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A Poison Ivy Remedy For Fast Healing

If you have ever searched the internet for a poison ivy remedy, there are many sites that tout their own product.  Other sites offer no substance in their suggestions, only anecdotal evidence that cannot be relied on.  The reality is, no single remedy works for everyone.  If you have this skin dermatitis, there are some remedies that work more often than others.  


The single best poison ivy remedy is to simply not come into contact with the poisonous plant.  Make a point to learn what the plant looks like and try to avoid it while outdoors.  Wearing boots, long socks and pants can go a long ways towards keeping the oils from coming into contact with your skin.  When removing articles of clothing that you suspect have oil from the plant on them, try to minimize contact with the clothing or shoe laces by wearing a pair of disposable gloves or using a plastic bag.  Once the clothing is off, it needs to be washed in hot water using a strong soap.  

Soaps and Water

If you come into contact with poison ivy, the sooner you can get rid of the oil from your skin, the less of an allergic reaction you are going to have.  If you can get to cold running water within ten to fifteen minutes of contact, the best poison ivy remedy is to get the part of your body that made contact under running water for about five to ten minutes.  This rinses away and dilutes the oil before it has a chance to be absorbed into the skin.  

If you are sensitive or more time has passed there are a number of soaps that are specifically designed to break down the oils in poison ivy.  These soaps break down the oils and are able to pull or leach the oil out of the skin.  They can be quite drying as they tend to pull out all the oils but are the best poison ivy remedy you can buy.  

Helping the Itch

If you realize days later that you have poison ivy, there are a couple of remedies that help.  First of all, the soaps can still help and you should use them on your hands if you relent and scratch at the affected areas.  It does not take much oil to cause a reaction and by scratching you can transfer the poison ivy’s toxic oil to other parts of your body if you forget and scratch.  There are a couple products designed to cover and protect the area as the oil naturally breaks down.  Some natural products such as aloe vera and tea tree oil can help with itching, inflammation and can also help break down the oils. 

More Information about the best poison ivy remedy can be found at

What is the Best Poison Ivy Cure?

Poison ivy causes urushiol-induced contact dermatitis. This condition is caused by urushiol, a compound in the leaves of the plant that causes skin rashes and blistering. If its ashes or vapors are inhaled or its parts eaten, the plant can also cause inflammation and damage to other organs. Exposure to this plant can cause anaphylaxis and may eventually lead to death. Because of these effects, poison ivy has been cited as one of the threats to people in the outdoors. But one shouldn’t be deterred from enjoying the beauty of nature because of this plant. Knowing how the plant looks like and exercising caution and presence of mind will get you far, but there are many unguarded moments that could leave you exposed to it. Those times call for specific poison ivy cure and treatment procedures to be undertaken.

The first immediate action to be taken when you’ve come in contact with poison ivy is to douse the area with rubbing alcohol first and then wash the area of contact with water. It is best not to wash the area with soap immediately because this might spread the urushiol-containing oils of the plant to other parts of your body. It is best that one take a full body shower after with soap and water and wipe everything you’ve had contact with with rubbing alcohol and water.

There are poison ivy cure and treatments available in the market today like wipes, soaps and creams that vary in function. Some soothe itching and burning of the affected area while some specialized soaps and wipes degrade and take out urushiol from the skin. Some examples of these treatments are Calamine lotion, Zanfel Wash and Ivystat.

Remember that the ooze that comes from the blisters doesn’t spread the condition. It is even safe to handle and touch somebody else’s blisters or rashes because poison ivy rash does not transmit like this. Also, prevention is always the best poison ivy cure. Scout your backyard or nearby forest areas for the plant and warn members of your household about these areas. Always wear pants, long sleeved shirts and other protective clothing when outdoors. There are available repellent creams and lotions in drug stores which you can apply to exposed areas of your body. To get rid of the plants, you can spray your background with pesticide, or hire pest control services to do this for you.

For more information on poison ivy and how to protect yourself, please visit