Eczema Free Forever™ Eczema Free Forever™

My Experience Using Herbal Medicine for Eczema

By Sophia Ruan Gushée (see bio below) Managing eczema has been a big issue in my family. When my youngest daughter was 3 days old, she began developing eczema. Since my older two children had not experienced eczema or other health issues, I kept waiting for my youngest to outgrow the eczema as I tried different natural remedies. Sometimes it seemed […]
It’s an Itchy Little World

Get Quick Relief From Eczema Rashes By Using Natural Eczema Cures

Eczema is either caused by a dysfunctional immune system or a weak skin barrier. Those who have it are more sensitive to allergens found in the environment. Certain types of food are also known to trigger this skin condition. Healing Eczema permanently requires you to build a stronger immune system. While permanent healing may take a while to achieve, there are several quick-acting natural remedies that make the long wait more bearable.
Most herbal Eczema creams use aloe vera gel as their main ingredient. Aloe Vera brings immediate relief to dryness, inflammation and itchiness. Aside from healing Eczema Rashes, Aloe Vera is also known to treat several skin problems such as itching and minor burns. Fresh aloe vera gel is recommended instead of commercially prepared variants. You can actually extract your own gel from an aloe leaf. Apply this several times a day for best results.
Olive oil is a natural emollient and an excellent moisturizer for the skin. If you’re using it as an Eczema Cure, be sure to choose unrefined or extra virgin olive oil. It works best when applied on damp skin after bathing. Unlike store-bought Eczema creams, olive oil takes a while to evaporate and keeps the skin moist for a longer time.
Calendula is a common ingredient found in natural Eczema creams. Its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties make it an ideal Eczema Cure. It helps the skin heal faster by promoting collagen production and improving blood circulation to damaged areas. Its antibacterial antiviral properties shield the skin from harmful organisms which may cause infection.
Sea salt baths have been used by women for centuries as part of their beauty regimen. It has been proven to exfoliate dead skin cells and restore the skin’s natural glow. Sea salt also happens to be an effective Eczema Cure. Pure, high quality sea salt is recommended when treating Eczema Rashes. Pour 1 to 2 cups of sea salt in your bath, to help reduce inflammation and hydrate the skin. Don’t soak for more than 15 minutes and be sure the water is not too hot.

Visit us now if your are looking for a gentle and steroid-free”;>Eczema remedy. Our Eczema creams can get rid of”;>Eczema rashes in less than 10 days!

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3 Ways to Cure Eczema Using Natural Eczema Treatments

Eczema is a bothersome skin condition that usually causes inflammation of the top layer of the skin. It can affect a variety of people, no matter how young or old they may be. And, the constant itching, burning and pain that it causes can make life miserable for those who have to live with it on a daily basis.

While there are many ways to cure eczema, most doctors prescribe creams and ointments that only treat symptoms, rather than cure it completely. These treatments can be costly and may even cause eczema to become worse (as they are filled with chemicals that can be harmful to the skin). With that said, seeking for alternative ways to cure eczema only makes the most sense.

So, you want to cure eczema quick? Well, you can make a go at it by changing your diet. Pay attention to foods that you eat and how your eczema reacts to them. Some foods can help reduce eczema while others can provoke it. Keeping a close eye on your diet will help you find out what you need to avoid.

Along with your diet, try using all natural creams or ointments, such as over the counter meds like hydrocortisone cream. Other varieties of anti-itching and pain relieving lotions may help, but it’s best to stick to those that use all natural ingredients.

With creams comes lotions and natural oils. These can work wonders to help cure eczema as well. Natural oils help soothe skin and relieve pain, bringing back moisture into the skin again. You can find these oils at natural food shops or a local grocery store.

Here’s another quick tip to help cure eczema – Avoid any scented lotions or fragrances. This can make your eczema dramatically worse and incredibly painful. Stay away from these at all costs.

Now that you’re aware of some natural ways to cure eczema, you need to be aware that not everything will work on everyone. Different people will see different results, however, natural eczema cures are still the way to go.

Wait – Pay attention to this before it’s too late!

Eliminating eczema is only effective when a variety of natural treatments work in combination with each other. Do you want access to the secret methods proven to cure eczema in a matter of days? Get on over to Treat Eczema now before it’s too late!

Fight Eczema Naturally Using 7 Natural Remedies

Eczema is increasingly common in both adults and children. Conventional medication such as steroids are usually prescribed by doctors to treat eczema. However, these medications, if used for too long, can have negative side effects. For these reason, more people seek natural remedies to heal eczema.

Using natural remedies for eczema have a higher rate of making sufferers more comfortable when the skin becomes irritating and also can help in prevention of severe outbreaks. If you notice the leather-like patches emerging on your skin and you can’t stop scratching, then start with the natural remedies and you will feel better quickly.

Probiotics. They are the good or helpful bacteria present in the digestive system. These microorganisms aid in the strengthening of the immune system which aids to ward off invading pathogens or disease causing microorganisms. It is available as a nutritional or food supplement. Infants affected by eczema according to a recent study, when given the natural remedies for eczema has been found to have lesser symptoms of eczema compared to the ones who did not receive the treatment. Also, the probability of developing the disease is lesser among the subjects who received the probiotic treatment.

Camphor is one of the home remedies for eczema that is not widely used. To make this treatment, you take one tablespoon of camphor and dilute it with sandalwood, making a paste. Apply this paste directly to the skin irritation, giving you instant relief from the discomforts that eczema presents.

Sugar can cause eczema to flare up and drive you to distraction with itching and pain. This is because there is a proven link between higher blood sugar levels and eczema. The exact reason for the link is not widely understood. But sufferers who are able to significantly lower their intake of sugar do report a lowering of the itching and discomfort their eczema used to bring. So, read those labels when you’re in the super market and get the food that is sugar-low. (Sugar-rich colas, for example, should be banned from your refrigerator!)

Oils have been largely used to treat eczema naturally, but coconut oil properties set it apart from the rest. Apart from forming a protective barrier over your skin, this oil will help you restore the protective layer of your skin that has been damaged by your condition. It also helps you find fungus and bacterial infections, which could be aggravated by your skin breaking up. It has been proven to reduce the swelling caused by flare-ups.

The following are vitamins known to be helpful with skin health. Don`t just supplement, try including more foods high in these vitamins and minerals along with supplementing. Vitamin A:15 milligrams, Vitamin C: Take 500 milligrams 3 times a day for a total of 1500 milligrams a day, Vitamin E: 700 International Units a day, Zinc: 15 milligrams a day for women and 20 milligrams a day for men.


Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema treatment, Nummular Eczema Treatment, facial eczema treatment.

Home Remedies For Eczema Using Eczema Natural Treatments

Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a serious skin disease that causes severe itchiness and irritation to the patient. Although there are some cases of eczema in which medication is not needed, most eczema issues need serious attention.

Mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric and 1 tablespoon of bitter neem leaves and apply that paste where eczematic lesions are present. It is a very beneficial eczema natural treatment.
o Itching can be prevented to an extent by applying mashed papaya seeds to the affected area.

Another eczema natural treatment suggested is an oatmeal bath. Are you aware of this fact? Well, many people do not know that oatmeal is indicated in eczematous conditions. You can also use colloidal oatmeal baths which is prepared from Aveeno for relaxing your skin. It is an easy preparation and does not consume much of your time. Add 2 cups of oatmeal into lukewarm water and get a dip in it for around 20 minutes. Always moisturize your skin after that bath to keep it damp and moist.

There are some special fruits that have been used by people all over the world as eczema natural treatment alternatives. Amongst them we can count berries, and blueberries in special. Because blueberries are full of an acid called chlorogenic, it will stop the skin infection and will destroy all cells that are not specific to human skin. This acid is known to be a good balancer in any environments and conditions.

The best thing to remember in treating eczema is to identify what causes it. If you know what triggers the pain, then you will be able to avoid them. Essentially, prevention is better than cure. If you neglect this simple rule, you are likely to find out one day that your eczema is just getting worse instead of positively progressing.

Some eczema sufferers have found it beneficial to avoid grains containing gluten. These include bleached white flour, whole wheat, and oatmeal. A sensitivity to gluten seems to be a common occurrence in eczema patients. To test this theory in your case, try gluten-free grains like brown rice or buckwheat.

Most of the people suffering from eczema might not have the right nutrition that is derived through their foods. Thus taking in nutrients like Vitamins A, E, and C etc will always prove to be helpful. Replace your soap, lotion, or body wash if necessary. Weleda products with sea buckthorn are priceless! Sea buckthorn is an anti-inflammatory herb. It works wonders! Sea buckthorn soap, lotion, or oil can be found in a local health food store.

Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema, nummular eczema, baby eczema.

How to Treat Eczema Using Natural Eczema Treatments

Eczema is one of the most bothersome skin conditions to have. The nonstop itching, constant swelling and pain cause constant agonization. Not only that, but finding a treatment for eczema that actually cures it can also post a challenge, which is why many people are left to wonder how to treat eczema effectively.

Many of those who suffer from eczema are used to the typical treatments prescribed by doctors. Prescription creams filled with steroids and other harmful chemicals hardly ever do the trick. While they can be effective at treating the symptoms of eczema, they fail to prevent its return. In some people, these same creams can cause adverse reactions too, often making eczema worse.

If you’re tired of suffering from non-effective eczema treatments and want to finally take control of your eczema, you need to consider natural eczema treatments. They could save you from the pain and suffering and even prevent eczema from returning again.

Stop wondering how to treat eczema now. There are a number of effective natural eczema treatments you can use today. Two examples of these treatments are below.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt has been used to treat eczema for a number of years. It works to remove dead skin from the surface of eczema and help relieve pain. To use as a treatment for eczema, simply mix one cup of epsom salt with a tub of warm bath water. Soak your body in the solution for 15 to 30 minutes. Pat yourself dry with a towel afterwards and avoid rubbing your skin.

Chamomile Oil

Chamomile is a natural herb and works well in natural eczema treatments. Chamomile oil can be applied as often as needed, and is used to help soothe affected areas of the skin, as well as bring instant relief from the excessive itching caused by eczema.

The treatments listed above are just two treatments that can be used to treat eczema effectively. The best results are achieved when a variety of treatments are used together.

Natural eczema treatments have been proven to work and are less harmful than their counterparts (prescription creams). Never be stuck wondering how to treat eczema again, and start using natural treatments for your eczema today. You’re skin will thank you.

Now, Pay Close Attention Here:

If you want instant access to a complete list of highly proven natural treatments for eczema you can use immediately to cure eczema in a matter of days, you need to visit Treat Eczema right now!

Hand Eczema Treatment – How to Cure Eczema on Your Hands Fast Using Natural Treatments

Eczema is a pesky skin condition that can affect various parts of the body. The dry, red, itchy patches of swelling skin can be found on the legs, neck, back, chest, face and hands. While eczema on the face can be painful, eczema on the hands is worse, considering most people need to use their hands on a constant day to day basis. Luckily, there are hand eczema treatment methods available to help ease the pain.

Regular Hand Eczema Treatment

Most people who have eczema on their hands more than likely are already using a steroid cream given to them by their doctor to treat their eczema. While these creams can work at times to help alleviate the symptoms of eczema, they don’t actually do a good job at curing it. In fact, they’ve been known to make eczema symptoms worse and cause allergic reactions in some.

Because of all this, I highly recommend one hand eczema treatment that is completely natural and can help clear your eczema up fast!

Using Epsom Salt Wraps

One of the hand eczema treatment methods that I’ve known of and used successfully are epsom salt wraps. They are simple and easy to make and are highly effective.

To make epsom salt wraps, grab 2 cups of epsom salt and mix with warm water. Using surgical gauze, soak the gauze in the solution for 5 to 10 minutes. Take the gauze out of the solution and wrap your hands with it. Leave on for roughly 30 minutes. Unwrap carefully and rinse your skin with cold water and pat dry.

Epsom salt wraps help cleanse any wounds, remove dead skin that causes itching and will reduce any swelling. When used consistently, they can dramatically reduce swelling, inflammation and itching that eczema causes. Plus, they can accelerate the speed of healing eczema. They truly are one of the greater unknown all natural hand eczema treatment methods out there!

So, what have you got to lose? Give this natural eczema treatment a shot today. Your skin will thank you.

Wait – Read this before you go… Treating eczema requires a solid step by step plan of action. I know of a secret eczema treatment method that is not only guaranteed to help cure eczema, but has been proven to work for THOUSANDS of people just like you. And, you can get instant access to it right now – Just go to How to Treat Eczema now to find out more!

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Natural Eczema Treatment Using 7 Remedies

Eczema mainly occurs because of the excessive epidermis inflammation which is your outer skin layer. You can experience various symptoms like dry skin, itchy sore skin and even in some cases skin crusting and bleeding. The following list, though not exhaustive, does cover the most effective natural eczema treatments, most of which could themselves be the subject of an article.

1. Horsetail, a plant common to North America, contains the element silicon. Silica is essential to the proper growth and healing of many types of tissue, including skin. It also has anti-bacterial and astringent effects which offer relief for the inflammation and itching of eczema. The Flora Herb & Supplement Encyclopedia suggests an infusion of 10 teaspoons of horsetail plant to 1 liter or water. Wet a towel with the infusion. Lay it over the affected area. Cover the wet towel with a dry one. Hold it on the area for at least 10 minutes.

2. Chlorophyll plays a key part in healing eczema. This wonderful green juice aids in liver function by acting as a blood detoxifier. Since skin health is directly linked to liver health, chlorophyll rich leafy green foods are a very important part in healing skin issues like eczema. The additional fiber, antioxidants and carotenoids in chlorophyll round out its benefits nicely. Eat 2-3 cups of leafy greens daily.

3. You can also use fruits and vegetables lying around the house to juice or blend together to form a paste that you can apply to your skin wherever the affected areas are. Once that is done, you leave it on for about a half an hour. This destroys all the bacteria beneath the surface of the skin as well as moisturizing it. Your main goal in getting rid of this condition is to keep your skin as moisturized as possible.

4. Cold water fish–such as salmon–contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can be beneficial for eczema. According to the National Center for Biotechnological Information, a 1986 study published in Journal of the American College of Nutrition showed that dietary supplementation with essential fatty acids relieved signs and symptoms of atopic eczema.

5. Do not take hot showers or baths as it causes the skin to dry out and become more susceptible to an eczema outbreak. Try to wear loose, cotton clothing. Boost your omega-3 intake by eating more fish or taking fish oil capsules. Wash clothing once and rinse twice to make sure all of the irritating detergent is removed. Try applying calamine lotion to affected areas. Test your diet to see if outbreaks are related to a food allergy. Eggs, orange juice and milk are the most common culprits.

6. The last key component to healing eczema is aloe vera. Internally, aloe vera juice re-balances the immune system without stimulating an aggressive reaction. Since many skin problems (eczema, psoriasis, etc.) are auto-immune disorders, this is very important. Two ounces of good quality aloe juice taken twice daily on an empty stomach will provide noticeable results. It can take 3-6 months but it will completely heal the imbalance in most cases.

7. Drink at least 64 ounces of fresh water daily. Reduce or eliminate refined sugar (especially soda) and refined salt. Eliminate all artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. Reduce or eliminate alcohol, tobacco use, and deep fried foods. Reduce or eliminate dairy products. Make fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, non-glutenous grains (rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth, buckwheat), and legumes the majority of your caloric intake.

Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema treatment, acne treatment.

Related Baby Eczema Natural Remedies Articles

Singaporean Mother Finds Natural Cure for Baby Eczema without Using Steroids

Singapore, SG (PRWEB) June 18, 2014

6-month old baby Lauren was suffering from baby eczema, otherwise known as atopic dermatitis. The intense itch resulted in the infant scratching herself until she bled, and her mother, Jolene Liow, founder of Jo Lauren Baby Skincare & Bath, decided enough is enough – She created her own natural cure for her baby’s eczema.

Instead of applying topical steroids on Lauren, Jolene relied on her knowledge from her previous work in the skincare industry and formulated the Baby Miracle Balm.

“Lauren was fully breast fed from birth so we could rule out food allergies,” said Jolene, “And it was clear her skin was flaring up due to product irritants in her baby products.” Despite trying several products recommended by Lauren’s pediatrician and friends, Lauren’s eczema only worsened over time.

Instinctively, Jolene decided to create her own moisturizer for Lauren, and bathed her in organic colloidal oatmeal. The result? Baby Lauren’s eczema showed instant improvement and over the course of just 2 months, healed completely without scars. Lauren is turning 15 months and no longer suffers from eczema flare-ups and has enviable baby soft skin.

It was not easy. Even after consulting with veteran industry experts in baby products, Jolene had to come up with several formulations until she perfected the Baby Miracle Balm. Insisting on only the best quality ingredients, Jolene crafted the products using organic and 100% food-grade ingredients. Her mantra: If it’s safe enough to eat, it’s gentle enough for baby’s skin.

Jolene credits the efficacy of the Baby Miracle Balm with its 100% organic high-linoleic sunflower oil base. Instead of the commonly used olive oil or coconut oil base, high-linoleic sunflower oil has a wealth of research backing it’s use in repairing baby skin’s natural barrier function and improving hydration levels. To boost the skin repair quality of the oil, Jolene infused organic Calendula flowers and Plaintain leaves, both of which have proven healing powers. Since bacteria can worsen eczema, Jolene added Elderberry extract, organic Lavender oil and organic Tea Tree oils for potent anti-bacterial and antioxidant qualities in the Baby Miracle Balm.

What started as a remedy for her own baby’s eczema became the inspiration for the boutique line of 8 products for babies and toddlers. And thanks to the Baby Miracle Balm, many mothers have spared their babies from using topical steroids, evident from the glowing customer testimonials on the official website,

“My 3 month old had a sudden burst of rashes along the thighs and legs, arms as well as tummy and face. After a week of steroid cream from the paediatrician, there wasn’t much improvements,” said customer Eunice Zhou. “Then I decided to give the miracle balm a shot, hoping for a miracle! After a week of application, the rashes started to dry up and clear, starting with the arms and legs. Her face no longer flares up when she rubs. I’m glad I chanced upon Jo Lauren’s Baby Miracle Balm. Looking forward to my baby regaining her baby soft skin.”

Another customer left a testimonial for the Baby Miracle Balm, “The Baby Miracle Balm has been working wonders! On my baby’s first application, the rough and dry patches became smooth overnight and disappeared just after 4 days of continuous application before bedtime!” Customer Xie Xiaofen continued, “Yesterday, I applied the Baby Miracle Balm over his red flare ups and it calmed down overnight too! The results have been really amazing and best of all, it is so portable to bring along everywhere. Finally a product that is both organic and affordable! Bidding goodbyes to steroids and my boy is ready to try out new food without worrying about those rashes. Definitely recommending it to family and friends.”

Founder Jolene Liow believes that her Baby Miracle Balm is key to restoring baby’s natural skin barrier and that baby eczema can be healed completely without the use of steroids.

Based in Singapore, Jo Lauren Baby Skincare & Bath will be available at Robinsons Department Stores on the 1st of July 2014. For overseas customers, Jo Lauren ships worldwide. For more information, please email contact(at)jolauren(dot)com or visit