7 Natural Way To Cure Eczema

The word “eczema” is taken from a Greek word, which means “to boil.” This condition can affect anyone and can appear in any part of the body. Excessively dry or excessively oil skin are good breeding grounds for eczema. Generally, steroid creams are prescribed to treat eczema. But these creams for eczema are not considered ideal for long term use. As the unsightly itchy, red, scaly patches of the skin just seem to never go away, people with eczema are always found searching for natural solutions to get rid of eczema.

1. Traditionally, neem oil has been used for thousands of years for various purposes. Thanks to our ancestors who discovered its anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, which are useful to treat eczema naturally. Neem oil is widely used to treat acne, eczema, scabies, shingles, ringworm, psoriasis, gingivitis, cold sores, athletes foot, etc. A neem oil cream with 2% neem oil can be used to treat eczema. If you can chew neem leaves, it is well and good. Otherwise, neem leaf capsules can be taken for fast healing. You may put some leaves in water, boil the water and use it for bathing.

2. Coconut oil is one way of lessening the symptoms of eczema as coconut oil helps the skin to retain its softness.

3. A helpful way to cure eczema naturally is paying attention to the fabric from which the clothes and beddings are made. Wear cotton pajamas and sleep between cotton sheets. Eczema can also be prevented by exposing the skin to fresh air and sunshine for a short period of time. There are lots of different ways to cure eczema problem.

4. To cure eczema naturally is one of the important witch hazel uses. Witch hazel reduces swelling and inflammation of the skin and thus promotes fast healing. Moreover, it is inexpensive and readily available in all drugstores. You may apply witch hazel topically to affected skin areas, as many times as you wish. Use a cotton ball to apply witch hazel.

5. Sunbathing is helpful as it rids the body of harmful bacteria. However, you must only “bake” early in the morning as sunbathing later in the day ups the risk of skin cancer.

6. Oatmeal is an effective moisturizer and great for soothing the skin; use it in the bath by adding 1 cup of oatmeal to a warm bath. There are measured oatmeal baby bath packets available in stores.

7. Reducing stress in your life has benefits beyond treating eczema. A stress free day gives eczema free skin.

Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema treatment, how to treat eczema naturally.

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