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Natural Topical Creams For Dry Skin – 3 Things You Need to Know About Them

If you’re suffering from dry skin, you have probably gone through quite a few natural topical creams for dry skin, and most of them were probably not as effective as you would have hoped.

Most of the regular dry skin creams are unsuitable for your skin, they may give you some relief for a moment, but can be harmful to your skin when using them for long time. Yes, even the natural ones. But hang in there, the information you’re about to receive can help you to find the right natural topical cream for you.

#1 Chemicals
Most natural skin care lines still include chemicals and other harmful ingredients in their products, shocking, but true. That is because they have longer shelf life and cost less than the completely natural ingredients. All of this results in a skin cream that is not going to help you in the long run, it may even cause damage to your skin like premature wrinkles, acne and drier skin.

#2 High quality ingredients
If you’re looking for natural topical skin creams for dry skin that will be truly effective, just look for ingredients that have been scientifically proven beneficial and effective. Phytessence wakame, cynergyTK, active manuka honey and grapeseed oil are all ingredients to look for, as they have shown to be successful in beating dry and irritated skin.

#3 High quantities
Have you already found the right ingredients for your skin? Great. Now be sure to check that they are not only in there, but in there in high quantities. Because if the effective ingredient is just a drop in an ocean of useless ingredients, the product is not going to help you. Many companies just use insignificant amounts of the best ingredients as marketing ploys, as they want to sell and make you think it is high quality, but do not want to invest in making highly efficient products.

So, keep away from the half way natural topical creams for dry skin, and look for the completely natural ones with proved effective ingredients in high quantities. Your dry skin will be just a distant memory in no time, and look even younger and more radiant than before.

Do you want to learn more about the best creams for dry skin, and harmful ingredients to avoid in skincare? Find out what products I use for fast and effective results, feel free to my website today.

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Getting To Know Eczema – How To Get Rid Of This Skin Condition Just By Knowing More On It

The culprit stays there for a while. It suddenly moves into different places, wondering where it will be next. How can we know what the enemy does if we do not know the enemy? The key to knowing whatever movement the enemy does is to know all about it, to know its background, to know its location, and to know its limitations. Our culprit is eczema, a dermatological disorder that destroys the beauty of our skin. Getting to know Eczema can help us in curing it. Each disease or disorder basically presents a history, a pathophysiology and a treatment. Lets go on an intellectual road trip!

Harrisons Manual of Medicine 16th Edition states that eczema, or dermatitis, is a reaction pattern that presents with variable clinical and histological findings; it is the final common expression for a number of disorders. It study estimated that in England, there are already 5,773,700 people who have been diagnosed with this dermatological disorder. Eczema is a general term, commonly known as dermatitis.

Its more common kind is Atopic Dermatitis. In getting to know eczema, we should know its cause. It usually causes a tear or breakage of the skins barrier. Many have realized that it may be an immunological disorder or an allergic reaction. Eczema is not contagious but many believe that it is inherited, so some family members can have eczema all at the same time. Eczema causes dry itchy skin; its appearance differs from one person to the other. Intense itching is the general symptom of eczema at the start of its appearance.

It may lead to blisters or scaly skin, but due to intense itchiness eczema can eventually cause flaky, dry skin. It is typically found on the face, neck, back of elbows, knees, and ankles. In infants, it can be found on the cheeks, forehead, legs, scalp and neck.

It can last for hours to days. When eczema stays on the skin for months or recurs frequently, it can now be referred to as chronic dermatitis. It can be diagnosed through physical examination and diagnostic tests such as biopsy of the skin. It has different appearances. Because of this, kinds of eczema were detected and they are the following: Atopic Dermatitis, Allergic Contact Dermatitis, Irritant Contact Dermatitis and Seborrheic Dermatitis.

In getting to know eczema, we can now formulate what to do with it. Basically, it is being treated based on its type, but the general treatments goal is to eradicate the dry, scaly or burning appearance and to eliminate itching. Topical medications can be given but there are also preventive measures and natural cures for eczema such as avoiding too much exposure to water on the affected part; and avoidance of the allergens causing it, for Allergic Contact Dermatitis.

Medications for itching includes giving of anti-histamines may it be oral or topical. Use corticosteroid creams to decrease the inflammatory reaction, along with a moisturizer to make the skin smooth. Dermatologists can give a wide array of medications for our culprit to go away. Once we get to know eczema, we can fight eczema!

Do you want to discover some surefire techniques you can use to naturally get rid of your ugly eczema? If yes, then I will advise download a copy of the Beat Eczema E-book!

Click on this link ==> Beat Eczema Guide, to read more about this natural eczema cure program and see how its been helping thousands of eczema-sufferers round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Related Articles: How To Get Rid Of Eczema, right home remedies for eczema, right eczema treatments

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Five simple tips to a beautiful skin in autumn

Hot summer days were over. It’s time to have a particular skincare regime in autumn. Otherwise, you complexion will become dull and rough because of the drier air. Although the sun is not as harsh as in summer, you had better use moisturizer and sunscreen. Thanks to correct treatment products, we can avoid dryness, age spots, dermatitis, sallow skin tone and other unexpected symptoms. However, you don’t have to spend too much on cosmetics in order to own a beautiful skin. Below are five simple and effective ways to a fabulous skin on autumn days which cost you nothing.


Drink enough water

Water plays a vital role in removal of harmful toxins from our body. It not only improves overall health but also helps to clear up your skin. Drinking enough water can have good effects on your skin. It is best to consume at least 8 glasses of water every day.


Drinking water is important for good health as well as fabulous skin


Keep your skin hygiene

Beside drinking enough water, you are advised to clean and maintain your skin hygiene, Therefore, you should wash your skin with mild natural cleanser after getting up and before going to bed. If you do not keep your skin hygiene regularly, you may suffer from pimples and acne.


After cleansing your skin, you can add a little rose oil or olive oil to stimulate the cleansing effects


Sleep well

Sleeping well is also important for a healthy skin. Doctors suggest we should spend 8 hours a day sleeping so that everyone has bright skin in the morning.


If you lack sleep, your skin will look dull with puffy eyes


Expose your skin to the sunlight

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for absorption and utilization of calcium. In addition, it is good for your skin. You probably need between 5 and 30 minutes of exposure the skin without sunscreen to sunlight twice every week. Especially, getting enough vitamin D also helps to prevent high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis and several forms of cancer.


You need adequate amounts of vitamin D for a healthy skin


Exercise regularly

Last but not least, regular exercises are beneficial for the skin’s health. Hence, you should walk, swim, cycle or do aerobics to own the natural skin and remove toxins from your body, too. Besides, these exercises help to increase the blood flow and oxygen supply to the skin.


Regular exercises are good not only for the sake of physical fitness but also for the healthy skin



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I have been working as a doctor of a general hospital since February 1998. In addition, I am a full time writer and specialize in weight loss related issues. I also write for a number of different websites on the Internet.

Some Top Natural Skin Care Products Contain Chemicals

In today’s modern world, apart from the various top natural skin care products, many other mediocre skincare products are available in the market. The problem is that 74% of all these products contain chemicals and other toxic substances. These toxic substance causes skin ailments like rashes, acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema.

74% of skin care products contain mixture of following substances:
1. Carcinogens which can lead to cancer
2. Mutagens which are the pre-cursor to cancer
3. Teratogens which can cause birth defects
4. Reproductive toxins which can cause male & female infertility
5. Allergenic toxins which can cause allergies
6. Developmental toxins which are harmful to unborn children
7. Skin or Sense organ toxicants which can cause skin diseases and rashes

Most of these products are chemical based and applying of these chemical products to your skin will only worsen the situation. For this reason, we need to use only top natural skin care products. What is so special in these products? They contain right ingredients which could improve skin’s moisture content and firmness, reduce wrinkling and age spots.

Here some useful ingredients to be noted when you look at the label.

Shea Butter
All Top Natural Skin Care produts contain Shea Butter.Because it moisturizes,reduce irritation and relieve inflammation.Shea butter extract from the nuts of shea tree and contains vitamain E,vitamin A and fatty acid

Avocado Oil
Avocado oil is rich in pottasium, protein, Antioxidants like A,D and E, fatty acids. It contains sterolins which is a plant steroids. This sterolins helps to reduce age spot and roughness of the skin caused by dryness or exposure to sun.

Keratin is very special in protein. It helps to retain moisture content and improve the skin. Large amounts of Keratin is found in Cynergy TK. Cynergy TK is major composition of top natural skin care products.

Coenzyme Q10
It is just a vitamin-like substance which also has an antioxidant property. Coenzyme Q10 in skin depletes when exposed to uv rays. It will prevent the damage caused by sun and undo if already occurred.

Jayden is a passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit his site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products he recommends after extensive research:

Fish Oil for skin

Fish oil, rich source of Omega 3 faty acids, supply vital element not only for your skin but also for your health. Skin disorders such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and acne can benefit from this supplement regularly. It can also help lessen the chances of skin sagging and wrinkles.


Most of the time, skin disorders are caused by lack of nutrients in the body. For instance, dermatitis can occur if there is deficiency in essential fatty acids. Dermatitis or skin inflammation is usually caused by allergies from perfumes and other factors. This skin condition may be associated with psoriasis, seborrhea and eczema. Too much cold, heat and other environmental toxins as well as insect bites can also cause dermatitis.


The risk of having skin disorders can be decreased in taking omega 3 fatty acids due to their natural anti-inflammation properties. Fish oil is considered good for the health of the skin because it is a chief element of sebum.


Sebum is the natural moisturizer of the skin and it works as a protective shield that helps prevent damage from harmful elements and pathogens. With this in mind, fish oil for skin is recommended especially for people who have dry skin.


Experts say that omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial in decreasing skin sagging. According to studies, after taking three months of fish oil, a 10% improvement in the skin was experienced.


A lot of doctors recommend taking fish oil for individuals who are suffering from acne. Omega 3 fatty acids in this supplement have anti-inflammatory properties. Pimples are actually soreness of the hair follicles, and taking omega 3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation in the skin. Acne and other skin disorders can cause depression and other mental health concerns and these problems can be treated with omega 3 fatty acids. Aside from a taking omega 3 fatty acids, it is also recommended to have zinc, selenium, chromium, biotin and beta-carotene.


The nails and hair are closely associated with the skin due to their similar components. Most of the time, deficiency in nutrients causes dryness of skin and hair and even brittleness of nails. Furthermore, rashes, hives and itching are triggered by sebum’s low production. Omega 3 fatty acids can help improve the health of the nails and hair significantly.


It is important to improve your overall health in order to achieve healthy skin. Eliminating skin sagging and skin problems is possible because consuming fish oil can help improve blood circulation. Better circulation is essential to reduce eye bags and enhance the transmission of nutrients to the outer layers of the skin. Aside from reducing inflammation, fish oil can also help improve the function of the immune system.


Aside from the benefits of fish oil for skin, it has several other benefits to the brains, joints, heart, digestion and vision.


Ready to discover a cutting-edge fish oil supplement that can not only improve your skin but can improve your heat health significantly? If so, Rob Donner invites you to visit today to learn more about a supplement formulated with the latest and greatest anti-inflammatory properties, which can prevent and eleminate skin problems.

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Natural Ingredients For Skin Rash Repair

Rashes can occur for many different reasons. They are very itchy and ugly. Many people are embarrassed to show their skin when they have rashes. Some people are allergic to food, chemicals, or fabric that can cause these rashes. Sometimes people encounter viruses that cause rashes to appear on their skin. The rashes can look many different ways as well. Some rashes are bumpy and red, or scaly and patchy. Some rashes are filled with clear or opaque liquid.

Certain medications can help you get rid of the irritation and potential for infection. However, prescription and over-the-counter drugs can cause reactions over time. For instance, with cortisone creams they suggest to stop after three weeks for a week before resuming. A lot of people who suffer from various skin problems prefer natural treatments. They don’t worry as much about high risks or side effects. For any bacterial infections it’s necessary to take antibiotics so be sure to consult with your dermatologist.

Herbs have been used for so many things, even skin care. Whether you eat it or drink it, certain herbs can help you find some measure of relief. Even herbs used as a main component in moisture creams can be used to reduce your rash. Many people use herbs as a salve when chopped and mixed with hot water. The salve is placed on the rash and kept on until you feel relief. Others can make a herb tea tincture, then soak a cloth in it and use that as a warm compress on the rash. You can find dozens of herbs that are beneficial to treating your rash and they don’t come with any risk of side effects.

Many natural treatments for your rash are affordable. You can put some oatmeal in a net bag and use that in the bath tub. Be sure to not use very hot water but keep it tepid. Look into the use of omega 3 oils for helping with skin inflammation and skin redness. Using moisturizer twice a day is important for certain rashes such as eczema. For other rashes, taking oregano oil internally is useful, especially for fungal skin reactions.

Learn more about Dry Skin Rashes and Itchy Skin Rashes


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