Eczema Free Forever™ Eczema Free Forever™

At Home Remedies for a Seriously Dry Scalp

Having a dry scalp can be a pain! It’s itchy, annoying and most of all can be kind of gross! But with that said there are a few things we can do to combat this pesky issue! Often times those who have a dry scalp will also see dryness around their nose and on their chest, and as a result we may need to cover washing and at home practices both for the scalp, face and torso as the three areas on the skin are very closely related!

Unfortunately, most physicians have seen that dandruff is genetic and tends to run in families. Typically, with genetic conditions there are trickier steps to take in combating the condition but luckily treatment for dandruff is one of the few conditions that can be done cost effectively and at home.

At Home Remedies for a Seriously Dry Scalp

This is another one of those skin problems that has no cure but luckily our dermatologist Dr. Norris suggested a few simple treatments to try!


First thing on the list is to wash your hair less frequently in general. Washing your hair everyday will strip away your natural oils and dry out your scalp. However, everyones scalp is different. If this method does not help, try out our other options.


Second, Dr. Norris suggests to find shampoos that contain zinc pyrithione or ketaconozal. Nizoral is a popular shampoo that contains these ingredients, and can be found at most local drug stores.  


Finally, our last helpful tip is alternating dandruff shampoos each time you wash your hair  can help keep the dandruff away. Be sure you are rotating shampoos because using just one shampoo over and over will decrease its effectiveness.

Amanda Blakley Skincare – BLOG

Eczema Natural Remedies That You Can Try At Your Home

Eczema or dermatitis is a common and an irritating skin disease that can affect people of any age group. Children are the worst sufferers of this disease. This can also pose serious threats to the infants. About 20% of children have the history of eczema. Family history is also an important cause for eczema in some cases. Girls suffer more from this skin disease than the boys. The skin gets inflamed with the formation of pustules often followed by some liquid discharge. This skin disorder can be chronic, which results from the toxicity in the body. The commonly affected areas are hands, wrists, neck, face and back of the knees. Eczema is not contagious, but scratching the particular areas may worsen the condition spreading the disease to other parts.


1. Appearance of pustules and blisters on the skin.
2. Redness of the skin in patches.
3. Skin becomes dry and flaky.
4. Itchiness and irritation on the skin.
5. Liquid discharges are observed from the affected areas.


Doctors can not specify the exact cause of this skin disorder. Most probable causes are

1. Building up of toxins in the body.
2. Deficiency of nutrients in the body
3. Allergic conditions
4. Metabolic disorders.

Home Remedies

Eczema can be cured by adopting following simple home remedies

1. Application of coconut oil on the affected areas is the most effective home remedy for treating Eczema.

2. One can also apply mud pack on the affected areas to get beneficial results.

3. Application of a paste of camphor and sandalwood powder, taken in equal proportions is another useful home remedy for treating Eczema.

4. Mild sunbathing is also helpful in reducing this skin disorder.

5. Application of a paste of Neem leaves and turmeric powder on the affected areas reduces the symptoms of eczema. It is one of the useful home remedies for treating eczema.

6. Prepare a lotion from the crushed leaves of Dandelion and Spearmint adding few drops of massage oil. Application of this lotion on the affected areas and keeping it for half an hour produces wonderful results.

7. Regularly apply Vitamin E oil on the affected areas to get beneficial results.

8. Take oral Zinc supplements to reduce the symptoms of Eczema. Application of Zinc lotion on the affected areas also produces beneficial results.

9. Nutmeg paste is also used as a useful home remedy to cure eczema.

10. Tomato juice also helps in reducing the symptoms of eczema. Drink a glass of tomato juice daily to get quick relief from this disease.

Read more about Home Remedies for Eczema. Also know effective Home Remedies for Insomnia. Read useful Home Remedies for Stretch Marks.

More Atopic Dermatitis Articles

Eczema And Psoriasis Causes, Symptoms And Natural Home Remedies For Skin Disorder

Eczema is a general term for rash-like skin conditions. The most common type of eczema is called atopic dermatitis, which is an allergic reaction. Eczema is often very itchy and when you scratch it, the skin becomes red and inflamed. Eczema affects adults and children, but it is most common in babies.

Symptoms of Eczema

Following are the major eczema symptoms:

1. Intense itching

2. Rash itches and burns

3. Inflammation on skin

4. Small bumps on forehead, neck and cheek

Causes of Eczema

Following are the major eczema causes:

1.Hereditary factors

2.Irritation with smoke, chemicals, detergents and solvents

3.Excessive stress

4.Emotional stress

5.Blood circulation problem

6.Deficiency of vitamin B6

Preventing Eczema or Dermatitis

1.Chlorine is an abrasive chemical so avoid swimming in chlorinated pools.

2.Keep away from substances that you are allergic or hypersensitive.

3.Avoid contact with detergents, use dishwasher and clothes washer, and for bathing use mild soaps.

Treatment of Eczema

1. Avoid frequent use of soaps, hot water, and other cleansing procedures (especially if you have a dry skin type) that tend to remove natural oil from the skin.

2. Topical corticosteroids , reduce inflammation in the skin and are usually safe and very effective in curing eczema when used correctly. Mild corticosteroids are generally used for children and on the face and flexures, eg crease of the elbow, behind the knees etc.

3. A very common treatment for treating eczema involves – applying lotions, creams, or ointments to keep the skin as moist as possible.

Home Remedies for Eczema or Dermatitis

1.Dab some witch hazel on the affected area with a cotton ball. Apply this on the affected area.

2.Application of spearmint leaf juice also helps reduce eczema.

3.Sun bathing is also helpful in curing eczema. It kills the harmful bacteria and thus treating the inflammation caused.

4.It is generally advisable to avoid using soaps, chemicals and other drying agents on the eczema affected area.

Psoriasis is a chronic (long-lasting) skin disease of scaling and inflammation that affects 2 to 2.6 percent of the United States population, or between 5.8 and 7.5 million people. Although the disease occurs in all age groups, it primarily affects adults. It appears about equally in males and females. Psoriasis occurs when skin cells quickly rise from their origin below the surface of the skin and pile up on the surface before they have a chance to mature. Usually this movement (also called turnover) takes about a month, but in psoriasis it may occur in only a few days. In its typical form, psoriasis results in patches of thick, red (inflamed) skin covered with silvery scales. These patches, which are sometimes referred to as plaques, usually itch or feel sore. They most often occur on the elbows, knees, other parts of the legs, scalp, lower back, face, palms, and soles of the feet, but they can occur on skin anywhere on the body.

Causes of Psoriasis

Following are the major psoriasis causes:

1.Due to abnormality in the mechanism in which the skin grows and replaces itself

2.Abnormality with the metabolism of amino acids

3.Use of certain medicines

4.Due to infections

5.Heredity factors are also responsible

6.Physical and emotional stress

Home Remedies for Psoriasis

1. In a small cup of olive oil, put 2 drops of calendula oil and 1 drop of oregano oil. Rub it on the pretentious area.

2. In 4 cups of water, boil 4 marigold heads, for about 2 minutes. Once cooled, massage the unguent into your scalp.
Then, wash the hair with a mild shampoo. Add lemon juice or cider vinegar to the rinse water to ensure a thorough rinse.

3. Mix a cup of freshly ready bitter gourd juice with a tsp of limejuice. Drink this mixture each day, on an empty stomach, for 4 to 5 days.

4. Mud packs are effectual in treating psoriasis. Take crushed Fuller’s earth and add enough water to form a paste.

Read more on Home Remedies for Eczema and Glowing Skin. Also visit on Natural remedies for Acne

Eczema and Psoriasis Causes, Symptoms and Natural Home Remedies for Skin Disorder

Eczema is a general term for rash-like skin conditions. The most common type of eczema is called atopic dermatitis, which is an allergic reaction. Eczema is often very itchy and when you scratch it, the skin becomes red and inflamed. Eczema affects adults and children, but it is most common in babies.

Read more on Home Remedies for Eczema and Glowing Skin. Also visit on Natural remedies for Acne

Symptoms of Eczema

Following are the major eczema symptoms:

1. Intense itching

2. Rash itches and burns

3. Inflammation on skin

4. Small bumps on forehead, neck and cheek

Causes of Eczema

Following are the major eczema causes:

1.  Hereditary factors

2.  Irritation with smoke, chemicals, detergents and solvents

3.  Excessive stress

4.  Emotional stress

5.  Blood circulation problem

6.  Deficiency of vitamin B6

Preventing Eczema or Dermatitis

1.  Chlorine is an abrasive chemical so avoid swimming in chlorinated pools.

2.  Keep away from substances that you are allergic or hypersensitive.

3.  Avoid contact with detergents, use dishwasher and clothes washer, and for bathing use mild soaps.

Treatment of Eczema

1. Avoid frequent use of soaps, hot water, and other cleansing procedures (especially if you have a dry skin type) that tend to remove natural oil from the skin.

2. Topical corticosteroids , reduce inflammation in the skin and are usually safe and very effective in curing eczema when used correctly. Mild corticosteroids are generally used for children and on the face and flexures, eg crease of the elbow, behind the knees etc.

3. A very common treatment for treating eczema involves – applying lotions, creams, or ointments to keep the skin as moist as possible.

Home Remedies for Eczema or Dermatitis

1.  Dab some witch hazel on the affected area with a cotton ball. Apply this on the affected area.

2.  Application of spearmint leaf juice also helps reduce eczema.

3.  Sun bathing is also helpful in curing eczema. It kills the harmful bacteria and thus treating the inflammation caused.

4.  It is generally advisable to avoid using soaps, chemicals and other drying agents on the eczema affected area.

Psoriasis is a chronic (long-lasting) skin disease of scaling and inflammation that affects 2 to 2.6 percent of the United States population, or between 5.8 and 7.5 million people. Although the disease occurs in all age groups, it primarily affects adults. It appears about equally in males and females. Psoriasis occurs when skin cells quickly rise from their origin below the surface of the skin and pile up on the surface before they have a chance to mature. Usually this movement (also called turnover) takes about a month, but in psoriasis it may occur in only a few days. In its typical form, psoriasis results in patches of thick, red (inflamed) skin covered with silvery scales. These patches, which are sometimes referred to as plaques, usually itch or feel sore. They most often occur on the elbows, knees, other parts of the legs, scalp, lower back, face, palms, and soles of the feet, but they can occur on skin anywhere on the body.

Causes of Psoriasis

Following are the major psoriasis causes:

1.  Due to abnormality in the mechanism in which the skin grows and replaces itself

2.  Abnormality with the metabolism of amino acids

3.  Use of certain medicines

4.  Due to infections

5.  Heredity factors are also responsible

6.  Physical and emotional stress

Home Remedies for Psoriasis

1. In a small cup of olive oil, put 2 drops of calendula oil and 1 drop of oregano oil. Rub it on the pretentious area.

2. In 4 cups of water, boil 4 marigold heads, for about 2 minutes. Once cooled, massage the unguent into your scalp.
Then, wash the hair with a mild shampoo. Add lemon juice or cider vinegar to the rinse water to ensure a thorough rinse.

3. Mix a cup of freshly ready bitter gourd juice with a tsp of limejuice. Drink this mixture each day, on an empty stomach, for 4 to 5 days.

4. Mud packs are effectual in treating psoriasis. Take crushed Fuller’s earth and add enough water to form a paste.

Read more on Home Remedies for Eczema and Glowing Skin. Also visit on Natural remedies for Acne

Tips To Relieve Eczema: Home Remedies To Help You Ease The Symptoms Of Eczema

As all eczema sufferers know, they are stuck with the skin condition for life. Eczema is a chronic skin disorder that has no cure, but it can be managed to reduce the severity of symptoms and the frequency of eczema flare-ups or outbreaks.

The major symptoms that characterize the disease are rashes and itchiness. The affected skin area can appear red or brownish-gray, blistery, leathery, thick, scaly or cracked. At times, small, raised bumps may be seen on the skin. Out of these, fluid may seep out when scratched, and then the bumps crust and heal.

The common locations of these rashes and bumps are the elbows, knees, arms, hands and feet. They can also appear on the face, especially the eyelids, around the eyes, and on the cheeks. They can be very unsightly, and the person will normally want to stay at home until the facial rashes disappear.

Some tips to relieve eczema during a flare-up are:

Apply creams and ointments to relieve the itching. Most over-the-counter anti-itch topical medications will bring relief.

Avoid harsh soaps and chemicals which can further irritate the skin. Scented commercial skin products are potential irritants.

Also avoid long baths (especially warm baths) to prevent aggravating the skin outbreak.

Avoid triggers that may induce an eczema flare-up or worsen one when it is already underway. Triggers can include strong perfumes, rough clothing, heat, sweating, stress, low humidity, drastic temperature changes, and exposure to cats and dogs.

Also avoid food triggers such as eggs, fish, milk, and soy products.

Meanwhile, these are tips to relieve eczema that are specifically aimed at breaking the itch-scratch cycle:

Use cold or wet compresses to relieve the itching.

Wear soft mittens at night.

Keep the fingernails short.

Take over-the-counter antihistamines like Benadryl.

Wrap the skin with loose gauze wraps to protect it from scratches.

Apply moisturizers.

The itchiness may increase at night, and scratching can occur during sleep, so be prepared beforehand by using these tips to relieve eczema. It is important to avoid scratching because this can lead to scars and infection. When the skin becomes infected, it may be necessary to take antibiotics under medical supervision.

It is also important to use natural and organic items as much as possible when treating eczema. Many commercial soaps, shampoos and skin products contain sodium hydroxide, propylene glycol and sodium lauryl sulfate. These substances aggravate eczema for many people. Likewise, dyes and perfumes in laundry products, and most fabric softeners, are unsafe for eczema sufferers. It is recommended that vinegar be used instead as a natural fabric softener.

Instead of OTC anti-itch creams, one can also opt to use natural, herbal mixtures instead. A variety of natural ingredients can be used in the making of homemade anti-itch pastes and lotions. These ingredients include blueberry leaves, dandelion leaves, camphor, sandalwood, nutmeg, spearmint leaves, turmeric powder, papaya seeds, neem leaves, and virgin coconut oil. Most of these can be pounded or crushed, and then mixed with a few drops of oil to form a paste or lotion. It then should be placed on the affected area, and left on for ten to thirty minutes.

Out of these many tips to relieve eczema, anyone who has the skin condition is sure to find at least a few remedies that he can use.

Do you want to discover wonderful techniques you can use to naturally get rid of your ugly eczema? If yes, then you might want to download a copy of the Beat Eczema Program!

Click here ==> Beat Eczema Review, to find out more about this natural eczema treatment system and see how its been helping thousands of eczema-sufferers round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Similar Articles: how to get rid of eczema, home remedies for eczema, best eczema treatments

Find More Chronic Eczema Articles

At Home Remedies for a Seriously Dry Scalp

Having a dry scalp can be a pain! It’s itchy, annoying and most of all can be kind of gross! But with that said there are a few things we can do to combat this pesky issue! Often times those who have a dry scalp will also see dryness around their nose and on their chest, and as a result we may need to cover washing and at home practices both for the scalp, face and torso as the three areas on the skin are very closely related!

Unfortunately, most physicians have seen that dandruff is genetic and tends to run in families. Typically, with genetic conditions there are trickier steps to take in combating the condition but luckily treatment for dandruff is one of the few conditions that can be done cost effectively and at home.

This is another one of those skin problems that has no cure but luckily our dermatologist Dr. Norris suggested a few simple treatments to try!


First thing on the list is to wash your hair less frequently in general. Washing your hair everyday will strip away your natural oils and dry out your scalp. However, everyones scalp is different. If this method does not help, try out our other options.


Second, Dr. Norris suggests to find shampoos that contain zinc pyrithione or ketaconozal. Nizoral is a popular shampoo that contains these ingredients, and can be found at most local drug stores.  


Finally, our last helpful tip is alternating dandruff shampoos each time you wash your hair  can help keep the dandruff away. Be sure you are rotating shampoos because using just one shampoo over and over will decrease its effectiveness.

Amanda Blakley Skincare – BLOG

Try These 5 DIY Natural Remedies for Rosacea

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

Have you ever wondered whether the redness and inflammation on your face is either face eczema or rosacea?

Although both skin conditions look quite similar to one another, there are some distinguishing traits between both. Unlike eczema, in general rosacea appears only on the face with bumping, redness and permanent blushing. It is also does not appear cracked, dry or weeping and is usually never itchy.

If you believe you’re suffering from rosacea or have been diagnosed with this skin condition, read on to find 5 DIY natural remedies for rosacea. These home remedies can be made from every day ingredients found in your pantry.

Please keep in mind that I am in no way a medical professional. If you’re experiencing severe rosacea or eczema or have a topical infection, it is always best to seek medical advice immediately.

Before going into the best natural remedies for rosacea, it’s important to distinguish the 4 different types of rosacea:

Subtype 1: Visible blood vessels, flushing, and facial redness.

Subtype 2: Acne-like breakouts and sensitivity.

Subtype 3: Swelling and fluid-retention with thickening skin and redness. 

Subtype 4: Ocular rosacea which appears around the eyes.

Knowing your type of rosacea will allow you to pick the most appropriate DIY home treatment for your rosacea symptoms.

Green Tea

Green teas are full of antioxidants and anti-inflammation properties that are helpful to reduce rosacea swelling.

If you’re experiencing facial redness, seep a few green tea bags in hot water and then let them sit in your fridge until they are nice and cool. Place them either on your eyes if you’re suffering from subtype 4 rosacea or on your cheeks to relieve flushing and facial redness.

Raw Honey

Natural, raw honey is full of anti-inflammatory properties and is perfect for any type of rosacea that shows visible blood vessels, flushing, and swelling.

Spread a thin layer of honey across your checks and around the eyes if you’re experiencing subtype 4 ocular rosacea. Remember to be careful though! Leave enough room, as to not get any honey into your eyes.

Alternatively, you can opt for a skin cream or balm that includes honey, like Organic Manuka Soothing Skin Cream that contains soothing and anti-inflammatory Manuka honey and is gentle and safe for the eye area.

Essential Oils

There are several different essential oils you can find in both health stores and supermarkets that work well for rosacea. Just make sure to dilute the essential oils properly, especially for babies and young children, who cannot tolerate strong doses of essential oils. Mommypotamus has a great chart on dilutions here.

Lavender oil can help soothe red skin and eliminate painful swelling due to both its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Rose Essential oil helps balance sebum production and calms skin with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

There are so many other essentials oils that work well for rosacea, just like they do for eczema. Make sure to check out our blog post: The Best Essential Oils for Eczema to get an idea of which ones work best for both conditions.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Ingesting apple cider vinegar (ACV) has proven to be quite effective for rosacea. Not only is it a powerful cleanser, but it helps balance gut flora and improve the digestive system.

Many rosacea sufferers also choose to use ACV topically. If you choose this method, be very careful. ACV is extremely acidic and will burn affected skin if applied directly. Be sure to mix it with water to dilute the mixture.

When choosing your ACV, make sure to opt for an organic and not processed brand like this one for the best results!

Elimination Diet

Although these rosacea home treatments are one step to providing relief, it is only one part of the solution. Many health practitioners will suggest to stay away from spicy foods and alcohol; however, carrying out your own elimination diet will help get to the root cause of your unique case of rosacea.

To get started on an elimination diet, take a look at our post: Our Eczema Elimination Diet Success (How You Can Do It Too!), which works just as well for rosacea, since many of the common food triggers are the same for both conditions.

If DIY and at home remedies aren’t for you, make sure to check out The Eczema Company’s natural remedies for rosacea for natural balms and other soothing options.

Let us know what natural remedies for rosacea you use in the comments below!

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.


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10 Natural Remedies for Eczema You Can Try at Home Today

Laura Dolgy (see bio below)

If you’re prone to eczema then you’ve probably spent countless hours researching the best remedies for quick and effective relief. Unfortunately, not every trick and tip on the Internet works, but we’re here to break down the top 10 natural remedies for eczema that can be tried today with items you can probably find in your home.

Please keep in mind that although these tips can help remedy eczema, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe eczema symptoms like fever or an infection, it is best to seek medical advice immediately.

Ready to get started on these remedies for eczema? Here they are:

1. Coconut Oil

In order to keep skin moisturized and less prone to dryness and cracking, applying coconut oil to your eczema can work wonders. It’s naturally antibacterial too, so it can help prevent infections. Keep in mind that the most natural and organic coconut oils for eczema will yield the best results. You can also use a natural soap bar that uses coconut oil such as our Emily Skin Soothers soap for eczema.

2. Acupressure

If you’ve never heard of acupressure, then you should know that it’s considered one of the best remedies for eczema. This alternative technique is similar to acupuncture in the sense that pressure is applied to different body pressure points to clear blockages. To get started on acupressure, check out our post: How to Use Acupressure for Eczema: A Home Remedy for Itchy Skin. It’s really quite simple to do yourself and you can start right now!

3. Elimination Diet

Many of us don’t realize that what we put into our bodies sometimes cause the most issues externally. If you haven’t already tried an elimination diet as a natural remedy for eczema, you might want to give it a try. The Eczema Cure is a great ebook based on eliminating common trigger foods and adding gut healing foods. I personally had great success with reducing my son’s eczema through this elimination diet and years later we were able to cut out the remaining minor eczema with the Auto Immune Paleo diet.  Another approach can be found in The Eczema Diet by Karen Fischer which discusses how to heal your skin through simple dietary changes and daily skincare and is based on improving liver function and maintaining the right balance of acid to alkaline food intake.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

For years, doctors have recommended that eczema sufferers take bleach baths to fight topical bacteria and heal their eczema. Not only are bleach baths toxic, yet they can cause some serious abrasions to skin that is already sensitive. A healthy bleach bath alternative is apple cider vinegar. Start with one cup of apple cider vinegar and pour it in your bath, so that it becomes diluted (you can increase the amount by 4-5 cups, yet you want to make sure it’s not irritating your skin). Soak for 10 minutes, then rinse. If you’re experiencing flare-ups, this is something you can do nightly, but make sure to decrease baths to 1-2 times per week to properly heal skin and prevent further outbreaks.

5. Aloe Vera

Have you ever noticed that it feels immediately better after applying aloe vera to sunburnt skin? This amazing plant is also one of our remedies for eczema! Whether your skin is red, burning or itchy, aloe vera can provide a cooling and soothing effect on your skin. You can choose to cut open an aloe vera plant and squeeze out the juice from inside or you can go with a natural skin care product such as this Coconut Aloe Moisturizing Serum or Organic Aloe Vera Skin Soothing Spray. Just beware of most aloe gel found in the drugstore as they contain alcohol and will really burn your skin, especially if you apply it to an open eczema wound.

6. Organic Honey

Honey – specifically Manuka Honey, is a great way to reduce eczema flare-ups and prevent scarring. It has exceptional anti-inflammatory properties and can be doubled up as a moisturizer and exfoliant. Simply apply the honey directly to your skin and gently rub it in. For a less sticky option, try my favorite Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream which contains both Manuka honey and Manuka oil (similar, but more effective than tea tree oil), which help to fight bacteria and heal eczema flares.

7. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been used for centuries to provide natural relief to skin issues. This oil has antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties, which can help with skin inflammation and general irritation. You can also add this oil to a variety of different skin care products including body washes, shampoos and creams. I also love to add a few drops to the washing machine when I wash my husband’s stinky gym clothes!

8. Turmeric

This herb is known for its antioxidant component, curcumin. It also helps with improving liver function. You can choose to either take turmeric supplements orally or can use tumeric from your spice rack to create a topical skin paste, or maybe do both! To make a skin paste, mix equal parts tumeric and raw honey and add tiny amounts of water to get to the consistency of your choosing. For an extra antibacterial boost, add a few drops of Manuka oil or Tea Tree oil.

9. Stay Hydrated

Although it may be obvious, drinking lots of water can also help relieve eczema. Not only does water help flush toxins out, but it can help keep skin hydrated and cool. If you have trouble keeping track of water throughout the day, you can use a smart cup with a drinking reminder alarm to make sure you’re drinking enough water.

10. Manage Stress

Other than staying hydrated, it’s crucial to manage stress, as to prevent eczema flare-ups and maintain overall good health. Find out how you can relieve stress in children, as well as yourself here.

Adding a selection of these tips to your daily routine can definitely help heal eczema. Many of these natural remedies can be used with everyday items lying around the house, but if you’re looking for skin care, clothing or resources to heal and prevent eczema, check out The Eczema Company for natural remedies for eczema.

Have any fun tips of your own? Share them with me in the comments below!

Want to keep and save these tips for later? Save the pin below:

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Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

The post 10 Natural Remedies for Eczema You Can Try at Home Today appeared first on

10 Natural Remedies for Eczema You Can Try at Home Today

Laura Dolgy (see bio below) If you’re prone to eczema then you’ve probably spent countless hours researching the best remedies for quick and effective relief. Unfortunately, not every trick and tip on the Internet works, but we’re here to break down the top 10 natural remedies for eczema that can be tried today with items […]
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