Cures for Eczema – 6 Home Remedies

It is believed that eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is an inherited disease. It can run in families, particularly in families that have members with other allergic or immune-system-related conditions such as hay fever and asthma.

Another method you can use to cure eczema is to take probiotic supplements. Probiotics will improve your digestion and boost your immune system, making it less likely to break out. Taking nutritional supplements containing vitamin A, B and C provide nourishment to your body can also strengthen your immune system. Your skin may also benefit from increasing your consumption of omega-3 & 6 essential fatty acids. Evening primrose oil, black currant and borage oil are all useful to get more EFAs into your system.

you could try extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and vitamin E. All are excellent in treating and curing eczema, as they help bring relief and moisture back into the skin.

You should add tomato juice in your diet, which is one of the many natural substances that can control eczema in more ways than one. Make it a habit to drink at least twice per day of this juice and see the difference in about some time. Your skin will clear up in just a matter of time.

Avoiding stress and getting more profound relaxation regularly can help to hinder eczema flaring up. Meditation is a good method to get deeper relaxation. One very popular way to get rid of eczema is to eat yogurt as much as you can. Yogurts especially if they are unsweetened contains live bacterias. By eating a pot of probiotic yogurt daily your body will help promote the growth of good bacteria in the body. This bacteria in turn will help to cure your skin infection. This is also effective in treating baby eczema and Candidiasis or yeast infection in women.

Avoid scratching the rash, for it will only aggravate the irritation. Keep nails short. Cotton clothing and bedding keep the skin cool and allow it to breathe. Avoid synthetic fabrics and wool as they irritate. Apply Aloe Vera gel after you finish your oatmeal bath to achieve quicker results. Elena’s natural collection is also a popular healing agent and far better than steroid based products. You can also apply spearmint leaf juice to reduce eczema. Almond leaves are also useful in the treatment of eczema. Mash these leaves in water and apply evenly on the affected area. Mashed papaya seeds, when applied on the affected area, are also beneficial in alleviating this skin condition.

Madhuca (Madhuca indica) Madhuca leaves are used to get the madhuca oil. This is applied on the regions where the eczema has occurred to obtain relief. Although not exactly a cure, water is indispensable in the management of eczema. When you are suffering from eczema, you need to double your water intake. Water keeps the skin well-hydrated thus slimming the chances of developing dry, itchy skin.


Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema treatment, eczema herpeticum.