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Top 5 Things to Do to Have Fun on a Boring Summer Day

5) Start a garden! not only will this kill lots of time but it will provide you with some of the fruits and veggies that will be tastier and fresher than anything else you can get. Its also fun to get out and learn the process of development by watching your garden sprout up and out of those tiny little seeds, you also stay cool when playing in the dirt or while watering. This gets onto the list because of the amount of fun time it provides but takes #5 because of the amount of work and space needed.

4) Watch a movie! we used to go to the movie theaters to get some free air conditioning and good entertainment. When i got a bit older instead of paying $ 10 a person to get into the theater we thought it a good idea to buy our own projector. This saved money in the long run and we could have movie night anywhere we wanted including outside on a cool summer night. This got fourth on the list because of the cost involved but its still nice to do now and then.

3) Pick up a camera! This is a great hobby to start up one summer because you can incorporate photography into any activity or you can make up adventures for the sole purpose of capturing a beautiful picture, and you don’t even need a professional camera! this gets number three on our list because of its ability to adapt to any situation to lead to a fun adventure.

2) The Water balloon launcher: This toy not only keeps you cool but is incredibly fun and mostly for the diversity of different things it could be used for. Me and my friends used to make a few of these and we would set up on both sides of the park and literally have wars with rules that were always changing and evolving to make the games more entertaining and refreshing. This always of course led to mischief in public places and often times things other than water balloons would get loaded in the launcher. You can use your imagination with this toy and you can also easily take it anywhere outdoors and have fun with it and because of this it gets number five on my list. After you get your hands on this toy you will be occupied for at least an extra two weeks of summer. In one of my blogs i tell you how to make your own launcher at


1) Its usually free, it can take anywhere from 15 min to an entire day of your time and can take you into various adventures and sights. Number one on our list is Hiking. Not only can you stay cool by hiking to a waterfall or spring and take a dip but you can get some exercise in, have a good time with friends, and see some beautiful scenes. Some of the greatest adventures in my life have happened on hiking trips and for that reason alone hiking gets number one. So go out and see what you can find! Best of all you can combine many of the other ideas with this one.

Author: Ryan Vander Werff from Manteca California, outdoors man and thinker.

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As President Trump declares the opioid epidemic “a national emergency,” a new opioid management program from Express Scripts will limit the number and strength of opioid drugs to first-time patients.
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Word Search for Eczema Kids – Things Bad for Skin

Learn about what is bad for our skin and build awareness with your eczema child to avoid these ingredients/ actions

Learn about what is bad for our skin and build awareness with your eczema child to avoid these ingredients/ actions

Print out the pdf and go through with your child what’s bad for eczema skin! Type in the word into the search box in this blog and read through the posts to learn more.

Eczema Blues

Things Not To Say To An Eczema Sufferer

Things Not To Say To An Eczema Sufferer: Dermatologist Version

So today after refusing to use steroidal treatment she comes out with this gem:

“…Well if you want to go round with a disease on your face instead.”

Really? Did you just tell an eczema sufferer (eczema being an inflammatory condition not a disease) that they have a DISEASED face?

I hope to the Gods that this ridiculously idiotic woman doesn’t go round spouting this sort of tripe as a scare factor to other more vulnerable patients. Way to give someone a complex hmm?

/Rant of the day

Thanks for your comments guys! I’m going to ask my nurse if I can see someone different next time.
I Have Eczema

5 Things You Should Do If You Have a Problem with Alcohol

There is no clearly defined line that separates moderate drinking from problem drinking. If you feel ashamed of your drinking, hide your habit from others, or feel that you “need” to drink in order to feel better, you may have a drinking problem. Many people attempt to stop or cut down on their alcohol consumption, only to fail. It can be easy to feel hopeless in this situation, but remember that there is a help. If you think you have a drinking problem, here are the five things you should do.

Cool Refreshing Dark Amber Beer against a Background

Confide in Others

Acknowledging an addiction can be an isolating and scary process. There is no reason that you should have to suffer on your own. Confide in loved ones and people you care about and express your desire to stop drinking. You may feel that people will be angry or lash out at you, but most people find that their realization is met with compassion.

Get Medical Attention

Depending on how much you have been drinking, you may experience withdrawal upon cessation. This can be a serious health issue, and you’ll want to make sure that you receive the proper care. Talk to your doctor, or consider seeking guidance from an alcohol treatment center that specializes in this area. In Florida, the Beachway Therapy Center offers both detox and rehabilitation services. Visit their facility here, or research medical professionals in your area that can help you understand the process.

Complete Rehabilitation

If you are unable to stop drinking on your own, you’ll want to go through rehabilitation. After the detoxification process, you’ll be able to stop drinking without any physical issues. But you’ll still have the mental desire to drink. Rehab will get you in touch with doctors, counselors, and other users in recovery so that you can talk about your problem and learn healthy ways to cope. Rehab can be an inpatient process, where you stay at the treatment center full time. It can also be an outpatient process, where you continue to live your daily life, but with regular visits for support.

Build a Support Network

As you transition out of rehabilitation, you’ll want to make sure you have a good support network. Have someone you can confide in when you feel the desire to drink. You want to avoid feeling isolated or alone, as this can often be the cause of a relapse.

Find New Sources of Happiness

While you may have relied on drinking to bring you happiness before, you’ll now need to find new sources of joy. This is a great opportunity to enjoy some of the simpler things in life. Reading a good book, taking a walk in the park, or riding your bike. If you’re feeling restless, you can always take up a new hobby. The challenge will keep your mind occupied, and you’ll develop a skill that you can be proud of. If you’re finding cravings difficult to resist, physical activity is highly recommended. Getting exercise releases endorphins in your body, giving you a feeling of pleasure. This can help you overcome the craving for alcohol, and help you get in shape while you’re at it!

talkhealth Blog

7 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was First Diagnosed With Rosacea

It’s my birthday this month and I’ve recently taken the time to go over some of the things I’ve done in the last year. Call it a dry run for New Year. This year, I’ve applied myself to understanding, overcoming and covering my rosacea symptoms as never before. That’s saying a lot considering that I received a diagnosis more than 15 years ago and have been learning about it ever since.

Rosy JulieBC Rosacea Flare-Up 2018As I’ve thought about the various skin care and cosmetic products I’ve tried this year, the dozens upon dozens of videos I’ve made on my rosacea vlog on YouTube, and the posts I’ve made on my blog, it has made me realize that I’ve come a long way in a short time. Now that I know what I have learned in the last few months, it would be great to be able to travel back in time and share it all with my younger self.

Since time machines haven’t been invented, it dawned on me that there are an awful lot of people out there who have just received their own diagnoses and while I may not be able to talk to my younger self about what I know about rosacea, sharing it here might help someone else who is struggling the way I first did.

I’m not a doctor, a dermatologist or a skin care expert, but I know what I wish I’d known when I was first diagnosed with rosacea.

1 – Rosacea is not acne

I loathe the term “acne rosacea.” It makes my blood boil (and my skin flush, of course). It is such a misleading term. The fact that some doctors use it frustrates me even more. Rosacea is not acne. These are two separate conditions. They can look similar, but they’re caused by very different things.

My first diagnosis for the redness and bumps I was getting on my skin was for acne. I was given a powerful prescription acne cream. Despite the fact that I had exceptionally dry skin that became somewhat scaly in the winter, I believed my doctor’s diagnosis. Why wouldn’t I? He was a great doctor. I applied the cream every morning and every night. It bleached my pillowcase, towels and some shirts, and my skin became increasingly red, but I dutifully followed the directions on the jar. Finally, the skin on my face started peeling off in thin, paper-like sheets. I gave up.

Frustrated and thinking I had some weird form of acne that just wouldn’t go away, I didn’t bring it up with the doctor again for another year or two.

2 – Even the right prescriptions don’t always work

prescription rosacea drugsDuring that time, I poked around online to see if I could find out if anyone else had “acne” like mine. The more I researched, the more it looked like I had something called “rosacea.” I’d never heard of it before. I read into it extensively and during my next visit at the doctor’s office, I asked if that might be what I had. After a few minor skin checks and a short conversation, I received my first rosacea diagnosis and a prescription for another cream – this one for the right condition.

Again, I applied the cream day and night. After around seven weeks, I started to notice a light fading in my symptoms. After around nine weeks, the symptoms came back and the only difference I saw was in the extreme sensitivity my skin had developed to sunlight. I could burn in five minutes. After five months, the symptoms were no better and I gave up on that as well.

Little did I know that a huge number of rosacea sufferers aren’t helped by prescriptions. Some people find that the first prescription they try is effective. Others have to try several before they find the right one. I am in the group that doesn’t seem to have any prescription available that will help.

3 – There is no cure for rosacea

rosacea skin careFrustrated with the loss of time and money on the prescription that didn’t work, I went online again. I started to look for a rosacea cure. It had to be out there. The more I searched, the more I found products, treatments and even home remedies that claimed to be the ultimate cure. People who had symptoms even worse than mine (according to their pictures) reported that they’d “cured” their rosacea with this one simple herbal concoction, “miracle solution” or “scientifically proven serum.”

Over time, I spent a fortune in money and effort trying to use these cures. They didn’t work. Two of them made things worse than they were, to begin with.

I wish I could have come to terms with the fact that there is no cure for rosacea. It’s possible to get your symptoms under control and prevent a flare-up, but a cure does not exist (yet). Most people claiming they have the cure are selling something. Those who aren’t don’t understand their condition. They may have their symptoms under control, but they haven’t yet realised that the symptoms could return if the right trigger sets them off.

4 – Giving up will only make things worse

After trying so many “cures,” that didn’t work, I gave up for a while. I ignored the redness and accepted the fact that I would feel ugly for the rest of my life. I stopped applying makeup. It only made my skin burn more than it already was on its own. I didn’t even bother moisturising every day. In the summer, I wouldn’t use it at all.

This made my symptoms worse. I blame this span of time for some of the permanent redness I now have in my face. While I can get my symptoms under control and fade the redness to a lighter pink, some of the extra colour will never go away. I think it’s because I let the condition worsen by giving up on both treating the condition and caring for my delicate, reactive skin. Had I known my sulk would lead to permanent consequences, I may not have stopped quite so easily.

5- The sun is wonderful, but not for rosacea

rosacea sun protectionI have always loved sunlight. It feels wonderful. I didn’t apply sunscreen for the first time until I was eighteen years old. Until I was nineteen, my backyard had a swimming pool in it and my sister and I spent most of our summers either swimming or sunning. I worked very hard to find that balance between a nice tan and a horrible burn. Having very pale skin, both my sister and I have suffered terrible, blistering sunburns.

It wasn’t until I spent four days in agony after a massive sunburn that I finally took sunscreen seriously. Since then, I’ve been very particular about sun protection. I still love going out into the sunlight, but I protect my skin – particularly my face – with good quality natural physical barrier sunscreen.

Of all the skin care products I use on my face, sunscreen has been the most difficult to find because many common ingredients in those products are rosacea triggers for me. I have found that applying a very good quality natural product before heading outside and then washing it off the moment I come inside is the key for my skin. I also wear large-brimmed hats and have been known to carry parasols.

Even the lightest kiss of sunlight now causes my rosacea-prone skin to redden. I wish I could tell my younger self to start protecting herself from sunlight earlier. I now have very visible photo-damage and most products meant to overcome, that actually cause problems with rosacea, so my options are very limited.

6 – There is no single product that will eliminate all rosacea symptoms

Until about two years ago, my hunt has always been for a cream, lotion, pill, serum or another form of treatment that would take my rosacea symptoms away. I’ve come to realise that one of the reasons I’d been so unsuccessful until recently is that I’ve led myself to believe that one thing could make it all go away.

Unfortunately, that’s one thing does not exist. Rosacea is a very complex condition that involves a spectrum of triggers and symptoms. Therefore, if I continue to allow triggers such as spicy food, sunlight, alcohol, heat, humidity and others into my life, any treatment – even an effective one – simply doesn’t have a shot. I wish I’d known this years ago. I could have paid more attention to triggers and would have been less focused on thinking one product would be the miracle I’ve been waiting for.

7 – I need to live a “Rosy Life” to keep my rosacea symptoms away

rosacea friendly foodI’ve called it “living the Rosy Life.” It’s my way of putting a positive spin on the many changes I’ve made to my lifestyle in the name of rosacea prevention and healing. I have tracked, identified and reduced my triggers. I’ve changed what I eat to include more anti-inflammatory foods and fewer trigger foods. I’ve started using soap nuts instead of traditional laundry detergent (one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!). I’ve been using LED light therapy at home on a (nearly) daily basis. I’ve started using very high-quality skin care designed for my type of skin.

I’ve also kept an open mind, I read up on the latest studies and I’m willing to try new things in a patient, “scientific” way. It all seemed like a nuisance at first but now I feel like the changes I’m making are actually having a very positive influence on my life and health as a whole. I’m eating healthfully. I’m exercising regularly. I haven’t felt as healthy and fit in a long time. Living the Rosy Life helps me to prevent my rosacea symptoms from occurring and heal the ones that appear on occasion. At the same time, it has taught me to take better care of myself as a whole.

If only I’d known about all these changes fifteen years ago…


talkhealth Blog

3 Things You Need to Know About Finding Home Care for Your Parents

As children, we want nothing but the best for our parents. Sometimes, that means letting them live at home instead of an assisted care facility. Your parents will have a better time spending their days with the family – including their grandchildren – and you can keep a closer eye on them along the way.

Taking good care of parents at home, however, can prove to be a big task to tackle. This is where home care services come in handy. Before you can start providing your parents with the support they need, however, you need to first find a good service provider. Below are three essential tips you need to know about finding the best home care for your parents.

Start by Finding the Right Agency

shutterstock_423588148_300Home care services are usually provided by registered nurses. You can either get in touch with a qualified nurse directly or work with a home care agency. The latter is usually the better option, since you don’t have to worry about a lot of things.

For starters, the agency will handle all the necessary checks for you. This includes the background and qualification checks required to ensure the nurses that will be taking care of your parents are qualified. In most cases, you can even ask for specific requirements.

Finding the right agency is also easier. There are plenty of service providers to choose from. You can read reviews and get past references of the agencies you are interested in using too. Other information will make choosing the right one to work with even easier.

Compare Agencies and Their Service Offers

Never go for the first offer you come across. As mentioned before, there are plenty of agencies and home care services to choose from. Do a quick Google search and you’ll find at least 30 home care service providers near you. The best way to find the one to hire is by comparing the agencies and their service offers.

Get quotes from multiple agencies. You can do this by either contacting each agency directly or getting estimates using online price aggregators. You can save a lot of time and money along the way too. The healthcare industry is very competitive these days, so you will be able to get great deals and special offers rather easily.

Trust Your Feelings

Always interview the agency and the nurse (or nurses) that will be taking care of your parents directly before making any purchase decision. There are important details to spot during the interview, but you can always rely on your feelings. How comfortable you are with the agency and the nurses should be taken into consideration.

For example, you can find top nurses with an online RN to BSN degree from Arizona State University or other top universities across the country just by getting in touch with the right agency. The extra qualifications mean the nurses have better skills in healthcare, which in turn means your parents will get the best care they need.

You can even ask a trial period before making up your mind. Once you are fully comfortable with the agency and the nurses, you can sign up for the full service. It’s the best feeling in the world; knowing that you’ve provided your parents with the best care they can get.

Content supplied by Click Intelligence

talkhealth Blog

Probiotics for Your Baby: 4 Things You Should Know

Probiotics for Your Baby: 4 Things You Should Know
While the Food & Drug Administration recognizes probiotics as GRAS, or Generally Recognized As Safe, some concerns have been raised about pediatrics and probiotics. In 2010, the American Academy of Pediatrics released a report that while probiotics …
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Eczema on Your Face – 2 Things I Did to Get Rid of It

Living with eczema on your face can be one of the most traumatic moments in your life. And dealing with all that comes with it is not any fun at all. Its painful, embarrassing and it effects the way you go about doing things in your life. Believe me I know. I was one of those that suffered from eczema. But I learned how to combat my situation.

I was called all kind of names in the book, and getting all the strange looks while walking down the street. And don’t forget about the scratching and itching, redness, dryness which all comes with eczema as you know. Having this eczema on your face could be keeping you stuck inside your home, and shut in from the outside world which is what happened to me. I would eat what I had at home and hardly ever went to the store. This was the turning point in my battle with eczema.

After I ate all the cookies, cakes, sweets and so on, I was left with a lot of things I did not like at all in the fridge. And these things may shock you. It did me. But they did the trick.

Those things were raw fruits as one, and vegetables as two. That’s right. One day I was hungry grabbed an apple. Ok I’m not leaving the house yet so I’ll eat this plum. Then it was a pear, another apple,

A peach and it wasn’t bad. Then I figured maybe I’ll make a salad with these greens since I’ve gone this far. I needed to start eating better anyway.

So after a few weeks of eating fresh fruit and vegetables I notice a change in the eczema on my face. It wasn’t as prevalent as it has been. Another week past by, and I’m wondering is my eczema healing? I guess all the nutrients from the fruits and vegetables cause my skin to rejuvenate, hydrate and heal itself. So I haven’t totally kept to this way of eating after my eczema healed. But I eat a lot of this kind of food than I use to. I even eat cooked vegetables as well.

I’ve learned more about certain foods and drinks that trigger my eczema.

I suggest you learn more to control the eczema on your face so you know what to watch out for. If you want to learn more visit me at

Best Things You Can Do For Treating A Child With Eczema

Eczema can be a really disturbing condition to have. If you or your child, or someone you love is suffering from eczema, then this article will give you some few tips and tricks to help you get rid of the condition once and for all. No matter how serious or long you have been having the condition, you can always treat it.

Children and infants are most susceptible to having eczema. On the
contrary, parents are the ones who are most frustrated with this skin
condition as they are left to seek every possible way on how to relieve
their children’s eczema flares. While there is no permanent cure for
eczema, here are some ways on how to treat a child with eczema:

There are two types of typical treatments for children eczema, the topical
steroids and the non-steroidal medications. Topical steroids are over-the-
counter hydrocortisone creams. Mid-potency steroids such as Cutivate
(Fluticasone), Dermatop (prednicarbate), Elocon (mometasone), Locoid
Lipocream (hydrocortisone butyrate) , and 0.1 percent triamcinolone are
more commonly prescribed to children such as these are very mild and gentle
to the skin. Non-steroidal medications include Elidel and Protopic that are
generally used twice a day and can also be applied to all areas of the
body, including the face.

Sedating antihistamines like Benadryl (diphenhydramine hydrochloride) or
Atarax (hydroxyzine hydrochloride) are also helpful to treat a child with
eczema, specially if the intense itching is already interfering with the
child’s sleep.

Prevention is better than cure, so they say. The above tips on how to treat
children with eczema maybe of great help but it will also help if parents
know the basics of preventing eczema flares. Parents should try to keep
their children away from known triggers such as harsh soaps, bubble baths,
dust mites, food allergies, overheating and sweating, and wool and
polyester. Keeping the children’s skin well-moisturized can also help them
avoid eczema flares.

Do you want to discover some outstanding techniques you can use to naturally do away with your eczema skin condition? If you answered; YES, then you might want to download a copy of the “Beat Eczema” E-book!

Click here ==> Beat Eczema, to read more about this natural eczema cure program and see how it has assisted thousands of eczema-sufferers round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Best Eczema Cure guides: eczema free forever review, 14 days eczema cure, eczema.