Diabetes Foods to Eat – Eat Without Fear

When you or someone you love is at high risk for developing diabetes or has already been diagnosed with this nearly epidemic disease, fear can sometimes take over. That is only natural, as diabetes does really carry some serious health risks and increase your chances of developing more health concerns than those who are not diabetic. One of the major concerns often becomes what foods to eat; don’t worry, you have a lot to eat without fear.

Nutritionists and physicians will tell you that any sound nutritional plan is not really all about making strict lists of what you can eat and what you can’t eat. It is more about being aware of what you eat and how those foods are likely to be metabolized by the body, and having a balanced diet full of foods rich in fiber and low in calories.

You may have to cut down on sweets, starches, and processed foods, which may be difficult if you are used to eating a lot of them, but that does not mean you will suddenly be subjected to eating only tasteless, yucky foods. You have a lot to eat without fear.

Vegetables, especially fresh or frozen veggies, are delicious and provide all sorts of nutritional value. Broccoli has recently been touted as a blood sugar wonder food, in addition to all its other benefits, so if you are a fan like I am, you are in luck. Just about all vegetables are beneficial, like tomatoes, green beans, cabbages, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, celery, and the like are great for you.

Fruits, even though they do have a bit of sugar in them, are also nutrient dense. You may have to watch which ones you eat, but you do not need to eliminate tasty fruits from your diet altogether.

Protein is important for your muscles, so eating lean meats is healthy and nutritious. Fish, poultry, and lean beef and pork should have a spot on your plate. If you prefer not to eat animals, tofu or some other high protein food will also do well.

Learn More About Blood Glucose Levels.