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7 Natural Eczema Treatments Can Provide Relief

The chronic skin disorder, eczema, can be identified by the scaly, itchy rashes that show up on the body. Eczema is caused by a hypersensitivity reaction in the skin, which can lead to inflammation and discomfort. The first thing you can do is to see your doctor on possible ways to deal with the situation. To complement your doctor’s prescription, you may also perform your own eczema treatment therapy. Aside from prescription drugs, the eczema sufferer has options to change his/her diet or use herbal therapy as a home remedy for eczema.

1. While these will not cure the eczema, it will certainly help to get your itching under control. One such creme that you could use is hydrocortisone. Simple apply a small amount to the affected area preferably at nights just before bed. If this doesn’t help, stay tuned because there are more ways that you can stop the itching and burning and cure your eczema.

2. As stress has shown to be a major contributor in this and many other illnesses, start your day with a daily meditation and deep breathing. This does not have to be something fancy and you don’t have to sit in the lotus position unless you want to.

3. Vitamin E and fish oil gel capsules are recommended by many people, to help clear up the inflamed and dry patches. Fish oil is known to help block histamine production in a milder way than antihistamines. Vitamin E helps the skin remain elastic and supple. Coconut and olive oil are also supposed to be beneficial. There are also olive oil products available that can be applied directly to the skin.

4. Add oatmeal flakes to your baby’s bath to help ease itching. Make sure you ask your baby’s pediatrician before use, and discontinue if you notice an increase in itching or irritation.

5. Run a humidifier in your baby’s room at night; this will help to keep his skin hydrated. Use a cool-mist humidifier to reduce the risk of burns, and place the humidifier in a location safe from children and pe

7. Some people have had quite a bit of success with the application of tea tree oil. This organic substance is known to help heal the skin. It can come as a liquid, cream or gel to be applied topically. Some people make a paste of camphor and sandalwood and apply it directly to affected areas. Peppermint and Spearmint oils are naturally healing and also provide a cooling effect, which helps reduce redness and inflammation.

8. Many herbalist feel that the root cause for eczema may not be in the skin, but in the body. Red clover tea is similar to licorice and is thought to be a blood cleanser. Many like red clover mixed with chamomile as a cleansing and relaxing tea. Drink this mixture three times a day for 30 days to cleanse the body of toxins which may help clear your eczema.

Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on home remedies for eczema, how to treat eczema.

More Chronic Eczema Articles

7 Eczema Itch Relief

It is also called dermatitis and generally refers to several types of relentless skin inflammations. Atopic dermatitis is a common type of eczema, which is known to affect most of the people worldwide. Have you been hiding your eczema affected skin because you are afraid that others might notice it? If you are hesitant to consult any doctor regarding your condition or have done to little effect, then you must try natural remedies that you can apply personally.

1. The first thing that you need to understand is that eczema develops and is made worse due to dry skin. So make sure that your skin is sufficiently moisturized. Even if you don’t have eczema. Use natural body moisturizers that contain essential fatty acids to relieve the eczema itch. You will find that these reduces the itch greatly. Apply the moisturizer right after a bath when the pores are open. Do this twice a day and apply all over your body, especially at the spot where the eczema has developed. This can be done every time you feel the skin has dried at the eczema spot.

2. One thing you can use as a home remedy for eczema is something called calendula oil. In order for this to work properly you need to put it on the affected part of the body, 2-3 times a day.

3. A mixture of ground basil, olive oil and garlic can be used to sooth the affected skin. Besides applying this pesto mixture to the skin you can also eat it to cure the outbreaks from the inside out. Drinking a mixture of turmeric and water can also cure the symptoms. You can take a few baths that can soothe your symptoms. A vinegar and hot water bath is great at relieving itching and dryness. A warm tube with walnut leaves is also very soothing.

4. Don’t use anything with sodium laurel sulfate or something similar. Parabens are also typically a no-no. Stick to fruit-based or all-natural shampoos, preferably unscented, to impose as little irritation to your scalp as possible. Some good options include shampoos with coconut and yucca-based surfactants.

5. There are several home remedies for eczema itch and one of them is using herbal remedies for the same. Add baking soda to your bath water and soaking in it for up to an hour even has been shown to relieve eczema itch. So also, adding colloidal oatmeal (finely ground) to the bath is known to be an excellent solution for an eczema itch. The oatmeal not only stops the itch, but also binds the wound together and thereby helps in the healing process. Refrain from using this in your bath if the wound is still raw and oozing.

6. You can also use a very popular thing called evening primrose oil. There are various options regarding the use of this oil, it can be taken in a pill form, or you can directly rub it on the skin area.

7. If you have this problem on your feet then you need to try to keep your feet dry at all times. It is also a good idea to change your socks at least once a day. Sunshine has also been effective at treating these outbreaks and wearing sandals or exposing your skin to the sun in short bursts can effectively treat eczema. You need to be careful so you do not burn your skin.

Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema treatment, how to treat eczema naturally.

Why You Should Try Aloe Vera for Eczema Relief

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

When you have eczema, the only thing you really want is relief. Like many eczema sufferers out there, I’m sure you have spent countless hours researching anything that can provide a break from the itching and dryness. Many have found relief through natural remedies for eczema like aloe vera, which has been a popular treatment discussed among the eczema community.

Today’s post will discuss the many benefits of aloe vera for eczema. Do you use aloe for eczema? Let us know in the comment section below this post!

Please keep in mind that although these tips have worked for many eczema sufferers, I am in no way a medical professional. If you’re experiencing severe eczema or have a topical infection, it is always best to seek medical advice immediately.

What is Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera is a tropical plant that produces a gel within its leaves that contains over 75 nutrients as well as vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. Although most commonly used for sunburns and rashes, aloe can be used to heal other skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and even gastric problems. Because aloe vera has a natural, cooling effect, using it on eczema prone skin can be oh so soothing.

Aloe Vera and Eczema = Relief!

Why does using aloe vera for eczema treatments work so well?

Hydrates the skin – Because aloe contains around 99% water, it can provide additional skin hydration. Eczema strips the skin of its moisture and leaves it feeling rough, dry and cracked. By keeping skin moist, the eczema has a chance to heal.

Reduces infection – Aloe vera contains two hormones: Auxin and Gibberllins. These two hormones provide both wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties that help cracked or wounded skin heal faster. With eczema, it is always important to keep the affected area clean and free of bacteria, as to reduce the chance of a staph infection.

Soothes the itch/burn – With it’s naturally cooling gel, as well as anti-inflammation properties, aloe can help soothe itchy, red skin. It can also greatly reduce the itch-scratch cycle that is common in most eczema cases.

Where to find Aloe Vera?

Today, many products use aloe vera as a main ingredient to shorten healing time as well as to soothe skin. However, you can easily extract aloe vera yourself.

The aloe vera plant can be found at a variety of health stores and supermarkets. All you do is cut the leave and squeeze out the gel. If you’d rather not bother with the plant itself, there are many natural aloe vera treatments for eczema you can use instead.

One of our favorites is this Organic Aloe Vera Skin Soothing Spray that is both vegan and GMO free. This is one cooling and refreshing treat for your skin! Store it in the refrigerator between uses for an extra boost of refreshment.

If you love aloe vera, but you’re looking beyond a spray for something more moisturizing, try this Coconut Aloe Moisturizing Serum that contains coconut oil for even more soothing action. This serum works well on eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.

Lastly, this EczeHerbal Colloidal Oatmeal Cream works wonders on itchy and inflamed skin, especially for those with sensitive skin. It contains Chinese herbs as well as aloe vera for skin protection and softening, as well as for a cooling effect.

Use Caution When Using Aloe For Eczema

Although aloe vera can be used for a variety of skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, beware of where you purchase aloe vera skin products. Many of the aloe gels and creams found in the drugstore contain alcohol that can burn your skin when applying to an open eczema wound, so just keep your eyes open and read the ingredients lists. None of the products we recommend contain alcohol.

Be sure to remember that although aloe vera may provide temporary relief to eczema pain or itching, it most likely will not fully heal your eczema. Running an elimination diet or visiting a naturopath for an allergy test will help you heal your eczema from the inside out. To find out more about healing your eczema from within, check out this fantastic read from Karen Fischer, The Eczema Diet.

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

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How to Eat Well for Winter Eczema Relief

By Dr. Amy Duong (bio below)

To my eczema warriors!

Today I’d like to give you a list of foods and how to prepare them that would be beneficial to eat with the intention of nourishing and healing skin to prevent eczema in winter. I often hear from my patients that their eczema worsens in the winter months due to the dryness from the cold temperatures outside and from turning on the heat in inside. Skin dryness signifies that the skin is not being nourished with the proper nutrients and thus the skin barrier to the outside environment weakens and the skin is subject to more irritants, weather changes, and eczema from internal detoxification issues.

The food most beneficial for providing winter eczema relief differs from each person based on their specific food sensitivities and food allergies. This is best tested through food allergy/sensitivity test or an elimination diet, whereby the main food sensitivities are removed from the diet then added back one by one to see the effects of that specific food on eczema and other skin inflammation. Apart of the specifics of the diet for each person, there are foods and preparation of foods that are better eaten during winter months. Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and following the nature’s own cycles, it is better to eat seasonally. This would include more raw fruits and vegetables in the summer and more root vegetables and warming foods in the winter. I’ve made a list of foods that I recommend for eczema patients to help them prevent from developing a winter rash. Let’s get to it!

1. Stir-fry vegetables or Steam vegetables

Use some olive oil to stir-fry dark leafy greens such as kale, spinach, carrots, onions, zucchini, and sweet potatoes. You can also steam vegetables such as spinach, kale, beets, and cauliflower. Making a stir-fry or steaming vegetables breaks down the cell walls of these vegetables and allows for easier digestion.

2. Roast vegetables

Another option for preparing vegetables is to roast them in the oven! You can try cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, sweet potatoes, beets, onions, and other squashes such as acorn squash and spaghetti squash. Roasting vegetables are a delicious way to keep warm and facilitate the digestion in the winter months. A good oil to roast your veggies with at higher temperatures would be coconut oil as long as there aren’t any food sensitivities to coconut. For a coconut free option, try avocado oil.

3. Warming soups

Making a big batch of soup is a great way to food prep on the weekends for example or use a crock pot or pressure cooker to do some hands-off cooking. I really love butternut squash soup, curries, vegetable soup, or warm beet soup in the wintertime. For the a broth full of minerals and gut healing nutrients, make your own broth.

4. Oatmeal and other gluten free grains

It is not advisable in Traditional Chinese Medicine to eat or drink cold or raw foods. I believe that this is especially true in the wintertime when you body feels colder in general. Instead of my morning green juices or green smoothies that I frequent in the spring and summer months, I make some gluten-free oatmeal in the morning and add some antioxidants with blueberries or other berries. Sweeten it with a drizzle of honey or maple syrup. Add in some sunflower butter for a delicious protein kick. Other gluten free grains I use include quinoa and brown rice, which pair great with the vegetables that were prepared as a stir fry, steamed, or roasted! Yum 🙂

A few tips on skincare for winter eczema relief:

  1. Do not shower in very hot water as it will really dry out your skin. After patting your skin dry, always apply a good natural eczema cream.
  2. Vitamin D3: It would be a good idea to have your physician or naturopath check your levels of Vitamin D3 to ensure that there is no deficiency and determine what a good therapeutic or maintenance dose would be for you. Vitamin D3 is typically lower in the winter as we are not out in the sun and absorbing Vitamin D3 in your skin.
  3. Add some yoga and stretching to your exercise routine in the wintertime. It is the time to build up your reserves for the coming spring and summer months. Maintaining flexibility and a good mind-body connection with yoga and meditation is great to ready yourself for the action and movement during the warmer months. And yoga is great for stress relief and we all know how stress can really aggravate eczema.

Read More: 8 Ways to Relieve Stress In Children with Eczema

I hope you will keep these strategies in mind when preparing your food in the wintertime. Remember this is simply a guide and it would be advisable to see a local naturopath or reach out to me through my online consultations to get best treatment plan for your individual health concerns.

Do you struggle with eczema in winter? What helps you find winter eczema relief?


amy duong becomes a naturopath after her struggles with eczema

Bio: Dr. Amy Duong completed her Naturopathic Doctorate at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona, where she also trained in Acupuncture. She offers general naturopathic care with a special focus on skin disorders including eczema, acne and psoriasis as well as anxiety, depression and digestive concerns. Currently, Dr. Duong is based in Connecticut where she sees many lovely patients of all ages with common skin conditions and other medical concerns in her naturopathic medical practice.

Please visit, to learn more about Dr. Amy Duong and her Skype/phone consultations to help you address your eczema or other medical condition.

Click Here for a FREE 15 Minute Consultation with Dr. Amy Duong

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How to Eat Well for Winter Eczema Relief

Dr. Amy Duong (bio below) To my eczema warriors! Today I’d like to give you a list of foods and how to prepare them that would be beneficial to eat with the intention of nourishing and healing skin to prevent eczema in winter. I often hear from my patients that their eczema worsens in the […]
It’s an Itchy Little World

Blue-Emu® to include first OTC Lidocaine Pain Relief patch – Lidocare™


Blue-Emu® to extend product line to include first OTC Lidocaine Pain Relief patch – Lidocare™

BRISTOL, TN March 28, 2016 /PRNewswire/– The makers of Blue-Emu® announced today the launch of Lidocare™: the first lidocaine patch available over the counter and the ONLY lidocaine patch that is water-free. Following the success of the Blue-Emu® line, NFI Consumer Products have formed a partnership with Mission Pharmacal to bring a one of a kind product to the OTC market.

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Relief from IBS – your route to digestive comfort

Around one in five people in the UK experience IBS or troublesome digestive problems with symptoms such as reflux, heartburn, vomiting, nausea, flatulence, stomach ache, discomfort, and diarrhoea.

Self-management of lifestyle and diet is key to managing the daily discomfort and often embarrassing gastrointestinal symptoms that can blight the lives of many.


Dr Megan Arroll, psychologist and author of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: navigating your way to recovery (Hammersmith Books £9.99) has the below advice:

Navigate your way to recovery

Get the right diagnosis. IBS symptoms overlap with other illnesses such as inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, endometriosis and Coeliac disease (an allergy to gluten). The right diagnosis is important so that you can find an effective treatment.

Know your triggers. Food, drink and stress can trigger IBS symptoms. Keep an IBS diary over two weeks. Note down food and drink consumed, daily activities undertaken and anything that causes stress or anxiety.

Nutritional know-how. Swap wheat-based products for oat-based ones. Opt for soluble types of fibre such as lentils, beans, strawberries, blueberries, carrots and dried peas rather than insoluble fibre (e.g. wheat bran, barley, couscous, brown rice and bulgur wheat). Drink plenty of water daily and limit your intake of caffeinated drinks.

Take moderate exercise. Research from the Netherlands has shown that 30-minutes of brisk walking plus 11 minutes of home-based physical exercise a day can reduce constipation and increase ‘transit time’ of food.

Mindful techniques. Dr Megan Arroll says: Research has shown that cognitive behavioural therapy and hypnotherapy are psychological techniques that may help reduce the physical symptoms of IBS. However, both therapies should be administered by trained therapists with knowledge of IBS.

Be prepared. Pack an ‘emergency kit’ in your bag that holds medications, flushable wet wipes and a change of underwear in sealable plastic bag. You probably won’t need to use the pack’s contents, but just having it to hand can relieve anxiety.

Keep Calm. Practice diaphragmatic breathing to help calm the anxiety experienced at the onset of an IBS flare up.

Help from Over-the-Counter. As early as the 1940s, research has shown that a natural compound of the mineral substance silicon and oxygen, silicic acid, can relieve a number of gastrointestinal symptoms when the particles are suspended in a colloidal and hydrated gel. A small amount of the highly dispersible gel has been clinically shown to normalise the function of the stomach and bowel with no known side effects. It creates a protective lining in the stomach and intestine, and acts as a magnet physically binding toxins, irritants and pathogens which reduces their ability to cause inflammation, and renders them harmless to pass through the digestive tract.

Users of silicic acid gel typically report fast relief from their symptoms, particularly diarrhoea, stomach ache, bloating and nausea. Many report feeling in control of their life again and being able to exercise, take simple trips to the shops, and accept invitations to family events that would once have been impossible. Silicic acid gel treatments are available from Boots, Holland & Barret, Superdrug, Tesco and independent pharmacies and health stores.


[1] Excerpts ( IBS) from Global Business Intelligence Market Research Report, GBIHC241MR, Published Nov ‘12

Content supplied by FW Medical Ltd.

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Baby Eczema – 3 Ways to Give Your Baby Relief

You would be surprised to know the number of baby eczema is pretty high. It’s sad to hear that a baby could suffer such an irritating skin lesion. Eczema can appear as an inflamed rash at first and then escalates into cracking scaly skin. This is a very itchy skin condition even for babies. Sometimes in extreme situations it could lead to infection and bleeding. Although there isn’t a clear cause or definite cure for eczema you can help your baby by treating the eczema and giving them relief. There are three ways to relieve baby eczema.

First you could avoid giving your baby food that contributes to eczema. Cow’s milk and eggs are at the top of the list of main culprits. After that is soy, peanuts, wheat and fish. There are always other alternatives that provide the same nutrition. Although food is rarely the cause of eczema it is good to try everything you can to help your child. Don’t forget to give your baby plenty of water to keep their skin well hydrated and to prevent it from drying.

Another way to give your baby relief is to use cotton materials for their bedding and only cotton clothing. Anything that can irritate the skin and doesn’t breathe should be avoided. Scratchy fabrics like wool will worsen the condition of your baby’s skin.

Keeping their skin moist all the time with gentle moisturizers is very important. There are many safe moisturizers you can use for your baby to keep the skin from drying. Always ask a doctor though before applying anything to your baby’s eczema because there are many moisturizers that can worsen the condition especially if they contain fragrance.

The three things I mentioned above include foods to avoid, natural fabrics and moisturizers. These are the most common ways to help with baby eczema. You should always be cautious with everything your baby touches. Eczema in babies could become chronic if proper treatment isn’t carried out. Everything you use for your baby should be natural, soft, and without chemical fragrances. Hopefully your baby will grow out of it like the majority of children do.

Charlotte writes online about how to help your baby cope with baby eczema and also writes on how to find an eczema cure.

Get Relief From Your Skin Problems With Eczema Cream

If you are one among the millions suffering from eczema, you will benefit by using eczema cream and get much needed relief. This common skin ailment which causes itching and flaky skin rashes can be really troublesome. Many creams and steroids fail to give any relief. Now, there is a proven cream to ease and lessen your distress to a great extent. This cream can be bought online.

What Is Eczema

Eczema, in many cases an inherited skin condition, can be triggered by several factors such as food, soap, chemicals, allergic reactions, stress, infections, water, wool and many other factors.

The severity of the skin condition can range from dry itchy skin to open and bleeding sores. It is known to be caused by some lipid deficiencies in the skin and due to allergies and heredity factors. Some of the causes are yet unknown.

The goal of eczema treatment is to decrease and prevent the itching, inflammation and worsening of the condition. It involves both lifestyle changes and use of medications and creams.

Majority of children suffering from eczema outgrow the disease, although there is no guarantee. There are however, ways to minimize the flare ups and eczema creams are a very effective skin care treatment if you or your child suffer from the ailment.

Benefits Of Using Eczema Cream

The cream has been made by a group of proficient pharmacists and physicians and has natural ingredients with a combination of properties of a special base. The advantage of this cream is that it does not contain any steroids.

You can use it for a small or large area of eczema infection effectively. A prescription is not needed when you buy it. Made of a non greasy formula, it is not reported to have any side effects.

The cream does not cause adverse reactions from other diseases and drugs and can be used by infants as well as individuals of all age groups. It is a hypoallergenic and fragrance free cream which intensely moisturizes dry skin.


The eczema cream is made of a combination of special natural and traditional ingredients, including MSM, which is present in green plants such as certain species of algae, fruits and vegetables, grains and milk. MSM is a very safe ingredient which does not cause any allergic reactions and it is a source of sulfur for cysteine and methionine production. Both these ingredients help in the treatment of eczema and heal it.

Other ingredients in the cream are Omega-3 fatty acids which help protect cell membranes from viruses and bacteria, Vitamin E which has antioxidant properties and protects your skin from free radical damage. There are emollients which can prevent dryness and stops moisture evaporation from the skin. Hydrating agents help protect the skin and relieve it from the extreme dryness caused due to eczema.

Eczema cream can be ordered safely and easily online with a money back guarantee, in case you are not happy using the cream for some reason. It has been recommended by many who have used it with satisfactory results. The customers who have used the cream find it far more effective and with no side effects as compared to many steroid based creams. If you are suffering from eczema, try the cream and get relief from the ailment. is the website where eczema cream can be bought, which is recommended for treatment of eczema. It is a skin care cream specially formulated from natural ingredients for treating this ailment and guarantees remarkable results.

How to Get Eczema Relief Quickly

How to Get Eczema Relief Quickly

If your eczema skin care treatment is failing to provide you with effective eczema relief, then the tips in this article will help you to drastically reduce your itchy eczema skin.

When it comes to actually getting relief from eczema, many people who suffer from this skin condition will tell you how challenging it can be to find  a remedy for eczema that works.

Any skin care specialist will tell you that at the current time, you cannot cure eczema through the continual use of medications.

The best case scenario is that you find something that is able to reduce the symptoms to a degree. Unfortunately you may have to use numerous types of treatments before you hit on something that actually makes a difference to your eczema.

The good news is that dugs and medicines are not your only option. There are steps that you can take yourself to give yourself relief from eczema skin rashes, eczema itching, and weeping eczema. Pay attention to the information below, and you could see a significant reduction in your eczema skin condition.

Keep an eye on the types of clothes that you wear next to your skin. Many materials, especially man made ones can cause irritation to sensitive skin. Try to make sure that you only wear clothing that is made from cotton. Also ensure that your bedding is also made from cotton.

A lot of cosmetics have ingredients which can irritate the skin, obviously this is bad for an eczema sufferer. Make sure that any cosmetics you do use contain ingredients which are natural. Products made up of alcohol are especially bad for eczema skin, as alcohol dries out your skin by reducing protective natural oils.

Eczema is more prevalent on dry skin, so it is vital that you make sure that you keep your skin well moisturised.

The best approach to this is to apply moisture after a bath when your skin is warm and the pores are more open. This will ensure that your moisturising cream will sink much deeper into the skin, keeping it moist for longer.

A lot of moisturising creams that you see advertised are often very poor at providing deep moisturisation. The best solution is to use natural products such as coconut oil, olive oil, or a cream containing Aloe Vera, which is excellent for healthy skin.

Most people will have heard of the phrase “you are what you eat”. The effectiveness of your immune system relies on what you feed your body. Much of the food that many of us eat is processed heavily and extremely unhealthy.

A lot of the food that you eat can be difficult for your body to digest easily. This is because our bodies are natural in nature, and geared towards more natural types of food. Focus on eating more foods which are natural and organic in nature, as these types of foods will greatly benefit our immune systems. Eating in such a way will place your body in a position where it is better able to deal with a condition like eczema.

If you follow the advice in this article, you can make a big difference in your eczema condition. Do not underestimate your role in your own health. Don’t just rely on other people to provide eczema relief methods, start taking control.

There is a rising trend of using natural remedies in order to Beat Eczema

Although there are a number of eczema programs which claim to help cure eczema naturally, however take a look at one of the best online program which offers a number of natural eczema home remedies