seemingly mystical, pulpit set atop a wide, dramatically lit stage, he has regaled stockholders, software developers, and enthusiastic consumers, numbering in the millions, with Apple’s plans for the coming year. His intimidating sense of control has afforded him the kind of command over this ever-growing audience that seldom belongs to individuals who don’t draw their power from Government or God. It is easy to understand why every product launch, press release, news leak, or any one of a countless list of maneuvers, can cause measurable, even drastic, shifts in the stock market. With great power comes great liability. Steve Jobs is indeed the core of Apple Inc. and with so much vested in this great company, the big question is very clear: What happens to the apple when it loses its core?

The 2009 Mac World Keynote Event marked the day when the devoted members of the Church of Apple got to see that Steve Jobs bleeds like everyone else. His broken posture and slow, weakened movements were daunting. The dead silence of the audience as all the attendees hung on every word that Jobs’ offered was indeed reminiscent of his earlier grandeur. Yet, this time, this silence was as much a result of the shock, felt equally by all, as it was the usual mark of respect. As always, when Steve makes a move, the Universe responds. Uncountable reactions flooded the net. Articles depicted Jobs’ approaching demise. Smarmy opportunists launched viral games inviting users to bet when he would die, what disease he had, when the company would fall as well as innumerable others. Nothing, however, was as powerful as the moment that Steve Jobs relieved himself from the keynote address deferring to Phil Schiller, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Worldwide Product Marketing, to address the Apple Nation as the voice of god whilst he watched from the side on a stool.

When the dismal rumors of Steve Jobs’ health found confirmation at the Mac World Key Note Event, stock prices immediately fell. Apple Inc. faced a moment of ugly and unavoidable truth. Jobs are Apple and this might be the one job in this country that cannot be outsourced. Moreover, even if another man, or a group of men, could be wrangled, trained, incentivized and impassioned to relieve Steve Jobs from his post successfully, will the countrymen be willing to give themselves over to a new king?

Jobs are responsible for the generation of the intuitive operating system that used iconography instead of code to represent actions on the personal computer platform. Jobs are responsible for the concept of beautifying the casing of the systems so that they could stand almost like art in one’s home. Jobs made possible the level of animation capacity necessary for the digital masterpieces that keep coming out of Pixar. He saved the music business by conceiving a platform that could monetize a database of media files and he was able to position this marketplace on hundreds of millions of computers around the globe as well as, more recently, in the pocket of almost hundred million men and women in the United States. He has erected temples to Apple’s greatness in major cities around the world whose awesome presence evokes imagery of high priests and virgins surrounded by platinum chalices spilling over with grapes on the vine. Everything that Apple means to the world is a direct extension of Steve Jobs’ very soul.

Jon Kobrin is a lifelong New Yorker currently residing on the Upper East Side. He is a principal & CMO of Appsolute Media LLC. He’s obsessed with branding and has an unwavering belief that there is no excuse for poor design. To learn more about Jon Kobrin is on Facebook and Jon Kobrin is on Naymz.

Sulzberger lecturer provides in-depth look at psoriasis comorbidities

In his talk at AAD 2017, Joel M. Gelfand, MD, MSCE, discussed the findings from research investigating associations between psoriasis and comorbidities and their relevance for providing comprehensive medical care for patients with psoriasis.
Dermatology Times – Dermatology

Where to look for a surprise eczema cure to emerge

As I wrote in the previous post, the outlook is bleak for new eczema therapies that might qualify as a “cure.” On the fronts of barrier protection and repair and anti-inflammatories, nothing revolutionary is in the works apart from, perhaps, dupilumab, Regeneron’s antibody to IL-4. I can’t see anything emerging from research and entering and successfully exiting clinical trials for at least 25 years.

What might I have left out of this discussion? Where could a surprise come from?

Itch. Itch was the area that occurred to me. Imagine being able to break the itch-scratch cycle in eczema. You know what it’s like: your skin flares up and the itch becomes unbearable. You scratch to get relief. Sometimes you scratch in your sleep. Then your skin is torn up, which for a start can be embarrassing, but also often leads to infection. If there were no itch to begin with, eczema might never become anything more than a minor rash. Its impact on quality of life would be greatly minimized.

I believe we might see a convergence of two major trends that would result in a new anti-itch drug that patients could take in pill or cream form.

The first trend: In the past few years I have seen a number of papers describing newly identified neurons that transmit the sensation of itch, distinct from pain. The experiments were done on animals such as mice and cats; I don’t think these neurons have been found in people yet. But you can bet there are many scientists beavering away to be the first in the field.

Turning on or blocking neural receptors is what drugs do best. Think anesthetics. These itch neurons, if found in humans, are likely going to have receptors similar to those in other animals, and the search will be on to find drugs that block the receptors.

(You could also imagine a therapy using RNA interference to prevent neurons in the skin from making itch receptors in the first place.)

The second trend: scientists are developing powerful new techniques to speed the drug discovery process. While it does take around 15 years to take a new drug all the way through clinical trials to FDA approval, the path is shorter for “repurposed” drugs (such as Viagra, originally planned as a heart medication). The barrier is lower because the drug has already been proven nontoxic. Repurposed drugs have been approved as treatments for one condition but have side effects that, depending on your perspective, qualify as primary effects. There could well be an FDA-approved anti-itch drug out there already. It’s just being used to treat toenail fungus.

A company I am familiar with (I know the founders), SeaChange Pharmaceuticals, developed a rigorous way to search through databases of drugs and identify potential side effects or secondary uses, based on the chemistry of the protein targets for the drugs. (Wired magazine named SeaChange’s technology one of the top 10 breakthroughs of 2009.)

The idea would be that scientists would identify itch neurons in humans, and pin down the itch receptor; then somebody at Pfizer or Novartis or whatever would use a SeaChange-like technique to find FDA-approved drugs that block the receptor. Presto: no more itch. Conceivably this might happen within a decade.

Now, evidently these new drug discovery techniques could be applied in the areas of anti-inflammatories, or barrier repair. I think, though, that itch is a prime candidate for a surprise eczema “cure” because it’s likely that the itch sensation comes down to a single receptor. Blocking that receptor by a conventional drug will be a relatively simple task, compared to controlling inflammation without leaving the patient vulnerable to infection, or taking on the dubious task of compensating for a defective skin barrier in infants.

That’s my opinion.
End Eczema

Eczema Natural Treatment – A Look at 3 Natural Eczema Treatment Options

While there are traditional treatments for eczema, this normally consists of steroids and other medicines that can cause quite a few side effects and it is only temporary help. When you want permanent relief, then you want eczema natural treatment options.

The natural approach to treating eczema is looking at the entire body, the reason eczema exists at all is due to an imbalance within in the body. If you begin to look at eczema as a condition that is drying out your skin or taking moisture from your skin, you will begin to realize that in order to fix the problem, you need to add moisture back into the body.

For example, most people with eczema are zinc deficient and their skin is moisture-deprived. Both of these cause the body to be out of balance.

1. When your skin is dry, your body is dehydrated; therefore, people with eczema tend to be extremely dehydrated. While it is recommended to drink 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water each day, people with eczema may actually need more in order to keep their skin moist. You should drink at least two liters daily as an eczema natural treatment.

2. Watch your diet, because if you consume a lot of cow’s milk, eggs, citrus fruits, and wheat these can all trigger eczema flares. Therefore, avoiding these foods is also an eczema natural treatment.

3. Watching your stress level is vital in controlling your eczema. When you do not take the time to relax, get some exercise, and make sure you get enough sleep, you are adding to the problem. Many times your immune system can become run down and weakened due to stress, diet, and lack of sleep.

What works well for one eczema sufferer may not work as well for another, so it is vital that you try a variety of eczema natural treatment options in order to find the right balance. Of course, one treatment option that is useful to anyone suffering from eczema is to make sure you are well hydrated. A well-hydrated body means a better hydration in the skin. For a holistic approach towards eczema treatment, check out

Eczema on face isn?t nice to look at

Let’s face facts- eczema on face isn’t nice to look at, not for the individual who has it or for other people looking at that person. Numerous individuals with the skin problem feel very self-conscious about their appearance. Occasionally blisters and bubbles can develop because of allergies and inflammation of the skin. This is most commonly observed within the instances of those individuals who suffer with allergic get in touch with eczema on face (sometimes referred to as allergic get in touch with dermatitis) and irritant contact eczema on face. Eczema is defined as, “A type of dermatitis, which is a skin irritation, characterized by red, flaky skin, occasionally with cracks or tiny blisters. These blisters might also appear like bubbles just beneath the surface of the skin.” Dryness and itching are the two best enemies of this skin condition therefore keeping skin nicely moisturized at all occasions are paramount to decreasing flare-ups.

Contact eczema on face (or dermatitis) takes place when the skin touches some thing that irritates it and puts into motion an allergic reaction. This can occur as an outcome of close contact with harsh detergents, latex, solvents, chemicals, nickel or particular plants, for instance, poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac. The inflammation that results because of the allergic reaction could trigger the blister(s) and/or bubbling of the skin. Occasionally an autoimmune illness occurs because of get in touch with eczema on face which causes blisters to appear on the skin. Autoimmune illness is when your personal physique turns on itself and attacks your skin. Why this happens is unknown.

A blister is defined as, “A bubble of fluid under the skin. The clear, watery liquid inside a blister is called serum. It leaks in from neighboring tissues as a reaction to injured skin. If the blister remains unopened, serum can supply natural protection for the skin beneath it. Little blisters are known as vesicles. Those larger than half an inch are known as bullae. A blood blister is filled with blood, instead of serum.” Allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis are the two kinds of eczema on face that do frequently trigger blisters. Most of the other sorts do not bring about blisters.

Probably the most typical signs or symptoms of unsightly eczema on face flare-ups consist of a rash, very dry, raw and itchy skin as well as skin that’s red, flaky and inflamed. At its most severe, eczema on face can cause crusty, scaly and cracked skin that can weep fluid or bleed. Not just is this unsightly but it could be very painful also. Infants most generally develop patchy rashes on these components of their body- their face, knees and elbows. Older kids and teenagers are most likely to develop an unsightly and itchy eczema on face rash on the sides of their neck, their hands and wrists, inside the elbows, behind the knees and also the ankles. Finally, adults expertise eczema on face rashes most often on their neck, hands, arms and legs. Although it is less common for adults to create eczema on face on their face, it does occur occasionally.

It can never be emphasized too much- in order to battle the unsightliness of eczema on face and to discourage flare-ups, it is of utmost importance to moisturize your skin twice a day and be totally committed to doing so on a regular basis. Hydrated skin will be the healthiest of skin. Dry skin on the other hand is more likely to crack or break, particularly when it’s itched. Whatever you do, do not let your skin get parched and lose moisture. Moisturize it as a lot as feasible, and although you’re at it, moisturize yourself on the inside also by drinking lots of purified water every single day.

Find cure to Eczema on face. Useful Eczema treatment that has worked for millions. Dont suffer anymore, get rid of eczema for ever!