Eczema Free Forever™ Eczema Free Forever™

Day 549- Day 578: Month 19 Topical Steroid Withdrawal

(9/1/2015 -9/30/2015)   

For this month I don’t have near as many pictures.  For one, I lost some of them when I had to get a new iPhone.  Two, I was super busy getting back to work.  This month started out with a bad flare from some stew that I ate.  I branched out and paid for it.  Hoping that some day I’ll be able to eat again.  










DAY 2 AFTER STEW (I always am the worst 2 days after ingesting something)
















EVERY time I go to walmart this happens….












558 563


I drank some tap water then had a shoot where I sweat.  I got hives on my tsw effected areas from it.  


By the end of my trip, I felt amazon.  Skin was feeling so strong.  This was right after a shoot.

Peace Out Eczema

Month 22 Steroid Withdrawal

I am nearing my 2 years of withdrawal and still not done yet. I have been taking Vitamin D and Vitamin C with Iron tablets for around 2 months now but things still aren’t running smoothly. I eat a mostly vegan diet with plenty of fruit and veg but there is always room for improvement. I’m waiting for summer to try going mostly raw vegan again as that is when all the nice fruits will be around.

We went for a little getaway on the 16th to the Lake District. I never in a million years thought I’d ever have the enthusiasm and motivation for going on a walking holiday, but I guess these things change. Anyway, no sooner had we arrived I could see the tell-tale signs of infection emerging. For goodness sake. I’m not allowed to enjoy anything am I?! What was more annoying was that we were blessed with dry, sunny days which were perfect for going for walks, but no, I ended up being mostly confined to the cottage. It was a stunningly twee little place though so I was glad we were able to make the most of staying there.

I did however force myself to go out a few times, even though I looked like the undead. My camera has been lovely to me though and you can’t even see that there is anything awry.

I used my drying out and tea tree oil method but it didn’t seem to work as amazingly as it had before, though it did appear to clear the majority. I booked in an appointment to see a doctor on the Thursday evening of our return who prescribed me antibiotics as a standby option. I can tell you, I’m bloody glad I did. Overnight it returned with a mean vengeance. Everything was yellow, swollen and I felt feverish and yuck. So I’m back on the unwanted antibiotics.

The following Monday I had a follow-up appointment with my derm nurse at the hospital. She essentially told me that she was drawing blanks with what other treatments I could have as I have tried them all. Ciclosporin isn’t working as effectively as it should be any more and our goals of treatment have changed anyway, seeing as I keep having constant infections again. She wants me to push the idea of biologic treatment and has issued me a fast-track appointment with my consultant derm. I wasn’t supposed to see her until August but now have an appointment for early May. Biologics are new in terms of treatment for AD individuals, and I was actually given the opportunity to go on them over a year ago, but back then I was fed up of being a guinea pig. I could kick myself now, had I known I would regress again. Ho hum.

But yes, unless things get remarkably better with my natural solutions, it looks like I may be forced to take that route. I have been doing a lot of reading and research into Dupilumab, a biologic which is currently being trialed, and have seen good stuff so far.

So yep, this is where I’m currently at.

Oh, and it hardly seems worth telling because it was so minuscule but I also had a small bout of herpeticum earlier this week that originated around my eye. Fingers crossed it is now lessening in severity as after a few days of treatment it disappears. At least something is going right!
I Have Eczema

Topical Steroid Withdrawal Month 25.5

Hey guys,

I’m now 2 years, 1 month and a couple of weeks into the topical steroid withdrawal process. I’m still flaring but it is primarily on my face and neck, as it used to be before I became consumed by eczema. I have little patches on the backs of my knees and my inner elbow creases, alongside a couple of other insignificant places but that is because it has been so damn hot here in the UK and my sweat has obviously caused skin irritation.

About that though, the heat I mean. I’ve done much better this year with the heat than in the previous couple of years. This time last year, and in my first year of withdrawal, my skin was an absolute mess. I had to take a hell of a lot of time off work because I couldn’t even get dressed because my skin was that awful. This year, I’m sweating and it’s still horrible and my face and neck have gone rashy but it isn’t anywhere near as bad. Also I am so thankful I now have a car with air con. That really helped when the inside temperature read at 35 degrees(!) and the breeze was also warm when the windows were down. Also worth noting, at home this year I haven’t used the fan to help cool down. Shane has, because it’s been ridiculously hot but I didn’t feel I NEEDED to use it like I previously did. Especially on night times. Hurray!

I have also managed to leave the house sans tights – Yay! If you remember last year, and the year before, my legs were a mess from TSW so had to stay covered up if leaving the house. My whiter than white pins have finally seen daylight publicly. However being able to wear shorts is still a long way off because of stupid weight gain. Read below.

In terms of medication, my Ciclosporin has been upped to 350mg a day – 200mg in the morning and 150mg at night. It hasn’t made much of a difference for my face but then I have seen some people say it loses efficacy over time. I’ve been on it numerous times in the past 5 years so this makes sense. I do have to come off it next month though because I’ll have been on this particular course for a year.

I am slightly concerned with it at the moment though. I’ve never witnessed it in the past, but over the year since I’ve been taking it I’ve gradually gained over a stone in weight without changing my diet or lifestyle. Some people have said this could just be my body readjusting because of the steroid withdrawal as initially I lost weight. To put this into perspective prior to TSW I was around 9 stone 5lbs this dropped to 8 stone 11lbs, and then when my hair started to grow back (I lost a lot of hair from taking Methotrexate back in Jan 2013) I went back up to around 9 stone 4lbs. I then started my vegan diet in June 2014 and hovered around the 8 stone 13lbs to 9 stone 1lbs. Then I went on Ciclosporin in the August 2014. Since then I’ve slowly gone up to 10 stone and having recently upped the dose again (May 2015) I’m hovering around the 10 and a half stone mark. I’m absolutely gutted. I feel and look disgusting.

I’m still finding difficulty with exercising and now even more so because of this damned heat. Perhaps I need to go back to the strict plant based vegan diet I was undertaking this time last year which I keep harping on about. I just feel crap and rubbish. A lot of people claim they can’t even see my weight gain but that’s because it has all gone to my stomach area so I can hide it to an extent. I’ve been experiencing a lot of bloating lately too. I’m supposed to be having a blood test this week so perhaps it is worth enquiring about a urine test just in case.

I’ve already asked in the Facebook group, but has anyone else experienced weight gain from Ciclosporin?

Also I did ask about trialing Dupilumab but the derms have been rubbish in pushing it, and I did try emailing myself but haven’t had a reply. Not sure what more I can do on that front.

How is everyone else doing?

I Have Eczema

Month 28

Hi everyone, I reached month 28 a week ago so figured I’d best do a catch up post. It seems my posts are becoming more and more scarce as time goes on. That’s because I haven’t really had any major turning points to speak of. I’m still trundling on, however my social life is coming back and I’m practically on full time hours at work. I’ve started attending the gym, to address the weight gain, and apart from a few blips I’m quite content presently.

I went to see the dermatologist the other day which I thought was going to lead into the monotonous fight that usually occurs but I was told as long as I was aware of the effects, and was regularly monitored, I could stay on Ciclosporin for the present. That is fine with me, as it seems to be actually working right now. They did mention a drug break though which I will have to eventually do anyway but for now it’s all good.

Recently I’ve been watching more and more documentaries and videos on veganism and am really hoping to make the switch soon. My partner is on side with me as he would like to be healthier overall too. I got a juicer for my birthday, which I’m yet to use but I’m hoping it will yield good results for me. If anyone knows any good recipes, that don’t contain celery or cucumber do leave a comment!

Here are some photos from Friday.

Thought I’d take a couple of close-ups to show how wrinkled my skin has become around my nose/cheek area. Thanks steroids (& over-scratching!).

Neck/chest looking good

Also thought I’d include this one of me giving this woofer a good old stroke. Not often my skin behaves with furry ones!
The rest of my body is remarkably clear. Although I now seem to be having some other health issues with my stomach and randomly vomiting so my skin is a bit worse for wear this morning. Oh well.
Hope everyone else is doing good!

I Have Eczema