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Top 5 recovery methods for active individuals

Here are my 5 tips to recovery for active individuals who wish to get back to the sport of training that they enjoy so much at the best level possible for them. Recovery according to sports physiology literature is a return to baseline. This could be many things depending on what activity you choose to partake in, such as your vertical jump score, squat max weight, 10k run time or agility test results. Whatever your aim you should consider the following options.


1) Foam rolling


Probably what most people think of when they look at recovery options is a foam roller, pretty much every gym has foam rollers in the corner now, but how effective are they?


In one study foam, rolling did not improve most measures of recovery when compared to the non-foam rolling group following a high volume of sprinting exercises. These measures consisted of a range of motion at the hip, agility, muscle soreness, vertical jump test and hamstring muscle length.


In other studies, foam rolling has been shown to improve range of motion prior to exercise assisting athletes to get into appropriate positions and reduce the risk of injury and improve our recovery when done after training. It is not noted to improve your performance unless you’re limited by a poor range of movement that you need to succeed in that given activity.


Foam rolling is a good option to be utilized for recovery but shouldn’t be used as a standalone method for recovery as better results can be seen using a mixture of methods. When you foam roll the pressure you apply can be moderate and doesn’t have to be a 10 out of 10 pain to yield the best results, aim for a 2-6 on the pain threshold on a 1-10 scale as more pain hasn’t shown benefits in recovery.


With mixed reviews on the benefits of foam rolling both giving positive results and minimal benefits in other reviews we shouldn’t put all our eggs in one basket when it comes to foam rolling. Yes it’s a great tool to play with and see how you get on with it, perhaps practically certain muscle groups are easier to work into and you notice a difference but others aren’t so effective because they’re difficult to work into by yourself.


2) Adequate nutrition and hydration


Without getting into the finer details with sports recovery as that could be a post by its self and is very specific to the individual’s needs I just want to outline some basics from a recovery standpoint when it comes to nutrition and hydration.


Firstly ensure you’re eating an adequate amount of protein per day for the amount of exercise being performed as well as your body weight. It is commonly known that protein is the building block used for growth and repair, if we’re exercising frequently then the body is put under stress and into a catabolic state, therefore, the requirements for protein has risen. The timing of the protein isn’t hugely important as long as we hit the required amount on a daily basis.


Secondly, ensure we are getting enough carbohydrates to replenish our glycogen stores as we deplete these when we exercise. The timing of carbohydrates again isn’t a huge issue unless you’re advanced and train twice a day in which case timing of carbs may play a role in performance or you’re losing weight and in a calorie deficit which probably means eating fewer carbohydrates as a result. In this case, to support performance it is wise to eat a large number of your daily carbs in the meal before you train to provide you with enough energy.


It’s worth noting though if your aim is to lose weight depending on how advanced you are, at some point performance will certainly be affected.

Hydration and electrolytes are essential for optimal human performance, and so is having enough available fuel for the working muscles. So, if you exercise for 60 minutes plus like you would in endurance activities, exercise classes, long gym sessions that are high volume, sport or hiking then consider supporting your activities with fluids and electrolytes. Electrolytes are an essential component of staying hydrated, effectively allowing your muscles to absorb liquid, contract efficiently and ensure you reduce the chances of getting cramp and hypernatremia.


3) Stretching


Static stretching as long as it’s not performed before exercise has shown small to mild improvements in performance. In short, holding a stretched position causes a decrease in stiffness of the musculotendinous unit, which compromises the benefits of the stretch reflex, and longer stretches decrease performance more than short or dynamic variations. This does not mean static stretching is bad though as there is a time and a place for different types of stretching to be used such as before workouts dynamic stretching is usually suggested going through 4-6 exercises at the joint about to be exercised for 10-15 repetitions, while post exercise or away from exercise static stretching that’s held for an accumulative 3-5 minutes per stretch / joint at a moderate discomfort done 2-4 times per week can show improved performance in the long run.


Again don’t expect huge improvements in performance or recovery but for a low-risk method that doesn’t cost anything static stretching can give a moderate return on your level of investment. Adding resistance bands to static stretches can improve their benefit and practicality if you feel you want more from the stretch, most gyms have these lying around.


4) Low-intensity steady state cardio i.e. walking or cycling


The improved blood flow to the exercised/damaged area can support the recovery process without causing any additional damage to the tissue. We have seen 15-30 minutes very low-intensity cardio around your main training session provide very good results in overall recovery.


Blood transports the nutrients required to rebuild body tissue and helps expel metabolic waste from tissues, including muscle. Speeding up the body’s recovery process allows muscles to adapt and respond quicker, meaning an athlete can return to training earlier to improve performance.



5) Sports massage therapy


The sports massage is recognized by the fitness industry as a needed component of a training regime. This gives athletes the ability to enhance prep leading up to a competition, and improve recovery between training sessions giving more high-quality intensive training sessions. For the every day active individual sports massage is just as beneficial when we look at recovery from their training, and the injury prevention aspects. The weekend warriors often find they go to work all week sat down in a chair hunched over a computer and then find themselves picking up injuries when they train or perform their chosen activity because of poor structural balance and a lack of mobility.

A study in 2010 in America found athletes who had massages before and after strength training saw a definite decrease in muscles soreness after exercise.




Additional options:

–   Cold water emersion

–   Magnesium spray

–   Compression garments

talkhealth Blog

Treating Eczema Skin – Beat the Rash With Natural Cure Methods and Ingredients

Though cortisone creams can offer some relief to eczema sufferers, dermatologists recommend that they shouldn’t be used without some breaks. What are some natural treatments for eczema skin rashes that can be helpful to those with an ongoing skin problem? Dermatitis can appear as red bumps, blisters with fluid, patches in the inner elbow and pimple-like eruptions on the trunk of body. It is not contagious so if you are a parent, your child should be encouraged to play and interact with other kids.

A traditional home remedy for eczema is to use a healthy oil for moisturization. This includes coconut oil, neem oil, olive oil and tea tree oil. Applying a moisturizer twice a day is an important tool to heal skin problems. Aquaphor has also proven to be very helpful in locking in moisture, though some do not like the greasy feel of the ointment. Be especially careful to lock in moisture during the winter months, when you perspire in the heat and if you out in the sun during the summer. Bathing is important to cleanse the skin, but always follow this up with a moisturizer to protect the sensitive skin. Take primrose oil, flax seed oil or borage oil internally for optimum skin health.

Eating yogurt that has ingredients called “active cultures” will give you the probiotics that your body may be missing. These include bifidus and acidopholous. They replenish the bacteria in our body that may be destroyed by antibiotics or poor diets. You can also buy probiotics as a supplement in natural food stores.

Avoid body lotions that have strong fragrances or perfumes. Allergies are as the root for eczema problems but it isn’t always easy to figure out the causes. Use non-allergenic products to protect your skin. Eggs and milk-based products can create allergic reactions for some people which will show as an eczema rash.

Taking steps to use good products on your skin as well as watching what you eat will make a big difference in reducing the eczema rash.

Learn how to stop the itching, reduce red inflamed skin and use natural ingredients for a Cure for Eczema that gets at the root of the problem. Don’t just treat the symptoms. Read more at

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Lesser Known Methods For Dermatitis Skin Care

Eczema treatments can take on many different forms. Each is specialized and specific to the particular symptom or problem. These treatments are sometimes risky but may need to be used when traditional methods fail. Traditional methods include the use of cortisone creams, moisturizers and medications for allergy control. Some of these less know methods are immunomodulators, antibiotics, light therapy, diet monitoring, and gene therapy.

A dermatitis treatment known as immunomodulators can be risky. However, there is controvery on this because of issues of suppressing the immune system in terms of health and cancer. For that reason, this skin treatment is questionable and should be used only as a final resort for severe dermatitis after a doctor’s consultation.

Antibiotics used for dermatitis inflammation treatment will fight off infections, should this happen due to scratching or breaking dry skin. If scratching is inevitable, antibiotics should be considered and taken immediately and continuously used to minimize the chance of infection. Of course the use of antibiotics can be risky if you have an allergy to some of them. They also can yield to yeast issues which can create other types of skin problems.

Light therapy as a form of treatment for dermatitis, using ultraviolet light and is helpful for prevention of the symptoms associated with this condition. Photo-Chemotherapy combines light therapy and a medication called Psoralen that fights the symptoms of dermatitis. This form of treatment should only be used if light therapy does not work on its own.

Diet monitoring as a form of dermatitis treatment that works by removing potential allergen foods, such as cow milk and foods having a high number of preservatives. Foods like processed meats and carbonated drinks should be removed from one’s eating pattern. This method treatment can be successful if you are disciplined. Identifying the triggers can be an aid in stopping flare-ups. Some people are sensitive to food dyes, nuts, eggs or other foods. Finding out what these are is a way to stop the underlying conditions.

Considering that eczema can be stubborn and such problems may be linked to family history, gene therapy may serve as an effective dermatitis treatment. Dermatitis treatments are plenty, but the right move to make depends on each individual. Besides, each treatment has its downsides as well as its advantages; no treatment is perfect. Eczema treatments, then, should be researched carefully prior to being used. Using moisturizers is important to help the skin replenish itself , but be careful there are no ingredients such as alcohol or additives that can create further reactions.

Find out more about Adult Eczema and see Eczema Photos

Lesser Known Methods For Dermatitis Skin Care

Eczema treatments can take on many different forms. Each is specialized and specific to the particular symptom or problem. These treatments are sometimes risky but may need to be used when traditional methods fail. Traditional methods include the use of cortisone creams, moisturizers and medications for allergy control. Some of these less know methods are immunomodulators, antibiotics, light therapy, diet monitoring, and gene therapy.

A dermatitis treatment known as immunomodulators can be risky. However, there is controvery on this because of issues of suppressing the immune system in terms of health and cancer. For that reason, this skin treatment is questionable and should be used only as a final resort for severe dermatitis after a doctor’s consultation.

Antibiotics used for dermatitis inflammation treatment will fight off infections, should this happen due to scratching or breaking dry skin. If scratching is inevitable, antibiotics should be considered and taken immediately and continuously used to minimize the chance of infection. Of course the use of antibiotics can be risky if you have an allergy to some of them. They also can yield to yeast issues which can create other types of skin problems.

Light therapy as a form of treatment for dermatitis, using ultraviolet light and is helpful for prevention of the symptoms associated with this condition. Photo-Chemotherapy combines light therapy and a medication called Psoralen that fights the symptoms of dermatitis. This form of treatment should only be used if light therapy does not work on its own.

Diet monitoring as a form of dermatitis treatment that works by removing potential allergen foods, such as cow milk and foods having a high number of preservatives. Foods like processed meats and carbonated drinks should be removed from one’s eating pattern. This method treatment can be successful if you are disciplined. Identifying the triggers can be an aid in stopping flare-ups. Some people are sensitive to food dyes, nuts, eggs or other foods. Finding out what these are is a way to stop the underlying conditions.

Considering that eczema can be stubborn and such problems may be linked to family history, gene therapy may serve as an effective dermatitis treatment. Dermatitis treatments are plenty, but the right move to make depends on each individual. Besides, each treatment has its downsides as well as its advantages; no treatment is perfect. Eczema treatments, then, should be researched carefully prior to being used. Using moisturizers is important to help the skin replenish itself , but be careful there are no ingredients such as alcohol or additives that can create further reactions.

Find out more about Adult Eczema and see Eczema Photos

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Home Remedies for Eczema – 4 Surefire Methods to Help Treat Eczema Quick

Eczema is a skin condition that causes dry, red, cracked and itchy skin. It’s a chronic disease that usually occurs in infants and can travel all the way into adulthood. The condition is usually caused by a number of things, such as allergies, family history, cold/dry weather, diet, immune deficiency and various chemical and environmental irritants. It is found on the arms, chest, hands, knees, legs, back and neck of the body.

Common Treatments

The most common treatment for eczema is a topical application, such as a prescription cream. These creams are prescribed by doctors when eczema is first diagnosed, and are usually filled with steroids and other harmful chemicals that can cause more adverse reactions in eczema, rather than help treat it.

Home Remedies for Eczema

When regular treatments fail to cure eczema, there are a number of alternative treatments that can help eliminate eczema in a matter of days. When used properly, home remedies can cure eczema quickly, often with less side effects.

With that said, here are 5 home remedies for eczema that are proven to help accelerate the healing of eczema:

Coconut Oil – This natural oil can help bring moisture back into the skin. Apply it to affected areas as often as needed for soothing relief from pain and swelling.

Oatmeal – Used in a variety of home remedies, oatmeal can help relieve intense itching that is caused by eczema. Works best when raw oatmeal flakes are mixed with bath water. Soak your body in the solution for 20 to 30 minutes for maximum results.

Vitamin D – Another excellent natural eczema treatment. Best when used as an oil and applied to the skin. Helps rejuvenate the skin.

Epsom Salt – Epsom salts help remove dead skin from the surface of eczema. Use in warm bath water and soak your body in the solution. Apply natural oils afterwards for best results.

As you can see, there are many different home remedies for eczema that are not only effective, but can help cure eczema with less side effects than most prescription treatments. Natural eczema treatments work best when used in conjunction with one another, so never limit yourself to just one method if you want to achieve the maximum result and prevent your eczema from returning.

Now, Pay Close Attention Here:

If you want INSTANT access to a complete list of highly proven natural treatments for eczema you can use immediately to cure eczema in a matter of days, you need to visit Treat Eczema right now!

Find More How To Help Eczema Articles

Cure Eczema – Simple Methods That Can Help You Cure Eczema Naturally

No matter how you look at it, when it comes to eczema, the best treatments available are often natural. With eczema being more of a chronic skin condition, getting prescription medications can be a hassle and aren’t always available when you need them. Plus, using prescription meds long-term can lead to a lot of problems. Long-term use can lead to skin damage, thinning and even more pain. So, if you’re trying to cure eczema, natural treatments may be the best route for you to take.

With that said, here are a couple tips on how to cure eczema naturally:


There are a variety of natural oils for you to use to cure eczema. Oils like coconut, olive, tea tree and chamomile are all effective cures for eczema. They help keep the skin moisturized, which is critical in any eczema treatment, as the dryness of the skin is what causes most itching and irritation.

Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal baths are excellent cures for eczema. Similar to natural oils, oatmeal helps relieve dry skin and itchiness. It also works well to help soothe the skin, which will help bring instant relief.

A Solid Diet

A solid diet has numerous health benefits, including your skin. Following a solid diet plan can have dramatic effects on your eczema. One importing thing is staying hydrated. By drinking plenty of water, your skin retains the water, which can help prevent any dry skin.

People who suffer from eczema also should pay attention to any foods they eat that could cause their skin to trigger an eczema reaction. If any food allergens are detected, those foods should be removed from your diet immediately to prevent any future outbreaks.

So, there you have it. All of these methods listed above can help you cure eczema naturally. All it takes is a little patience and persistence. Stick to that and you’ll be able to be eczema free in a matter of days, not months or years! You’ll be glad at the results you can achieve.

Wait – Read this before you go…

Treating eczema requires a solid step by step plan of action. I know of a secret eczema treatment method that is not only guaranteed to help cure eczema, but has been proven to work for THOUSANDS of people just like you. And, you can get instant access to it right now – Just go to How to Treat Eczema now to find out more!

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How To Cure Eczema Fast : Effective Herbal Treatment Methods For Treating Eczema

Cure eczema fast with these natural interventions that are proven safe and effective. Most these were even utilized by people for many centuries now, and they were more successful compared to the contemporary methods. Even doctors would recommend these natural reliefs because they are not only inexpensive, but they also pose no side effects.

So what is eczema?

Before going deeper in the discussion of the natural cures for this type of condition, it is best to understand first its pathophysiology.

Eczema, or more commonly known as dermatitis, is an infection of the skin. It affects people of different ages and cultures, but there are some countries where it is widespread or had become an epidemic. The cause for this condition is unknown, but research studies showed that a weak immune system can predispose it. That is, when a person is immunocompromised, a lot of opportunistic microorganisms can disrupt the skin layers and cause inflammation. If left untreated for days, it can progress into a severe type of infection.

The first symptoms of this condition are redness and swelling of the affected area on the skin. Oftentimes, people might mistake it as an ordinary reaction to allergens. But as it develops into its more severe state, other symptoms will start to manifest, such as intense itching, blisters, lesions, and crusty skin.

There are many topical creams and gels that can cure eczema fast, but most of these promise side effects, such as numbness of the affected area, severe redness, and skin dryness. That is why, the best alternative to these is to go natural.

Herbal remedies for eczema

For a faster relief, try these natural wonders that are proven to instantly eradicate the condition. Many of these are even found in your own backyard; hence you can save a lot of bucks.

Jojoba oil is one of the most effective cures for eczema. It contains compounds that help restore the skins natural strength and immunity. It can also penetrate easily on the site of infection.

Burdock is an unfamiliar herb to many. It was found out by experts that it can cure eczema fast, and it does not cause any adverse effects. Unlike the jojoba oil, this herb is turned into tincture or tea, and taken before sleep.

Chickweed herb does not directly provide cure to eczema, but it is used to relieve its symptoms, such as itching and inflammation. It is used the same way as the burdock herb.

Tea tree oil is another proven relief for this type of skin condition. It is rich in chemicals that drive away toxins that accumulate on the affected area. It is also helpful in eradicating harmful microorganisms that cause the infection. It is being applied topically like the jojoba oil.

There are many other herbs that can be used as a natural cure for eczema. However, it is important that you have to consult your doctor before using any of these, especially if you are suffering from other conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis.

Do you want to discover some incredible techniques you can use to naturally get rid of your ugly eczema? If yes, then you really need to get a copy of the Beat Eczema Program!

Click here: Beat Eczema, to read more about this natural eczema cure program and see how its been helping thousands of eczema-sufferers round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

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