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5 Healthy Snacks You Should Avoid at All Costs

Truth be told, a lot of people are confused when it comes to identifying snacks that are really healthy. Even popular labels like “sugar-free” and “organic” tend to mislead us. You should know that not all claims are true and are made for the sake of enticing you to buy. More often than not, these conflicting health messages are the reason why you haven’t reached your optimal health.

If you want to keep your body fit and energized through snacking, you must know which snack foods are disguised as healthy so you can start avoiding them. The best part is that you won’t be led astray because we have compiled a list of these seemingly healthy snacks.

Do you want to know what these foods are? Read on.

1. Breakfast cereals

Think that a sugary bowl of colorful breakfast cereals can replace a balanced breakfast? You might want to reconsider. While a lot of cereal boxes include the labels “fortified with vitamins” and “whole grain,” they do you more harm than good.

Nearly all breakfast cereals have high sugar content and are loaded with refined carbohydrates. Since they’re refined, a lot of their nutrients are stripped off. They also contain preservatives to last longer in stores.

2. Rice cakes

During the 1990s, rice cakes were considered as great diet snacks for people who wanted to lose weight. Rice cakes can easily be mistaken as less sugary than our favorite cookies and chocolates because of their plain appearance.

Don’t be deceived by the looks of rice cakes. They are classified as high-glycemic foods and have a glycemic index of 91. This means that eating them for snacks leads to a spike in your blood sugar levels. If you’re looking to be more healthy and productive at work, rice cakes are a terrible choice.

3. Pretzels

Pretzels are really tasty and portable. No wonder, people eat them during lunch breaks or while traveling. However, pretzels are void nutrition and are as unhealthy as the dips, coatings, and flavorings that accompany them.

According to Kate Patton, a registered dietician at the Cleveland Clinic, pretzels are high in sodium, sugar, and calories. Therefore, when eaten repetitively, this snack raises your blood pressure and puts you at risk for diabetes and obesity.

4. Fruity gummies

Various brands want you to think that their newly advertised pack of fruity gummy snacks contain a handful of vitamins from fruits that nourish your kids. Busy parents commonly fall for this staple snack to save them from preparing a healthy snack themselves.

We’re sorry to break your bubble but fruit chews contain harmful ingredients such as colorings and preservatives. Digging deeper, fruit chew snacks have high fructose corn syrup that puts you at risk for chronic diseases. Always choose natural, organic fruits!

5. Energy drinks

How many times have you been promised by a certain energy drink to boost your mental and physical performance? Although you would actually feel these benefits, at the end of the day no one can deny that these are still commercial products that contain high sugar and high caffeine.

If you aim for more powerful workouts and better performance during work days, why not choose a cold glass of water and munch on a natural protein-rich and fiber-rich snack instead? There are countless, delicious options like bananas, berries, tuna, and oatmeal.


To transform your dietary habits for good, swap unhealthy packaged snacks for natural ones. Get started by making nutritionally dense snacks easily accessible in your home. Make time for food preparation. If you need to be reminded of healthy snacks that aren’t really healthy, feel free to check this list again!

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Why You Should Try Aloe Vera for Eczema Relief

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

When you have eczema, the only thing you really want is relief. Like many eczema sufferers out there, I’m sure you have spent countless hours researching anything that can provide a break from the itching and dryness. Many have found relief through natural remedies for eczema like aloe vera, which has been a popular treatment discussed among the eczema community.

Today’s post will discuss the many benefits of aloe vera for eczema. Do you use aloe for eczema? Let us know in the comment section below this post!

Please keep in mind that although these tips have worked for many eczema sufferers, I am in no way a medical professional. If you’re experiencing severe eczema or have a topical infection, it is always best to seek medical advice immediately.

What is Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera is a tropical plant that produces a gel within its leaves that contains over 75 nutrients as well as vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. Although most commonly used for sunburns and rashes, aloe can be used to heal other skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema and even gastric problems. Because aloe vera has a natural, cooling effect, using it on eczema prone skin can be oh so soothing.

Aloe Vera and Eczema = Relief!

Why does using aloe vera for eczema treatments work so well?

Hydrates the skin – Because aloe contains around 99% water, it can provide additional skin hydration. Eczema strips the skin of its moisture and leaves it feeling rough, dry and cracked. By keeping skin moist, the eczema has a chance to heal.

Reduces infection – Aloe vera contains two hormones: Auxin and Gibberllins. These two hormones provide both wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties that help cracked or wounded skin heal faster. With eczema, it is always important to keep the affected area clean and free of bacteria, as to reduce the chance of a staph infection.

Soothes the itch/burn – With it’s naturally cooling gel, as well as anti-inflammation properties, aloe can help soothe itchy, red skin. It can also greatly reduce the itch-scratch cycle that is common in most eczema cases.

Where to find Aloe Vera?

Today, many products use aloe vera as a main ingredient to shorten healing time as well as to soothe skin. However, you can easily extract aloe vera yourself.

The aloe vera plant can be found at a variety of health stores and supermarkets. All you do is cut the leave and squeeze out the gel. If you’d rather not bother with the plant itself, there are many natural aloe vera treatments for eczema you can use instead.

One of our favorites is this Organic Aloe Vera Skin Soothing Spray that is both vegan and GMO free. This is one cooling and refreshing treat for your skin! Store it in the refrigerator between uses for an extra boost of refreshment.

If you love aloe vera, but you’re looking beyond a spray for something more moisturizing, try this Coconut Aloe Moisturizing Serum that contains coconut oil for even more soothing action. This serum works well on eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.

Lastly, this EczeHerbal Colloidal Oatmeal Cream works wonders on itchy and inflamed skin, especially for those with sensitive skin. It contains Chinese herbs as well as aloe vera for skin protection and softening, as well as for a cooling effect.

Use Caution When Using Aloe For Eczema

Although aloe vera can be used for a variety of skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, beware of where you purchase aloe vera skin products. Many of the aloe gels and creams found in the drugstore contain alcohol that can burn your skin when applying to an open eczema wound, so just keep your eyes open and read the ingredients lists. None of the products we recommend contain alcohol.

Be sure to remember that although aloe vera may provide temporary relief to eczema pain or itching, it most likely will not fully heal your eczema. Running an elimination diet or visiting a naturopath for an allergy test will help you heal your eczema from the inside out. To find out more about healing your eczema from within, check out this fantastic read from Karen Fischer, The Eczema Diet.

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

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What healthy sleep habits should you adopt?

If you want to remain healthy, and retain your levels of concentration, you need to make sure you get the right amount of sleep. Different people require different amounts of sleep, but the average adult generally needs between seven and nine hours each night. In today’s hectic world, it can be tempting to try and manage with as little sleep as possible; this is not a good idea.

We are going to discuss the problems that you can have if you do not get the regular sleep that you need. We are also going to give you some tips on how to make sure your sleeping habits are healthy.

What happens if you do not get the sleep that you need?

When you go to sleep at night, your body takes the chance to restore itself. This is also the time when new things you learned that day are solidified in your memory. Sleeping also gives your brain a chance to re-energise. All of these functions are vital, if you want to remain healthy, and function effectively.

If you have trouble getting to sleep, your sleep is disturbed or you wake up too early, these functions may not be completed as they should be. This means that you begin the next day feeling tired. Your memory of the previous day may be vague and you may struggle to concentrate. This lack of concentration is especially serious if you get behind the wheel of a car, or if you operate machinery in work.

Hopefully, this information helps you to see just how important good quality sleep is.

Habits you should adopt to help you sleep

If you think you may be suffering from a sleep disorder you should seek medical advice. There are also habits you can adopt to make it easier for you to get a healthy amount of sleep.

  • Adopt a regular sleep pattern. It’s not always possible for you to go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day, but you should try to do so as much as possible.
  • Make sure your mattress is fit for purpose. If your mattress is worn out it’s important to buy a new one. Check out mattress reviews, such as these, to find one that suits your needs.
  • Adopt a relaxing bedtime routine. This could include features such as taking a warm bath.
  • Switch off the electrical equipment in your bedroom. It can emit blue light which has an adverse effect on sleep.
  • Make sure the room where you sleep is as dark as possible. You can even use blackout curtains if you need to.

All of these tips are useful if you need help sleeping. Hopefully, you can how important it is to adopt healthy sleep habits, to help your body and your brain. Sleep should always be a vital part of your life and you should never try to manage without getting enough.

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Should you take Vitamin D to combat colds and flu?

Yesterday (16 February 2017) it was widely reported on TV, in newspapers and across the Internet that taking Vitamin D could significantly reduce the incidence of colds and flu amongst the general population. In fact, some newsrooms went as far as to report that Vitamin D should be added to foods such as cereals and bread. But is there any substance in the story?

It appears that the story is based on an article published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on 15 February 2017 entitled “Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data”The main objective of the review was designed to assess the overall effect of vitamin D supplementation on the risk of acute respiratory tract infection. It was not a review to specifically ascertain whether or not Vitamin D should be added to everyday foods, although the analysis following the research suggests that daily or weekly vitamin D supplementation was useful in preventing respiratory tract infections. The researchers also concluded that these results add to the body of evidence that fortifying widely eaten foods, such as bread and cereals, with Vitamin D would improve public health.

You can read more about the story behind the headlines on the NHS Choices website here.

Do you take Vitamin D supplements either purchasing over-the-counter or prescribed by your GP? Do you think taking them has helped to keep you cold and flu-free? We’d love you to tell us in the comments box below.

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Should GPs run a 7 day service?

The government are keen for GP surgeries to open from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Doctors are being told that if they fail to meet their commitments to keep surgeries open for longer, they may lose extra funding.

The initiative has come about due to higher demand for GP appointments but also to stop the increase in patients going to A&E because they are unable to book a GP appointment.

The government recently highlighted figures from the National Audit Office from October 2015 which recorded 46% of GP surgeries closed at some point during core hours, and 18% closed at or before 15:00 on at least one weekday, despite the fact that surgeries are currently expected to open between the core hours of 08:00 and 18:30, Monday to Friday.

Should surgeries open longer? Should GPs be financially penalised for not opening longer? Do you find it difficult to get a GP appointment? Have you had to go to A&E because you couldn’t get an appointment? We are keen to know what you think.

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Reasons Why Paternity Tests Should Be Beneficial

father_and_childGiving birth is one of the most exciting, memorable and painful experiences of your life. In the ideal world, you are accompanied by your loving partner; and you end up with a happy, healthy baby that you both can love and cherish for many years to come. The reality of life is never quite as simple, and in some cases, there may be an element of confusion over who the father is. Many women understandably loathe having a paternity test completed, an admission of doubt or maybe infidelity is required, but the priority should always be your newborn baby, and for that reason, a paternity test should be completed as soon as practicable.

Where Can You Get A Test Completed?

Many people are unsure of where to go to get a test completed, with the possible exception of going on certain national television Jerry Springer style shows. The good news is that with the widespread growth of the internet there are many places, such as paternity test, where you can perform the test and get the results with relative anonymity and embarrassment.

Why Paternity Tests Are Important

There are some reasons it is important to undertake a paternity test and listed below are some of the most important ones.

  1. Legal Reasons – For the potential father and his new child, there are many reasons why it is essential that fatherhood is confirmed. In some cases the first time a man may even know he is a father is when he is informed of the situation five or ten years down the line. In order to establish beyond any doubt that he is the father, a paternity test will reassure all parties and is then accepted by a court of law for legal proceedings.
  2. For Adopted Children –There are many situations in life where a child is adopted, and as the child grows up, he or she may decide that they want to track down their natural parents. Having a paternity test completed is the only certain way for anyone to confirm without any doubt that father, mother, and child are related.
  3. Sibling Cases – When it comes to paternity matters, everyone always thinks about the parents and the individual child. But the situation is more complicated than that, as siblings can and will want confirmation that they have the same parents.
  4. Immigration Issues – An often overlooked benefit of a paternity test is to establish American citizenship for the child. If the father of the child is American, but the mother is a foreign national, in the vast majority of cases the child will be able to claim U.S. citizenship. Depending on the situation, this can obviously be very beneficial to that child.

Paternity tests provide many benefits to everyone concerned. They establish parentage and help children to form bonds and establish their identity in the world. The actual test itself is not difficult nor painful, and it then enables everyone concerned to move forward with their lives with any uncertainty removed. The vast majority of people wish they had completed the test quicker, as the most difficult part of a paternity test is the uncertainty, so rather than keep worrying, the best thing to do is to arrange and complete your test, and then move forward with your life.

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Why Coconut oil should be your go to oil for eczema

I’ve tried many different oils over the years – coconut, olive, pumpkin seed, cumin, raspberry, evening primrose, argan, Rosehip…..but I’ve found that since 2011 coconut oil has always been one I’ve brought over and over. Here’s why: It’s affordable! A good, organic argan oil can set you back ££s! Organic virgin coconut oil can be … Continue reading
My Eczema Tales

5 Things You Should Do If You Have a Problem with Alcohol

There is no clearly defined line that separates moderate drinking from problem drinking. If you feel ashamed of your drinking, hide your habit from others, or feel that you “need” to drink in order to feel better, you may have a drinking problem. Many people attempt to stop or cut down on their alcohol consumption, only to fail. It can be easy to feel hopeless in this situation, but remember that there is a help. If you think you have a drinking problem, here are the five things you should do.

Cool Refreshing Dark Amber Beer against a Background

Confide in Others

Acknowledging an addiction can be an isolating and scary process. There is no reason that you should have to suffer on your own. Confide in loved ones and people you care about and express your desire to stop drinking. You may feel that people will be angry or lash out at you, but most people find that their realization is met with compassion.

Get Medical Attention

Depending on how much you have been drinking, you may experience withdrawal upon cessation. This can be a serious health issue, and you’ll want to make sure that you receive the proper care. Talk to your doctor, or consider seeking guidance from an alcohol treatment center that specializes in this area. In Florida, the Beachway Therapy Center offers both detox and rehabilitation services. Visit their facility here, or research medical professionals in your area that can help you understand the process.

Complete Rehabilitation

If you are unable to stop drinking on your own, you’ll want to go through rehabilitation. After the detoxification process, you’ll be able to stop drinking without any physical issues. But you’ll still have the mental desire to drink. Rehab will get you in touch with doctors, counselors, and other users in recovery so that you can talk about your problem and learn healthy ways to cope. Rehab can be an inpatient process, where you stay at the treatment center full time. It can also be an outpatient process, where you continue to live your daily life, but with regular visits for support.

Build a Support Network

As you transition out of rehabilitation, you’ll want to make sure you have a good support network. Have someone you can confide in when you feel the desire to drink. You want to avoid feeling isolated or alone, as this can often be the cause of a relapse.

Find New Sources of Happiness

While you may have relied on drinking to bring you happiness before, you’ll now need to find new sources of joy. This is a great opportunity to enjoy some of the simpler things in life. Reading a good book, taking a walk in the park, or riding your bike. If you’re feeling restless, you can always take up a new hobby. The challenge will keep your mind occupied, and you’ll develop a skill that you can be proud of. If you’re finding cravings difficult to resist, physical activity is highly recommended. Getting exercise releases endorphins in your body, giving you a feeling of pleasure. This can help you overcome the craving for alcohol, and help you get in shape while you’re at it!

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What should you avoid whilst trying to conceive?

Mr David Chui is a specialist in fertility and has experience in helping couples to conceive for over 25 years. He is currently the Medical Director of the Sussex Downs Fertility Centre, BMI The Esperance Hospital. Here Mr Chui explains how diet and lifestyle choices affect fertility and what you should avoid whilst trying to conceive.


Are there any foods and drink you should avoid whilst trying to conceive?

Alcohol [1,2]

Although the UK Government general guideline for alcohol consumption is 14 units per week for both men and women, it is advisable for women trying for a baby and those who are pregnant to avoid alcohol completely, in order to keep the health risks to any potential baby as low as possible. It should also be appreciated that alcohol can make women less fertile, but how exactly alcohol makes women less fertile is not clearly understood.

For men, excessive alcohol lowers testosterone levels and sperm quality and quantity. It can also reduce libido and cause impotence. It may therefore reduce the chance of the couple conceiving, but these effects are quickly reversed once the amount of alcohol consumption is reduced.

Alcohol is also a potent inducer of “free radicals” which in turn may be detrimental to the overall reproductive system and, more specifically, the health of your eggs and sperm.

It has also been shown that alcohol consumption in excess of one unit per day, for both men and women, over a period of time is associated with reduced chance of IVF success.

Caffeine [3]

Caffeine is present in coffee, tea, colas and chocolate. Although there is currently no suggestion that consumption of caffeine affects a woman’s or a man’s natural fertility, there is some evidence that regular intake of caffeine (2-50g/day; 100mg caffeine in one cup of coffee) may reduce the chance of success with IVF treatment.

Is there anything else you can do or avoid to increase your chances of conceiving?

Throughout this article, I have mentioned the antioxidant effects of various nutrients and micronutrients in curbing the damage caused by “free radicals”, which will adversely affect fertility for both men and women.

There are a number of environmental and lifestyle factors that may increase exposure to “free radicals”, including chemical and atmospheric pollution (for instance exhaust gas emission), smoking, alcohol intake and excessive exercises. It is generally recommended therefore that you should reduce these exposures as much as possible to enhance your fertility.


It is well known that women who smoke find it more difficult to conceive, and men who smoke are often found to have poorer sperm quality. Furthermore, women who experience passive smoking take longer to conceive. Smoking in pregnancy is also associated with increased chance of having a small baby (and the risks that come with being small) and stillbirth.

Male and female smokers undergoing IVF treatment have lower chance of successful treatment, and male smokers reduce the chance of pregnancy of IVF-ICSI treatment.

It is therefore generally recommended that both men and women should reduce or stop their smoking habit if they have fertility issues.

Body Weight [4]

Extremes of body weight are associated with difficulty conceiving and complications during pregnancy, and therefore should be avoided if at all possible.

Women with obesity, as defined by BMI (Body Mass Index calculated from weight and height) of 30 kg/m2 or over, take longer to conceive and have higher risk of miscarriage, compared to women with normal weight. They are less likely to conceive following IVF treatment.

Men who are overweight or obese have significantly reduced number of normal motile sperm, and higher incidence of DNA fragmentation of sperm, compared to men with normal weight. They may also have higher chance of having erectile dysfunction.

Women who are very slim (BMI less than 18 kg/m2) often have menstrual irregularity and therefore have difficulty conceiving. Pregnancy is often associated with premature birth and small baby.

Recreational Drug Use

In women, the use of recreational drugs or drugs of abuse such as marijuana and cocaine can adversely affect the ovulatory function of the ovaries and workings of the fallopian tubes.

In men, the use of drugs like anabolic steroids and cocaine can reduces the quality of sperm. Recently, it was noted that men who take “protein shakes” as part of their exercise regime may also have reduced sperm quality. Overall, use of these recreational drugs diminishes the fertility potential of the couple and should therefore be discouraged.

You can find out more about fertility treatments at BMI Healthcare, or you can make an online enquiry at our website and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can.


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8 Facts you should know about laser eye surgery

There are different types of laser eye surgery
There are three main types of laser eye surgery, LASEK, LASIK and Smile. LASEK involves removing the epitheral layer to perform the surgery, which then grows back within a few hours. Recovery for LASEK is longer than LASIK, as LASIK involves cutting a small flap on the surface of the cornea, reshaping the cornea with a laser and then folding the flat back over.

Smile surgery is the least invasive of the three. A small incision is created inside the cornea, eliminating the need for a flap and increasing recovery time.


It is extremely safe
The chances of going blind through laser eye surgery is in the region of 1 in 5 million and there is only 0.1% chance of getting a minor vision complication which makes laser eye surgery one of the safest clinical procedures.

It’s a quick procedure
It only takes a minute to treat each eye and a day to recover. Most people are able to drive and go back to work the next day.

It doesn’t hurt
LASIK surgery is performed whilst the patient is awake so there is a common misconception that the procedure is painful. Some people experience slight discomfort when the surgeon is creating the flap and reshaping the cornea, but the patient will generally feel very little sensation throughout the rest of the treatment. Contrary to popular belief the lasers used in this surgery are actually cold, so they cannot burn your eyes or the skin surrounding them.

The cost of laser eye surgery is dependent on the type of surgery chosen and can vary from clinic to clinic. On average the cost of laser eye surgery in the UK ranges from from £595 right up to £2,300 per eye. However, the majority of clinics offer finance options with 0% interest to help manage the payment.

Due to cost demands, some people decide to have laser eye surgery abroad. For example in Turkey or Hungary, patients could save between 20-50%. Whilst prices may be cheaper it’s vital to consider the quality of the surgery. Patients who are considering laser eye surgery abroad should carefully research the clinic, the surgeon and any additional costs such as aftercare and accommodation.

20/20 vision may not last forever
Whilst laser eye surgery can give you 20/20 vision there still might be a chance that you’ll need glasses in the future. This is because your eyes are continuously developing, so if you had laser eye surgery when you were 21 there might be a chance that you will need glasses when you’re older.

Laser eye surgery is 28 years old
Whilst the technology for laser eye surgery began in 1970, the first human laser vision correction surgery happened in 1988 to a woman who was diagnosed with malignant melanoma, which resulted in a growing black spot on her eye.

It’s not available for everyone
In the UK, the minimum age restriction to undergo laser eye surgery is 21 and there is no upper limit. Your eye prescription must have stabilised for at least a year. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Whilst 98% of people can be treated with laser eye surgery, patients suffering from diabetes or glaucoma and other eye conditions will need to see an eye specialist first.

Content written by Shreena Patel, Brand Manager, Clinic Compare

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