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The Most Natural Cradle Cap Treatments (and Sebborheic Dermatitis)

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Has your little one been suffering from an ongoing flaky scalp full of crusty and oily patches? Or are you an adult who suffers from this condition, also known as seborrheic dermatitis? You’re not alone, it’s pretty common. Either way, have no fear – we’re here to help you get through the worst cradle cap days.

Although cradle cap is usually not painful and itchy, it can be somewhat uncomfortable for a baby and unsightly in adults. This week, we identify the most natural cradle cap treatments, as well as clothing to help keep sensitive scalps stay protected.

Please keep in mind that although these treatments can relieve eczema, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe eczema symptoms like fever or an infection, it is best to seek medical advice immediately.

What is Cradle Cap?

Cradle cap also known as scalp eczema usually appears on the scalp of babies. This yellowish, patchy, greasy and often crusty skin rash usually disappears after three months, but it can also be apparent later in life. Normally cradle cap can turn into dandruff, yet it can also form into seborrheic dermatitis – a long-term skin disorder that results in itchy and often inflamed skin on the scalp, face or chest.

Although there is no cure and very little known reason why both these conditions exist, there are several natural remedies for cradle cap and types of clothing that can help protect and naturally treat symptoms.

Natural Remedies for Cradle Cap in Infants

Because little ones who suffer from cradle cap are usually under a year old, the best way to treat cradle cap in infants is opting for a treatment that does not include synthetic (and possibly dangerous) ingredients, but instead uses the most natural soothing ingredients available.

This Organic Manuka Honey Skin Cream is extremely popular for treating both inflamed and extremely dry skin. The combination of both Manuka honey and beeswax offers a thick and nourishing treatment that can penetrate even the thickest of skin. This cream is also anti-inflammatory, which is perfect for cradle cap considering that it is an inflammatory condition.

If your little one’s cradle cap is causing them to scratch their scalp, make sure to check out Emily Skin Soothers Itchy Eczema Soother. This product line was made by an acupuncturist for his infant daughter, so you know it’s made with the safest and most gentle ingredients. The collection of Chinese herbs in this treatment along with an olive oil and beeswax base soothe super dry skin while providing itch relief.

Because cradle cap can be incredible crusty, treating it with both sunflower oil and vitamin E can be extremely beneficial. This Emily Skin Soothers for Severe Diaper Rash includes both these ingredients, as well as different herbs to provide healing for topical bacteria, yeast and fungus.

When bathing your little one, you want to make sure to not dry skin out even more. This Emily Skin Soothers Eczema Soap contains natural, simple Chinese herbs as well as an olive oil base that keeps skin nourished and moisturized. This soap can also double up as a gentle shampoo – which makes it one of our favorite natural remedies for cradle cap in infants.

Baby Clothing for Cradle Cap

Does your little one constantly touch or play with their cradle cap? Are you just tired of seeing flakes fall everywhere? No worries! Try a hat.

Both the GoumiHat and SkintoSkin Baby Hat are great tools in treating cradle cap, especially when combining them with a natural cream or balm. Both these hats can easily be used for both wet and dry therapy (a process that is known to help keep moisture in and soothe the driest of skin!). To learn more about wet wrap therapy, make sure to check out our blog post: Our Eczema Trials – Wet Wrap Therapy. Alternatively, you can check out our blog post about dry wrap therapy here: Our Eczema Trials – Dry Wrapping.

Seborrheic Dermatitis: Cradle Cap Treatments for Adults

As mentioned previously, cradle cap can turn into seborrheic dermatitis later in life. Similarly to infants, there are several cradle cap treatments for adults that can be used.

Because most seborrheic dermatitis appears on the scalp similarly to cradle cap, opting for a natural shampoo is a great start to treating your scalp eczema. This Emily Skin Soothers Liquid Soap Soother is extra nourishing and moisturizing, plus it can double up as a shampoo. The Chinese herbs it contains are made for itchy, dry skin, so it’s ideal for scalp eczema and seborrheic dermatitis.

Read More: 4 Ways to Relieve Seborrheic Dermatitis

If your seborrheic dermatitis happens to be inflamed, painful or itchy, make sure to check out this Emily Skin Soothers for Red Eczema Rashes. This treatment is made to calm hot, angry skin, as well as crusty or weeping eczema. It also treats bacteria, yeast, and fungus.

For easy application to your scalp, pop it in the microwave for about 5-10 seconds and apply it to the affected area.

Although there is currently no cure for either cradle cap or seborrheic dermatitis, there are several natural cradle cap treatments that can provide natural and safe relief. For chronic conditions as an adult, consider healing from the inside. An elimination diet may be just what you need to find your hidden triggers.

Do you suffer from cradle cap or seborrheic dermatitis?

Let us know what you think are the best natural cradle cap treatments!

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

The Most Natural Cradle Cap Treatments (and Sebborheic Dermatitis) appeared first on Come read more about natural remedies for eczema!

Sebborheic Dermatitis: Is There Any Cure at All?

Seborrheic dermatitis – it is defined as a skin condition classified under eczema wherein the old glands are affected. Commonly, this is a disease wherein the old gland is not able to produce sufficient amount to moisturize the skin, thus causing dry skin. This is disease can be commonly seen in the scalp. Have you ever seen people with very dry scalp wherein flakes started to appear? Most often, dandruff is the first signs of seborrheic dermatitis, and then it gradually turns into this particular disease.

With seborrheic dermatitis, the glands that are produced are yellowish and pus like instead of the normal oil that moisturizes the skin, most particularly the scalp. If you have been experiencing this kind of problem, this simply means that your body has more toxins, and that the toxins are being released through the skin. This is the reason why some people have this particular type of disease. Lifestyle and the food you eat may also be a contributing factor on why you are getting this particular type of skin disease.

Thus, if you have noticed that you are already carrying the signs and symptoms of a person with seborrheic dermatitis, it is important for you to know and understand the things that you must do in order to treat them – or if you haven’t experienced this yet, better yet you have to know the things to do in order to avoid them

One of the best things that must be accomplished is the change of diet and lifestyle. Since seborrheic dermatitis is caused by the toxins inside the body, you must be cautious about the food that you eat. Don’t eat too much fat, or take too much food that only includes junk substances and ingredients. Remember, that eating healthy is one of the best precautions and the best treatment in any particular form of eczema, including seborrheic dermatitis. The intake of essential vitamins, minerals and even fiber is strongly recommended. Of course, trim down the intake of fats and sugar that can even worsen the production of your oil glands in your body. If you really want to avoid these kinds of situations, you must first work towards getting used to eating healthy foods and working on your healthy lifestyle both at the same time.

Another important thing that you could always consider to avoid or prevent suborrheic dermatitis is to replenish your vitamin E and intake of fatty acids. Although some situations can be treated and corrected by merely eating the right diet, there are some worse cases of seborrheic dermatitis wherein medical treatment and help is required. Don’t worry, if you are someone who have had been suffering this for quite some time, there are products in the market and people that can help you most when it comes to situations like these.

Taking and using these types of products will help you recover those oil production that you have missed for quite some time, and help you restore the original circulation of the oil glands in your skin. Do not be ashamed to ask for professional help. This must be taken care of as soon as you have discovered it.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that thousands of people have been suffering. If you are someone or if you know an individual suffering with this particular type of disease, it is important that it should be treated as soon as possible. We are here to help you out.