2 Eczema Natural Treatment

Eczema is a skin condition that usually causes itching, redness and swelling, irritation and dryness. This condition is prevalent among teenagers although recent studies indicate that adults may be equally vulnerable as well. There is no known cure for eczema but fortunately there are eczema natural treatments that can be employed to help relieve symptoms.

Natural treatments using soaps and moisturizers are a good place to start. Everyday soaps made with chemical ingredients will strip the skin of its natural moisturizing oils, and so it is important to find an alternative. A moisturizing body wash containing emollients are good at keeping the skin moisturized, as is using bathing oils that contain oatmeal. As for moisturizers, the advice is the same: use only products with natural ingredients.

Choose an emollient that you can use interchangeably. Emollients are found to be the best treatment for eczema. It usually comes in many forms like lotions, creams and even oils. Avoid scratching your skin to prevent it from getting worse.

Eczema natural treatment includes skin wash, administration of vitamins and its preventive methods. Skin should be washed using a mixture of 1 tablespoon of comfrey root, 1 tablespoon of white oak bark, 1 teaspoon slippery elm bark boiled in 2 cups of water. Vitamin B complex should be taken in those who are having deficiency as it is required for a healthy skin.

Moisturisers have helped many sufferers of Eczema, natural treatment or not. It’s advisable for anyone with Eczema to keep their skin moisturised regularly- after your morning shower, before bed, and if possible at another time during the day would be perfect. Carry moisturiser with you everywhere in the event that your hands etc begin to feel dry. The dryness is directly related to the itching.

This treatment also works wonders for eczema infected skin. This is done by making an oatmeal paste, and applying it to the affected area and leave it there for approximately 15 minutes once a day. Oatmeal paste can be concocted by mixing oatmeal, milk and water until you form a pasty substance and can be applied to the eczema. This concoction provides soothing relief for eczema ridden skin.

But be careful in the type of the cream or lotion applied as it has been found that there are certain creams that can cause additional aggravation and damage to the skin and cause pain too. The reason behind this is the fact that these creams have a petroleum jelly base.

Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema causes, Eczema on Lips, Vaginal Eczema.