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Helping Children with Eczema Naturally

Eczema in Children and Natural Herbal Solutions

If your child has eczema chances are your child is experiencing intense itching and irritation that is driving them crazy. Often the child’s mother and/or father also experience some form of allergic reaction as well, such as asthma, eczema/dermatitis or hayfever. So the child may have a genetic factor making them intolerant or allergic to something in their environment or to something they are ingesting.

Eczema in Children Baby How to treat Eczema Naturally

Baby with Eczema On Face

Eczema can be managed and even eradicated by making changes to diet and taking supplements. The following suggestions may help:

  1. Take out dairy and wheat from their diet. Both dairy and wheat are potential food allergens. Dairy can be replaced with calcium enriched rice milk, coconut milk and oat milk – or you can buy all three and mix them together. Wheat can be replaced with spelt bread or wheat free breads from the supermarket or health food stores.
  2. Take out artificial colours and preservatives. Become a “label detective” and buy your child more natural foods that don’t have colours and preservatives. Foods such as fruit, nuts, seeds, rice crackers, carob coated licorice etc make good healthy alternatives for snacks. Your local health food store is full of yummy alternatives.
  3. Increase the “good” oils. Often eczema sufferers are deficient in essential fatty acids (EFA’s). The EFA’s are the “good” oils that can be consumed from fish, nuts, seeds, avocados, coconut milk and olive oil. They can also be taken in supplement form such as fish oil supplements.
  4. Good gut flora. A good acidophilus supplement for kids is very important for children with eczema. In fact you can add it to their rice or oat milk and they won’t even know they’ve had it.
  5. Decrease red meat and sugars. Red meat and sugars are acidic to the body and are best kept to an absolute minimum. Instead increase fish and lots of vegetables into the diet, and use alternatives to sugar such as local or raw honey on rice crackers or spelt toast.
  6. Apply herbal creams/ointments. A number of natural herbal substances can be used for the temporary relief of eczema. Creams, ointments or plant oils containing extracts of licorice, German Chamomile, Calendula, Nettle and Lavender are effective alternatives to the cortisone-containing ointments.

Suggestion – Eczema smoothie for kids:

½ cup calcium enriched rice milk
¼ cup oat milk
¼ cup pineapple or apple juice
2 tspns of coconut milk
1 tspn olive oil
acidophilus powder (use dosage recommended on bottle)
½ banana
Just blend all the ingredients until smooth. Add ice to chill if you wish.
And serve “Drink it Freddy, Drink it”. One of these a day may keep the eczema away.

Eczema requires time to heal. So give it at least a month before you start seeing results.


The information provided in this article is a general recommendation only. Each child and adult is different and it is always best to see a health practitioner or naturopath to receive a truly wholistic approach and management specific to the individual. If there is no relief to symptoms using the general approach above after 1 month, or you have questions regarding making changes to diet, finding recipes suitable for children, or even obtaining a herbal cream right for you or your child.






Eczema Cure Blog

Cure Your Eczema Naturally While at Home

Approximately ten percent of the population suffers with eczema and if you are one of these people, you know that there are many different reasons why it can occur. There are many creams and alleged remedies that promise to reduce your eczema, or eliminate it altogether. There are a few of these creams that work well to calm the redness of eczema and relieve itching, however it is better to find and treat the source of the problem, eliminating eczema completely.

Below, are a variety of ways to treat the source of eczema rather than only the symptoms.

An elimination diet, removes common allergy sensitive foods like dairy, eggs, chocolate, and citrus foods, but it can also be effective in finding a diet related cause for your eczema.

Dust mites can also be responsible for an outbreak of eczema, so you should work hard to keep dust to a minimum. Overexposure to sunlight may irritate your skin as well, so try to protect your skin against the sun’s rays. Take advantage of one of the many eczema creams available to hydrate and moisturize your skin. Make sure that all of your clothing is 100% cotton, which allows the skin to breathe. Opt for lukewarm water when you bathe or shower. Look for cleansers that are designed for eczema or sensitive skin, and stay away from shower gels and soaps that could be too harsh. Try to take supplements for Vitamin C, probiotics, and fish oil, to help boost your immune system and improve your skin.

Natural eczema cures are great for people suffering from a mild form of eczema. It is even possible to use natural eczema cures with moderate cases, as they help enhance the body’s natural immune system, without the use of prescription or over the counter medications.

When you compare Eczema natural cures to prescription lotions and creams, you will find that they are very inexpensive.

Once you try these natural solutions, if your eczema is still present, it is wise to consult your physician to find an appropriate treatment option.

If you have questions or need advice about any eczema treatment cream, you should visit our eczema natural cures blog.

Cure Eczema – Simple Methods That Can Help You Cure Eczema Naturally

No matter how you look at it, when it comes to eczema, the best treatments available are often natural. With eczema being more of a chronic skin condition, getting prescription medications can be a hassle and aren’t always available when you need them. Plus, using prescription meds long-term can lead to a lot of problems. Long-term use can lead to skin damage, thinning and even more pain. So, if you’re trying to cure eczema, natural treatments may be the best route for you to take.

With that said, here are a couple tips on how to cure eczema naturally:


There are a variety of natural oils for you to use to cure eczema. Oils like coconut, olive, tea tree and chamomile are all effective cures for eczema. They help keep the skin moisturized, which is critical in any eczema treatment, as the dryness of the skin is what causes most itching and irritation.

Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal baths are excellent cures for eczema. Similar to natural oils, oatmeal helps relieve dry skin and itchiness. It also works well to help soothe the skin, which will help bring instant relief.

A Solid Diet

A solid diet has numerous health benefits, including your skin. Following a solid diet plan can have dramatic effects on your eczema. One importing thing is staying hydrated. By drinking plenty of water, your skin retains the water, which can help prevent any dry skin.

People who suffer from eczema also should pay attention to any foods they eat that could cause their skin to trigger an eczema reaction. If any food allergens are detected, those foods should be removed from your diet immediately to prevent any future outbreaks.

So, there you have it. All of these methods listed above can help you cure eczema naturally. All it takes is a little patience and persistence. Stick to that and you’ll be able to be eczema free in a matter of days, not months or years! You’ll be glad at the results you can achieve.

Wait – Read this before you go…

Treating eczema requires a solid step by step plan of action. I know of a secret eczema treatment method that is not only guaranteed to help cure eczema, but has been proven to work for THOUSANDS of people just like you. And, you can get instant access to it right now – Just go to How to Treat Eczema now to find out more!

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Eczema Naturally Beaten – 5 Natural Treatments

Eczema is one of the most common skin conditions, appearing as skin rashes due to an allergic reaction. The rashes can be extremely itchy and scratching can cause inflammation, bleeding and further redness. People of all age groups suffer from the condition to varying degrees and it can have a devastating impact on their lives.

Treating eczema naturally can be easily done without the use of any pills or creams. This is a lot of peoples preferred method as medications can be strong causing harmful side effects. Natural treatments are great at offering immediate relief of the symptoms as well as targeting the source of eczema helping to cure it permanently. Here are some great ways to have your eczema naturally beat:

1. Diet is probably one of the biggest contributing factors to eczema sufferers. Try to avoid or reduce bad carbohydrates such as refined sugar found in confectionery, saturated fats from red meat and dairy and stimulating drinks such as tea and coffee. Also foods with a high acidic content are known to worsen the symptoms of eczema. Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables for their healing and antioxidant qualities. Good fats such as oily fish, nuts and seeds, fiber to keep you regular and maintain a healthy gut and always drink plenty of water.

2. Coconut oil has many helpful properties and is very beneficial to eczema sufferers. It has a secret ingredient called Lauric acid, also found in breast milk, which has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is extremely soothing, gentle and you can apply coconut oil directly to the affected areas daily.

3. Oatmeal baths are recommended not only by doctors but by mothers and grandmothers so you know they have to be good. While being a little messy the oatmeal baths soothe and calm the dry skin and itchy parts of the body naturally. You can buy commercial bath packets, grind it into a powder and then sprinkle it into the bath or put a couple of cups inside a stocking before running the bath.

4. Calendula oil is one of the best all natural methods for treating eczema and has been a tried and tested means of treating dry skin and eczema for generations. It has great healing, soothing and softening qualities. It is also used to treat thread, spider and varicose veins.

5. Opt for fragrance free. Many soaps, detergents and perfumes contain harsh chemicals and irritants that can really aggravate eczema. The best lotions and soaps to use are ones that are cleansing and moisturizing but do not dry your skin. Skin friendly PH brands that are fragrance free are the best options for eczema sufferers. Also try a tea tree oil deodorant which helps soothe irritated skin due to its anti bacterial and inflammatory properties.

These are just a few things you can use to help have your eczema naturally beat. Remember to watch your diet and cut out anything you find that triggers your eczema. Use fragrance free and natural organic products as much as you can and wear cotton clothes which can help to reduce irritation.

If you would like more helpful information and a comprehensive guide to beating eczema naturally, visit: Eczema Naturally Beat

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Can Eczema Be Cured Naturally?

If you’ve found yourself here, then it is most likely that you or someone close to you suffers from eczema and you are acutely aware of effect of this distressing complaint, and you want to alleviate or cure this condition. If you are a parent you will also know the anguish of watching helplessly while your child or infant grapples with the intense itch and discomfort they simply cannot get away from without potentially harmful creams and medications.

Traditional drug treatments carry with them the risks of side effects and the body builds resistance to them meaning that over time their effectiveness is reduced. While treating eczema may seem like a no-win contest, research has shown some all-natural treatments have proven to be highly successful in overcoming eczema completely. Natural treatments are commonly referred to as alternate. Have you ever considered how absurd this is, ineffectively treating symptoms with potentially harmful drugs, or “Alternatively” curing it at its cause without further harm.

Eczema could well be described as “the itch that rashes”. It’s not actually a rash on its own, but it’s the scratching that causes the rash. Eczema is a common skin disease with symptoms that can range from mild to chronic. Symptoms include dry patches of skin to really inflamed skin with an intense itch that makes you want to scratch the skin away. For severe eczema sufferers their skin has become so dry and sensitive that something as simple as drying off with a towel can cause bleeding, also making them more prone to bacterial and viral infections. The uncontrollable scratching rips off layers of skin leaving a scabbed and unsightly body, effecting self confidence and causing emotional distress as well as having to deal with physical effects. Imagine going through his as a teen.

Many medical practitioners will tell you that a child will simply grow out of it. Many Eczema sufferers will tell you they’ve had it all their lives. Why watch a child suffer and mask the symptoms waiting for them to “grow” out of when you can identify and treat the cause and give them life long relief for less than the cost of a visit to the doctors surgery. It’s a “no brainer” really, and the benefits could well cross a generation.

Finding what works best is worth the search. So many people give up the search and simply suffer the symptoms. All medicines have their place; most treatments available only suppress the symptoms and relieve in the short term but have side effects and reduced effectiveness over time. What will you do when the treatment simply doesn’t work?

Alan Rutherford is an online product reviewer. Find out how you can cure eczema using natural products without harmful side effects by visiting It really is possible to Beat Eczema Naturally.

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Fight Eczema Naturally Using 7 Natural Remedies

Eczema is increasingly common in both adults and children. Conventional medication such as steroids are usually prescribed by doctors to treat eczema. However, these medications, if used for too long, can have negative side effects. For these reason, more people seek natural remedies to heal eczema.

Using natural remedies for eczema have a higher rate of making sufferers more comfortable when the skin becomes irritating and also can help in prevention of severe outbreaks. If you notice the leather-like patches emerging on your skin and you can’t stop scratching, then start with the natural remedies and you will feel better quickly.

Probiotics. They are the good or helpful bacteria present in the digestive system. These microorganisms aid in the strengthening of the immune system which aids to ward off invading pathogens or disease causing microorganisms. It is available as a nutritional or food supplement. Infants affected by eczema according to a recent study, when given the natural remedies for eczema has been found to have lesser symptoms of eczema compared to the ones who did not receive the treatment. Also, the probability of developing the disease is lesser among the subjects who received the probiotic treatment.

Camphor is one of the home remedies for eczema that is not widely used. To make this treatment, you take one tablespoon of camphor and dilute it with sandalwood, making a paste. Apply this paste directly to the skin irritation, giving you instant relief from the discomforts that eczema presents.

Sugar can cause eczema to flare up and drive you to distraction with itching and pain. This is because there is a proven link between higher blood sugar levels and eczema. The exact reason for the link is not widely understood. But sufferers who are able to significantly lower their intake of sugar do report a lowering of the itching and discomfort their eczema used to bring. So, read those labels when you’re in the super market and get the food that is sugar-low. (Sugar-rich colas, for example, should be banned from your refrigerator!)

Oils have been largely used to treat eczema naturally, but coconut oil properties set it apart from the rest. Apart from forming a protective barrier over your skin, this oil will help you restore the protective layer of your skin that has been damaged by your condition. It also helps you find fungus and bacterial infections, which could be aggravated by your skin breaking up. It has been proven to reduce the swelling caused by flare-ups.

The following are vitamins known to be helpful with skin health. Don`t just supplement, try including more foods high in these vitamins and minerals along with supplementing. Vitamin A:15 milligrams, Vitamin C: Take 500 milligrams 3 times a day for a total of 1500 milligrams a day, Vitamin E: 700 International Units a day, Zinc: 15 milligrams a day for women and 20 milligrams a day for men.


Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema treatment, Nummular Eczema Treatment, facial eczema treatment.