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Tips For Make Up And Skin Care

‘Make up and skin care’ is generally regarded as women’s forte. Men seldom indulge in ‘Make up and skin care’. Many men do care for their skin but make up is really alien to most men. Treating make up and skin care as different topics wouldn’t make sense; after all, make up will work only if the skin is healthy. So how do you exercise make up and skin care, together? Here are some tips for make up and skin care:

* Always have skin care on mind, whether you are buying products for make up or actually applying them onto your skin after you have bought them. So what you are buying is a ‘make up and skin care’ product, not just a make up product. Check the ingredients to see if it contains things that you might be allergic to. Also check if it contains high concentration chemicals that can harm your skin.

* ‘Make up and skin care’ is also about testing the products before using them. So, apply the make up on a small patch of skin e.g. earlobes and check how your skin reacts to it.

* Keep track of expiry date on your make up products and never use them beyond the expiry date. In fact some products (e.g. vitamin C based products), if not stored properly, get spoilt much earlier than the expiry date.

* Cleanliness is an important part of make up and skin care procedure. Sharpen your eye-liners regularly and keep all your makeup equipment clean at all times. You might fix a date, each month, for overhauling of your equipment. As part of cleanliness, your make up and skin care procedure should also include keeping your hair clean at all times.

* Nail care is another important aspect of make up and skin care. Use a good quality nail polish and always keep your nails clean. Once you are done with cleaning and polishing your nails, you should rub in cuticle oil at the edges of the nail.

* If you have deep-set eyes, you should use a liquid eye liner instead of a pencil one. This will prevent smudging at the deep edges of your eye-lid.

* If you have a skin disorder e.g. acne, you should not apply heavy or chemical based make up. Consult your dermatologist if you are not sure about the make up products that you can use while you have acne or other skin disorder. Never try to squeeze pimples/ acne. Remember that make up and skin care should not conflict each other.

* Use a mild make up remover (instead of just washing it away).

* Another important ‘make up and skin care’ procedure is the following golden rule: “Never sleep with your make up on”

* While applying a deodorant, make sure that you maintain the recommended distance between the nozzle and your skin (as mentioned on the deodorant pack).

So, make up and skin care should always go hand in hand. Do not try to treat make up and skin care differently.

Eczema Cure Blog

5 Tips to Heal your Weeping Eczema Naturally

If you suffer from eczema, then this time of the year is probably the most difficult for your skin. Colder temperatures and harsh winds tend to dry out skin for long periods of time leading to more painful, cracked and red eczema. It could also lead to weeping skin.

If you have ever experienced severe eczema, then you’re probably already familiar with this type of reaction. Weeping eczema consists of dry, irritated skin that has developed few or multiple blisters. Through persistent scratching or irritation, these sores can eventually open up, causing oozing pus and infections.

Although many eczema sufferers rely on aggressive treatments to heal the skin rapidly, there are several natural ways to prevent your irritated skin from developing blisters or worse – a Staph infection. If you’re one of many eczema sufferers who have experienced oozing, wet eczema, check out some of our top tricks you can start today to help prevent and heal your skin.

1. Calm and moisturize

The first step to healing weeping skin is to find a moisturizer with wound healing and bacteria fighting properties. Honey is one of the best naturally anti-bacterial ingredients around and is used by hospitals for its wound healing abilities. Apply honey directly on the skin or try a moisturizer like this one with Manuka honey and Manuka oil, Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream. Chinese herbs are known to be quite powerful as well – EczeHerbal #1 – Oozing Eczema Treatment will help soothe red, itchy and crusty skin, as well as prevent bacterial infection.

2. Wet wraps

If you haven’t already heard of wet wraps for eczema relief, then you might want to give this simple and effective process a try for weeping eczema. Wet wrapping has been shown to provide quick eczema relief for all types of eczema, as well as psoriasis, allergic contact dermatitis, and dermatomyositis. Depending on the affected areas, you’ll want to either opt for body bands or full garments. These WrapESoothe Body Bands for Kids and Adults are perfect for those who are experiencing eczema on their arms or legs. Otherwise, for full body eczema, you’ll want to look at a full suit for babies and young children or WrapESoothe shirt and pants for bigger kids.

Want to learn more? Check out the step-by-step instructions here: What is Wet Wrap Therapy for Eczema?

3. Anti-inflammatory foods

Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet will not only help you fight off bacteria, yet it will help keep your immune system in check. Incorporating foods like leafy greens, seasonal vegetables, fish and berries will help provide the necessary nutrients and vitamins to keep your body in check. In fact, you may find supplementing with a high quality fish oil can be very beneficial as well.

4. Elimination diet

Although we’ve pointed out that it’s important to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet with wet eczema (or any type for that matter), undergoing an elimination diet can be very helpful too. Elimination diets have shown to be extremely effective in healing eczema naturally. For more information on how to get started or to learn what exactly an elimination diet is, check out our family’s experience with elimination diets.

5. Consider TSW

Although not terribly common, topical steroid addiction is a real area of concern that is becoming more and more widespread. If you have red, angry looking skin it is possible you may be reacting to the overuse of topical corticosteroids. It’s something worth looking into. Read more about topical steroid withdrawal.

Weeping, oozing eczema can become extremely painful and infected without proper care. The above-mentioned tips are extremely beneficial in the prevention and treatment of severe, wet eczema. However, if you are experiencing symptoms such as bleeding, infected wounds or fever, you should seek medical advice immediately.

Have any tips of your own for preventing or healing weeping eczema? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

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Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

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3 Tips for Incorporating Healthy Living Into your Family’s Life

If you have a family, you will want to do all you can to keep them healthy. This will take the right amount of effort on your part and know-how. It’s important to understand how and why you will want to be a bit more diligent at maintaining the health of your family. Of course, you will want to avoid being sick at all costs and dealing with medical issues that are more likely to arise when you don’t care for your health. It’s ideal to know some tips that can allow you to add more health to your day.

Tip #1: Have family meetings

One of the things you will want to do is to pay close attention to all the members of your family. If you have teenage kids, it’s important to look for signs of potential drug use.

The first thing to do to ensure your kids remain as healthy as possible may rest in having a drug intervention. This can address an issue of this magnitude and work to decrease the chances of it causing a major issue later on in life.

You’re sure to have much more success by getting the support you need from professionals in this field. Many of these individuals can be found and are ready to provide the expert advice you need if this situation does arise.

Tip #2: Buying better foods

It can be tempting to purchase junk food at the store, but this won’t help you have a healthier life. It’s imperative that you eat foods that nourish your body and allow you to feel your best each day.

The next time you go to the grocery store, you will want to shop for healthier food choices. This obviously could assist with weight loss for yourself and loved ones eating out of the same fridge and cabinets. Taking time to add vegetables and fruits to your cart can be one of the ideal ways to enable everyone under your roof to be healthier.

You should also work to get in the necessary amount of protein each day by adding lean meats that can allow you to do so. Keep in mind that studies show women should eat at least 46 grams of protein per day and men should have 56 grams daily to maintain health and feel good.

Tip #3: Join a gym

One of the top things to do may be to take the time to look at local gyms in your area. In fact, you may get a discount if you have a large family that wants to join.

There are numerous health benefits to joining a gym, and some of these are listed below:

1. Equipment – Being able to have instant access to all types of equipment that is expensive to own is ideal. This may be the key to getting in a good workout and being as healthy as possible.

2. Swimming pool – Most gyms have a pool that can allow your family to relax and have fun. This is a great way to spend time together and get in your exercise.

3. Entertainment – The cost of going to a movie or out to eat can get pricey. However, if you have a gym membership, you can simply go there to have time outside of the house.

4. Personal training – You may need a bit of extra guidance when it comes to getting healthy and fit. The good news is that you can consult with a fitness expert that can help your family get in the best shape of their lives.

The key to having the highest quality of life possible is taking care of your health. All of your family members are certain to appreciate the effort you put into making this possible. There are numerous benefits of doing all you can to feel your best and taking care of your family is sure to be high on your list of priorities. You can help your entire clan enjoy better health and feel more energized to tackle each day when you make this one of the things you put lots of effort into making happen. Get started today for allowing your family to be healthier tomorrow.

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Spring Sports Tips for Parents

Spring Sports Safety Guide

It’s finally here! The delightfully comfortable temperatures and the increasingly longer days you’ve craved ever since the first day of Winter reared its ugly head into your pleasantly satisfying existence. While life continued during this disagreeable season, the sunshine has made a striking return, bringing with it flowers, fresh air, and one of my favorites, Spring sports.

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5 Tips to Heal your Weeping Eczema Naturally

If you suffer from eczema, then this time of the year is probably the most difficult for your skin. Colder temperatures and harsh winds tend to dry out skin for long periods of time leading to more painful, cracked and red eczema. It could also lead to weeping skin. If you have ever experienced severe […]
It’s an Itchy Little World

Expert Tips To Help Cure Baby Eczema Naturally

Baby eczema or infant eczema is quite common, estimated to affect around 15% of babies.  It presents with similar symptoms in adults, most commonly dry, reddened and inflamed skin (rashes) that is itchy.  It may have a great impact on the lives of families mainly due to the distress it causes on the baby from […]

The post Expert Tips To Help Cure Baby Eczema Naturally appeared first on Best Eczema Remedies.

Best Eczema Remedies

Tips to Reduce the Eczema Itch During Summer.

I used to love summer.  That was before I had a child with eczema.  Suddenly I came to dread the summer months, as instead of improving Miss T’s skin (as everyone was sure it would) it became much worse in the warm weather and she would be constantly covered in eczema and hives.

Miss T dressed for the sun.

The heat can make our children incredibly itchy and it’s often a real challenge to keep them cool.  Although for many eczema sufferers sunshine improves their skin, for some the sun means big flare ups and itchy nights with little to no sleep at all.  Children with eczema tend to be warmer than the average child.  It’s as if their body’s thermostat is set slightly higher than normal and so keeping them cool is really important in trying to break the itch-scratch cycle.

We often get asked by parents how to keep their children cool in the summer months.  Here are some of our suggestions, along with some innovative ideas that parents have suggested to us.


When the sun came out Miss T was desperate to run around with the other children outside.  Bare legs were an absolute no-no as it would be only minutes before she had scratched them until they bled.  Very lightweight pure cotton leggings and long sleeved tees really helped and meant that she could still wear pretty dresses and skirts over the top.  Out of desperation for something pretty for her to wear, we also designed these lightweight ninja trousers.

Ninja trousers to stop itchy legs

The buttons on the cuffs were to try to limit her legs exposure to grass pollen and also to stop her being able to pull them up and scratch behind her knees!

Cooling Creams

We’ve always kept our emollients in the fridge during the summer months as applying a chilled cream can really help to soothe the maddening itch.  One mum actually applies cream to the inside of her little ones pyjamas and then puts them in the fridge (inside a sealed bag) to help cool him down at bedtime.

Wet Wrap Therapy

Using Wet Wrap Therapy is a fantastic (and far easier) way to keep an itchy child cool at night and also a great way to add moisture back into their skin. First bathe the child to soak their skin and then pat dry and apply a heavy layer of cream or balm.  Next dress your child with a damp layer of bandages or wet wrap suit and then add a light, dry layer of clothes over the top.   As the water evaporates it has a cooling effect which can really help to relieve the itching.

Wet wrap suit to add moisture back into the skin


With the warmer weather comes the added irritant of increased pollen levels.  Try not to let your child play in freshly mown grass and keep their skin covered in a light material at all times.  Pure cotton or bamboo fabrics allow the skin to breathe and are much less irritating than man-made fabrics. If pollen is a known trigger for your child then it’s worth considering drying washing inside, away from airborne pollen that can attach itself to clothes.  Unfortunately dust mites also thrive in warm weather so washing bedding and sofa covers more frequently can really help too.

Paddling Pools

Splashing around in a paddling pool is a rite of passage for most children.  However it can be far more challenging when your child has eczema.  We would apply moisturizer an hour before we went out, followed at least half an hour later by sun tan lotion.  As soon as we got home we would have to bath Miss T and reapply all of her creams. We found that Green People’s Organic Children’s sun tan cream is the only one that didn’t irritate her skin, but a lot of parents also swear by Sunsense Ultra.

A few years down the line and we are coping far better in the hot weather, although we still get flare ups, and a high pollen count is also a trigger for frenzied itching. Probably one of my most memorable summer days was the first time Miss T went out with bare arms and legs – such a simple thing for most children – but a turning point in her eczema and so a very special day for us.

For more tips on helping with eczema take a look at our Top Ten Tips.





Everything For Eczema

3 tops tips to improve your quality of life with a long-term health condition

It is estimated over a quarter of the population in England (15.4 million people) has a long-term condition such as diabetes, coronary heart disease or chronic lung disease and an increasing proportion of these people have multiple conditions.

Although there is a wealth of information available to patients with long-term health conditions, the advice can seem overwhelming and healthcare providers don’t always have time for patients to answer all those niggling questions that can make a difference to your life.

Wendy Norton, Head of Health Coaching at My Clinical Coach guides people with long-term health conditions on how to live a healthy and more fulfilling life. Here she provides 3 top tips:

Stop Smoking

Although smoking rates have declined over past decades, smoking is still the biggest cause of preventable illness and premature deaths in the country, accounting for almost 80,000 deaths in England a year.

For people with long-term health conditions such as diabetes and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) smoking exacerbates symptoms and significantly decreases quality of life. If you have COPD and are still smoking, then the single most important way in which you can help yourself feel better is to stop! In fact, research suggests that if you can stop smoking for 28-days, you are five times more likely to be able to quit for good.

Take Control of Your Condition

Portrait of happy young couple at cafe counter having discussion over a cup of coffee. Woman holding a digital tablet and man with cup of coffee.

Be an informed patient and learn as much as you can about your condition. The more you know about your health, the more you will feel able to control the condition rather than letting it control you. A patient who has regular support that understands what they’re going through and has the right tools to help, is proven to be more successful than a patient doing it on their own.

I have found that many patients we coach want to be more involved in their care, as it gives them a greater sense of control and improves their quality of life. Patients often highlight how self-management of their condition not only improves their physical health but also their mental wellbeing. So, take control of your health and choose what is right for you!

Follow a Healthy Diet

Knowing the foods that can be a problem for you is crucial. For those with COPD, certain foods increase the risk of bloating and gas which can make it more difficult to breathe. Apples, stone fruits (peaches and nectarines) and melons may be healthy but can cause bloating, so it is vital to know how your body works when planning your diet.

Never skip breakfast as this can lead to over-eating later in the day which can ruin your food plan and cause your blood sugar levels to rise, which can be harmful to people with diabetes. I would recommend aiming for three servings per day of fibre fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains.

talkhealth Blog

Winter warmers: top tips to get through winter

winter-scene-400-200Winter is indeed here. With more long dark and cold days ahead, it is important to know what you can do to stay warm, happy and healthy over the coming months. talkhealth want to give you a few of our winter health and lifestyle hacks to help you out this winter. Further to that, we want to hear YOUR winter tips and tricks that you use during the colder months. Tell us in this survey what your number one winter tip is, and you will be entered into a prize draw to win 1 of 25 breathalysers, just in time for Christmas.

And now onto the tips:
1) Using hand sanitiser to de-ice your car: Very often, we find ourselves in a rush to leave the house in the morning, but are met with an icy windscreen. If you’re without any de-icer, your trusty hand sanitiser may just do the trick. The alcohol will melt the ice leaving your windscreen free and clear.
2) Make use of that heat: After you have cooked dinner, your oven still retains heat for a little while. Rather than shutting that heat away, leave the oven door open and use the last of that warm air (just make sure it’s switched off first!)
3) Locating a mystery draft: Keep feeling a draft but can’t quite put your finger on where it’s coming from? Take a candle and run it around the edges of your windows and doors – when the flame starts to flicker you will have found your draft! Then you can get insulating.
4) Ditch the electric blankets for hot water bottles: Tired of getting into a cold bed at the end of the day? Pop a hot water bottle at the foot of your bed 30 minutes before going to bed. It will keep your bed warm until morning, without racking up a huge electricity bill right before Christmas (electric blankets – we’re looking at you).
5) Bed time preparation: When you get in from a long day in work, the last thing you want is to put on cold PJ’s. Pop your pyjamas on the radiator when you leave the house. If your heating is on a timer to come on by the time you come home, your PJ’s should be nice and toasty for you to slip on soon after getting home.

1) The power of vitamin D: Your body naturally produces vitamin D during the summer months when the sun is at its strongest. In winter however it tends to be in short supply. Vitamin D is important for good health, growth and for maintaining bone strength. Eat foods rich in vitamin D (Cod Liver Oil, Oily fish such as trout and salmon, wholegrain cereals, certain dairy products). If you fear that you might be at risk of being vitamin D deficient, please do remember to visit your GP for a test and some advice.
2) The dreaded cold sores: Winter weather can cause many of us to feel a bit run down. For those of us who live with cold sores, the winter months can be a breeding ground for the little blighters. If you do find yourself with a cold sore blister, this at home remedy could help. When it is developing phase, pop some used teabags into the fridge to cool. Put the cold teabags on your cold sore for around 30 to 45 minutes. The cooling sensation will lessen the swelling of the blister, while the moisture of the teabag will stop the skin from drying out and splitting, therefore avoiding the ‘sore’ part of the cold sore.
3) Green tea for flu: For many of us, winter is a difficult time for staying healthy. With bugs and sore throats and flu it’s hard to remain fighting fit. By adding a mug of green tea into your morning routine you could stave off any nasty bugs. As it is an antioxidant, it boosts your immune system, helping you fight off a cold quickly, or avoiding it altogether.
4) Get to bed early: Not a hack as such, but an important one to remember all the same. Those who get less than 7 hours of sleep a night are almost 3 times as likely to develop a cold. The immune system needs at least seven hours to sleep in order to stimulate the cells to protect against a cold. Get an early night to avoid the sniffles.
5) Wonderful wool: When out and about on a cold day, it’s not uncommon for people to go from one extreme temperature to another throughout the day. Central heating in work, on your commute and in shops can mean that you are freezing one minute and boiling the next. Ditch the cotton tops for a woolly top. Cotton tops can often stay wet if you sweat in them, which can lead to you getting a chill when you go back out in the cold. Wool absorbs moisture, including sweat, making it easier for the body to regulate its temperature.

Now over to you, tell us your winter life hack in this survey, and feel free to share it in the comments section below. 25 winners will be selected at random after the closing date on Wednesday 14th December – so don’t wait – get involved.

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