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Over the Counter Eczema Treatment – Does it Work?

Conventional treatment for eczema is still somewhere firmly in the dark ages and this goes primarily for over the counter eczema treatment. Once you have been diagnosed with eczema you will get a prescription for some form of steroid such as Hydrocortisone creams or ointment in varying strengths or another antibacterial, steroid cream such as Fucibet. Following are the reasons why they just don’t seem to work.

I will start by saying, if the eczema outbreak is a one off occurrence and the individual is not normally prone to eczema then yes, a steroid cream can get rid of the initial out-break and the fact that they are not predisposed to eczema can mean that they will never experienced it again. However, for those who have had eczema for some time, the steroid route just isn’t a feasible option and these powerful creams are not to be underestimated. Yes, they can clear the skin temporarily but they cannot get rid of the fact that the individual has many allergies and extremely sensitive skin.

If you use over the counter eczema treatment such as steroid creams as you usual, on-going form of treatment then you may end up with thinning of the skin and many other more severe conditions. If you have used steroids before, no doubt your doctor will have warned you of the consequences of regular use of steroid creams.

Eczema is the result of the skin coming into contact with an allergen and/or by eating/ingesting an allergen that can be in your food or in the air. Your first line of defense should be to find out what these allergies are, then remove them from your life where possible. This can be achieved by way of a skin prick, allergy test performed by your doctor, or by keeping a diary of your skin behavior and food intake/contact with substances.

There are many methods that are completely natural which can heal and prevent future outbreaks of eczema. To access the full guide to clearing your skin and avoid having to depend on over the counter eczema treatment, continue to Natural Treatment For Eczema.

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Natural Cures For Eczema – Home Remedies That Work In Getting Rid Of Eczema

Eczema is a skin disease that has no cure. It is a chronic condition characterized by rashes, itchiness, and at times, skin blisters that ooze and crust. When infants have the condition (called infantile eczema), the rashes are often seen on the cheeks, elbows or knees. In babies, eczema can also manifest as a scalp condition called cradle cap. On adults, the rashes are usually located on the inner elbow or at the back of the knee.

It is believed that eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is an inherited disease. It can run in families, particularly in families that have members with other allergic or immune-system-related conditions such as hay fever and asthma.

As mentioned, there is no cure for eczema. It flares up and then goes away. During a flare-up, some medications may be used to help reduce inflammation and relieve itchiness. The standard treatment is corticosteroid creams and ointments for the itching, and oral antihistamines for more severe cases. When the rashes are infected, antibiotics may also be prescribed. Sometimes, immunomodulators are given to stabilize the immune system and reduce the symptoms. But all these medications have side effects. A common side-effect of oral antihistamines is drowsiness. Oral corticosteroids, especially when used long-term, can potentially cause more serious side-effects such as cataracts, hypertension, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, and a weakened immune system.

A lot of people prefer to use natural cures for eczema instead of these medications because natural remedies are generally safer while being as effective. They are also usually less expensive.

The application of cool and wet compresses is one of the simplest natural cures for eczema. This home remedy brings relief from itching, and it prevents skin scratching, which is very important so as not to aggravate the condition and produce scars and other complications. Wearing light, cool, smooth-textured and loose clothing is also advised during a flare-up of eczema. Cotton clothes should be worn instead of woolly and scratchy fabrics that can further irritate the skin. Moreover, because skin dryness can cause an eczema outbreak, regular moisturizing is also recommended.

Herbal lotions, creams and gels are also effective natural cures for eczema. Those that contain
extracts of chamomile, licorice, and witch hazel have been demonstrated to relieve the rashes and itching caused by eczema.

Some homemade lotions and mixtures may also be applied on eczema rashes or affected areas. One example is made by mixing camphor and sandalwood paste in equal amounts (a teaspoon of each ingredient is recommended). Another example is nutmeg paste. Yet another is natural vitamin E, which, like the others, should be directly applied on the itchy or scaly skin areas. Pounded blueberry, dandelion and neem leaves can also be used as topical treatment that reduces skin inflammation caused by eczema.

There too are oral natural cures for eczema. Drinking tomato juice, zinc supplements, and probiotics have been proven to help relieve the symptoms of eczema. Probiotics, also called good bacteria, strengthen the immune system. A common example of probiotics is acidophilus, an oral drink containing live microbial organisms helpful to the body. Probiotics are safe for both adults and children. But before they can be given to an infant, the pediatrician must be consulted first.

All these natural cures are safer than either prescription or over-the-counter medicines, and they are very effective remedies that relieve the symptoms of eczema.

Do you want to discover some really amazing techniques you can use to naturally treat your eczema? If you answered; YES, then I will advise download a copy of the Beat Eczema E-book!

Click on this link: Beat Eczema Guide, to find out more about this natural eczema cure program and see how it has helped thousands of eczema-sufferers, just like you, round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Related Articles: how to get rid of eczema, best home remedies for eczema, right eczema treatments

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Eczema Home Remedies – Natural Treatments That Work In Treating Eczema

Eczema is a chronic, non-contagious skin condition with various manifestations, and as such is known by many names. Atopic eczema, atopic dermatitis, infantile eczema, seborrhoeic eczema, and varicose eczema are but a few of the many types of this skin disorder. The most common type is atopic dermatitis, which is often seen in infants and small children. (Nine out of ten of eczema cases happen in children younger than five years old.) Rarer forms include dyshidrotic eczema, which occurs in warm weather, and nummular eczema, which occurs mostly during winter.

During an eczema flare-up, the person experiences itching and rashes that may be red or brownish, scaly, dry, thick, leathery, crusty or flaky. These may also appear as blisters oozing fluid, or as small, elevated bumps on the skin. In some cases, the skin simply becomes thick, rough and red. When scratched, eczema rashes may be infected, and this can worsen the inflammation. The rashes are often found on the arms, legs, chest, hands, or the face. In children, the rashes typically appear on the cheeks, elbows or knees, especially in skin folds.

Eczema is believed to be caused by a hereditary impairment of the immune system. A person with eczema often has family members who also have eczema, asthma or hay fever. The standard treatment is anti-itch topical medications, including anti-histamines. This treatment only relieves the symptoms, and does not cure eczema. There is, in fact, no known cure for eczema. It is a lifelong skin problem that recurs every now and then.

While eczema has no cure, there are many management strategies to keep it under control, relieve the itchiness and discomfort, and prolong the time between recurrences. Besides medicinal anti-itch lotions, there too are eczema home remedies and skin care measures that can be used to manage eczema effectively.

Eczema home remedies include herbs and natural ingredients that can be made into lotions, pastes or ointments, and then applied on the rashes or affected skin areas. They are proven effective in providing relief from itching and inflammation. The herbal ingredients that may be used include virgin coconut oil, blueberry leaves, mashed papaya seeds, licorice, dandelion leaves, turmeric powder, bitter neem leaves, chamomile, camphor, aloe vera, spearmint leaves, witch hazel and nutmeg.

Probiotics, or good bacteria, may also be taken as treatment for eczema. These are live microorganisms that help strengthen immune function, therefore helping reduce eczematous inflammation. Probiotics are usually taken in liquid form as acidophilus or lactobacillus.

Other known eczema home remedies that may be taken as food, drink or oral supplements include cabbage, tomato juice, zinc, vitamin B12, vitamin E, neem (this may be used both topically and as food), apple cider vinegar, yellow dock, and fish oils. Many of these remedies have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties.

On the other hand, a person with eczema should avoid these food items: ginger, onions, radish, cucumbers, spices and oils. These have high mineral content and contain substances than can irritate the skin and exacerbate eczema.

Some practical eczema home remedies during a skin flare-up are the following:

Place wet or cold compresses on the affected skin area to relieve the itching.

Avoid using harsh soaps and chemicals on the skin.

Only use water on the skin when necessary. Excessive washing can make the skin dry and induce an eczema outbreak or worsen it. Avoid long baths.

Use tepid water only. Avoid using warm or hot water.

Moisturize often to prevent skin dryness.

Wear loose, cool and soft clothing, and avoid wearing woolly or rough fabrics.

Avoid known allergens (including specific food items, pollen, dust, animal fur, smoke) that lead to skin irritation and inflammation.

These are time-tested home remedies that have been in use for many decades. They are highly recommended for being safe, for having no side-effects whatsoever, and for providing relief from the symptoms of eczema.

Do you want to discover very astonishing techniques you can use to naturally treat your eczema? If yes, then the best thing to do is to get a copy of the Beat Eczema Guide!

Click on this link: Beat Eczema Review, to find out more about this natural eczema treatment system and see how it has assisted thousands of eczema-sufferers round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Related Articles: how to get rid of eczema, home remedies for eczema, right eczema treatments

Natural Cures for Eczema – 2 Home Remedies for Eczema That Work

Eczema is a painful and bothersome skin disease that affects millions of people all over the world. It typically begins to show up in children at a very early age, often following into adulthood. The dry, itchy, oozing skin can make even the simple daily tasks seem like a challenge.

Types of Treatments

When it comes to treating eczema, many people use traditional treatments, such as creams and ointments that are prescribed by their family doctor or dermatologist. While these topical medications do work at times, they only mask the symptoms, rather than eliminating eczema and preventing it from returning.

Natural Cures for Eczema

Believe it or not, there are many natural cures for eczema that exist. In fact, a large number of people who suffer from eczema swear by these natural treatments, as they are less harmful to the skin when compared to the creams and ointments that doctors prescribe (as these are filled with chemicals and can cause more damage to the skin, resulting in more pain and inflammation).

Home Remedies for Eczema

Many natural cures for eczema can be found in your own home or in your local supermarket. If you or someone you know has eczema and hasn’t had luck with the traditional methods of treatment, consider two of the home remedies for eczema below:

Oatmeal Bath – Oatmeal is used in a variety of home remedies, and it works wonders for treating eczema. One of the best eczema treatments is an oatmeal bath. Simply get 2 cups of oatmeal flakes and mix them into a bathtub filled with warm water. Immerse your body in the solution for 15 to 20 minutes and pat yourself dry afterwards with a soft towel. This will help bring back moisture in the skin, as well as help relieve the intense itching and pain.

Natural Oils – There are a variety of natural oils that are used in treating eczema. Chamomile oil or vitamin D oil work best. They help moisturize skin and sooth the skin, bringing instant pain relief. This is best when applied right after an oatmeal bath.

When it comes to natural cures for eczema, the best results are achieved when a variety of home remedies for eczema are combined. Each treatment works together to help bring relief and not only help treat the affected skin, but also help prevent it from coming back again and again. So, throw out the harsh prescription creams and start using natural eczema treatments today!

Now, Pay Close Attention Here:

Do you want to get instant access to a collection of proven natural cures for eczema? Visit Treat Eczema today and discover how you can clear up your eczema in a matter of days with all natural treatments. You owe it to yourself and your skin!

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How to Treat Eczema – Natural Cures for Eczema That Work

Do you currently suffer from eczema? Are your current eczema treatments not working the way you thought they would? Stuck wondering how to treat eczema effectively and eliminate it for good? If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions and feel like your eczema will never go away, don’t worry – You’re about to learn how to treat eczema the right way, right now!

Why Traditional Eczema Treatments Fail

Most people diagnosed with eczema typically are prescribed a prescription cream or ointment from their family doctor. Most of these creams/ointments are filled with steroids and other harmful chemicals. While they help reduce redness and swelling, they only treat the symptoms of eczema and don’t actually prevent it from coming back. Not only that, but some people have adverse reactions with these medicines, oftentimes causing their eczema to become worse.

Natural Cures for Eczema – Why They Work

People who suffer from eczema are often unaware that there are many different natural cures for eczema that exist. You can find a variety of home remedies for eczema everywhere. Many of these eczema cures work best when combined with one another, and they have been proven to not only help treat eczema, but also work to prevent it from reappearing (which is something traditional treatments fail at).

Below are a couple of examples of natural eczema treatments that work:


Oatmeal has been used in a number of different home remedies, and eczema is no exception. Oatmeal can be used as either a cream or mixed in with warm bath water. To use in a bath, simply mix 2 cups of plain oatmeal flakes in a tub of warm water and soak your body in the solution for 15 to 30 minutes. This helps relieve itching and reduce swelling. You can also crush oatmeal flakes and mix with a small amount of water to product a cream that can be applied to your skin. Leave it on for roughly 30 minutes and rinse with cool water and pat dry.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) is another home remedy used to treat eczema. You can apply it to the affected skin as often as you need it. It works to bring back moisture into the skin and also helps soothe the skin, relieving the pain associated with eczema. Use this after an oatmeal bath to achieve maximum results.

As you can see, using these natural cures for eczema can be more effective and less harmful to your skin. Start taking advantage of these natural treatments, and you will no longer have to wonder how to treat eczema again!

Now, Pay Close Attention Here:

If you want instant access to a complete list of highly proven natural treatments for eczema you can use immediately to cure eczema in a matter of days, you need to visit Treat Eczema right now!.

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Natural Cures for Eczema Work

If traditional treatments don’t work, what other options are there? Thankfully, there are natural remedies for eczema that exist. The trick, however, is to find the right one.

when you have eczema, you can not use every type of lotion on your skin. Your skin is very sensitive and some lotions may contain chemical that will make your skin breakout. Medicated lotions will keep your skin from looking dry while at the same time they are very soothing to your skin. Bare in mind that these lotions normally are not scented!

thing that you need to understand is that eczema develops and is made worse due to dry skin. So make sure that your skin is sufficiently moisturized. Even if you don’t have eczema. Use natural body moisturizers that contain essential fatty acids to relieve the eczema itch. You will find that these reduces the itch greatly. Apply the moisturizer right after a bath when the pores are open. Do this twice a day and apply all over your body, especially at the spot where the eczema has developed. This can be done every time you feel the skin has dried at the eczema spot.

A highly recommended action that will help fight your skin condition is to change your diet. It is best that you include plenty of veggies, organic fruits, and nuts in your diet, and, reduce your intake of dairy products, meat, foods that are rich in animal protein, etc. Eating more fish and meals with omega fatty acids is also recommended, and can be a good remedy for eczema.

Traditionally, neem oil has been used for thousands of years for various purposes. Thanks to our ancestors who discovered its anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, which are useful to treat eczema naturally. Neem oil is widely used to treat acne, eczema, scabies, shingles, ringworm, psoriasis, gingivitis, cold sores, athlete’s foot, etc. A neem oil cream with 2% neem oil can be used to treat eczema. If you can chew neem leaves, it is well and good. Otherwise, neem leaf capsules can be taken for fast healing. You may put some leaves in water, boil the water and use it for bathing.

Neem oil is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and provides instant relief to the affected skin. In the olden days neem was even used to treat acne, ringworm, athlete’s foot and various other skin disorders.

drink a lot of water throughout the day. Try to drink a bit above the usual 8 cups that is always recommended. Second, take your bath with lukewarm water at least twice a day, morning and evening or more times if you can. After the bath, gently pat your skin dry and apply a natural moisturizer.


Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema treatment, acne treatment.

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How Does Natural Excema Treatment Work?

Excema is a non-contagious skin redness, with the most common form of it being atopic rash. It is typically said to be an inherited allergy, as it is common for a number of members of the family to feel the results of it. Sadly, folks who are suffering from the indicators of excema also have an inclination to develop other allergic conditions, eg. hay fever and asthma.

Research strongly suggests that an allergic irritant, which ends in the immune response reacting to what it perceives to be an assertive threat, causes it.

When the skin of someone with excema comes in communication with an allergen, even for a brief period, the skin becomes inflamed. Some of the commonest triggers that cause this reaction include environmental allergens like dust, pollen, for example. Their presence is really uncomfortable, upsetting and itchy.

To control Proof of excema, it is critical that folk that are suffering from it practice a healthy daily skin care regimen. After washing or showering, a moisturizing agent should be straight away applied. Doctors also endorse the same be applied on one other occasion throughout the day to help skin keep moisture and to keep itching tiny.

During the past, corticosteroid ointments have been successful in treating the indicators of excema and are still customarily used today for this condition.

Probiotics, which work to stop the overgrowth of bacteria in the digestion, also stimulate correct immune working and work to combat symptoms of excema. However, kids with compromised immunological systems or immune mechanism afflictions should not take probiotics unless prescribed by and monitored by a qualified medical doctor.

Though excema is a very aggravating and even agonizing condition for children and adults to bear, it should be remembered that most youngsters grow out of its symptoms when they’re prepared to start elementary school.

For cases that are deemed tricky to manage in youth or that endure into adulthood, much research has been done on excema and varied treatment chances are available which will help a person best manage this condition by either natural cures, over the counter care or under the control of a dermatological doctor. A cure treatment for excema will not be readily available, but with correct management, its presence can be reduced and a person afflicted by excema can enjoy a top quality of life.

There are many different excema treatments including natural, home remedies. Click here for info on natural, cheap Alternative excema treatments.

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